965 resultados para Drug-design
Use of Echogenic Immunoliposomes for Delivery of both Drug and Stem Cells for Inhibition of Atheroma Progression By Ali K. Naji B.S. Advisor: Dr. Melvin E. Klegerman PhD Background and significance: Echogenic liposomes can be used as drug and cell delivery vehicles that reduce atheroma progression. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a signal protein that induces vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. VEGF functionally induces migration and proliferation of endothelial cells and increases intracellular vascular permeability. VEGF activates angiogenic transduction factors through VEGF tyrosine kinase domains in high-affinity receptors of endothelial cells. Bevacizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody specific for VEGF-A which was developed as an anti-tumor agent. Often, anti-VEGF agents result in regression of existing microvessels, inhibiting tumor growth and possibly causing tumor shrinkage with time. During atheroma progression neovasculation in the arterial adventitia is mediated by VEGF. Therefore, bevacizumab may be effective in inhibiting atheroma progression. Stem cells show an ability to inhibit atheroma progression. We have previously demonstrated that monocyte derived CD-34+ stem cells that can be delivered to atheroma by bifunctional-ELIP ( BF-ELIP) targeted to Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and CD-34. Adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) are expressed by endothelial cells under inflammatory conditions. Ultrasound enhanced liposomal targeting provides a method for stem cell delivery into atheroma and encapsulated drug release. This project is designed to examine the ability of echogenic liposomes to deliver bevacizumab and stem cells to inhibit atheroma progression and neovasculation with and without ultrasound in vitro and optimize the ultrasound parameters for delivery of bevacizumab and stem cells to atheroma. V Hypotheses: Previous studies showed that endothelial cell VEGF expression may relate to atherosclerosis progression and atheroma formation in the cardiovascular system. Bevacizumab-loaded ELIP will inhibit endothelial cell VEGF expression in vitro. Bevacizumab activity can be enhanced by pulsed Doppler ultrasound treatment of BEV-ELIP. I will also test the hypothesis that the transwell culture system can serve as an in vitro model for study of US-enhanced targeted delivery of stem cells to atheroma. Monocyte preparations will serve as a source of CD34+ stem cells. Specific Aims: Induce VEGF expression using PKA and PKC activation factors to endothelial cell cultures and use western blot and ELISA techniques to detect the expressed VEGF. Characterize the relationship between endothelial cell proliferation and VEGF expression to develop a specific EC culture based system to demonstrate BEV-ELIP activity as an anti-VEGF agent. Design a cell-based assay for in vitro assessment of ultrasound-enhanced bevacizumab release from echogenic liposomes. Demonstrate ultrasound delivery enhancement of stem cells by applying different types of liposomes on transwell EC culture using fluorescently labeled monocytes and detect the effect on migration and attachment rate of these echogenic liposomes with and without ultrasound in vitro.
Phase I clinical trial is mainly designed to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of a new drug. Optimization of phase I trial design is crucial to minimize the number of enrolled patients exposed to unsafe dose levels and to provide reliable information to the later phases of clinical trials. Although it has been criticized about its inefficient MTD estimation, nowadays the traditional 3+3 method remains dominant in practice due to its simplicity and conservative estimation. There are many new designs that have been proven to generate more credible MTD estimation, such as the Continual Reassessment Method (CRM). Despite its accepted better performance, the CRM design is still not widely used in real trials. There are several factors that contribute to the difficulties of CRM adaption in practice. First, CRM is not widely accepted by the regulatory agencies such as FDA in terms of safety. It is considered to be less conservative and tend to expose more patients above the MTD level than the traditional design. Second, CRM is relatively complex and not intuitive for the clinicians to fully understand. Third, the CRM method take much more time and need statistical experts and computer programs throughout the trial. The current situation is that the clinicians still tend to follow the trial process that they are comfortable with. This situation is not likely to change in the near future. Based on this situation, we have the motivation to improve the accuracy of MTD selection while follow the procedure of the traditional design to maintain simplicity. We found that in 3+3 method, the dose transition and the MTD determination are relatively independent. Thus we proposed to separate the two stages. The dose transition rule remained the same as 3+3 method. After getting the toxicity information from the dose transition stage, we combined the isotonic transformation to ensure the monotonic increasing order before selecting the optimal MTD. To compare the operating characteristics of the proposed isotonic method and the other designs, we carried out 10,000 simulation trials under different dose setting scenarios to compare the design characteristics of the isotonic modified method with standard 3+3 method, CRM, biased coin design (BC) and k-in-a-row design (KIAW). The isotonic modified method improved MTD estimation of the standard 3+3 in 39 out of 40 scenarios. The improvement is much greater when the target is 0.3 other than 0.25. The modified design is also competitive when comparing with other selected methods. A CRM method performed better in general but was not as stable as the isotonic method throughout the different dose settings. The results demonstrated that our proposed isotonic modified method is not only easily conducted using the same procedure as 3+3 but also outperforms the conventional 3+3 design. It can also be applied to determine MTD for any given TTL. These features make the isotonic modified method of practical value in phase I clinical trials.^
Acknowledgements This article presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Programme Grants for Applied Research Programme (Grant Reference Number RP-PG-0707-10124). The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health. The funders had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, writing of the report or for the decision to submit for publication.
