902 resultados para Engineers and sustainable design
The "Java Intelligent Tutoring System" (JITS) research project focused on designing, constructing, and determining the effectiveness of an Intelligent Tutoring System for beginner Java programming students at the postsecondary level. The participants in this research were students in the School of Applied Computing and Engineering Sciences at Sheridan College. This research involved consistently gathering input from students and instructors using JITS as it developed. The cyclic process involving designing, developing, testing, and refinement was used for the construction of JITS to ensure that it adequately meets the needs of students and instructors. The second objective in this dissertation determined the effectiveness of learning within this environment. The main findings indicate that JITS is a richly interactive ITS that engages students on Java programming problems. JITS is equipped with a sophisticated personalized feedback mechanism that models and supports each student in his/her learning style. The assessment component involved 2 main quantitative experiments to determine the effectiveness of JITS in terms of student performance. In both experiments it was determined that a statistically significant difference was achieved between the control group and the experimental group (i.e., JITS group). The main effect for Test (i.e., pre- and postiest), F( l , 35) == 119.43,p < .001, was qualified by a Test by Group interaction, F( l , 35) == 4.98,p < .05, and a Test by Time interaction, F( l , 35) == 43.82, p < .001. Similar findings were found for the second experiment; Test by Group interaction revealed F( 1 , 92) == 5.36, p < .025. In both experiments the JITS groups outperformed the corresponding control groups at posttest.
Sustainable design is fundamentally a subset of good design.The description of good design will eventually include criteria for the creation of a healthy environment and energy efficiency. These goals will be achieved by an emergent paradigm of design practice:integration.At every level design interests will come together to facilitate common goals for the creation of a rewarding present and a healthy future. Interdisciplinary design teams will flourish. Inter-accommodating and fluidly communicating political structures will grow. Coalescing social values and economic forces will propel integrated strategies. Unique and innovative solutions will increasingly become the objective. One eventual outcome of this integrated or sustainable design practice will be the development of buildings that produce more energy than they consume.
Aujourd’hui, nous savons qu’environ 75 à 80% des impacts environnementaux des produits sont déterminés lors de la conception. Le rôle du designer industriel est donc crucial pour arriver à une forme de développement plus viable. Cette recherche tente de cibler les champs de connaissances qui devraient faire partie de la formation des professionnels du développement de produits pour y intégrer les aspects environnementaux. Après une recension de la littérature en design industriel, en pédagogie et en environnement, l’étude de terrain a été conduite en deux temps. Selon des critères prédéfinis, des programmes universitaires « spécialisés » en environnement/développement durable, au Québec, ainsi que des formations en éco-conception, offerts en France, ont été analysés. L’étude de terrain a été complétée par un entretien en profondeur semi-dirigé avec un consultant, qui aide des entreprises québécoises à intégrer l’environnement en développement de produits. L’analyse des informations recueillies met en évidence la nécessité de transformer rapidement les formations universitaires en conception de produits. Le nouveau cursus de design industriel devrait; 1. Intégrer les connaissances relatives aux impacts environnementaux; 2. Encourager le travail en équipes multidisciplinaires pour enrichir la collecte d’informations relative aux projets de développement; 3. Établir une collaboration étroite entre les établissements d’enseignement et les industries, ce qui est essentiel à la compréhension des enjeux de développement de produits et services (culture de l’entreprise, coût, délais, logistique, réglementation, etc.).
