950 resultados para Crofton weed (Eupatorium adenophorum)
This is the report from the Mersey and Weaver Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 27th October, 1976. The report contains sections on fish stocking, fisheries activities, weed growth in the River Weaver, pollution incidents and the drought situation. The section on fish stocking includes background information about fish stocking by the authority; difficulties; migratory fish; stocking after pollution; stocking of Waters within the Region; stocking with coarse fish; and recommendations. The section on fisheries activities includes fish mortalities and biological work on the River Tame, Goyt, Weaver, Mersey, Dane, Dean, and Gowy. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.
This is the Intensive biological survey of the Glaze Brook catchment: Supplementary report on the water quality as indicated by macrophytes produced by the North West Water Authority in 1981. This report describes the results of the macrophyte survey including data on their distribution and the prevailing water quality (nutrient status and toxic metal contamination) It supplements the initial report,TS-BS-81-3, which described the macroinvertebrate survey. The aim of this project is to describe the distribution of macrophytes within the river, paying attention to areas where weed growth may directly affect water quality or amenity usage, and describe the distribution of toxic metals. In the survey 16 sites of 500 m lengths of river were analysed, noting the relative abundance and percentage cover of the macrophytes present, plant score and Community Description Class (C.D.C.) were computed.
Monitoring report: sand dune reconstruction and restoration, at the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
The Plan for Sand Dune Reconstruction and Restoration (and Biological Assessment) at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (ABA Consultants, April 1, 1992) described reconstruction of dune contours and biological restoration with native dune plants to be carried out over the 8 acre site formerly occupied by the marine labs (prior to the Loma Prieta earthquake of October 1989). The plan called for annual reports in letter form which would present data on plant abundance, a short narrative description of changes on the site, progress towards recovery of the plant community, and assessment of progress based on restoration goals and further steps to be taken. This monitoring report [dated April 25, 1994] addresses those points and also contains a summary of other activities integral in dune restoration -- education, public participation, school and conservation organization field trips, as well as the associated activities of restoration, plant collecting, propagation, and weed control.
外来生物入侵已经在世界范围内造成严重的危害,它不仅导致生物多样性的减少和丧失而且威胁着全球的生态环境和经济发展。入侵种在入侵区域的种群扩散是入侵种带来风险的最根本问题,也是其造成危害的重要原因。研究入侵物种的扩散规律可以了解其在入侵地的入侵状况和扩散趋势,这对制定合理的控制措施具有重要意义。本研究选取14种在我国具有较强威胁性的外来入侵植物,通过对其入侵历史动态的分析,判断其在我国的入侵与扩散阶段,进而预测其在我国的潜在分布区。这14种外来植物为紫茎泽兰(Ageratina adenophora)、土荆芥 (Chenopodium ambrosioides.)、喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)、反枝苋(Amaranthus retroflexus)、刺苋(Amaranthus spinosus)、皱果苋(Amaranthus viridis)、北美独行菜(Lepidium virginicum)、藿香蓟(Ageratum conyzoides)、钻形紫菀(Aster subulatus)、小蓬草(Conyza canadensis)、一年蓬(Erigeron annuus)、牛膝菊(Galinsoga paviflora)、飞机草(Eupatorium odorata)和北美商陆(Phytolacca americana)。 紫茎泽兰最早于20世纪40年代入侵我国,经过1940—1960年长达20年的时滞期,紫茎泽兰开始在云南及其临近的省份如四川、贵州和广西迅速扩散。其中,紫茎泽兰在南亚热带和中亚热带气候条件下的扩散速度为20公里/年,而在垂直地带性北亚热带地区的扩散速度为6.8公里/年。紫茎泽兰仍没有入侵到垂直地带性暖温带地区。尽管1990年后,紫茎泽兰在云南基本停止扩散,但其在邻近省(市)的快速传播表明紫茎泽兰在我国仍处在扩散阶段,还没有达到饱和阶段。生态位模型预测结果和紫茎泽兰在已经入侵地区扩散的地理生态式样基本相符。我国南部及中南部地区的气候条件十分适合紫茎泽兰生长。而在华中地区,由于环境条件不太适宜,其扩散速度会相对较慢。我国北部和西北部的气候条件完全不适合紫茎泽兰生存。因此,我国南部和中南部广大未入侵地区将会受到紫茎泽兰入侵和快速扩散的严重威胁,对此应该立即采取紧急措施。 自从紫茎泽兰于1978年首次入侵四川省以来,已经在四川、重庆和湖北大面积扩散。紫茎泽兰在此新近入侵区域主要沿河流、公路、铁路扩散。其中沿安宁河、108国道和成昆铁路向北扩散的平均速度为19公里/年,而沿金沙江-长江向东北扩散的平均速度为33公里/年。特别是2000年以后,紫茎泽兰沿金沙江-长江的扩散速度达到了88公里/年。紫茎泽兰得以如此迅速扩散是其本身生物学特性和当地地理生态特点多种因素之间一系列耦合关系共同作用的结果。人类活动和1998年金沙江-长江特大洪水也促进了紫茎泽兰在该地区的扩散。另一方面,紫茎泽兰在新近入侵地区的垂直分布范围说明随海拔高度上升所引起的垂直地带性气候变冷是紫茎泽兰入侵和扩散的自然限制条件。 此外,通过对其余13种外来入侵植物入侵历史过程重建发现,除了牛膝菊、反枝苋和皱果苋最早入侵地位于内陆地区以外,其余10种外来入侵植物的最早入侵地都位于我国的东部、南部沿海和西南边境地区。这13种外来植物通常不是通过单一途径传入,而是通过两种或多种途径传入不同的地点。相应地,入侵后也呈现不同的扩散模式。这13种外来植物在我国大体上包括5种入侵和扩散式样即1)从南部沿海和西南边境分别向内陆扩散,如霍香蓟、飞机草,北美商陆;2)从东部沿海向内陆扩散,例如钻形紫菀,小蓬草、北美独行菜和喜旱莲子草;3)从东部沿海、南部沿海和西南边境分别向内陆扩散,如刺苋;4)从南部沿海向内陆扩散,如土荆芥;5)从最早入侵的内陆地区向周边地区扩散,如反枝苋、牛膝菊和皱果苋。分布区动态分析显示当前这13种外来入侵植物在我国都还处在扩散阶段,而且有些外来植物还处在快速扩散阶段,如飞机草。 在上述研究基础上,我们对这13种外来入侵植物开展了生态位模型适生区预测和比较分析。并且结合其扩散动态和当前分布现状,我们对其潜在的分布区及扩散趋势进行了系统分析和预测。飞机草、土荆芥、霍香蓟、牛膝菊和北美商陆,这5种外来植物的现有分布区明显小于其在我国的适生区,因此它们在我国的潜在分布区很广,应给予足够的重视。喜旱莲子草、反枝苋、皱果苋、北美独行菜、一年蓬、钻行紫菀和北美商陆在我国的入侵范围与其适生区域之间基本重合,但在其入侵范围内仍存在大面积的未入侵区域。这些未入侵地区通常被已入侵区域所包围,因此也应当给予足够的重视。刺苋和小蓬草在我国的潜在的分布区相对较小,这些植物已经基本上完全入侵了其适生区。因此,这些植物在我国向临近区域继续扩散的可能性不大。
