545 resultados para Electromyography.


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This Licentiate Thesis is devoted to the presentation and discussion of some new contributions in applied mathematics directed towards scientific computing in sports engineering. It considers inverse problems of biomechanical simulations with rigid body musculoskeletal systems especially in cross-country skiing. This is a contrast to the main research on cross-country skiing biomechanics, which is based mainly on experimental testing alone. The thesis consists of an introduction and five papers. The introduction motivates the context of the papers and puts them into a more general framework. Two papers (D and E) consider studies of real questions in cross-country skiing, which are modelled and simulated. The results give some interesting indications, concerning these challenging questions, which can be used as a basis for further research. However, the measurements are not accurate enough to give the final answers. Paper C is a simulation study which is more extensive than paper D and E, and is compared to electromyography measurements in the literature. Validation in biomechanical simulations is difficult and reducing mathematical errors is one way of reaching closer to more realistic results. Paper A examines well-posedness for forward dynamics with full muscle dynamics. Moreover, paper B is a technical report which describes the problem formulation and mathematical models and simulation from paper A in more detail. Our new modelling together with the simulations enable new possibilities. This is similar to simulations of applications in other engineering fields, and need in the same way be handled with care in order to achieve reliable results. The results in this thesis indicate that it can be very useful to use mathematical modelling and numerical simulations when describing cross-country skiing biomechanics. Hence, this thesis contributes to the possibility of beginning to use and develop such modelling and simulation techniques also in this context.


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Ankle sprains are the most common injuries in sports, usually causing damage to the lateral ligaments. Recurrence has as usual result permanent instability, and thus loss of proprioception. This fact, together with residual symptoms, is what is known as chronic ankle instability, CAI, or FAI, if it is functional. This problem tries to be solved by improving musculoskeletal stability and proprioception by the application of bandages and performing exercises. The aim of this study has been to review articles (meta-analisis, systematic reviews and revisions) published in 2009-2015 in PubMed, Medline, ENFISPO and BUCea, using keywords such as “sprain instability”, “sprain proprioception”, “chronic ankle instability”. Evidence affirms that there does exist decreased proprioception in patients who suffer from CAI. Rehabilitation exercise regimen is indicated as a treatment because it generates a subjective improvement reported by the patient, and the application of bandages works like a sprain prevention method limiting the range of motion, reducing joint instability and increasing confidence during exercise. As podiatrists we should recommend proprioception exercises to all athletes in a preventive way, and those with CAI or FAI, as a rehabilitation programme, together with the application of bandages. However, further studies should be generated focusing on ways of improving proprioception, and on the exercise patterns that provide the maximum benefit.


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The continuous technology evaluation is benefiting our lives to a great extent. The evolution of Internet of things and deployment of wireless sensor networks is making it possible to have more connectivity between people and devices used extensively in our daily lives. Almost every discipline of daily life including health sector, transportation, agriculture etc. is benefiting from these technologies. There is a great potential of research and refinement of health sector as the current system is very often dependent on manual evaluations conducted by the clinicians. There is no automatic system for patient health monitoring and assessment which results to incomplete and less reliable heath information. Internet of things has a great potential to benefit health care applications by automated and remote assessment, monitoring and identification of diseases. Acute pain is the main cause of people visiting to hospitals. An automatic pain detection system based on internet of things with wireless devices can make the assessment and redemption significantly more efficient. The contribution of this research work is proposing pain assessment method based on physiological parameters. The physiological parameters chosen for this study are heart rate, electrocardiography, breathing rate and galvanic skin response. As a first step, the relation between these physiological parameters and acute pain experienced by the test persons is evaluated. The electrocardiography data collected from the test persons is analyzed to extract interbeat intervals. This evaluation clearly demonstrates specific patterns and trends in these parameters as a consequence of pain. This parametric behavior is then used to assess and identify the pain intensity by implementing machine learning algorithms. Support vector machines are used for classifying these parameters influenced by different pain intensities and classification results are achieved. The classification results with good accuracy rates between two and three levels of pain intensities shows clear indication of pain and the feasibility of this pain assessment method. An improved approach on the basis of this research work can be implemented by using both physiological parameters and electromyography data of facial muscles for classification.


