881 resultados para Diversification in industry


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In nonparametric statistics the functional form of the relationship between the response variable and its associated predictor variables is unspecified but it is assumed to be a smooth function. We develop a procedure for constructing a fixed width confidence interval for the predicted value at a specified point of the independent variable. The optimal sample size for constructing this interval is obtained using a two stage sequential procedure which relies on some asymptotic properties of the Nadaraya--Watson and local linear estimators. Finally, a large scale simulation study demonstrates the applicability of the developed procedure for small and moderate sample sizes. The procedure developed here should find wide applicability since many practical problems which arise in industry involve estimating an unknown function.


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Background: Placements are of particular importance due to the richness of learning associated with placement experiences and the wider links they represent to industry and the community. Students often refer to placements as the most significant, productive and memorable component of their training. Importantly, placements also provide the opportunity for students to become work ready, i.e., integrate their knowledge into a new set of employable skills and personal qualities. There is now increased emphasis on employability by employers and universities alike; in fact, it now represents a critical performance measure for Australian universities. Despite these key points, there appears to be inconsistencies in approaches to maximising work placements across and within Universities. Assessment centre methodology may represent a useful approach to standardise and optimise work placements for all stakeholders. Assessment centre methodology has been used successfully for selection purposes in industry for the past 50 years. However, their use as a developmental tool is less prominent. Furthermore, their application in the higher education setting, particularly in the context of placements and student development appears under researched.
Overview of issue: Only one published study was found that reported the use of a developmental assessment centre with a post-graduate sample. That study took place over 10 years ago when the concept of employability was still gaining recognition and work placements were less common. The current paper reviews this unique concept in the context of the existing literature and the current needs of Universities, employers and students.
Discussion: It is argued that the reconsideration of assessment centre methodology for development represents an innovative approach to consistently maximising work placement outcomes, experiences and employability.
Conclusions: Given the importance and increased use of placements, the application of assessment centre methodology within the placement curriculum warrants further research. This methodology represents a standardised approach for implementation within a range of placement programs to enhance student development, placement outcomes and employability.


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Heterogeneous electrochemical processes are very common in industry and are important, but difficult topics in electrochemical and corrosion science studies. Traditional electrochemical techniques which employ a conventional one-piece electrode have major limitations in studying heterogeneous electrochemical processes since the one-piece electrode has major difficulties in measuring electrochemical parameters from local areas of the electrode surface. In order to overcome this problem, a multi-piece electrode, namely the wire beam electrode, has been developed. This new electrode enables the measurement of electrochemical parameters from local areas over a working electrode surface and thus it can be used to study heterogeneous electrochemical processes. This paper describes how this new electrode was applied in studying several typical heterogeneous electrochemical processes including water-drop corrosion, corrosion under non-uniform organic films and cathodic protection.


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An auto-switch device has been designed, constructed, and tested for multisensor corrosion measurements. The auto-switch is able to connect/disconnect the selected wire beam electrode and/or electrode pairs under computer control. A computer controlled analog switch-array consisting of 100 inputs has been used as an essential part of the switch bank. The switch-bank is an essential component of a corrosion-monitoring instrument that is expected to find wide application in industry. The performance of the switch-bank is discussed and its effect on the signals is illustrated.


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The Dirichlet is one of the most important theoretical achievements of marketing science. It provides insights into the distribution of consumer loyalties and is used widely in industry for benchmarking and interpreting brand performance. The Dirichlet’s implications run counter to some well-entrenched marketing pedagogy and so, unsurprisingly, it has attracted criticism arguing that it cannot adequately reflect the dynamic nature of consumer choice. The authors address these criticisms by discussing how consumer loyalties are manifested and examining whether changes in consumer loyalties do, in fact, disrupt Dirichlet buying patterns. To the best of our discipline’s knowledge, based on extensive empirical and theoretical work, brands compete in a Dirichlet world.


