966 resultados para DATA ACQUISITION
Das A4-Experiment bestimmt den Beitrag der Strangequarks zu den elektromagnetischen Formfaktoren des Nukleons durch Messung der Paritätsverletzung in der elastischen Elektron-Nukleon-Streuung. Diese Messungen werden mit dem spinpolarisierten Elektronenstrahl des Mainzer Mikrotrons (MAMI) bei Strahlenergien zwischen 315 und 1508 MeV ndurchgeführt. Die Bestimmung des Strahlpolarisationsgrades ist für die Analyse der Daten unerläßlich, um die physikalische Asymmetrie aus der gemessenen paritätsverletzenden Asymmetrie extrahieren zu können. Aus diesem Grund wird von der A4-Kollaboration ein neuartiges Compton-Laserrückstreupolarimeter entwickelt, das eine zerstörungsfreie Messung der Strahlpolarisation, parallel zum laufenden Paritätsexperiment erlaubt. Um den zuverlässigen Dauerbetrieb des Polarimeters zu ermöglichen, wurde das Polarimeter im Rahmen dieser Arbeit weiterentwickelt. Das Datenerfassungssystem für Photonen- und Elektronendetektor wurde neu aufgebaut und im Hinblick auf die Verarbeitung hoher Raten optimiert. Zum Nachweis der rückgestreuten Photonen wurde ein neuartiger Detektor (LYSO) in Betrieb genommen. Darüber hinaus wurden GEANT4-Simulationen der Detektoren durchgeführt und eine Analyseumgebung für die Extraktion von Comptonasymmetrien aus den Rückstreudaten entwickelt. Das Analyseverfahren nutzt die Möglichkeit, die rückgestreuten Photonen durch koinzidente Detektion der gestreuten Elektronen energiemarkiert nachzuweisen (Tagging). Durch die von der Energiemarkierung eingeführte differentielle Energieskala wird somit eine präzise Bestimmung der Analysierstärke möglich. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Analysierstärke des Polarimeters bestimmt, so daß nun das Produkt von Elektronen- und Laserstrahlpolarisation bei einem Strahlstrom von 20 muA, parallel zum laufenden Paritätsexperiment, mit einer statistischen Genauigkeit von 1% in 24 Stunden bei 855 MeV bzw. <1% in 12 Stunden bei 1508 MeV gemessen werden kann. In Kombination mit der Bestimmung der Laserpolarisation in einer parallelen Arbeit (Y. Imai) auf 1% kann die statistische Unsicherheit der Strahlpolarisation im A4-Experiment von zuvor 5% auf nun 1,5% bei 1508MeV verringert werden. Für die Daten zur Messung der paritätsverletzenden Elektronenstreuung bei einem Viererimpulsübertrag von $Q^2=0,6 (GeV/c)^2$ beträgt die Rohasymmetrie beim derzeitigen Stand der Analyse $A_{PV}^{Roh} = ( -20,0 pm 0,9_{stat} ) cdot 10^{-6}$. Für eine Strahlpolarisation von 80% erhält man einen Gesamtfehler von $1,68 cdot 10^{-6}$ für $Delta P_e/P_e = 5 %$. Als Ergebnis dieser Arbeit wird sich dieser Fehler durch Analyse der Daten des Compton-Laserrückstreupolarimeters um 29% auf $1,19 cdot 10^{-6}$ ($Delta P_e/P_e = 1,5 %$) verringern lassen.
