941 resultados para Diurnal variations.


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Responses of photosynthetic rates, determined by oxygen evolution using the light and dark bottles technique, to different temperatures, irradiances, pH, and diurnal rhythm were analyzed under laboratory conditions in four charophyte species (Chara braunii Gmelin, C. guairensis R. Bicudo, Nitella subglomerata A. Braun and Nitella sp.) from Iotic habitats in southeastern Brazil. Parameters derived from the photosynthesis versus irradiance curves indicated affinity to low irradiances for all algae tested. Some degree of photoinhibition, [β = -(0.30-0.13) mg 02 g-1 dry weight h-1 (μmol photons m-2 s-1)-1], low light compensation points (lc = 4-20 μmol photons m-2 s-1) were found for all species analyzed, as well as low values of light saturation parameter (lk) and saturation (ls) 29-130 and 92-169 μmol photons m-2 S-1, respectively. Photoacclimation was observed in two populations of N. subglomerata collected from sites with different irradiances, consisting of variations in photosynthetic parameters (higher values of α, and lower of lk and maximum photosynthetic rate, Pmax, in the population under lower irradiance). The highest photosynthetic rates for Chara species were observed at 10-15°C, while for Nitella the highest photosynthetic rate was observed at 20-25°C, despite the lack of significant differences among most levels tested. Rates of dark respiration significantly increase with temperature, with the highest values at 25°C. The results from pH experiments showed highest photosynthetic rates under pH 4.0 for all algae, suggesting higher affinity for inorganic carbon in the form of carbon dioxide, except in one population of N. subglomerata, with similar rates under the three levels, suggesting indistinct use of bicarbonate and carbon dioxide. Diurnal changes in photosynthetic rates revealed a general pattern for most algae tested, which was characterized by two peaks: the first (higher) during the morning (07.00-11.00) and the second (lower) in the afternoon (14.00-17.00). This suggests an endogenous rhythm determining the daily variations in photosynthetic rates.


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The nutritional value of zooplankton (lipid and phosphorus contents) was analyzed in outdoor, plankton-culture tanks, to monitor the effects of diurnal variation and fertilization. Total lipid contents were significantly higher (average values of about 14% DW) for the treatment fertilized during the sampling week. A significantly highher total lipid concentrations generally coincided with high biomass of Moina sp. (Cladocera) and Thermocyclops sp. nauplii (Copepoda), which is probably related to zooplankton filtration rates. The values tended to be higher during the afternoon and the night. Phosphorus contents in the zooplanktonic population varied from 0.15 to 0.91% DW, with significant differences among the tanks. The zooplankton nutritional quality was greatly influenced by fertilization, which also determined the species composition in the tanks.