With advances in drug research, the use of biological therapeutics is becoming a reality. Unfortunately, methods for processing and delivering these fragile macromolecules often limit their therapeutic potential. For this dissertation, we explore the aerosolization of macromolecules by way of electrohydrodynamic atomization (EHDA) and how this method can be used to process and deliver therapeutics. EHDA employs a high voltage to break a column of liquid into drops. It was unknown if or how the residual charge left of the resulting droplets would affect lung cells. An in vitro experiment was conducted to spray aerosolized DNA, by way of EHDA, onto human derived lungs cells to test for immunogenic and toxic effects. The lung cells displayed no immunogenic or toxic response to the DNA or high voltage. Previous researchers have used EHDA to aerosolize proteins with mixed results. This work sets forth a simplified thermodynamic theory and provides recommendations to pharmaceutical companies on how to design more stable protein formulations for aerosol processing or delivery. Finally, a new method of producing liposomes was created. It constructs the liposome one layer at a time. The inside of the liposome is sprayed by EHDA, with the lipid and drug in solution together. As the sprayed monolayer passes through a pool containing a solution of lipid in water, the second part of the bilayer attaches to the inner layer creating a complete bilayer liposome.
Cette thèse se compose en deux parties: Première Partie: La conception et la synthèse d’analogues pyrrolidiniques, utilisés comme agents anticancéreux, dérivés du FTY720. FTY720 est actuellement commercialisé comme médicament (GilenyaTM) pour le traitement de la sclérose en plaques rémittente-récurrente. Il agit comme immunosuppresseur en raison de son effet sur les récepteurs de la sphingosine-1-phosphate. A fortes doses, FTY720 présente un effet antinéoplasique. Cependant, à de telles doses, un des effets secondaires observé est la bradycardie dû à l’activation des récepteurs S1P1 et S1P3. Ceci limite son potentiel d’utilisation lors de chimiothérapie. Nos précédentes études ont montré que des analogues pyrrolidiniques dérivés du FTY720 présentaient une activité anticancéreuse mais aucune sur les récepteurs S1P1 et S1P3. Nous avons soumis l’idée qu’une étude relation structure-activité (SARs) pourrait nous conduire à la découverte de nouveaux agents anti tumoraux. Ainsi, deux séries de composés pyrrolidiniques (O-arylmethyl substitué et C-arylmethyl substitué) ont pu être envisagés et synthétisés (Chapitre 1). Ces analogues ont montré d’excellentes activités cytotoxiques contre diverses cellules cancéreuses humaines (prostate, colon, sein, pancréas et leucémie), plus particulièrement les analogues actifs qui ne peuvent pas être phosphorylés par SphK, présentent un plus grand potentiel pour le traitement du cancer sans effet secondaire comme la bradycardie. Les études mécanistiques suggèrent que ces analogues de déclencheurs de régulation négative sur les transporteurs de nutriments induisent une crise bioénergétique en affamant les cellules cancéreuses. Afin d’approfondir nos connaissances sur les récepteurs cibles, nous avons conçu et synthétisé des sondes diazirine basées sur le marquage d’affinité aux photons (méthode PAL: Photo-Affinity Labeling) (Chapitre 2). En s’appuyant sur la méthode PAL, il est possible de récolter des informations sur les récepteurs cibles à travers l’analyse LC/MS/MS de la protéine. Ces tests sont en cours et les résultats sont prometteurs. Deuxième partie: Coordination métallique et catalyse di fonctionnelle de dérivés β-hydroxy cétones tertiaires. Les réactions de Barbier et de Grignard sont des méthodes classiques pour former des liaisons carbone-carbone, et généralement utilisées