Come risposta positiva alle richieste provenienti dal mondo dei giuristi, spesso troppo distante da quello scientifico, si vuole sviluppare un sistema solido dal punto di vista tecnico e chiaro dal punto di vista giurico finalizzato ad migliore ricerca della verità. L’obiettivo ci si prefigge è quello di creare uno strumento versatile e di facile utilizzo da mettere a disposizione dell’A.G. ed eventualmente della P.G. operante finalizzato a consentire il proseguo dell’attività d’indagine in tempi molto rapidi e con un notevole contenimento dei costi di giustizia rispetto ad una normale CTU. La progetto verterà su analisi informatiche forensi di supporti digitali inerenti vari tipi di procedimento per cui si dovrebbe richiedere una CTU o una perizia. La sperimentazione scientifica prevede un sistema di partecipazione diretta della P.G. e della A.G. all’analisi informatica rendendo disponibile, sottoforma di macchina virtuale, il contenuto dei supporti sequestrati in modo che possa essere visionato alla pari del supporto originale. In questo modo il CT diventa una mera guida per la PG e l’AG nell’ambito dell’indagine informatica forense che accompagna il giudice e le parti alla migliore comprensione delle informazioni richieste dal quesito. Le fasi chiave della sperimentazione sono: • la ripetibilità delle operazioni svolte • dettare delle chiare linee guida per la catena di custodia dalla presa in carico dei supporti • i metodi di conservazione e trasmissione dei dati tali da poter garantire integrità e riservatezza degli stessi • tempi e costi ridotti rispetto alle normali CTU/perizie • visualizzazione diretta dei contenuti dei supporti analizzati delle Parti e del Giudice circoscritte alle informazioni utili ai fini di giustizia
Kernkollaps-Supernovae werden von einem massiven Ausbruch niederenergetischer Neutrinos begleitet. Sie zählen zu den energiereichsten Erscheinungen im Universum und stellen die derzeit einzig bekannte Quelle extrasolarer Neutrinos dar.rnDie Detektion einer solchen Neutrinosignatur würde zu einem tieferen Verständnis des bislang unzureichend bekannten stellaren Explosionsmechanismus führen. rnDarüber hinaus würden neue Einblicke in den Bereich der Teilchenphysik und der Supernova-Modellierung ermöglicht. Das sich zur Zeit am geographischen Südpol im Aufbau befindliche Neutrinoteleskop IceCube wird 2011 fertig gestellt sein.rnIceCube besteht im endgültigen Ausbau aus 5160 Photovervielfachern, die sich in gitterförmiger Anordnung in Tiefen zwischen 1450m und 2450m unter der Eisoberfläche befinden. Durch den Nachweis von Tscherenkow-Photonenrnim antarktischen Gletscher ist es in der Lage, galaktische Supernovae über einen kollektiven Anstieg der Rauschraten in seinen Photonenvervielfachern nachzuweisen.rnIn dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Studien zur Implementierung einer künstlichen Totzeit vorgestellt, welche korreliertes Rauschen unterdrücken und somit das Signal-Untergund-Verhältnis maximieren würden.rnEin weiterer Teil dieser Dissertation bestand in der Integration der Supernova-Datenakquise eine neue Experiment-Steuerungssoftware.rnFür den Analyseteil der Arbeit wurde ein Monte-Carlo für IceCube entwickelt und Neutinooszillations-Mechanismen und eine Reihe von Signalmodellen integriert. Ein Likelihoodhypothesen-Test wurde verwendet, um die Unterscheidbarkeit verschiedener Supernova- beziehungsweise Neutrinooszillations-Szenarien zu untersuchen. Desweiteren wurde analysiert inwieweit sich Schock-Anregungen und QCD-Phasenübergnag im Verlauf des Explosionsprozesses detektieren lassen.
The quench characteristics of second generation (2 G) YBCO Coated Conductor (CC) tapes are of fundamental importance for the design and safe operation of superconducting cables and magnets based on this material. Their ability to transport high current densities at high temperature, up to 77 K, and at very high fields, over 20 T, together with the increasing knowledge in their manufacturing, which is reducing their cost, are pushing the use of this innovative material in numerous system applications, from high field magnets for research to motors and generators as well as for cables. The aim of this Ph. D. thesis is the experimental analysis and numerical simulations of quench in superconducting HTS tapes and coils. A measurements facility for the characterization of superconducting tapes and coils was designed, assembled and tested. The facility consist of a cryostat, a cryocooler, a vacuum system, resistive and superconducting current leads and signal feedthrough. Moreover, the data acquisition system and the software for critical current and quench measurements were developed. A 2D model was developed using the finite element code COMSOL Multiphysics R . The problem of modeling the high aspect ratio of the tape is tackled by multiplying the tape thickness by a constant factor, compensating the heat and electrical balance equations by introducing a material anisotropy. The model was then validated both with the results of a 1D quench model based on a non-linear electric circuit coupled to a thermal model of the tape, to literature measurements and to critical current and quench measurements made in the cryogenic facility. Finally the model was extended to the study of coils and windings with the definition of the tape and stack homogenized properties. The procedure allows the definition of a multi-scale hierarchical model, able to simulate the windings with different degrees of detail.