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To determine whether glucose tolerance varies throughout the day in people with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). We studied 15 healthy IGT, and 18 matched normal glucose tolerant (NGT) individuals. Blood samples were taken every 30-120 min during a 24 h period in which all individuals had three mixed meals and nocturnal sleep. We measured glucose, free fatty acids, specific insulin, intact proinsulin, cortisol and growth hormone. Variable responses were considered as concentrations and areas under the curves. Comparison between the groups was by Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney, and analysis of variance. Higher total glucose response, inappropriate normal total insulin response, and unproportionally increased proinsulin total response were observed in the IGT group. Lower glucose tolerance occurred in IGT after dinner, as in the NGT, and after breakfast associated with increased insulin response after breakfast, and similar proinsulin response after all three meals. IGT had higher glucose response than NGT after breakfast and lunch, similar insulin responses, and increased proinsulin-insulin ratio after all three meals. Data from this study demonstrate that IGT individuals present lower glucose tolerance in the evening, as those with NGT, and in the morning, as reported in patients with type 2 diabetes. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The main purpose of this work is to report the presence of spurious discontinuities in the pattern of diurnal variation of sea level pressure of the three reanalysis datasets from: the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and National Center for Atmospheric Science (R1), the NCEP and Department of Energy (R2), and the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ERA-40). Such discontinuities can be connected to the major changes in the global observing system that have occurred throughout reanalyses years. In the R1, the richest period in discontinuities is 1956-1958, coinciding with the start of modern radiosonde observation network. Rapid increase in the density of surface-based observations from 1967 also had an important impact on both R1 and ERA-40, with larger impact on R1. The reanalyses show discontinuities in the 1970s related to the assimilation of radiances measured by the Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer and TIROS-N Operational Vertical Sounders onboard satellites. In the ERA-40, which additionally assimilated Special Sensor Microwave/Imager data, there are discontinuities in 1987-1989. The R1 also presents further discontinuities, in 1988-1993 likely connected to replacement/introduction of NOAA-series satellites with different biases, and to the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in June 1991, which is known to have severely affected measurements of infrared radiances for several years. The discontinuities in 1996-1998 might be partially connected to change in the type of radiosonde, from VIZ-B to VIZ-B2. The R2, which covers only satellite era (1979-on), shows discontinuities mainly in 1992, 1996-1997, and 2001. The discontinuities in 1992 and 2001 might have been caused by change in the satellite measurements and those in 1996-1997 by some changes in land-based observations network. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Quantitative variations in heterotrophic plate count (HPC) and in the presence of indicator microorganisms in 0.5, 1.5 and 20-L bottles of different brands of Brazilian mineral water were analyzed during their shelf life. No variations were identified in the presence of indicator microorganisms, but quantitative variations in HPC were observed in some brands, which suggests that changes may be occurring in the water quality during storage. The aim of this study was also to evaluate the quality of the bottled mineral waters and the presence of enterococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were verified in six and two bottles, respectively, which is in disagreement with the microbiological quality criteria established in the current legislation. Although no limit is set for HPC in mineral water, this study relies on the limit of 500 colony-forming units per mL of sample (CFU/mL). Seventy-two bottles presented levels above 500 CFU/mL and up to 560,000 CFU/mL. This study showed that the control of HPC (<500 CFU/mL) for non-returnable packaging seems to be adequate to ensure the quality of mineral water during storage. The high values of HPC and its variations detected during storage seem to fully justify the need for a reevaluation of the use of HPC in bottled mineral water quality management. More detailed studies on the potential health risk of HPC and its variations in mineral water are also needed. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Trypanosoma cruzi comprises a pool of populations which are genetically diverse in terms of DNA content, growth and infectivity. Inter- and intra-strain karyotype heterogeneities have been reported, suggesting that chromosomal rearrangements occurred during the evolution of this parasite. Clone D11 is a single-cell-derived clone of the T. cruzi G strain selected by the minimal dilution method and by infecting Vero cells with metacyclic trypomastigotes. Here we report that the karyotype of clone D11 differs from that of the G strain in both number and size of chromosomal bands. Large chromosomal rearrangement was observed in the chromosomes carrying the tubulin loci. However, most of the chromosome length polymorphisms were of small amplitude, and the absence of one band in clone D11 in relation to its reference position in the G strain could be correlated to the presence of a novel band migrating above or below this position. Despite the presence of chromosomal polymorphism, large syntenic groups were conserved between the isolates. The appearance of new chromosomal bands in clone D11 could be explained by chromosome fusion followed by a chromosome break or interchromosomal exchange of large DNA segments. Our results also suggest that telomeric regions are involved in this process. The variant represented by clone D11 could have been induced by the stress of the cloning procedure or could, as has been suggested for Leishmania infantum, have emerged from a multiclonal, mosaic parasite population submitted to frequent DNA amplification/deletion events, leading to a 'mosaic' structure with different individuals having differently sized versions of the same chromosomes. If this is the case, the variant represented by clone D11 would be better adapted to survive the stress induced by cloning, which includes intracellular development in the mammalian cell. Karyotype polymorphism could be part of the T. cruzi arsenal for responding to environmental pressure. © 2013 Lima et al.


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Strong diurnal cycles in ambient aerosol mass were observed in a rural region of Southeast Brazil where the trace composition of the lower troposphere is governed mainly by emissions from agro-industry. An optical particle counter was used to record size-segregated aerosol number concentrations between 13 May 2010 and 15 March 2011. The data were collected every 10 min and used to calculate aerosol mass concentrations. Aerosol samples were also collected onto filters during daytime (10:00-16:00 local time) and nighttime (20:00-06:00) periods, for subsequent analysis of soluble ions and water-soluble organic carbon. Biomass burning aerosols predominated during the dry winter, while secondary aerosols were most important in the summer rainy season. In both seasons, diurnal cycles in calculated aerosol mass concentrations were due to the uptake of water by the aerosols and, to a lesser extent, to emissions and secondary aerosol formation. In neither season could the observed mass changes be explained by changes in the depth of the boundary layer. In the summer, nighttime increases in aerosol mass ranged from 2.7-fold to 81-fold, depending on particle size, while in the winter, the range was narrower, from 2.2-fold to 9.5-fold, supporting the possibility that the presence of particles derived from biomass burning reduced the overall ability of the aerosols to absorb water. Key Points Diurnal cycle of agro-industrial aerosol mass governed by humidity Biomass burning emissions act to suppress particle growth Need to consider diurnal mass cycles in aerosol dry deposition models ©2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.