pour la préparation d’alcools secondaires et tertiaires. En vue d’améliorer la réaction de Grignard avec le 1-iodobutane dans les conditions « one-pot » de Barbier, nous avons obtenu comme produit majoritaire la β-hydroxy cétone provenant de l’auto aldolisation de la 5-hexen-2-one, plutôt que le produit attendu d’addition de l’alcool (Chapitre 3). La formation inattendue de la β-hydroxy cétone a également été observée en utilisant d’autres dérivés méthyl cétone. Étonnement dans la réaction intramoléculaire d’une tricétone, connue pour former la cétone Hajos-Parrish, le produit majoritaire est rarement la β-hydroxy cétone présentant la fonction alcool en position axiale. Intrigué par ces résultats et après l’étude systématique des conditions de réaction, nous avons développé deux nouvelles méthodes à travers la synthèse sélective et catalytique de β-hydroxy cétones spécifiques par cyclisation intramoléculaire avec des rendements élevés (Chapitre 4). La réaction peut être catalysée soit par une base adaptée et du bromure de lithium comme additif en passant par un état de transition coordonné au lithium, ou bien soit à l’aide d’un catalyseur TBD di fonctionnel, via un état de transition médiée par une coordination bidenté au TBD. Les mécanismes proposés ont été corroborés par calcul DFT. Ces réactions catalytiques ont également été appliquées à d’autres substrats comme les tricétones et les dicétones. Bien que les efforts préliminaires afin d’obtenir une enantioselectivité se sont révélés sans succès, la synthèse et la recherche de nouveaux catalyseurs chiraux sont en cours.
Cette thèse se compose en deux parties: Première Partie: La conception et la synthèse d’analogues pyrrolidiniques, utilisés comme agents anticancéreux, dérivés du FTY720. FTY720 est actuellement commercialisé comme médicament (GilenyaTM) pour le traitement de la sclérose en plaques rémittente-récurrente. Il agit comme immunosuppresseur en raison de son effet sur les récepteurs de la sphingosine-1-phosphate. A fortes doses, FTY720 présente un effet antinéoplasique. Cependant, à de telles doses, un des effets secondaires observé est la bradycardie dû à l’activation des récepteurs S1P1 et S1P3. Ceci limite son potentiel d’utilisation lors de chimiothérapie. Nos précédentes études ont montré que des analogues pyrrolidiniques dérivés du FTY720 présentaient une activité anticancéreuse mais aucune sur les récepteurs S1P1 et S1P3. Nous avons soumis l’idée qu’une étude relation structure-activité (SARs) pourrait nous conduire à la découverte de nouveaux agents anti tumoraux. Ainsi, deux séries de composés pyrrolidiniques (O-arylmethyl substitué et C-arylmethyl substitué) ont pu être envisagés et synthétisés (Chapitre 1). Ces analogues ont montré d’excellentes activités cytotoxiques contre diverses cellules cancéreuses humaines (prostate, colon, sein, pancréas et leucémie), plus particulièrement les analogues actifs qui ne peuvent pas être phosphorylés par SphK, présentent un plus grand potentiel pour le traitement du cancer sans effet secondaire comme la bradycardie. Les études mécanistiques suggèrent que ces analogues de déclencheurs de régulation négative sur les transporteurs de nutriments induisent une crise bioénergétique en affamant les cellules cancéreuses. Afin d’approfondir nos connaissances sur les récepteurs cibles, nous avons conçu et synthétisé des sondes diazirine basées sur le marquage d’affinité aux photons (méthode PAL: Photo-Affinity Labeling) (Chapitre 2). En s’appuyant sur la méthode PAL, il est possible de récolter des informations sur les récepteurs cibles à travers l’analyse LC/MS/MS de la protéine. Ces tests sont en cours et les résultats sont prometteurs. Deuxième partie: Coordination métallique et catalyse di fonctionnelle de dérivés β-hydroxy cétones tertiaires. Les