We have realized a Data Acquisition chain for the use and characterization of APSEL4D, a 32 x 128 Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor, developed as a prototype for frontier experiments in high energy particle physics. In particular a transition board was realized for the conversion between the chip and the FPGA voltage levels and for the signal quality enhancing. A Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA was used for real time data processing, for the chip control and the communication with a Personal Computer through a 2.0 USB port. For this purpose a firmware code, developed in VHDL language, was written. Finally a Graphical User Interface for the online system monitoring, hit display and chip control, based on windows and widgets, was realized developing a C++ code and using Qt and Qwt dedicated libraries. APSEL4D and the full acquisition chain were characterized for the first time with the electron beam of the transmission electron microscope and with 55Fe and 90Sr radioactive sources. In addition, a beam test was performed at the T9 station of the CERN PS, where hadrons of momentum of 12 GeV/c are available. The very high time resolution of APSEL4D (up to 2.5 Mfps, but used at 6 kfps) was fundamental in realizing a single electron Young experiment using nanometric double slits obtained by a FIB technique. On high statistical samples, it was possible to observe the interference and diffractions of single isolated electrons traveling inside a transmission electron microscope. For the first time, the information on the distribution of the arrival time of the single electrons has been extracted.
The present study was conducted to investigate the influence of restricted food access on Solea senegalensis behaviour and daily expression of clock genes in central (diencephalon and optic tectum) and pheripheral (liver) tissues. The Senegalese sole is a marine teleost fish belonging to the Class of Actinopterygii, Order Pleuronectiformes and Family Soleidae. Its geographical distribution in the Mediterranean sea is fairly broad, covering the south and east of the Iberian Peninsula, the North of Africa and Middle East until the coast of Turkey. From a commercial perspective Solea senegalensis has acquired in recent years, a key role in aquacolture industry of the Iberian Peninsula. The Senegalese sole is also acquiring an important relevance in chronobiological studies as the number of published works focused on the sole circadian system has increased in the last few years. The molecular mechanisms underlying sole circadian rhythms has also been explored recently, both in adults and developing sole. Moreover, the consideration of the Pleuronectiformes Order as one of the most evolved teleost groups make the Senegalese sole a species of high interest under a comparative and phylogenetic point of view. All these facts have reinforced the election of Senegalese sole as model species for the present study. The animals were kept under 12L:12D photoperiod conditions and divided into three experimental groups depending on the feeding time: fed at midlight (ML), middark (MD) or random (RND) times. Throughout the experiment, the existence of a daily activity rhythm and it synchronization to the light-dark and feeding cycles was checked. To this end locomotor activity was registred by means of two infrared photocells placed in pvc tube 10 cm below the water surface (upper photocell) and the other one was located 10 cm above the bottom of the tank (bottom photocell). The photocell were connected to a computer so that every time a fish interrupted the infrared light beam, it produced an output signal that was recorded. The number of light beam interruptions was stored every 10 minutes by specialized software for data acquisition.
Tractor rollover represent a primary cause of death or serious injury in agriculture and despite the mandatory Roll-Over Protective Structures (ROPS), that reduced the number of injuries, tractor accidents are still of great concern. Because of their versatility and wide use many studies on safety are concerned with the stability of tractors, but they often prefer controlled tests or laboratory tests. The evaluation of tractors working in field, instead, is a very complex issue because the rollover could be influenced by the interaction among operator, tractor and environment. Recent studies are oriented towards the evaluation of the actual working conditions developing prototypes for driver assistance and data acquisition. Currently these devices are produced and sold by manufacturers. A warning device was assessed in this study with the aim to evaluate its performance and to collect data on different variables influencing the dynamics of tractors in field by monitoring continuously the working conditions of tractors operating at the experimental farm of the Bologna University. The device consists of accelerometers, gyroscope, GSM/GPRS, GPS for geo-referencing and a transceiver for the automatic recognition of tractor-connected equipment. A microprocessor processes data and provides information, through a dedicated algorithm requiring data on the geometry of the tested tractor, on the level of risk for the operator in terms of probable loss of stability and suggests corrective measures to reduce the potential instability of the tractor.
