922 resultados para Data Streams Distribution
For most fisheries applications, the shape of a length-frequency distribution is much more important than its mean length or variance. This makes it difficult to evaluate at which point a sample size is adequate. By estimating the coefficient of variation of the counts in each length class and taking a weighted mean of these, a measure of precision was obtained that takes the precision in all length classes into account. The precision estimates were closely associated with the ratio of the sample size to the number of size classes in each sample. As a rule-of-thumb, a minimum sample size of 10 times the number of length classes in the sample is suggested because the precision deteriorates rapidly for smaller sample sizes. In absence of such a rule-of-thumb, samplers have previously under-estimated the required sample size for samples with large fish, while over-sampling small fish of the same species.
Because of a lack of fishery-dependent data, assessment of the recovery of fish stocks that undergo the most aggressive form of management, namely harvest moratoriums, remains a challenge. Large schools of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) were common along the northern Gulf of Mexico until the late 1980s when increased fishing effort quickly depleted the stock. After 24 years of harvest moratorium on red drum in federal waters, the stock is in need of reassessment; however, fisherydependent data are not available in federal waters and fishery-independent data are limited. We document the distribution, age composition, growth, and condition of red drum in coastal waters of the north central Gulf of Mexico, using data collected from a nearshore, randomized, bottom longline survey. Age composition of the fishery-independent catch indicates low mortality of fish age 6 and above and confirms the effectiveness of the federal fishing moratorium. Bottom longline surveys may be a cost-effective method for developing fishery-independent indices for red drum provided additional effort can be added to nearshore waters (<20 m depth). As with most stocks under harvest bans, effective monitoring of the recovery of red drum will require the development of fishery-independent indices. With limited economic incentive to evaluate non-exploited stocks, the most cost-effective approach to developing such monitoring is expansion of existing fishery independent surveys. We examine this possibility for red drum in the Gulf of Mexico and recommend the bottom longline survey conducted by the National Marine Fisheries Service expand effort in nearshore areas to allow for the development of long-term abundance indices for red drum.
Recent player tracking technology provides new information about basketball game performance. The aim of this study was to (i) compare the game performances of all-star and non all-star basketball players from the National Basketball Association (NBA), and (ii) describe the different basketball game performance profiles based on the different game roles. Archival data were obtained from all 2013-2014 regular season games (n = 1230). The variables analyzed included the points per game, minutes played and the game actions recorded by the player tracking system. To accomplish the first aim, the performance per minute of play was analyzed using a descriptive discriminant analysis to identify which variables best predict the all-star and non all-star playing categories. The all-star players showed slower velocities in defense and performed better in elbow touches, defensive rebounds, close touches, close points and pull-up points, possibly due to optimized attention processes that are key for perceiving the required appropriate environmental information. The second aim was addressed using a k-means cluster analysis, with the aim of creating maximal different performance profile groupings. Afterwards, a descriptive discriminant analysis identified which variables best predict the different playing clusters. The results identified different playing profile of performers, particularly related to the game roles of scoring, passing, defensive and all-round game behavior. Coaching staffs may apply this information to different players, while accounting for individual differences and functional variability, to optimize practice planning and, consequently, the game performances of individuals and teams.
Data from ichthyoplankton surveys conducted in 1972 and from 1977 to 1999 (no data were collected in 1980) by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (NOAA, NMFS) in the western Gulf of Alaska were used to examine the timing of spawning, geographic distribution and abundance, and the vertical distribution of eggs and larvae of flathead sole (Hippoglossoides elassodon). In the western Gulf of Alaska, flathead sole spawning began in early April and peaked from early to mid-May on the continental shelf. It progressed in a southwesterly direction along the Alaska Peninsula where three main areas of flathead sole spawning were indentified: near the Kenai Peninsula, in Shelikof Strait, and between the Shumagin Islands and Unimak Island. Flathead sole eggs are pelagic, and their depth distribution may be a function of their developmental stage. Data from MOCNESS tows indicated that eggs sink near time of hatching and the larvae rise to the surface to feed. The geographic distribution of larvae followed a pattern similar to the distribution of eggs, only it shifted about one month later. Larval abundance peaked from early to mid-June in the southern portion of Shelikof Strait. Biological and environmental factors may help to retain flathead sole larvae on the continental shelf near their juvenile nursery areas.