réactions de Barbier et de Grignard sont des méthodes classiques pour former des liaisons carbone-carbone, et généralement utilisées pour la préparation d’alcools secondaires et tertiaires. En vue d’améliorer la réaction de Grignard avec le 1-iodobutane dans les conditions « one-pot » de Barbier, nous avons obtenu comme produit majoritaire la β-hydroxy cétone provenant de l’auto aldolisation de la 5-hexen-2-one, plutôt que le produit attendu d’addition de l’alcool (Chapitre 3). La formation inattendue de la β-hydroxy cétone a également été observée en utilisant d’autres dérivés méthyl cétone. Étonnement dans la réaction intramoléculaire d’une tricétone, connue pour former la cétone Hajos-Parrish, le produit majoritaire est rarement la β-hydroxy cétone présentant la fonction alcool en position axiale. Intrigué par ces résultats et après l’étude systématique des conditions de réaction, nous avons développé deux nouvelles méthodes à travers la synthèse sélective et catalytique de β-hydroxy cétones spécifiques par cyclisation intramoléculaire avec des rendements élevés (Chapitre 4). La réaction peut être catalysée soit par une base adaptée et du bromure de lithium comme additif en passant par un état de transition coordonné au lithium, ou bien soit à l’aide d’un catalyseur TBD di fonctionnel, via un état de transition médiée par une coordination bidenté au TBD. Les mécanismes proposés ont été corroborés par calcul DFT. Ces réactions catalytiques ont également été appliquées à d’autres substrats comme les tricétones et les dicétones. Bien que les efforts préliminaires afin d’obtenir une enantioselectivité se sont révélés sans succès, la synthèse et la recherche de nouveaux catalyseurs chiraux sont en cours.
Aims The present study extends the findings of a pilot study conducted among regular amphetamine users in Newcastle, NSW, in 1998. It compares key features between current participants in a state capital city (Brisbane) and a regional city (Newcastle) and between the 1998 and current Newcastle sample. Design Cross-sectional survey. Setting Brisbane and Newcastle, Australia. Participants The survey was conducted among 214 regular amphetamine users within the context of a randomized controlled trial of brief interventions for amphetamine use. Measurements Demographic characteristics, past and present alcohol and other drug use and mental health, treatment, amphetamine-related harms and severity of dependence. Findings The main findings were as follows: (i) the rate of mental health problems was high among regular amphetamine users and these problems commonly emerged after commencement of regular amphetamine use; (ii) there were regional differences in drug use with greater accessibility to a wider range of drugs in a state capital city and greater levels of injecting risk-taking behaviour outside the capital city environment; and (iii) there was a significant increase in level of amphetamine use and percentage of alcohol users, a trend for a higher level of amphetamine dependence and a significant reduction in the percentage of people using heroin and benzodiazepines among the 2002 Newcastle cohort compared to the 1998 cohort. Conclusions Further longitudinal research is needed to elucidate transitions from one drug type to another and from recreational to injecting and regular use and the relationship between drug use and mental health in prospective studies among users. Implications Intervention research should evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at: preventing transition to injecting and regular use of amphetamines; toward reducing levels of depression among amphetamine users and interventions among people with severe psychopathology and personality disorders; and toward reducing the prevalence of tobacco dependence among amphetamine users.