The present dissertation aims to explore, theoretically and experimentally, the problems and the potential advantages of different types of power converters for “Smart Grid” applications, with particular emphasis on multi-level architectures, which are attracting a rising interest even for industrial requests. The models of the main multilevel architectures (Diode-Clamped and Cascaded) are shown. The best suited modulation strategies to function as a network interface are identified. In particular, the close correlation between PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) approach and SVM (Space Vector Modulation) approach is highlighted. An innovative multilevel topology called MMC (Modular Multilevel Converter) is investigated, and the single-phase, three-phase and "back to back" configurations are analyzed. Specific control techniques that can manage, in an appropriate way, the charge level of the numerous capacitors and handle the power flow in a flexible way are defined and experimentally validated. Another converter that is attracting interest in “Power Conditioning Systems” field is the “Matrix Converter”. Even in this architecture, the output voltage is multilevel. It offers an high quality input current, a bidirectional power flow and has the possibility to control the input power factor (i.e. possibility to participate to active and reactive power regulations). The implemented control system, that allows fast data acquisition for diagnostic purposes, is described and experimentally verified.
Because of the potentially irreversible impact of groundwater quality deterioration in the Ferrara coastal aquifer, answers concerning the assessment of the extent of the salinization problem, the understanding of the mechanisms governing salinization processes, and the sustainability of the current water resources management are urgent. In this light, the present thesis aims to achieve the following objectives: Characterization of the lowland coastal aquifer of Ferrara: hydrology, hydrochemistry and evolution of the system The importance of data acquisition techniques in saltwater intrusion monitoring Predicting salinization trends in the lowland coastal aquifer Ammonium occurrence in a salinized lowland coastal aquifer Trace elements mobility in a saline coastal aquifer
Beside the traditional paradigm of "centralized" power generation, a new concept of "distributed" generation is emerging, in which the same user becomes pro-sumer. During this transition, the Energy Storage Systems (ESS) can provide multiple services and features, which are necessary for a higher quality of the electrical system and for the optimization of non-programmable Renewable Energy Source (RES) power plants. A ESS prototype was designed, developed and integrated into a renewable energy production system in order to create a smart microgrid and consequently manage in an efficient and intelligent way the energy flow as a function of the power demand. The produced energy can be introduced into the grid, supplied to the load directly or stored in batteries. The microgrid is composed by a 7 kW wind turbine (WT) and a 17 kW photovoltaic (PV) plant are part of. The load is given by electrical utilities of a cheese factory. The ESS is composed by the following two subsystems, a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and a Power Control System (PCS). With the aim of sizing the ESS, a Remote Grid Analyzer (RGA) was designed, realized and connected to the wind turbine, photovoltaic plant and the switchboard. Afterwards, different electrochemical storage technologies were studied, and taking into account the load requirements present in the cheese factory, the most suitable solution was identified in the high temperatures salt Na-NiCl2 battery technology. The data acquisition from all electrical utilities provided a detailed load analysis, indicating the optimal storage size equal to a 30 kW battery system. Moreover a container was designed and realized to locate the BESS and PCS, meeting all the requirements and safety conditions. Furthermore, a smart control system was implemented in order to handle the different applications of the ESS, such as peak shaving or load levelling.
In the last decade, the mechanical characterization of bone segments has been seen as a fundamental key to understanding how the distribution of physiological loads works on the bone in everyday life, and the resulting structural deformations. Therefore, characterization allows to obtain the main load directions and, consequently, to observe the structural lamellae of the bone disposal, in order to recreate a prosthesis using artificial materials that behave naturally. This thesis will expose a modular system which provides the mechanical characterization of bone in vitro segment, with particular attention to vertebrae, as the current object of study and research in the lab where I did my thesis work. The system will be able to acquire and process all the appropriately conditioned signals of interest for the test, through dedicated hardware and software architecture, with high speed and high reliability. The aim of my thesis is to create a system that can be used as a versatile tool for experimentation and innovation for future tests of the mechanical characterization of biological components, allowing a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the deformation in analysis, regardless of anatomical regions of interest.