Les changements sont faits de façon continue dans le code source des logiciels pour prendre en compte les besoins des clients et corriger les fautes. Les changements continus peuvent conduire aux défauts de code et de conception. Les défauts de conception sont des mauvaises solutions à des problèmes récurrents de conception ou d’implémentation, généralement dans le développement orienté objet. Au cours des activités de compréhension et de changement et en raison du temps d’accès au marché, du manque de compréhension, et de leur expérience, les développeurs ne peuvent pas toujours suivre les normes de conception et les techniques de codage comme les patrons de conception. Par conséquent, ils introduisent des défauts de conception dans leurs systèmes. Dans la littérature, plusieurs auteurs ont fait valoir que les défauts de conception rendent les systèmes orientés objet plus difficile à comprendre, plus sujets aux fautes, et plus difficiles à changer que les systèmes sans les défauts de conception. Pourtant, seulement quelques-uns de ces auteurs ont fait une étude empirique sur l’impact des défauts de conception sur la compréhension et aucun d’entre eux n’a étudié l’impact des défauts de conception sur l’effort des développeurs pour corriger les fautes. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons trois principales contributions. La première contribution est une étude empirique pour apporter des preuves de l’impact des défauts de conception sur la compréhension et le changement. Nous concevons et effectuons deux expériences avec 59 sujets, afin d’évaluer l’impact de la composition de deux occurrences de Blob ou deux occurrences de spaghetti code sur la performance des développeurs effectuant des tâches de compréhension et de changement. Nous mesurons la performance des développeurs en utilisant: (1) l’indice de charge de travail de la NASA pour leurs efforts, (2) le temps qu’ils ont passé dans l’accomplissement de leurs tâches, et (3) les pourcentages de bonnes réponses. Les résultats des deux expériences ont montré que deux occurrences de Blob ou de spaghetti code sont un obstacle significatif pour la performance des développeurs lors de tâches de compréhension et de changement. Les résultats obtenus justifient les recherches antérieures sur la spécification et la détection des défauts de conception. Les équipes de développement de logiciels doivent mettre en garde les développeurs contre le nombre élevé d’occurrences de défauts de conception et recommander des refactorisations à chaque étape du processus de développement pour supprimer ces défauts de conception quand c’est possible. Dans la deuxième contribution, nous étudions la relation entre les défauts de conception et les fautes. Nous étudions l’impact de la présence des défauts de conception sur l’effort nécessaire pour corriger les fautes. Nous mesurons l’effort pour corriger les fautes à l’aide de trois indicateurs: (1) la durée de la période de correction, (2) le nombre de champs et méthodes touchés par la correction des fautes et (3) l’entropie des corrections de fautes dans le code-source. Nous menons une étude empirique avec 12 défauts de conception détectés dans 54 versions de quatre systèmes: ArgoUML, Eclipse, Mylyn, et Rhino. Nos résultats ont montré que la durée de la période de correction est plus longue pour les fautes impliquant des classes avec des défauts de conception. En outre, la correction des fautes dans les classes avec des défauts de conception fait changer plus de fichiers, plus les champs et des méthodes. Nous avons également observé que, après la correction d’une faute, le nombre d’occurrences de défauts de conception dans les classes impliquées dans la correction de la faute diminue. Comprendre l’impact des défauts de conception sur l’effort des développeurs pour corriger les fautes est important afin d’aider les équipes de développement pour mieux évaluer et prévoir l’impact de leurs décisions de conception et donc canaliser leurs efforts pour améliorer la qualité de leurs systèmes. Les équipes de développement doivent contrôler et supprimer les défauts de conception de leurs systèmes car ils sont susceptibles d’augmenter les efforts de changement. La troisième contribution concerne la détection des défauts de conception. Pendant les activités de maintenance, il est important de disposer d’un outil capable de détecter les défauts de conception de façon incrémentale et itérative. Ce processus de détection incrémentale et itérative pourrait réduire les coûts, les efforts et les ressources en permettant aux praticiens d’identifier et de prendre en compte les occurrences de défauts de conception comme ils les trouvent lors de la compréhension et des changements. Les chercheurs ont proposé des approches pour détecter les occurrences de défauts de conception, mais ces approches ont actuellement quatre limites: (1) elles nécessitent une connaissance approfondie des défauts de conception, (2) elles ont une précision et un rappel limités, (3) elles ne sont pas itératives et incrémentales et (4) elles ne peuvent pas être appliquées sur des sous-ensembles de systèmes. Pour surmonter ces limitations, nous introduisons SMURF, une nouvelle approche pour détecter les défauts de conception, basé sur une technique d’apprentissage automatique — machines à vecteur de support — et prenant en compte les retours des praticiens. Grâce à une étude empirique portant sur trois systèmes et quatre défauts de conception, nous avons montré que la précision et le rappel de SMURF sont supérieurs à ceux de DETEX et BDTEX lors de la détection des occurrences de défauts de conception. Nous avons également montré que SMURF peut être appliqué à la fois dans les configurations intra-système et inter-système. Enfin, nous avons montré que la précision et le rappel de SMURF sont améliorés quand on prend en compte les retours des praticiens.