Cultivation technologies promoting organization of mammalian cells in three dimensions are essential for gene-function analyses as well as drug testing and represent the first step toward the design of tissue replacements and bioartificial organs. Embedded in a three-dimensional environment, cells are expected to develop tissue-like higher order intercellular structures (cell-cell contacts, extracellular matrix) that orchestrate cellular functions including proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and angiogenesis with unmatched quality. We have refined the hanging drop cultivation technology to pioneer beating heart microtissues derived from pure primary rat and mouse cardiomyocyte cultures as well as mixed populations reflecting the cell type composition of rodent hearts. Phenotypic characterization combined with detailed analysis of muscle-specific cell traits, extracellular matrix components, as well as endogenous vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression profiles of heart microtissues revealed (1) a linear cell number-microtissue size correlation, (2) intermicrotissue superstructures, (3) retention of key cardiomyocyte-specific cell qualities, (4) a sophisticated extracellular matrix, and (5) a high degree of self-organization exemplified by the tendency of muscle structures to assemble at the periphery of these myocardial spheroids. Furthermore (6), myocardial spheroids support endogenous VEGF expression in a size-dependent manner that will likely promote vascularization of heart microtissues produced from defined cell mixtures as well as support connection to the host vascular system after implantation. As cardiomyocytes are known to be refractory to current transfection technologies we have designed lentivirus-based transduction strategies to lead the way for genetic engineering of myocardial microtissues in a clinical setting.
Objective: To examine the impact of a sudden and dramatic decrease in heroin availability, concomitant with increases in price and decreases in purity, on fatal and non-fatal drug overdoses in New South Wales, Australia. Design and setting: Time-series analysis was conducted where possible on data on overdoses collected from NSW hospital emergency departments, the NSW Ambulance Service, and all suspected drug-related deaths referred to the NSW Coroner's court. Main outcome measures: The number of suspected drug-related deaths where heroin and other drugs were mentioned; ambulance calls to suspected opioid overdoses; and emergency department admissions for overdoses on heroin and other drugs. Results: Both fatal and non-fatal heroin overdoses decreased significantly after heroin supply reduced; the reductions were greater among younger age groups than older age groups. There were no clear increases in non-fatal overdoses with cocaine, methamphetamines or benzodiazepines recorded at hospital emergency departments after the reduction in heroin supply. Data on drug-related deaths suggested that heroin use was the predominant driver of drug-related deaths in NSW, and that when heroin supply was reduced overdose deaths were more likely to involve a wider combination of drugs. Conclusion: A reduction in heroin supply reduced heroin-related deaths, and did not result in a concomitant increase, to the same degree, in deaths relating to other drugs. Younger people were more affected by the reduction in supply.
Long-term persistence of multi-drug-resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Newport in two dairy herds
Objective - To evaluate the association between maintaining joint hospital and maternity pens;and persistence of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) Salmonella enterica serovar Newport on 2 dairy farms. Design - Observational study. Sample Population - Feces and environmental samples from 2 dairy herds. Procedure - Herds were monitored for fecal shedding of S enterica Newport after outbreaks of clinical disease. Fecal and environmental samples were collected approximately monthly from pens housing sick cows and calving cows and from pens containing lactating cows. Cattle shedding the organism were tested serially on subsequent visits to determine carrier status. One farm was resampled after initiation of interventional procedures, including separation of hospital and maternity pens. Isolates were characterized via serotyping, determination of antimicrobial resistance phenotype, detection of the CMY-2 gene, and DNA fingerprinting. Results - The prevalence (32.4% and 33.3% on farms A and B, respectively) of isolating Salmonella from samples from joint hospital-maternity pens was significantly higher than the prevalence in samples from pens housing preparturient cows (0.8%, both farms) and postparturient cows on Farm B (8.8%). Multi-drug-resistant Salmonella Newport was isolated in high numbers from bedding material, feed refusals, lagoon slurry, and milk filters. One cow excreted the organism for 190 days. Interventional procedures yielded significant reductions in the prevalences of isolating the organism from fecal and environmental samples. Most isolates were of the C2 serogroup and were resistant to third-generation cephalosporins. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance - Management practices may be effective at reducing the persistence of MDR Salmonella spp in dairy herds, thus mitigating animal and public health risk.