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Changes to the structure of the phytoplankton community and to the physical and chemical variables of the water were investigated in oxbow lakes with different levels of connection to a tropical river and subject to annual hydrological pulse variations. The selected lentic environments are located at the mouth region of the main tributary in a reservoir built for water storage and electric power generation. The temporal variation of phytoplankton in the studied lentic environments can be attributed mainly to the hydrological level of the river. A similar variation pattern of the ecological attributes was observed in the structure of the phytoplankton community in the connected lakes and Paranapanema River, evidencing the high degree of association that the lacustrine systems maintain with the river. The highest values of richness and diversity for connected environments were observed at the end of the emptying period and in the drought. However, considering the isolated lake, the highest values of these attributes were recorded during the flooding period. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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This paper develops a structural general equilibrium model to analyse the reactions of the nominal exchange rate and the domestic price level to three types of external shock in emerging economies that have limited access to world capital markets. Although the results depend crucially on the type of external shock, each of the two national balance-sheet parameters considered here —the risk premium and the ratio of external indebtedness— exacerbates the reactions of the two endogenous variables without altering the degree of exchange-rate pass-through (erpt). Moreover, flatter Phillips curves, as observed today in many economies, tend to increase erpt. On the basis of these results, the authorities of emerging economies seeking to stabilize markets and limit erpt are advised to minimize the two risk parameters by applying a flexible inflation-targeting regime.


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A grande importância dos recursos pesqueiros para a Amazônia, aliada à necessidade de ampliar os conhecimentos básicos sobre identificação das larvas de peixes (coletadas em ambiente natural), justifica o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, que tem como objetivo expandir as informações sobre o ictioplâncton, relacionando as com as tendências de variação diária e entre marés, do complexo estuarino do rio Amazonas – PA. As coletas foram realizadas durante o período diurno e noturno, no segundo semestre de 2007, pelo Projeto PIATAM mar II, sob ponto fixo na subárea 1 (estuário do rio Paracauari) e na subárea 2 (baía do Guajará) nas marés de sizígia e quadratura, em arrastos horizontais na sub-superfície da coluna d‟água com rede de plâncton cônico-cilíndrica e malha de 300μm. As amostras foram acondicionadas em recipientes contendo formalina a 4%. Os fatores hidrológicos foram obtidos in situ pelo Grupo de Oceanografia Química do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi. As amostras foram triadas e identificadas por meio de características morfológicas, morfométricas e merísticas, baseando-se na técnica de sequência regressiva de desenvolvimento e em bibliografias especializadas. As principais estruturas e características das fases iniciais dos peixes foram descritas e ilustradas, facilitando assim futuros estudos ictioplanctônicos para região. A temperatura superficial da água, potencial hidrogeniônico e oxigênio dissolvido não apresentaram diferenças significativas nas áreas estudadas. Os valores de salinidade não apresentaram diferença significativa entre as estações de coleta e marés, registrando apenas variação horizontal com aumento gradativo em direção à foz com valores máximos (12) e mínimos (0) para as subárea 1 e subárea 2, respectivamente. As maiores densidades de ovos foram registradas na subárea 1, em relação à subárea 2, com as maiores densidades para o período diurno (163,29 ovos/100m³) na subárea 1 e noturno (19,70 ovos/100m³) na subárea 2. As larvas foram distribuídas em 22 taxa representados por 13 famílias e 21 espécies, sendo os taxa dominantes: P. flavipinnis (46,29%), R. amazonica (19,75%), Engraulidae (10,70%), P. squamosissimus (7,55%), A. lineatus (5,19%), O. saurus (3,30%) e Gobiosoma sp. (2,15%), com elevada participação relativa dos Clupeiformes (76,75%). Quanto aos estágios de desenvolvimento, foi observada maior abundância de larvas em pré-flexão nas subáreas 1 e 2, sendo o estágio larval vitelino e pós-flexão os menos representativos. O período noturno apresentou as maiores densidade de larvas e número de taxa, evidenciando uma possível migração nictemeral do ictioplâncton. Apenas M. furnieri apresentou abundância significativamente maior nas amostras diurnas. A grande maioria dos taxa não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre as abundâncias diurnas e noturnas. Logo, a densidade de larvas e o número de taxa diferem entre o período diurno e noturno e entre maré. Portanto, as características morfológicas descritas no presente trabalho permitem uma adequada identificação das larvas, ampliando o conhecimento biológico das espécies estuarinas do litoral paraense, uma vez que as informações sobre larvas de peixes ainda são escassas, fazendo-se necessária uma intensificação nas pesquisas. Além disso, a compreensão da ecologia dos organismos, sobre tudo daqueles que apresentam seu ciclo de vida associado aos estuários, e as variações no transporte das larvas entre os períodos do dia e da noite e entre as marés são questões fundamentais para aprimorar o manejo e a conservação destes recursos renováveis.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT


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Zircões de granitos das Suítes Jamon (SJ), Serra dos Carajás (SSC) e Velho Guilherme (SVG) foram estudados em MEV por meio de imagens de elétrons retroespalhados e catodoluminescência e análises pontuais por EDS. Granitos e greisens da SVG apresentam zircões dominantemente anédricos, alterados e intensamente corroídos, enriquecidos em Hf e com as mais baixas razões Zr/Hf, as quais nos granitos tendem a decrescer no sentido das fácies mais evoluídas. Zircões da SJ são euédricos a subédricos, zonados e pouco alterados, comparativamente empobrecidos em Hf e com as mais elevadas razões Zr/Hf, indicando potencial reduzido para geração de mineralização estanífera. Zircões dos granitos da SSC são subédricos a anédricos, alterados e corroídos e com conteúdos de Hf e razões Zr/Hf intermediárias a dos zircões das SJ e SVG. Granitos da SVG com mineralizações de Sn, W e Ta apresentam zircões com razões Zr/Hf entre 7 e 22. Conclui-se que razões desta ordem podem ser utilizadas como guia prospectivo de granitos especializados. Por outro lado, zircões de greisens associados ao Granito Cigano da SSC apresentaram razão Zr/Hf média em torno de 23, porém nenhuma cassiterita foi encontrada nessas rochas. Isto indica que estes zircões preservaram sua assinatura magmática original. O estudo desenvolvido permitiu distinguir as três suítes graníticas em termos de composição de zircão, e mostrou a importância da assinatura geoquímica desse mineral, sobretudo da razão Zr/Hf, na identificação de granitos especializados. Análises de zircões por MEV-EDS podem, portanto, ser utilizadas na avaliação preliminar do potencial metalogenético de granitos estaníferos.


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Este artigo mostra a distribuição dos nutrientes no estuário do rio Paracauari, durante um ciclo hidrológico amazônico (2008), e no final do período de La Niña (abril de 2008). Esse estuário é influenciado por clima tropical úmido e meso-marés (3 a 4m), semi-diurna. A amostragem foi realizada em 10 estações em três períodos sazonais distintos: chuvoso (março), intermediário (junho) e menos chuvoso (setembro). Medimos “in situ” os parâmetros físico-químicos utilizando uma sonda multiparâmetro; analisamos os nutrientes dissolvidos (nitrato, nitrito, n-amoniacal, fosfato e silicato) por espectofotometria e o material particulado em suspensão por gravimetria. Observamos amplas variações sazonais nas concentrações dos parâmetros estudados. A temperatura da água (média de 28,58 ºC) é bastante homogênea, típica das águas tropicais. O pH variou de ácido (5,80) à alcalino (7,86) e a salinidade entre 0,06 a 7,56 ambos com valores máximos na foz, devido à maior influência marinha. As águas são mal oxigenadas no período chuvoso (2,35 mg.L-1) e bem no menos chuvoso (6,55 mg.L-1). As concentrações de material particulado em suspensão e de nutrientes foram máximas no período chuvoso devido ao aporte natural proveniente das áreas adjacentes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)