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Este estudo pretendeu examinar a importância dos estímulos auditivo (interpre-tação vocal do cantor) e visual (expressão facial do cantor) na perceção de emo-ções pelo público de uma performance de canto. Para tal, foram gravados, atra-vés de vídeo e áudio, dois cantores a interpretar pequenas frases melódicas com a intenção de expressar, isoladamente, as seis emoções básicas: alegria, tristeza, raiva, medo, surpresa e nojo. Para validar a expressividade dos canto-res, foi medida, através de eletromiografia, a atividade dos músculos faciais du-rante a performance da emoção e foram apresentadas as gravações áudio a um painel de especialistas que as caracterizaram em termos acústicos. Com base nas gravações audiovisuais dos cantores, foi criado um teste percetual no qual se pretendia que o ouvinte reconhecesse a emoção comunicada a partir apenas do áudio, apenas do vídeo, ou ambos. Comparando as respostas dadas, os re-sultados evidenciaram que o estímulo visual é mais eficaz do que o auditivo, e que a junção dos dois estímulos é a modalidade mais eficiente na perceção de emoções pelo público de uma performance de canto.


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Physiologists and animal scientists try to understand the relationship between ruminants and their environment. The knowledge about feeding behavior of these animals is the key to maximize the production of meat and milk and their derivatives and ensure animal welfare. Within the area called precision farming, one of the goals is to find a model that describes animal nutrition. Existing methods for determining the consumption and ingestive patterns are often time-consuming and imprecise. Therefore, an accurate and less laborious method may be relevant for feeding behaviour recognition. Surface electromyography (sEMG) is able to provide information of muscle activity. Through sEMG of the muscles of mastication, coupled with instrumentation techniques, signal processing and data classification, it is possible to extract the variables of interest that describe chewing activity. This work presents a new method for chewing pattern evaluation, feed intake prediction and for the determination of rumination, food and daily rest time through ruminant animals masseter muscle sEMG signals. Short-term evaluation results are shown and discussed, evidencing employed methods viability.


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Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) deficiency is the leading cause of lameness affecting the stifle joints of large breed dogs, especially Labrador Retrievers. Although CCL disease has been studied extensively, its exact pathogenesis and the primary cause leading to CCL rupture remain controversial. However, weakening secondary to repetitive microtrauma is currently believed to cause the majority of CCL instabilities diagnosed in dogs. Techniques of gait analysis have become the most productive tools to investigate normal and pathological gait in human and veterinary subjects. The inverse dynamics analysis approach models the limb as a series of connected linkages and integrates morphometric data to yield information about the net joint moment, patterns of muscle power and joint reaction forces. The results of these studies have greatly advanced our understanding of the pathogenesis of joint diseases in humans. A muscular imbalance between the hamstring and quadriceps muscles has been suggested as a cause for anterior cruciate ligament rupture in female athletes. Based on these findings, neuromuscular training programs leading to a relative risk reduction of up to 80% has been designed. In spite of the cost and morbidity associated with CCL disease and its management, very few studies have focused on the inverse dynamics gait analysis of this condition in dogs. The general goals of this research were (1) to further define gait mechanism in Labrador Retrievers with and without CCL-deficiency, (2) to identify individual dogs that are susceptible to CCL disease, and (3) to characterize their gait. The mass, location of the center of mass (COM), and mass moment of inertia of hind limb segments were calculated using a noninvasive method based on computerized tomography of normal and CCL-deficient Labrador Retrievers. Regression models were developed to determine predictive equations to estimate body segment parameters on the basis of simple morphometric measurements, providing a basis for nonterminal studies of inverse dynamics of the hind limbs in Labrador Retrievers. Kinematic, ground reaction forces (GRF) and morphometric data were combined in an inverse dynamics approach to compute hock, stifle and hip net moments, powers and joint reaction forces (JRF) while trotting in normal, CCL-deficient or sound contralateral limbs. Reductions in joint moment, power, and loads observed in CCL-deficient limbs were interpreted as modifications adopted to reduce or avoid painful mobilization of the injured stifle joint. Lameness resulting from CCL disease affected predominantly reaction forces during the braking phase and the extension during push-off. Kinetics also identified a greater joint moment and power of the contralateral limbs compared with normal, particularly of the stifle extensor muscles group, which may correlate with the lameness observed, but also with the predisposition of contralateral limbs to CCL deficiency in dogs. For the first time, surface EMG patterns of major hind limb muscles during trotting gait of healthy Labrador Retrievers were characterized and compared with kinetic and kinematic data of the stifle joint. The use of surface EMG highlighted the co-contraction patterns of the muscles around the stifle joint, which were documented during transition periods between flexion and extension of the joint, but also during the flexion observed in the weight bearing phase. Identification of possible differences in EMG activation characteristics between healthy patients and dogs with or predisposed to orthopedic and neurological disease may help understanding the neuromuscular abnormality and gait mechanics of such disorders in the future. Conformation parameters, obtained from femoral and tibial radiographs, hind limb CT images, and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, of hind limbs predisposed to CCL deficiency were compared with the conformation parameters from hind limbs at low risk. A combination of tibial plateau angle and femoral anteversion angle measured on radiographs was determined optimal for discriminating predisposed and non-predisposed limbs for CCL disease in Labrador Retrievers using a receiver operating characteristic curve analysis method. In the future, the tibial plateau angle (TPA) and femoral anteversion angle (FAA) may be used to screen dogs suspected of being susceptible to CCL disease. Last, kinematics and kinetics across the hock, stifle and hip joints in Labrador Retrievers presumed to be at low risk based on their radiographic TPA and FAA were compared to gait data from dogs presumed to be predisposed to CCL disease for overground and treadmill trotting gait. For overground trials, extensor moment at the hock and energy generated around the hock and stifle joints were increased in predisposed limbs compared to non predisposed limbs. For treadmill trials, dogs qualified as predisposed to CCL disease held their stifle at a greater degree of flexion, extended their hock less, and generated more energy around the stifle joints while trotting on a treadmill compared with dogs at low risk. This characterization of the gait mechanics of Labrador Retrievers at low risk or predisposed to CCL disease may help developing and monitoring preventive exercise programs to decrease gastrocnemius dominance and strengthened the hamstring muscle group.