Helicobacter pylori is one of the most common pathogenic bacterial infections, colonising an estimated half of all humans. It is associated with the development of serious gastroduodenal disease - including peptic ulcers, gastric lymphoma and acute chronic gastritis. Current recommended regimes are not wholly effective and patient compliance, side-effects and bacterial resistance can be problematic. Drug delivery to the site of residence in the gastric mucosa may improve efficacy of the current and emerging treatments. Gastric retentive delivery systems potentially allow increased penetration of the mucus layer and therefore increased drug concentration at the site of action. Proposed gastric retentive systems for the enhancement of local drug delivery include floating systems, expandable or swellable systems and bioadhesive systems. Generally, problems with these formulations are lack of specificity, limited to mucus turnover or failure to persist in the stomach. Gastric mucoadhesive systems are hailed as a promising technology to address this issue, penetrating the mucus layer and prolonging activity at the mucus-epithelial interface. This review appraises gastroretentive delivery strategies specifically with regard to their application as a delivery system to target Helicobacter. As drug-resistant strains emerge, the development of a vaccine to eradicate and prevent reinfection is an attractive proposition. Proposed prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines have been delivered using a number of mucosal routes using viral and non-viral vectors. The delivery form, inclusion of adjuvants, and delivery regime will influence the immune response generated. © 2005 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Chorismate mutase is one of the essential enzymes in the shikimate pathway and is key to the survival of the organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The x-ray crystal structure of this enzyme from Mycobacterium tuberculosis was manipulated to prepare an initial set of in silico protein models of the active site. Known inhibitors of the enzyme were docked into the active site using the flexible ligand / flexible active site side chains approach implemented in CAChe Worksystem (Fujitsu Ltd). The resulting complexes were refined by molecular dynamics studies in explicit water using Amber 9. This yielded a further set of protein models that were used for additional rounds of ligand docking. A binding hypothesis was established for the enzyme and this was used to screen a database of commercially available drug-like compounds. From these results new potential ligands were designed that fitted appropriately into the active site and matched the functional groups and binding motifs founds therein. Some of these compounds and close analogues were then synthesized and submitted for biological evaluation. As a separate part of this thesis, analogues of very active anti-tuberculosis pyridylcarboxamidrazone were also prepared. This was carried out by the addition and the deletion of the substitutions from the lead compound thereby preparing heteroaryl carboxamidrazone derivatives and related compounds. All these compounds were initially evaluated for biological activity against various gram positive organisms and then sent to the TAACF (USA) for screening against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Some of the new compounds proved to be at least as potent as the original lead compound but less toxic.
The aims of this project were:1) the synthesis of a range of new polyether-based vinylic monomers and their incorporation into poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (poly(HEMA)) based hydrogel networks, of interest to the contact lens industry.2) the synthesis of a range of alkyltartronic acids, and their derivatives. These molecules may ultimately be used to produce functionalised poly(-hydroxy acids) of potential interest in either drug delivery or surgical suture applications. The novel syntheses of a range of both methoxy poly(ethylene glycol) acrylates (MPEGAs) and poly(ethylene glycol) acrylates (PEGAs) are described. Products were obtained in very good yields. These new polyether-based vinylic monomers were copolymerised with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) to produce a range of hydrogels. The equilibrium water contents (EWC) and surface properties of these copolymers containing linear polyethers were examined. It was found that the EWC was enhanced by the presence of the hydrophilic polyether chains.Results suggest that the polyether side chains express themselves at the polymer surface, thus dictating the surface properties of the gels. Consequentially, this leads to an advantageous reduction in the surface adhesion of biological species. A synthesis of a range of alkyltartronic acids is also described. The acids prepared were obtained in very good yields using a novel four-stage synthesis. These acids were modified to give potassium monoethyl alkyltartronates. Although no polyesterification is described in this thesis, these modified alkyltartronic acid derivatives are considered to be potentially excellent starting materials for poly (alkyltartronic acid) synthesis via anhydrocarboxylate or anhydrosulphite cyclic monomers.