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Cleanup of former U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear weapons production facilities involves potential exposures to various hazardous chemicals. We have collaboratively developed and piloted an exposure database and surveillance system for cleanup worker hazardous chemical exposure data with a cleanup contractor at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS). A unique system feature is the incorporation of a 34-category work task-coding scheme. This report presents an overview of the data captured by this system during development and piloting from March 1995 through August 1998. All air samples collected were entered into the system. Of the 859 breathing zone samples collected, 103 unique employees and 39 unique compounds were represented. Breathing zone exposure levels were usually low (86% of breathing zone samples were below analytical limits of detection). The use of respirators and other exposure controls was high (87 and 88%, respectively). Occasional high-level excursions did occur. Detailed quantitative summaries are provided for the six most monitored compounds: asbestos, beryllium, carbon tetrachloride, chromium, lead, and methylene chloride. Task and job title data were successfully collected for most samples, and showed specific cleanup activities by pipe fitters to be the most commonly represented in the database. Importantly, these results demonstrate the feasibility of the implementation of integrated exposure database and surveillance systems by practicing industrial hygienists employed in industry as well as the preventive potential and research uses of such systems. This exposure database and surveillance system--the central features of which are applicable in any industrial work setting--has enabled one of the first systematic quantitative characterizations of DOE cleanup worker exposures to hazardous chemicals.


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This paper details a system dynamics model developed to simulate proposed changes to water governance through the integration of supply, demand and asset management processes. To effectively accomplish this, interconnected feedback loops in tariff structures, demand levels and financing capacity are included in the model design, representing the first comprehensive life-cycle modelling of potable water systems. A number of scenarios were applied to Australia's populated South-east Queensland region, demonstrating that introducing temporary drought pricing (i.e. progressive water prices set inverse with availability), in conjunction with supply augmentation through rain-independent sources, is capable of efficiently providing water security in the future. Modelling demonstrated that this alternative tariff structure reduced demand in scarcity periods thereby preserving supply, whilst revenues are maintained to build new water supply infrastructure. In addition to exploring alternative tariffs, the potential benefits of using adaptive pressure-retarded osmosis desalination plants for both potable water and power generation was explored. This operation of these plants for power production, when they would otherwise be idle, shows promise in reducing their net energy and carbon footprints. Stakeholders in industry, government and academia were engaged in model development and validation. The constructed model displays how water resource systems can be reorganised to cope with systemic change and uncertainty.


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 Water resources in Singapore are managed following the principles of a closed loop hydrologic cycle by one agency, the Public Utility Board (PUB), which promotes its management philosophy through the Four National Taps of Singapore program. The four national taps are: water from local catchment areas; imported water (from Malaysia); reused water (known as NEWater); and desalinated water. Given the uncertainty of water imports, the remaining three national taps have become increasingly important and this paper begins with a general overview of the innovative programs implemented by PUB in support of these three taps. Stormwater runoff is captured from two-thirds of Singapore’s land area and stored in reservoirs for subsequent use. Stormwater management is an important component of the catchment area tap and extensive low impact development (LID) implementation has become a priority through the ABC (Active, Beautiful, Clean) Waters Program. Examples of several ABC Waters projects are discussed. NEWater currently supplies 30% of the country’s demand and this is projected to increase to 50% by 2060. NEWater plants take treated wastewater through the additional steps of microfiltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet treatment for use primarily in industry, although a portion also is blended into the municipal reservoirs. Singapore’s single desalination plant currently meets 10% of its demand, with a second plant to be completed in 2013 that will more than double production. Also discussed are the results of recently completed pilot projects related to stormwater management including testing of E. coli in runoff from high density residential areas, a blind taste test and survey on acceptance of NEWater, and a survey of Singaporean understanding about stormwater management issues.Water resources in Singapore are managed following the principles of a closed loop hydrologic cycle by one agency, the Public Utility Board (PUB), which promotes its management philosophy through the Four National Taps of Singapore program. The four national taps are: water from local catchment areas; imported water (from Malaysia); reused water (known as NEWater); and desalinated water. Given the uncertainty of water imports, the remaining three national taps have become increasingly important and this paper begins with a general overview of the innovative programs implemented by PUB in support of these three taps. Stormwater runoff is captured from two-thirds of Singapore’s land area and stored in reservoirs for subsequent use. Stormwater management is an important component of the catchment area tap and extensive low impact development (LID) implementation has become a priority through the ABC (Active, Beautiful, Clean) Waters Program. Examples of several ABC Waters projects are discussed. NEWater currently supplies 30% of the country’s demand and this is projected to increase to 50% by 2060. NEWater plants take treated wastewater through the additional steps of microfiltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet treatment for use primarily in industry, although a portion also is blended into the municipal reservoirs. Singapore’s single desalination plant currently meets 10% of its demand, with a second plant to be completed in 2013 that will more than double production. Also discussed are the results of recently completed pilot projects related to stormwater management including testing of E. coli in runoff from high density residential areas, a blind taste test and survey on acceptance of NEWater, and a survey of Singaporean understanding about stormwater management issues.