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In this work, a platform to the conditioning, digitizing, visualization and recording of the EMG signals was developed. After the acquisition, the analysis can be done by signal processing techniques. The platform consists of two modules witch acquire electromyography (EMG) signals by surface electrodes, limit the interest frequency band, filter the power grid interference and digitalize the signals by the analogue-to- digital converter of the modules microcontroller. Thereby, the data are sent to the computer by the USB interface by the HID specification, displayed in real-time in graphical form and stored in files. As processing resources was implemented the operations of signal absolute value, the determination of effective value (RMS), Fourier analysis, digital filter (IIR) and the adaptive filter. Platform initial tests were performed with signal of lower and upper limbs with the aim to compare the EMG signal laterality. The open platform is intended to educational activities and academic research, allowing the addition of other processing methods that the researcher want to evaluate or other required analysis.


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Background: The presence of body posture changes among patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) has been a controversial issue in the literature, in which it supporters point out the muscular origin as the main etiological factors, mainly associated with postural changes in head. Due to this controversy, it is pertinent to check whether this relationship exists on the most common etiology of TMD, the disk displacement, which translates a biomechanical internal disorder of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Objectives: Assess body posture changes in subjects with internal derangement of the TMJ when compared to subjects without this biomechanical dysfunction, characterize the patterns of the jaw movements and assess to the muscle activation during jaw movements. Methods: 21 subjects with TMJ disc displacement (DD) (test group) and 21 subjects without any TMD (control group) was assessed for body posture changes through evaluation of several body segments by posturography and also was evaluated the postural balance reactions through the center of mass during jaw movements using a balance platform. For the characterization of the jaw movement patterns it was done a kinematic analysis during jaw movements (active ROM and path of the jaw). For the muscle activation during jaw movements it was evaluated the masseter, sternocleidomastoid and spinae erector muscles by surface electromyography (EMG). Results Discussion: Both groups show forward head posture and extension of the cervical spine, not noticing any other significant body posture changes in subjects with DD, and if we had to see in detail, in general, subjects without TMD shows more body posture changes than subjects with DD. The pattern of jaw movements is similar in both groups, but in subjects with DD the closing movements are more instable than the opening movements, related to a less effective movement control to counteract the force of gravity and the disk displacement. The bilateral muscle activation during jaw movements is higher in subjects with DD, likely related to a less stable pattern of movement which leads in a higher muscle activation to guide the movement and ensure the best as possible articular stability. Conclusion: The disk displacement with reduction should be viewed as part of a set of signs and symptoms that require an accurate musculoskeletal and psychosocial assessment towards an earlier diagnosis for reduction and control of the functional limiting factors. In this direction, it seems that the relevant set of limiting signs and symptoms deserve a particular attention by health care practitioners involved in the assessment and treatment of TMD, in order to define effective therapeutic options.