We consider estimation of mortality rates and growth parameters from length-frequency data of a fish stock and derive the underlying length distribution of the population and the catch when there is individual variability in the von Bertalanffy growth parameter L∞. The model is flexible enough to accommodate 1) any recruitment pattern as a function of both time and length, 2) length-specific selectivity, and 3) varying fishing effort over time. The maximum likelihood method gives consistent estimates, provided the underlying distribution for individual variation in growth is correctly specified. Simulation results indicate that our method is reasonably robust to violations in the assumptions. The method is applied to tiger prawn data (Penaeus semisulcatus) to obtain estimates of natural and fishing mortality.
In July 2006, a mandatory observer program was implemented to characterize the commercial reef fish fishery operating in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. The primary gear types assessed included bottom longline and vertical line (bandit and handline). A total of 73,205 fish (183 taxa) were observed in the longline fishery. Most (66%) were red grouper, Epinephelus morio, and yellowedge grouper, E. flavolimbatus. In the vertical line fishery, 89,015 fish (178 taxa) were observed of which most (60%) were red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, and vermilion snapper, Rhomboplites aurorubens. Based on surface observations of discarded under-sized target and unwanted species, the majority of fish were released alive; minimum assumed mortality was 23% for the vertical line and 24% for the bottom longline fishery. Of the individuals released alive in the longline fishery, 42% had visual signs of barotrauma stress (air bladder expansion/and or eyes protruding). In the vertical line fishery, 35% of the fish were released in a stressed state. Red grouper and red snapper size composition by depth and gear type were determined. Catch-per-unit-effort for dominant species in both fisheries, illustrated spatial differences in distribution between the eastern and western Gulf. Hot Spot Analyses for red grouper and red snapper identified areas with significant clustering of high or low CPUE values.
Bycatch in U.S. fisheries has become an increasingly important issue to both fisheries managers and the public, owing to the wide range of marine resources that can be involved. From 2002 to 2006, the Commercial Shark Fishery Observer Program (CSFOP) and the Shark Bottom Longline Observer Program (SBLOP) collected data on catch and bycatch caught on randomly selected vessels of the U.S. Atlantic shark bottom longline fishery. Three subregions (eastern Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic, Mid-Atlantic Bight), five years (2002–06), four hook types (small, medium, large, and other), seven depth ranges (<50 m to >300 m), and eight broad taxonomic categories (e.g. Selachimorpha, Batoidea, Serranidae, etc.) were used in the analyses. Results indicated that the majority of bycatch (number) was caught in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and that the Selachimorpha taxon category made up over 90% of the total bycatch. The factors year followed by depth were the most common significant factors affecting bycatch.