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How did branded bottles of water insinuate themselves into our daily lives? Why did water become an economic good—no longer a common resource but a commercial product, in industry parlance a “fast moving consumer good,” or FMCG? Plastic Water examines the processes behind this transformation. It goes beyond the usual political and environmental critiques of bottled water to investigate its multiplicity, examining a bottle of water’s simultaneous existence as, among other things, a product, personal health resource, object of boycotts, and part of accumulating waste matter. Throughout, the book focuses on the ontological dimensions of drinking bottled water—the ways in which this habit enacts new relations and meanings that may interfere with other drinking water practices.


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Esta Tese estuda o valor percebido nos serviços bancários. Valor percebido é definido como uma equalização entre qualidade percebida e sacrifícios monetário e não monetário percebidos. A qualidade do relacionamento com o gerente e o crédito são dois importantes constructos, com impacto no desempenho da qualidade percebida. Obteve-se uma amostra final de 340 empresas de médio porte, com atuação na indústria, comércio e serviços, localizadas na Grande São Paulo. A partir da modelagem de equações estruturais, deu-se o exame empírico das relações entre seis constructos, configuradas em um modelo base e dois rivais. Os resultados mostraram que o crédito tem um efeito positivo na qualidade de relacionamento; a qualidade de relacionamento tem um efeito positivo na qualidade percebida; a qualidade percebida tem um efeito positivo no valor percebido; o sacrifício monetário tem um efeito positivo na qualidade percebida e negativo no valor percebido; sacrifício não monetário tem um efeito negativo no valor percebido. No final, discutem-se os resultados, fornecem-se implicações gerenciais e acadêmicas e apontam-se limitações, com sugestões para futuras pesquisas.


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Trabalho efetuado, através de pesquisa bibliográfica, enfocando a multiplicidade de ábeas de atuação do Orientador Educacional e as implicações dela decorrentes para sua formação e exercício profissional. A expansão do campo de trabalho do Orientador Educacional e as exigências a respeito de sua formação e exercício profissional, numa perspectiva histórica, foram detectadas pela análise de documentos legais e pronunciamentos do Ministério da Educação e Cultura. Sobre Orientação Vocacional, Aconselhamento, in tegração de Orientação e Currículo, Orientação Educacional na Empresa e Orientação e Aconselhamento em grupo - áreas ~ de atuação do Orientador Educacional que vêm recebendo cres centes solicita~ões - foram feitas apenas considerações g~ rais. Nessa exposição, patenteou-se a complexiftade e profundidade do trabalho do Orientador, que requer, alem de qualidades pessoais ~ preparo técnico-científico adequado, a busca de maneiras funcionais que permitam a este profissional atender aos amplos apelos que lhe são feitos. Numa perspectiva teórica, a formação do Orienta dor Educacional se revelou precária e, mais que isso, insu ficiente, clamando por urgente reformulação. Propôs-se, finalmente, que os Orientadores Educacionais, em seu quotidiano, tornem específico seu campo de trabalho, ou seja, no exercício de sua profissão, dediquem- se,em particular, a uma de suas áreas de atuação.