The need of miniaturization in the present day communication industry is challenging. In the present scenario, printed antenna technology is highly suitable for wireless communication due to its low profile and other desirable radiation characteristics. Small monopole type antennas are overruled by compact small antennas for present day mobile communication applications. Coplanar waveguides (CPW) are printed on one side of a dielectric substrate. CPW have attracted the attention of antenna designers due to their excellent properties like ease of integration with ‘MMIC’, low cost, wide bandwidth, flexibility towards multiband operation, low radiation leakage and less dispersion. The requirement of omnidirectional coverage, light weight and low cost made these CPW fed antennas a good candidate for wireless applications. The main focus of the thesis is the study of coplanar waveguide transmission line. Rigorous investigations were performed on both the ground plane and signal strip of a coplanar waveguide transmission line to create effective radiation characteristics. Good amount of works have been done to transform CPW line to antenna suitable for mobile phone applications
Salient pole brushless alternators coupled to IC engines are extensively used as stand-by power supply units for meeting in- dustrial power demands. Design of such generators demands high power to weight ratio, high e ciency and low cost per KVA out- put. Moreover, the performance characteristics of such machines like voltage regulation and short circuit ratio (SCR) are critical when these machines are put into parallel operation and alterna- tors for critical applications like defence and aerospace demand very low harmonic content in the output voltage. While designing such alternators, accurate prediction of machine characteristics, including total harmonic distortion (THD) is essential to mini- mize development cost and time. Total harmonic distortion in the output voltage of alternators should be as low as possible especially when powering very sophis- ticated and critical applications. The output voltage waveform of a practical AC generator is replica of the space distribution of the ux density in the air gap and several factors such as shape of the rotor pole face, core saturation, slotting and style of coil disposition make the realization of a sinusoidal air gap ux wave impossible. These ux harmonics introduce undesirable e ects on the alternator performance like high neutral current due to triplen harmonics, voltage distortion, noise, vibration, excessive heating and also extra losses resulting in poor e ciency, which in turn necessitate de-rating of the machine especially when connected to non-linear loads. As an important control unit of brushless alternator, the excitation system and its dynamic performance has a direct impact on alternator's stability and reliability. The thesis explores design and implementation of an excitation i system utilizing third harmonic ux in the air gap of brushless al- ternators, using an additional auxiliary winding, wound for 1=3rd pole pitch, embedded into the stator slots and electrically iso- lated from the main winding. In the third harmonic excitation system, the combined e ect of two auxiliary windings, one with 2=3rd pitch and another third harmonic winding with 1=3rd pitch, are used to ensure good voltage regulation without an electronic automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and also reduces the total harmonic content in the output voltage, cost e ectively. The design of the third harmonic winding by analytic methods demands accurate calculation of third harmonic ux density in the air gap of the machine. However, precise estimation of the amplitude of third harmonic ux in the air gap of a machine by conventional design procedures is di cult due to complex geome- try of the machine and non-linear characteristics of the magnetic materials. As such, prediction of the eld parameters by conven- tional design methods is unreliable and hence virtual prototyping of the machine is done to enable accurate design of the third har- monic excitation system. In the design and development cycle of electrical machines, it is recognized that the use of analytical and experimental methods followed by expensive and in exible prototyping is time consum- ing and no longer cost e ective. Due to advancements in com- putational capabilities over recent years, nite element method (FEM) based virtual prototyping has become an attractive al- ternative to well established semi-analytical and empirical design methods as well as to the still popular trial and error approach followed by the costly and time consuming prototyping. Hence, by virtually prototyping the alternator using FEM, the important performance characteristics of the machine are predicted. Design of third harmonic excitation system is done with the help of results obtained from virtual prototype of the machine. Third harmonic excitation (THE) system is implemented in a 45 KVA ii experimental machine and experiments are conducted to validate the simulation results. Simulation and experimental results show that by utilizing third harmonic ux in the air gap of the ma- chine for excitation purposes during loaded conditions, triplen harmonic content in the output phase voltage is signi cantly re- duced. The prototype machine with third harmonic excitation system designed and developed based on FEM analysis proved to be economical due to its simplicity and has the added advan- tage of reduced harmonics in the output phase voltage.