Os anfíbios anuros que habitam o bioma Mata Atlântica, especialmente em sua floresta ombrófila densa, são pouco conhecidos sob diversos aspectos de sua ecologia, existindo poucas informações disponíveis na literatura científica. Estes dados estão limitados a poucas localidades, geralmente estudos realizados em fragmentos remanescentes do sudeste brasileiro. A mata bem conservada que recobre os 3300 ha da Serra do Mendanha, apesar de localizada na região metropolitana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, ainda não tinha sua anurofauna conhecida. No presente estudo, recolhemos informações ecológicas sobre as espécies que habitam a região, especialmente da assembléia encontrada no folhiço que recobre o solo, com o uso de diferentes metodologias: armadilhas de queda; parcelas cercadas; procura visual e auditiva em transecções e encontros ocasionais; assim como dados abióticos do ambiente regional (profundidade do folhiço; níveis de pH; taxa de oxigênio dissolvido; temperaturas do ar e da água; umidade do ar). Exemplares-testemunho foram fixados e depositados na coleção de anfíbios do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. A anurofauna da Serra do Mendanha é composta por pelo menos 44 espécies que estão distribuídas em 12 famílias, sendo a família Hylidae com o maior número de espécies (50%, n = 22), enquanto que Physalaemus signifer foi a espécie mais abundante (18%, n = 272), sendo habitante do folhiço. A espécie Rhinella ornata contribuiu com a maior biomassa (m = 548 g). Identificamos uma nova espécie de anuro (Brachycephalidae), que também habita o folhiço das cotas altimétricas acima de 700 m. Biogeograficamente a comunidade de anuros da área estudada indicou ser mais similar (68%) com a comunidade da região da Serra da Tiririca e arredores. Comparando-se os três tipo de fisionomias, ou mesohábitats, existentes na Serra do Mendanha, em termos de riqueza e diversidade, a floresta secundária indicou ter os mais elevados índices, seguido pela floresta pouco perturbada e pela monocultura de bananeiras. A assembléia de anuros que habita o folhiço da Serra do Mendanha é composta por nove espécies, que pouco diferiu ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal (0 a 900 m), com o registro das espécies Euparkerella brasiliensis, H. binotatus, Leptodactylus marmoratus e Zachaenus parvulus na maioria das cotas altimétricas. A altitude, a declividade e profundidade do folhiço foram as variáveis abióticas que mais influenciaram na distribuição de abundância e de riqueza de espécies do folhiço. Na estação úmida (setembro a março) a densidade de anuros no folhiço foi de 10,4 ind./100m2, enquanto que na estação seca (abril a agosto) houve uma redução de 34,6% (6,8 ind./100m2). As assembléias de anuros utilizam os recursos hídricos disponíveis na Serra do Mendanha (água da chuva, córregos, fitotelmas, rios e umidade do ar), de diferentes formas, associadas diretamente ao modo reprodutivo de cada espécie. A altitude, a temperatura da água e o pH afetaram a distribuição de espécies de girinos nos diferentes sítios reprodutivos. O modo reprodutivo 1 foi o mais freqüente (n = 18) entre os 14 modos identificados. O estudo de 12 poças (lênticas e lóticas) indicou que estas diferiram consistentemente entre si, seja nas suas dimensões, na composição de suas assembléias de girinos e nos seus componentes abióticos. Diversos predadores de girinos foram encontrados em algumas poças. A assembléia de girinos de cada poça indicou ser moldada pela interação de diferentes fatores ambientais, ecológicos e filogenéticos de cada espécie
Twenty-nine verified records of white sharks, Carcharodon carcharias, from British Columbia and Alaska waters (1961–2004) are presented. Record locations ranged from lat. 48°48ʹN to lat. 60°17ʹN, including the northernmost occurrence of a white shark and the first report of this species from the central Bering Sea. White sharks recorded from the study area were generally large, with 95% falling between 3.8 and 5.4 m in length. Mature white sharks of both sexes occur in British Columbia and Alaska waters, although they do not necessarily reproduce there. White sharks actively feed in the study area; their diet is similar to that reported for this species from Washington and northern California waters. Sea surface temperature (SST) concurrent with white shark records from the study area ranged from 16°C to between 6.4°C and 5.0°C, extending the lower extreme of the range of SST from which this species has been previously reported. White shark strandings are rarely reported, yet 16 (55%) of the records in this study are of beached animals; strandings generally occurred later in the year and at lower latitudes than nonstrandings. No significant correlation was found between white shark records in the study area and El Niño events and no records occurred during La Niña events. The data presented here indicate that white sharks are more abundant in the cold waters of British Columbia and Alaska than previous records suggest.