Opportunistic diseases caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) is an omnipresent global challenge. In order to manage these epidemics, we need to have low cost and easily deployable platforms at the point-of-care in high congestions regions like airports and public transit systems. In this dissertation we present our findings in using Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR)-based detection of pathogens and other clinically relevant applications using microfluidic platforms at the point-of-care setting in resource constrained environment. The work presented here adopts the novel technique of LSPR to multiplex a lab-on-a-chip device capable of quantitatively detecting various types of intact viruses and its various subtypes, based on the principle of a change in wavelength occurring when metal nano-particle surface is modified with a specific surface chemistry allowing the binding of a desired pathogen to a specific antibody. We demonstrate the ability to detect and quantify subtype A, B, C, D, E, G and panel HIV with a specificity of down to 100 copies/mL using both whole blood sample and HIV-patient blood sample discarded from clinics. These results were compared against the gold standard Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR). This microfluidic device has a total evaluation time for the assays of about 70 minutes, where 60 minutes is needed for the capture and 10 minutes for data acquisition and processing. This LOC platform eliminates the need for any sample preparation before processing. This platform is highly multiplexable as the same surface chemistry can be adapted to capture and detect several other pathogens like dengue virus, E. coli, M. Tuberculosis, etc.
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der photoinduzierten Erzeugung neutraler Pionen, sehr nahe an der Schwellenenergie. Dabei werden zwei Ziele verfolgt: Zum einen die Überprüfung von Vorhersagen dieser effektiven Theorien und Modelle, zum anderen werden hier erstmals alle relevanten Partialwellenamplituden modellunabhängig aus gemessenen Observablen bestimmt. Diese Methode soll in Zukunft auch bei höheren Energien im Bereich der Nukleonresonanzen Anwendung finden. rnrnKonkret wird die Durchführung und Analyse eines Experiments vorgestellt, welches am Mainzer Mikrotron (MAMI) in den Jahren 2010 bis 2013 mit zirkular polarisiertem Photonenstrahl stattfand. Der Photonenstrahl wurde an einer Anlage zur Erzeugung energiemarkierter Bremsstrahlung aus dem Elektronenstrahl von MAMI gewonnen. Zum Nachweis der Reaktionsprodukte diente das hermetische 4pi CB/TAPS-Detektorsystem. Erstmalig standen bei derartigen Messungen auch transversal polarisierte Protonen zur Verfügung. Dazu wird Butanol in einer speziellen Apparatur dynamisch polarisiert. Molekularer Wasserstoff lässt sich aufgrund der para-Konfiguration nicht polarisieren. Wegen der Verwendung von Butanol als Targetmaterial, bei dem weniger als 5% aller erzeugten Pionen an polarisierten Protonen produziert wurden, ist die Behandlung des Untergrunds eine zentrale Aufgabe. rnrnEs werden zwei Methoden der Untergrundseparation vorgestellt, wovon die bessere in der Analyse angewendet wurde. Abschließend findet eine ausführliche Bewertung systematischer Fehler statt.rnrnDie erstmalige Verwendung transversal polarisierter Protonen ermöglicht den Zugang zu bisher nicht gemessenen Spin"=Freiheitsgraden. In Kombination mit einem komplementären Vorläufer-Experiment aus dem Jahr 2008 mit linear polarisiertem Photonenstrahl konnten aus den gewonnenen Daten erstmals alle komplexen s- und p-Partialwellenamplituden modellunabhängig bestimmt werden. rnrnDarüber hinaus wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wesentliche Verbesserungen am apparativen Aufbau erzielt. Beispiele sind ein Elektronenstrahl-Polarimeter, ein zellularer CB-Multiplizitätstrigger, sowie signifikante Verbesserungen der Datennahmeelektronik und des Triggersystems, die teilweise in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt werden.
Questo elaborato di tesi è nato con l'esigenza di sviluppare un nuovo modulo per la stima di variabili energetiche da inserire nel software On.Energy, per dare la possibilità a tutti gli utilizzatori di capire quanto i valori osservati nella realtà si discostino da un modello teorico appositamente creato, e fornire quindi un ulteriore strumento di analisi per mantenere sotto controllo il sistema nell'ottica del miglioramento continuo. Il risultato sarà uno strumento che verrà provato in via sperimentale sugli stabilimenti di due aziende leader in Italia in settori produttivi largamente differenti (Amadori - alimentare, Pfizer - farmaceutico), ma accomunati dalle esigenze di monitorare, analizzare e efficientare i consumi energetici.
Experimental characterization and modelling of a servo-pneumatic system for a knee loading apparatus
The new knee test rig developed in University of Bologna used pneumatic cylinder as actuator system. Specific characterization and modelling about the pneumatic cylinder and the related devices are needed in better controlling the test rig. In this thesis, an experimental environment for the related device is set up with data acquisition system using Real-time Windows Target, Simulink, MatLab. Based on the experimental data, a fitted model for the pneumatic cylinder friction is found.