Culture of gulsha (Mystus cavasius) with rajpunti (Puntius gonionotus) and silver carp ( Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) was undertaken to assess the growth and production potential of these species under polyculture system. Fingerlings of gulsha, rajpunti and silver carp were stocked at a density of 18.000, 10.000 and 4.000/ha respectively. Two treatments were tested in this experiment. Treatment-I was conducted with rice bran and mustard oil cake and treatment-II with rice bran and duck weed. All the ponds were fertilized with urea and TSP at fortnightly intervals. After six months' rearing, the gross production was estimated to be 3,582 and 3,125 kg/ha from treatment-I and treatment-II respectively. Total yield showed non-significant differences (P>0.05) between the treatments.
An experiment was conducted in brackish water ponds with transplanted aquatic weed (Najas sp.) to study the effect of submerged aquatic vegetation on culture of Penaeus monodon. Out of six ponds three were without any aquatic vegetation (T1) while in other three ponds weeds were planted covering 40% of the pond bottom (T2). Hatchery produced post larva of P. monodon (0.006 g) were stocked in all ponds at a density of 40,000/ha. Shrimps were fed twice daily with commercial and formulated feed prepared from locally available ingredients. After 105 days of rearing shrimp of highest average weight (63.18g) was obtained from T2 with a survival rate of 25.90% and the total production was obtained at 654.54 kg/ha. The average weight, survival and total production of shrimp in T1 were 35.0 g, 28.76% and 405.63 kg/ha, respectively.
The results of experiments conducted on a pond dyke (655m²) in the Wastewater Aquaculture Division of the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Rahara, during 1992-93 for maximising production through optimum utilisation of resources are communicated. Round the year intensive cultivation of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), amaranth (Amaranthus gangeticus and A. viridus), water-bind weed (Ipomea aquatica), Indian spinach (Basella rubra), radish (Raphanus sativum), amaranth (Amaranthus viridis), cauliflower (Brassica oleracia var. votrytis), cabbage (Brassica oleracia var. capitota) and papaya (Carica papaya) was undertaken using the treated sewage water from fish ponds for irrigation. The pond dyke yielded 5,626.5 kg vegetable which worked out to 85.9 tons per ha per year. Multiple cropping with these vegetables excluding papaya on a 460 m² dyke recorded a production of 4,926.5 kg at the rate of 107.1t per ha/yr. An improved yearly net return of about 35% over investment could be achieved through the selection of highly productive and pest resistant vegetable crops of longer duration for integration into the system. Introduction of this type of integrated farming would enhance the overall productivity and returns from farming.
The results of two sets of experiments on mono-culture of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and mixed culture of carps (grass carp 50 : catla 20 : rohu 15 : mrigal 15) fed exclusively with vegetable leaves are reported. The experiments were conducted with two replicates each in 0.02 ha ponds of Wastewater Aquaculture Division of the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Rahara during 1991-93. Monoculture of grass carp stocked at 1000/ha demonstrated an average net production of 21.0 kg/ 0.02 ha/8 months (1501 kg/ha/yr). Mixed culture of carps stocked at 5000 /ha recorded an average net production of 22.5 kg/0.02 ha/8 months (1903.7 kg/ha/yr). Field studies revealed that water bind weed (Ipomoea aquatica) is the most preferred feed of grass carp amongst vegetable leaves followed by amaranths (Amaranthus gangeticus and Amaranthus viridis), cauliflower (Brassica oleracia var. votrytis) and cabbage (Brassica oleracia var. capitata) leaves. Through selection of highly productive leaf vegetables and suitable crop planning on fallow fish pond dykes, round the year feeding programme of grass carp has been explored. Recycling of sewage effluent for vegetable production and utilisation of vegetable leaves for fish production is considered an ideal way of integrated resource management for low cost production.