765 resultados para Demoniac possession.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Na Amazônia as plantas medicinais são um dos principais recursos para o tratamento de diversas doenças, dado o contexto cultural, o acesso, confiabilidade e baixo custo em comparação aos medicamentos industriais. Nesse contexto, encontra-se o Distrito de Marudá, no Município de Marapanim, a 160 Km da capital Belém, onde é comum o uso de plantas medicinais para o tratamento de agravos à saúde. O Brasil registra vários levantamentos de espécies vegetais utilizadas na fitoterapia popular de um grupo humano, aplicando-se metodologias etnoorientadas como etnobotânica e etnofarmácia, para inventariar a flora. Este trabalho objetiva investigar a prática da fitoterapia popular pelos moradores do bairro do Sossego, incluindo um grupo de mulheres denominado Erva Vida no Distrito de Marudá - PA, ilustrando a importância das plantas medicinais para este grupo humano em termos culturais, econômicos e ambientais. Para isso realizou-se um levantamento etnofarmacêutico visando identificar as plantas medicinais utilizadas pela população local. Foram entrevistados 18 praticantes da fitoterapia popular (pessoas detentoras de conhecimento sobre as plantas medicinais) que foram indicados pela própria comunidade do bairro do Sossego, seguindo a técnica bola-de-neve ou “Snow Ball”. As mulheres do Grupo Erva Vida, por também serem detentoras de conhecimentos sobre as plantas medicinais também foram entrevistadas. Foram citadas 96 etnoespécies de uso medicinal, segundo as informantes, elas distribuem-se em 44 famílias, destacando-se a Lamiaceae, com 11 etnoespécies (11,70%) e Asteraceae, com 7 etnoespécies (7,44%). O agravo mais citado é a febre, tratada com a planta anador que possui a maior Frequência relativa de alegação de uso (FRAPS), com 100% das indicações, seguida da arruda com 88% para tratar a dor de cabeça. Estas duas plantas apresentam potencial para mais estudos farmacológicos para validar suas alegações de uso popular. O presente trabalho registra o saber popular sobre a fitoterapia popular praticada no bairro do Sossego, Marudá – Marapanim, PA e traz subsídios para futuros projetos para o desenvolvimento de arranjos produtivos locais com fitoterápicos e para a utilização de remédios preparados pelo Grupo Erva Vida na atenção básica a saúde no Distrito assim induzindo o Desenvolvimento Local em Marudá.


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O pluralismo é uma marca da democracia contemporânea e a Constituição de 1988 representou um importante avanço na proteção das diversidades no Brasil, consagrando a multiplicidade de idéias, culturas e etnias, e pressupondo o diálogo entre opiniões e pensamentos divergentes. Neste contexto, os povos indígenas adquiriram o direito à alteridade, ou seja, foram respeitadas as suas especificidades étnico-culturais, garantindo-lhes o direito de serem e permanecerem índios. A delimitação, a desintrusão e a proteção de um espaço territorial adequado para os diferentes povos indígenas são consideradas como uma condição essencial para a sobrevivência física e cultural desses grupos. O presente trabalho pretende, então, analisar a interpretação adotada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) na Súmula 650, acerca do termo “terras tradicionalmente ocupadas por índios” (CF/88 art. 231, §§ 1º e 2º), de forma a compreender o seu alcance e os seus limites de aplicação. Para tanto, inicialmente, foi reconstruído o itinerário do conceito nos julgados do STF, analisando-se as decisões que trataram do tema. O marco inicial é a Súmula 480 e seus precedentes e o final, a Súmula 650, com a análise dos casos que a conformaram. Como resultado, verificou-se que, nas decisões anteriores à Súmula 650, o Tribunal se afastou do conceito civil de posse para contemplar um conceito de posse indígena, no qual a atualidade pode ser secundária, diante de provas que comprovem a ocupação tradicional. Da análise dos precedentes da Súmula 650, constatou-se que o julgamento envolveu um contexto histórico específico, onde os povos indígenas estavam extintos. Por outro lado, foram utilizados argumentos generalizantes que se indiscriminadamente aplicados poderão causar sérios prejuízos aos direitos territoriais indígenas, sobretudo quanto à restituição de terras tradicionais. A partir dos resultados, concluiu-se que o Enunciado da Súmula 650 não pode ser aplicado de forma generalizada, apresentando-se como fundamentos para uma aplicação limitada a faticidade e historicidade do caso concreto; a Convenção 169 da OIT e orientações da Agenda 21; e as demais interpretações do STF acerca do termo “terras tradicionalmente ocupadas”.


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Partindo da teoria de Ramnoux, de que o mito se prolifera em variantes romanescas quando não desempenha mais sua função organizadora na sociedade, consideramos o mito de Mélusine uma variação fragmentada e modificada do mito da mulher-animal das sociedades de caça e coleta. Mélusine parece ter inspirado o conto A dama pé-de-cabra de Alexandre Herculano, no qual pnvilegiou-se o maravilhoso cristão, por isso encontramos neste somente os aspectos demoníacos do personagem mítico, pois não se trata mais do mito, propriamente dito, que reflete o contexto social, cultural e temporal de um povo. Em decorrência desse raciocínio, consideramos A dama pé-de-cabra uma criação literária que representa uma inversão do mito inicial.