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Este trabalho contribui a discussão de diversificação internacional no contexto de investidores brasileiros com referência na moeda local (Reais). O trabalho testa as seguintes hipóteses: (1) se a adição de ativos internacionais não aumenta a eficiência (melhora na relação retorno/risco) de carteiras somente com ativos brasileiros, (2) se carteiras de menor risco exigem mais alocações internacionais e, (3) se alocação de ativos é parecida para investidores com referências em dólar ou em reais. Esse trabalho utiliza modelos já conhecidos de fronteiras eficientes com aplicação de técnicas que utilizam rotinas de Monte Carlo para suavizar possíveis erros na estimação dos retornos das classes de ativos, que incorporam ainda incertezas sobre o câmbio. Nas simulações são utilizadas uma cesta de ativos locais e uma cesta de ativos que melhor representa o mercado internacional. Apesar da grande maioria dos investidores brasileiros utilizarem muito pouco ativos internacionais em suas carteiras, seja por motivos de Home Bias, fatores históricos macroeconômicos evidenciados pelas altas taxas de juros ou limitações regulatórias, os resultados empíricos demonstram que existem ganhos de eficiência para as carteiras de investidores brasileiros ao se incluir ativos internacionais na alocação de ativos. Esses ganhos de eficiência são evidenciados para todos os perfis de risco, desde os mais conservadores até os perfis mais agressivos. Os resultados mostram que quanto maior o perfil de risco da carteira, maior é a alocação internacional que maximiza a eficiência da carteira. E por último, a referência da moeda muda significativamente a alocação eficiente de carteiras, carteiras com referência em dólar exigem menos diversificação com ativos em reais do que carteiras com referência em Reais exigem diversificação com ativos internacionais.


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Neste trabalho, medimos os efeitos da diversificação sob o aspecto de risco e retorno entre os grandes players globais de mineração. Para avaliar a diversificação, primeiramente, foi criado um ranking que relaciona risco, grau de diversificação e retorno das empresas. Foi necessário montar um banco de dados com séries de receita e de proxies de geração de caixa por negócios, o qual não se encontra prontamente disponível na Bloomberg, Economática ou em outras bases de dados públicas. Estimamos os efeitos da diversificação fazendo o uso do CAPM para calcular o beta das empresas e das estatísticas básicas das séries históricas de retornos para encontrar o Índice de Sharpe. Examinamos os demonstrativos financeiros das empresas para entender com maior profundidade seus negócios para uma amostra equivalente a 50% do valor de mercado das top 100 empresas de mineração do mundo para o período entre 2002 e 2014. Por fim, abordamos, sob a forma de estudo de caso, questões relevantes na diversificação como a eficiência e a disciplina na alocação de capital. Nosso estudo confirmou que existe uma correlação negativa entre o risco e o grau de diversificação e que há sinais que sugerem que as companhias mais focadas possuem maior disciplina na alocação do capital, e, com isso geram mais valor para seus acionistas.


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This paper revisits Modern Portfolio Theory and derives eleven properties of Efficient Allocations and Portfolios in the presence of leverage. With different degrees of leverage, an Efficient Portfolio is a linear combination of two portfolios that lie in different efficient frontiers - which allows for an attractive reinterpretation of the Separation Theorem. In particular a change in the investor risk-return preferences will leave the allocation between the Minimum Risk and Risk Portfolios completely unaltered - but will change the magnitudes of the tactical risk allocations within the Risk Portfolio. The paper also discusses the role of diversification in an Efficient Portfolio, emphasizing its more tactical, rather than strategic character