A revolution\0\0\0 in earthmoving, a $100 billion industry, can be achieved with three components: the GPS location system, sensors and computers in bulldozers, and SITE CONTROLLER, a central computer system that maintains design data and directs operations. The first two components are widely available; I built SITE CONTROLLER to complete the triangle and describe it here. SITE CONTROLLER assists civil engineers in the design, estimation, and construction of earthworks, including hazardous waste site remediation. The core of SITE CONTROLLER is a site modelling system that represents existing and prospective terrain shapes, roads, hydrology, etc. Around this core are analysis, simulation, and vehicle control tools. Integrating these modules into one program enables civil engineers and contractors to use a single interface and database throughout the life of a project.
This paper presents the findings from a study into the current exploitation of computer-supported collaborative working (CSCW) in design for the built environment in the UK. The research is based on responses to a web-based questionnaire. Members of various professions, including civil engineers, architects, building services engineers, and quantity surveyors, were invited to complete the questionnaire. The responses reveal important trends in the breadth and size of project teams at the same time as new pressures are emerging regarding team integration and efficiency. The findings suggest that while CSCW systems may improve project management (e.g., via project documentation) and the exchange of information between team members, it has yet to significantly support those activities that characterize integrated collaborative working between disparate specialists. The authors conclude by combining the findings with a wider discussion of the application of CSCW to design activity-appealing for CSCW to go beyond multidisciplinary working to achieve interdisciplinary working.
This paper considers the process of Participatory Varietal Selection (PVS) and presents approaches and ideas based on PVS activities conducted on upland rice throughout Ghana between 1997 and 2003. In particular the role of informal seed systems in PVS is investigated and implications for PVS design are identified. PVS programmes were conducted in two main agroecological zones, Forest and Savannah, with 1,578 and 1,143 mm of annual rainfall, respectively, and between 40 and 100 varieties tested at each site. In the Savannah zone IR12979-24-1 was officially released and in the Forest zone IDSA 85 was widely accepted by farmers. Two surveys were conducted in an area of the Forest zone to study mechanisms of spread. Here small amounts (1-2 kg) of seed of selected varieties had been given to 94 farmers. In 2002, 37% of 2,289 farmers in communities surveyed had already grown a PVS variety and had obtained seed via informal mechanisms from other farmers, i.e. through gift, exchange or purchase. A modified approach for PVS is presented which enables important issues identified in the paper to be accommodated. These issues include: utilising existing seed spread mechanisms; facilitating formal release of acceptable varieties; assessing post-harvest traits, and; the need for PVS to be an ongoing and sustainable process.
This thesis is aimed to initiate implementing sustainable building construction in the kingdom of Bahrain, i.e. Building-Integration PhotoVoltaic (BIPV) or Wind Energy (BIWE). It highlights the main constrains that discourage such modern concept in building and construction. Three groups have been questioned using a questionnaire. These are the policy and decision makers, the leading consultants and the contractors. The main constrains of the dissemination of BIVP and BIWE, according to the policy and decision makers, are: lack of knowledge and awareness of the public in sustainable technology, low cost of electricity, low cost of gas and oil and difficulty in applying local environmental taxes. The consultants had attributed the constrains to ignorance of life cycle cost of PV and Wind turbines systems, lack of education and knowledge in sustainable design, political system, shortage of markets importing sustainable technologies and client worries in profitability and pay-back period. The contractors are found to be very enthusiastic and ready to take over any sustainable building project and prefer to have a construction manger to coordinate between the design and contracting team. Design and Build is found the favorable procurement method in Bahrain for conducting BIPV or BIWE projects.