The Northern Rockfish, Sebastes polyspinis, in Alaska: Commercial Fishery, Distribution, and Biology
The northern rockfish, Sebastes polyspinis, is the second most abundant rockfish in Alaska, and it supports a valuable trawl fishery. Little information is available, however, on either the biology of this species or its commercial fishery. To provide a synopsis of information on northern rockfish in Alaska, this study examined data for this species from commercial fishery observations in 1990–98 and from fishery-independent trawl surveys in 1980–99. Nearly all the commercial catch came from bottom trawling, mostly by large factory-trawlers, although smaller shore-based trawlers in recent years took an increasing portion of the catch in the Gulf of Alaska. Most of the northern rockfish catch in the Gulf of Alaska was taken by a directed fishery, whereas that of the Aleutian Islands predominantly came as discarded bycatch in the Atka mackerel fishery. In both regions, most of the catch was taken from a number of relatively small and discrete fishing grounds at depths of 75–150 m in the Gulf of Alaska and 75–175 m in the Aleutian Islands. These grounds, especially in the Gulf of Alaska, are on shallow rises or banks located on the outer continental shelf, and often are surrounded by deeper water. Five fishing grounds were identified in the Gulf of Alaska, and eleven in the Aleutian Islands. One fishing ground in the Gulf of Alaska, the “Snakehead” south of Kodiak Island, accounted for 46% of the total northern rockfish catch in this region. Analysis of the survey data generally revealed similar patterns of geographic distribution as those seen in the fishery, although some of the commercial fishing grounds did not stand out as areas of special abundance in the surveys. The surveys also found two areas of abundance that were not evident in the fishery data. Relatively few juvenile northern rockfish were caught in any of the surveys, but those taken in the Gulf of Alaska tended to occur more inshore and at shallower depths than adults. Individual size of northern rockfish was substantially larger in the Gulf of Alaska than in the Aleutian Islands according to both fishery and survey data. Analysis of age data from each region supports this, as Gulf of Alaska fish were found to grow significantly faster and reach a larger maximum length than those in the Aleutian Islands. Sex ratio in the Gulf of Alaska was nearly 50:50, but females predominated in the Aleutian Islands by a ratio of 57:43. In both regions, size of females was significantly larger than males.
No presente estudo foi avaliada (i) a estrutura das assembleias de peixes de igarapés de terra-firme ao longo do contínuo fluvial do rio Machado, na bacia do rio Amazonas, (ii) os efeitos de alterações ambientais sobre as assembleias de peixes de igarapés através de comparações entre áreas íntegras (em uma Unidade de conservação) e alteradas por ação antrópica na bacia hidrográfica do rio Machado, e (iii) a organização espacial das assembleias de peixes de tributários de baixa ordem na bacia do rio Machado através da avaliação dos padrões de co-ocorrência das espécies, identificando os possíveis fatores estruturadores dessas assembleias e através de uma Análise de Parcimônia de Endemismo (PAE). As amostragens foram realizadas entre os meses de agosto e setembro de 2011, junho e agosto de 2012 e julho de 2013, totalizando 81 igarapés. Os peixes foram coletados durante uma hora em um trecho de 80 metros, com o auxilio de uma rede de mão (picaré) e um puçá. Para o capítulo 1, um maior número de indivíduos e espécies foram encontradas no trecho baixo quando comparado o trecho alto da bacia. Todavia, somente foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o trecho alto e os trechos médio e baixo. Assim, rejeitamos nossa hipótese de diferenças entre os trechos analisados, onde esperávamos que a riqueza e abundância de espécies de igarapés aumentaria no gradiente longitudinal cabeceira-foz do rio Machado. Contudo, apesar da não confirmação da hipótese, um padrão de adição e substituição de espécies foi observado do trecho alto para o médio, e um padrão de substituição de espécies foi observado do trecho médio para o baixo. Referente ao capítulo 2, apontamos que apesar da área desflorestada não apresentar diferenças marcantes na riqueza de espécies e abundância, quando comparada com a área com igarapés conservados, esta (área desflorestada) apresentou elevada similaridade a nível composicional entre os igarapés amostrados (menor diversidade beta), diferentemente dos igarapés localizados na Rebio, que apresentaram maior número de espécies com hábitos mais especializados. Igarapés desflorestados apresentaram homogeneização da sua ictiofauna em comparação com igarapés providos de mata ripária, refletindo a maior homogeneização estrutural encontrada em igarapés com baixo percentual de cobertura vegetal. Dessa forma, a retirada