The ultimate aim of this project was to design new biomaterials which will improve the efficiency of ocular drug delivery systems. Initially, it was necessary to review the information available on the nature of the tear fluid and its relationship with the eye. An extensive survey of the relevant literature was made. There is a common belief in the literature that the ocular glycoprotein, mucin, plays an important role in tear film stability, and furthermore, that it exists as an adherent layer covering the corneal surface. If this belief is true, the muco-corneal interaction provides the ideal basis for the development of sustained release drug delivery. Preliminary investigations were made to assess the ability of mucin to adhere to polymer surfaces. The intention was to develop a synthetic model which would mimic the supposed corneal/mucin interaction. Analytical procedures included the use of microscopy (phase contrast and fluorescence), fluorophotometry, and mucin-staining dyes. Additionally, the physical properties of tears and tear models were assessed under conditions mimicking those of the preocular environment, using rheological and tensiometric techniques. The wetting abilities of these tear models and opthalmic formulations were also investigated. Tissue culture techniques were employed to enable the surface properties of the corneal surface to be studied by means of cultured corneal cells. The results of these investigations enabled the calculation of interfacial and surface characteristics of tears, tear models, and the corneal surface. Over all, this work cast doubt on the accepted relationship of mucin with the cornea. A corneal surface model was designed, on the basis of the information obtained during this project, which would possess similar surface chemical properties (i.e. would be biomimetic) to the more complex original. This model, together with the information gained on the properties of tears and solutions intended for ocular instillation, could be valuable in the design of drug formulations with enhanced ocular retention times. Furthermore, the model itself may form the basis for the design of an effective drug-carrier.
An uptake system was developed using Caco-2 cell monolayers and the dipeptide, glycyl-[3H]L-proline, as a probe compound. Glycyl-[3H]L-proline uptake was via the di-/tripeptide transport system (DTS) and, exhibited concentration-, pH- and temperature-dependency. Dipeptides inhibited uptake of the probe, and the design of the system allowed competitors to be ranked against one another with respect to affinity for the transporter. The structural features required to ensure or increase interaction with the DTS were defined by studying the effect of a series of glycyl-L-proline and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitor (SQ-29852) analogues on the uptake of the probe. The SQ-29852 structure was divided into six domains (A-F) and competitors were grouped into series depending on structural variations within specific regions. Domain A was found to prefer a hydrophobic function, such as a phenyl group, and was intolerant to positive charges and H+ -acceptors and donors. SQ-29852 analogues were more tolerant of substitutions in the C domain, compared to glycyl-L-proline analogues, suggesting that interactions along the length of the SQ-29852 molecule may override the effects of substitutions in the C domain. SQ-29852 analogues showed a preference for a positive function, such as an amine group in this region, but dipeptide structures favoured an uncharged substitution. Lipophilic substituents in domain D increased affinity of SQ-29852 analogues with the DTS. A similar effect was observed for ACE-NEP inhibitor analogues. Domain E, corresponding to the carboxyl group was found to be tolerant of esterification for SQ-29852 analogues but not for dipeptides. Structural features which may increase interaction for one series of compounds, may not have the same effect for another series, indicating that the presence of multiple recognition sites on a molecule may override the deleterious effect of anyone change. Modifying current, poorly absorbed peptidomimetic structures to fit the proposed hypothetical model may improve oral bioavailability by increasing affinity for the DTS. The stereochemical preference of the transporter was explored using four series of compounds (SQ-29852, lysylproline, alanylproline and alanylalanine enantiomers). The L, L stereochemistry was the preferred conformation for all four series, agreeing with previous studies. However, D, D enantiomers were shown in some cases to be substrates for the DTS, although exhibiting a lower affinity than their L, L counterparts. All the ACE-inhibitors and β-lactam antibiotics investigated, produced a degree of inhibition of the probe, and thus show some affinity for the DTS. This contrasts with previous reports that found several ACE inhibitors to be absorbed via a passive process, thus suggesting that compounds are capable of binding to the transporter site and inhibiting the probe without being translocated into the cell. This was also shown to be the case for oligodeoxynucleotide conjugated to a lipophilic group (vitamin E), and highlights the possibility that other orally administered drug candidates may exert non-specific effects on the DTS and possibly have a nutritional impact. Molecular modelling of selected ACE-NEP inhibitors revealed that the three carbonyl functions can be oriented in a similar direction, and this conformation was found to exist in a local energy-minimised state, indicating that the carbonyls may possibly be involved in hydrogen-bond formation with the binding site of the DTS.