Many nations are experiencing rapid rises in the life expectancy of their citizens. The implications of this major demographic shift are considerable offering opportunities as well as challenges to reconsider how people should spend their later years. A key task is enhancing the quality of life of older people through enabling them to continue to live independently even though illness, accident or frailty may have severely reduced their physical and sensory abilities and, possibly, mental health. Yet the needs of older people and disabled people have been largely ignored in the design of everyday consumer products, the home, transport systems and the built environment in general. Whilst the need for designers, engineers and technologists to provide products, environments and systems which are inclusive of all members of society is widely accepted, there is little understanding of how this can be achieved. In 1998 the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council established its EQUAL Initiative. This has encouraged design, engineering and technology researchers in universities to join with their colleagues from the social, medical and health sciences to investigate a wide range of issues experienced by older and disabled people and to propose solutions. Their research, which directly involves older and disabled people and, for example, social housing providers, social services departments, charities, engineering and architectural consultants, and transport firms, has been extremely successful. In a very short time it has influenced government policy on housing, long-term care, and building standards, and findings have been taken up by architects, designers, health-care professionals and bodies which represent older and disabled people.
Educational reforms in many countries currently call for the development of knowledge-based societies. In particular, emphasis is placed on the promotion of creativity, especially in the areas of science education and of design and technology education. In this paper, perceptions of the nature of creativity and of the conditions for its realization are discussed. The notion of modelling as a creative act is outlined and the scope for using modelling as a bridge between science education and design and technology education explored. A model for the creative act of modelling is proposed and its major aspects elaborated upon. Finally, strategies for forging links between the two subjects are outlined.
Commercial mango production in Ghana is a relatively young industry faced with several pest problems including the mango stone weevil, Sternochetus mangiferae (F.). There is an urgent need to control this and other pests to facilitate access to the international export market for fresh mango fruits. A literature survey identifies stone weevil control tactics in the areas of host plant resistance, administrative and legislative controls, use of pesticides, biological control, cultural control and quarantine and phytosanitary measures that have been developed in other mango-producing areas. We assess these pest management approaches for their relevance to Ghana and West Africa, with emphasis on the research required for their appropriate, effective and sustainable use in the systems of mango production of the West African sub-region. The importance of processing and value addition technologies, as a means of circumventing the quarantine hurdles of S. mangiferae, is highlighted.
New skills are needed to compete, as integrated software solutions provide a digital infrastructure for projects. This changes the practice of information management and engineering design on next generation projects.
Current mathematical models in building research have been limited in most studies to linear dynamics systems. A literature review of past studies investigating chaos theory approaches in building simulation models suggests that as a basis chaos model is valid and can handle the increasingly complexity of building systems that have dynamic interactions among all the distributed and hierarchical systems on the one hand, and the environment and occupants on the other. The review also identifies the paucity of literature and the need for a suitable methodology of linking chaos theory to mathematical models in building design and management studies. This study is broadly divided into two parts and presented in two companion papers. Part (I) reviews the current state of the chaos theory models as a starting point for establishing theories that can be effectively applied to building simulation models. Part (II) develops conceptual frameworks that approach current model methodologies from the theoretical perspective provided by chaos theory, with a focus on the key concepts and their potential to help to better understand the nonlinear dynamic nature of built environment systems. Case studies are also presented which demonstrate the potential usefulness of chaos theory driven models in a wide variety of leading areas of building research. This study distills the fundamental properties and the most relevant characteristics of chaos theory essential to building simulation scientists, initiates a dialogue and builds bridges between scientists and engineers, and stimulates future research about a wide range of issues on building environmental systems.