da cobertura vegetal em igarapés com comunidades mais diversificads e especializadas, como os da Rebio Jaru, promoveria a homogeneização das espécies acarretando a perda destas, assim como a substituição destas por espécies tolerantes a condições ambientais comuns a ambientes alterados. Para o capítulo 3, embora não tenhamos encontrado áreas de endemismo na bacia analisada, apontamos que a influência da estrutura física dos igarapés sobre a composição de espécies é o principal fator modulador da estruturação da assembleia de peixes. Todavia, tal fator não se aplica a estruturação da assembleia baseada na coocorrência de espécies, haja vista que, a análise de toda a bacia com diferentes níveis de uso de solo, apresentou um padrão organizacional não aleatório
This is the Evaluation of the impact of cypermethrin use in forestry on Welsh streams from the University of Plymouth, published on September 2010 by the Environment Agency South West. The report focuses attention on Cypermethrin, a highly active synthetic pyrethroid insecticide effective against a wide range of pests in agriculture, public health, and animal husbandry. It is also used in forestry to control the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis. Cypermethrin is very toxic to aquatic invertebrates and fish at nanogram per litre concentrations. This project checks the effectiveness of current best practice measures in minimising the risk of pollution associated with the use of cypermethrin in forestry in Wales. Chemical results from the intensive studies show that cypermethrin entered minor watercourses draining treated areas at two of the eight sites. In one of these cases the level was well in excess of the short-term Predicted No Effect Concentration. The absence of a buffer area at the other site resulted in the cypermethrin reaching a main drain. However dilution appeared to be sufficient to prevent any impact on water quality or on the invertebrate community in the main stream. Invertebrate and chemical data from the extensive survey showed little evidence of pollution due to wider use of cypermethrin in Welsh forestry. Finally, a number of recommendations are made for further tightening controls on forestry practice to minimise the risk of cypermethrin entering the aquatic environment.
This is the Acid rain project biosurveys of streams in the Wastwater catchment produced by the North West Water Authority in 1985. This report forms part of a series on component biological investigations, identified by location or topic, within the acid rain project. Reporting of the Wastwater catchment data would not have been given priority ordinarily, but it has been brought forward to coincide with J. Robinson's reporting of his investigations of land use and liming in the catchment. This report shows water chemistry results of a violent rainstorms such pH, alkalinity, Mg, Ca and Al. Moreover it shows invertebrate, fish and chemical data for Wastwater catchment sites.
Organisms were collected on test panels, six inch lengths of dressed two by four inch pine, suspended in the water in a vertical position as described by Turner (1947). The panels were usually located at some convenient structure such as a dock-piling or sea-wall. Except where otherwise indicated by the data, the samples were collected from each station once a month between May 1950 and May 1953. During the three year period, seven hundred and nineteen panels were submerged in Chesapeake Bay. Approximately 14,000 organisms were encountered on these panels of which 20% or approximately 3,000 organisms could be identified from the dried pallets. Preliminary notes on the extent of fouling were made in the field after which the samples were removed to the laboratory for further study.
Jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) and purpleback squid (Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis) (Teuthida: Ommastrephidae) are thought to spawn in the eastern tropical Pacific. We used 10 years of plankton tow and oceanographic data collected in this region to examine the reproductive habits of these 2 ecologically important squid. Paralarvae of jumbo squid and purpleback squid were found in 781 of 1438 plankton samples from surface and oblique tows conducted by the Southwest Fisheries Science Center (NOAA) in the eastern tropical Pacific over the 8-year period of 1998–2006. Paralarvae were far more abundant in surface tows (maximum: 1588 individuals) than in oblique tows (maximum: 64 individuals). A generalized linear model analysis revealed sea-surface temperature as the strongest environmental predictor of paralarval presence in both surface and oblique tows; the likelihood of paralarval presence increases with increasing temperature. We used molecular techniques to identify paralarvae from 37 oblique tows to species level and found that the purpleback squid was more abundant than the jumbo squid (81 versus 16 individuals).