972 resultados para Crisler, H. O. (Herbert Orin), 1899-1982
This paper investigates the links between the teaching of singing, training and inspection during the late Victorian era. It utilises as a primary source the annual inspection reports of the music inspector, Sir John Stainer. More specifically it focuses upon the musical background of the students in the training colleges of England, Wales and Scotland, the methods employed to teach sight singing and voice production, the vocal repertoire and preparation for the teaching of singing in schools. Finally, some comparison is made with the present day and the relationship between the teaching of singing, training and inspection.
El Chichón volcano, Chiapas, Mexico, erupted explosively on March 29th, 1982, after a repose period of about 550 years. Amongst ten eruptive episodes documented between March 29th and April 4th, only the three that occurred on March 29th and April 4th produced significant pyroclastic tephra deposits. Here we use analytical (HAZMAP) and numerical (FALL3D) tephra transport models to reconstruct the deposits and the atmospheric plume dispersal associated with the three main fallout units of the 1982 eruption. On the basis of such a reconstruction, we produce hazard maps of tephra fallout associated to a Plinian eruption and discuss the implications of such a severe eruption scenario.
The warm event which spread in the tropical Atlantic during Spring-Summer 1984 is assumed to be partially initiated by atmospheric disturbances, themselves related to the major 1982–1983 El-Niño which occurred 1 year earlier in the Pacific. This paper tests such an hypothesis. For that purpose, an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) is forced by different conditions of climatic and observed sea surface temperature and an Atlantic ocean general circulation model (OGCM) is subsequently forced by the outputs of the AGCM. It is firstly shown that both the AGCM and the OGCM correctly behave when globally observed SST are used: the strengthening of the trades over the tropical Atlantic during 1983 and their subsequent weakening at the beginning of 1984 are well captured by the AGCM, and so is the Spring 1984 deepening of the thermocline in the eastern equatorial Atlantic, simulated by the OGCM. As assumed, the SST anomalies located in the El-Niño Pacific area are partly responsible for wind signal anomaly in the tropical Atlantic. Though this remotely forced atmospheric signal has a small amplitude, it can generate, in the OGCM run, an anomalous sub-surface signal leading to a flattening of the thermocline in the equatorial Atlantic. This forced oceanic experiment cannot explain the amplitude and phase of the observed sub-surface oceanic anomaly: part of the Atlantic ocean response, due to local interaction between ocean and atmosphere, requires a coupled approach. Nevertheless this experiment showed that anomalous conditions in the Pacific during 82–83 created favorable conditions for anomaly development in the Atlantic.
Uppsatsens syfte är att utifrån lösdrivarprotokoll från stadsfiskalen i Östersund att kartlägga och utforska lösdriveriet i Östersund under åren 1885-1899. Dessa protokoll har sammanställts för att kunna besvara frågor om lösdriveriets omfattning i staden, lösdrivarnas demografi, omständigheterna kring deras fasttagande och mantalsskrivningsort. Uppsatsens resultat har också, i en komparativ del, satts i relation till studier över lösdrivarsituationen i andra städer under den aktuella tiden, för att på så sätt jämföra Östersunds lösdriveri i förhållande till andra delar av Sverige.Resultatet visar att totalt 304 fall av lösdriveri finns dokumenterat i Östersund under den aktuella tiden, och den största andelen anhölls mellan åren 1889-1893. En stor majoritet av lösdrivarna var män, kvinnorna utgör endast 9 procent av Östersunds lösdrivare. Medelåldern var strax under 36 år och det vanligaste yrket var arbetare. Studien visar att den geografiska spridningen av lösdrivarna mantalsskrivningsort var stor och nästintill alla Sveriges län finns representerade.
Herbert Sussman (left) is shown presenting the John P. Mullen award. Herbert M. Sussman was the College's fifth president. He was inaugurated on June 8, 1972 and the school's commencement ceremony. He served from 1972-1977. By this time, New York City Community College of Applied Arts and Sciences was part of the CUNY system and had merged with the Vorhees Technical Institute.
Portrait of Herbert M. Sussman, president 1972-1977. Herbert M. Sussman was the College's fifth president. He was inaugurated on June 8, 1972 and the school's commencement ceremony. He served from 1972-1977. By this time, New York City Community College of Applied Arts and Sciences was part of the CUNY system and had merged with the Vorhees Technical Institute.
Vol. 11 No. 1; Perspective is a quarterly publication of LaGuardia Community College / CUNY which is designed and edited by the Office of Communications, Bill Freeland, director. Information on news and features stories should be addressed to the office In room M194. Faculty and staff news items should be sent to Dr. Roberta Matthews, Associate Dean of Faculty, room SB65.