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Aimed to analyze the economic feasibility of replacing hay Cynodon spp by hay banana crop residues in diet of lambs. We used 25 Santa Inês lambs, with an average age of five months and an average initial weight of 26.5kg, distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments (40% hay Cynodon spp. + 60% concentrate, 20% hay banana leaf and 20% of Cynodon spp. + 60% concentrate, 40% of banana leaf hay + 60% concentrate, 20% hay pseudostem of banana and 20% of Cynodon spp. + 60% concentrate, 40% hay pseudostem of banana + 60% concentrate). After 69 days of experiment the animals were slaughtered. Possession of the cost of each diet and consumption of animals was calculated economic feasibility. Treatment with 40% of banana leaf hay + 60% concentrate showed the best economic indicators, based on the highest net income, the higher rate of return to higher profitability and marketing of live animals or slaughtered. The inclusion of banana crop residues in the diet of growing lambs increases the economic viability of the activity.


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This article analyzes the data resultant of the accomplishment, between 2008 and 2009, of an extension and research project on the international exchange of letters between teachers and students from elementary schools in the towns of Garça and Marília, São Paulo State, Brazil, with a school in the city of Azaruja, Portugal and another in the city of Luanda, Angola. It was developed by a team of students and teachers, UNESP, Marília, in order to promote the exchange via personal letters for that students, between 8 and 9 years old, could take possession of the written language, in this case Portuguese, and understand it as an instrument steeped in culture. The choice of this kind in the world of the epistolary genre was made because it promotes the participation of the Other in the configuration of dialogic relations in the elaboration of the statements, taken as a reference in a Bakhtinian conception of language. It aimed to (1) point, in the letters exchanged between teachers and students between the Portuguese, Brazilians and Angolans in the early years, the evidence of authorship linguistic behavior that could signal the beginning of autonomy in the use of the written modality of language, or signs of submissive behavior; (2) reveal the cultural content of language tools used to construct indicators listed on the customs of each people, including those constituting school doings. For the generation of data were used principles of action research, which enabled direct action, along with Brazilian teachers, and indirectly, in the case of the foreign teachers. From the analysis of the corpus of research - letters exchanged between teachers and students - it is clear that the appropriation of language as a speech act realized in human relations makes the old personal correspondence a powerful instrument of development in the area of the written language.


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Abstract: The civil war in the former Yugoslavia (1991 - 1995) had a strong ethnicreligious component. In an attempt to maintain the cohesion of an artificially created state post-first World War, identities were sought and accepted - and institutionalized - the differences between the various peoples that constituted the "land of the South Slavs". From the 1980s the differences were highlighted during the war and taken to the extreme, especially in the territories of Croatia and BosniaHerzegovina. From literature and the author's personal experience and using concepts of culture, ethnicity, identity, difference, belonging, nation and state, the text shows how the ethnic-religious differences were used during the civil war in Yugoslavia to claim possession of territories, strengthen discourse of the impossibility of coexistence, overvalue potential threats and fear and justify the perpetration of crimes against humanity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Since its origin, soccer has been conquering followers all over the world. As a consequence of this cultural phenomenon, countless works are being done aiming to analyze the game systems and the fundamentals carried out by a team. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Brazilian Soccer Team’s game systems and actions with ball possession in the 1958, 1962 and 2002 World Cup finals. Specifically, the paper analyzed the actions that occur during the match, such as control, dribble, pass, shot, foul and tackling. In order to achieve that, the Skout software (Barros et al., 2006) was utilized and, through it, all fundamentals carried out by the Brazilian team were identified and codified in a virtual field. The data from each match was transported into the Matlab® software, in which the zone of major action of each player was analyzed, represented by the main axis. The outcome showed that the game systems put into practice by the Brazilian team in the 1958 and 1962 World Cup finals didn’t present significant changes, nevertheless, regarding the 2002 final, there was a great difference. The Brazilian team got similar percentages in the technical actions carried out in the three World Cup finals analyzed, however, in absolute numbers, the passes, the shots and the dribbles decreased while the fouls increased.


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In Brazil, there are three main codes that surround the issue of right or possession of various lands according to concepts of ownership or purchase. When it comes to indigenous issues in Brazil is difficult to say which legal code applies more fairly the native population of the country. In the case of the Indians who have their reserves near urban areas there is such a conflict of laws becomes more evident and takes even greater than in other regions of Brazil. As is the case in the indigenous villages of the District of Jaragua in Greater São Paulo, the Tekoá YTU and Tekoá Pyau. The two villages are located in northeastern São Paulo and currently are surrounded by continuous growth and disorderly city of Sao Paulo while their inhabitants fight to preserve the customs and traditions of the Guarani people. They prevail on the City Statute (2001), the Indian Statute (EDI) Environmental Laws and the National Council of Environment (CONAMA) and the Forestry Code, the latter solely because they are near the State Park Jaragua - area environmental preservation


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This work aims to investigate the presence of algebra in Brazilian school legislation, from 1980 to the present day. The research was developed through qualitative research, with phenomenological approach, using hermeneutic procedures for the analyzes of legal texts. Survey data were obtained through a survey about the educational legislation, specifically referring to the elementary school, guided by the question how is the presence of algebra in brazilian school legislation that organizes the elementary school?. In possession of the data, the analyzes were carried out considering the historical, social and political environment in which the laws were introduced, focusing the educational landscape of the time, as well as the movements that influenced the teaching of mathematics in the country. The analysis of each text -law were arranged in a row explanatory tables of a meta understanding about the observed. The meta understanding of the documents was drawn up on the basis of the convergence of analyzes that resulted in nuclear ideas of the law texts. At the end a comprehensive synthesis is presented, outlining the movement in which algebra is inserted in schools, through the educational legislation


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)