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Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation (RAR) is relevant for treating patients affected by nervous system injuries (e.g., stroke and spinal cord injury) -- The accurate estimation of the joint angles of the patient limbs in RAR is critical to assess the patient improvement -- The economical prevalent method to estimate the patient posture in Exoskeleton-based RAR is to approximate the limb joint angles with the ones of the Exoskeleton -- This approximation is rough since their kinematic structures differ -- Motion capture systems (MOCAPs) can improve the estimations, at the expenses of a considerable overload of the therapy setup -- Alternatively, the Extended Inverse Kinematics Posture Estimation (EIKPE) computational method models the limb and Exoskeleton as differing parallel kinematic chains -- EIKPE has been tested with single DOFmovements of the wrist and elbow joints -- This paper presents the assessment of EIKPEwith elbow-shoulder compoundmovements (i.e., object prehension) -- Ground-truth for estimation assessment is obtained from an optical MOCAP (not intended for the treatment stage) -- The assessment shows EIKPE rendering a good numerical approximation of the actual posture during the compoundmovement execution, especially for the shoulder joint angles -- This work opens the horizon for clinical studies with patient groups, Exoskeleton models, and movements types --


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Dynamic knee valgus is a multi-planar motion that has been associated with anterior cruciate ligament injuries and patellofemoral pain syndrome. Clinical assessment of dynamic knee valgus can be made by looking for the visual appearance of excessive medial knee displacement (MKD) in the double-leg squat (DLS). The purpose of this dissertation was to identify the movement patterns and neuromuscular strategies associated with MKD during the DLS. Twenty-four control subjects and eight individuals showing MKD during the DLS participated in the study. Significant differences were verified between subjects that demonstrated MKD and a control (CON) group for the eletromyographic amplitude of adductor magnus, biceps femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis muscles (p < 0.05), during the descending phase of the DLS. During the ascending phase were found group differences for adductor magnus and rectus femoris muscles (p < 0.05). Results from kinematic analysis revealed higher minimum and maximum values of ankle abduction and knee internal rotation angles (p < 0.05) for the MKD group. Also, individuals showing excessive MKD had higher hip adduction/abduction excursion. Our results suggested that higher tibial internal rotation and knee internal rotation angles in the initial position of the DLS are associated with MKD. The neuromuscular strategies that contributed to MKD were higher adductor magnus activation, whereas biceps femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis activated more to stabilize the knee in response to the internal rotation moment.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Produto, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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This study evaluated double blind ingestions of placebo (PLA) versus 6% carbohydrate (CHO) either as capsules (c) or beverage (b) during 60 km self-paced cycling in the heat (32°C and 50% relative humidity). Ten well-trained males (mean ± SD: 26±3 years; 64.5±7.7 kg and 70.7±8.8 ml.kg-1.min-1 maximal oxygen consumption) completed four separate 60 km time trials (TT) punctuated by 1 km sprints (14, 29, 44, 59 km) whilst ingesting either PLAb or PLAc or CHOb or CHOc. The TT was not different among treatments (PLAb 130.26 11.2 min, CHOb 140.5±18.1 min, PLAc 143.1±29.2 min, CHOc 137.3±20.1 min; P>0.05). Effect size (Cohen's d) for time was only moderate when comparing CHOb - PLAb (d = 0.68) and PLAb - PLA c (d = 0.57) whereas all other ES were 'trivial' to 'small'. Mean speed throughout the trial was significantly higher for PLAb only (P<0.05). Power output was only different (P<0.05) between the sprints and low intensity efforts within and across conditions. Core and mean skin temperatures were similar among trials. We conclude that CHO ingestion is of little or no benefit as a beverage compared with placebo during 60 km TT in the heat.


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Ten resistance trained (RT) and 6 non-resistance trained (NRT) subjects were used to determine differences in quadriceps activation between isometric single and double knee extensions and squat contractions. Greater inactivation, as measured by the interpolated twitch technique, was recorded with single (RT: 16.5%, NRT: 17.6%) than double leg extensions (RT: 8.4%, NRT: 13.4%) or squats (RT: 4.03%, NRT: 1.7%). There was no significant difference between the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) force of the dominant leg during single and double leg extensions. However, in NRT subjects, the contralateral or non-dominant leg during double leg extensions exhibited significantly less force than the dominant leg (715.9 vs 566.9 N). This deficit may be due to a lesser reliance on the non-dominant limb. The contractions of multiple lower body muscle groups enhanced the activation of the dominant quadriceps. Greater levels of activation may be necessary to cope with the stabilization necessary for bilateral and multi-articular contractions.