982 resultados para Countably 1-Norming Markusevic Basis
Improved management of nitrogen (N) in agriculture is necessary to achieve a sustainable balance between the production of food and other biomass, and the unwanted effects of N on water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity deterioration and human health. To analyse farm N-losses and the complex interactions within farming systems, efficient methods for identifying emissions hotspots and evaluating mitigation measures are therefore needed. The present paper aims to fill this gap at the farm and landscape scales. Six agricultural landscapes in Poland (PL), the Netherlands (NL), France (FR), Italy (IT), Scotland (UK) and Denmark (DK) were studied, and a common method was developed for undertaking farm inventories and the derivation of farm N balances, N surpluses and for evaluating uncertainty for the 222 farms and 11 440 ha of farmland included in the study. In all landscapes, a large variation in the farm N surplus was found, and thereby a large potential for reductions. The highest average N surpluses were found in the most livestock-intensive landscapes of IT, FR, and NL; on average 202 ± 28, 179 ± 63 and 178 ± 20 kg N ha−1 yr−1, respectively. All landscapes showed hotspots, especially from livestock farms, including a special UK case with large-scale landless poultry farming. Overall, the average N surplus from the land-based UK farms dominated by extensive sheep and cattle grazing was only 31 ± 10 kg N ha−1 yr−1, but was similar to the N surplus of PL and DK (122 ± 20 and 146 ± 55 kg N ha−1 yr−1, respectively) when landless poultry farming was included. We found farm N balances to be a useful indicator for N losses and the potential for improving N management. Significant correlations to N surplus were found, both with ammonia air concentrations and nitrate concentrations in soils and groundwater, measured during the period of N management data collection in the landscapes from 2007–2009. This indicates that farm N surpluses may be used as an independent dataset for validation of measured and modelled N emissions in agricultural landscapes. No significant correlation was found with N measured in surface waters, probably because of spatial and temporal variations in groundwater buffering and biogeochemical reactions affecting N flows from farm to surface waters. A case study of the development in N surplus from the landscape in DK from 1998–2008 showed a 22% reduction related to measures targeted at N emissions from livestock farms. Based on the large differences in N surplus between average N management farms and the most modern and N-efficient farms, it was concluded that additional N-surplus reductions of 25–50%, as compared to the present level, were realistic in all landscapes. The implemented N-surplus method was thus effective for comparing and synthesizing results on farm N emissions and the potentials of mitigation options. It is recommended for use in combination with other methods for the assessment of landscape N emissions and farm N efficiency, including more detailed N source and N sink hotspot mapping, measurements and modelling.
An analysis of the electrostatic plasma instabilities excited by the application of a strong, uniform, alternating electric field is made on the basis of the Vlasov equation. A very general dispersion relation is obtained and discussed. Under the assumption W 2 O » C 2 pi. (where wO is the applied frequency and wpi the ion plasma frequency) a detailed analysis is given for wavelengths of the order of or large compared with the Debye length. It is found that there are two types of instabilities: resonant (or parametric) and nonresonant. The second is caused by the relative streaming of ions and electrons, generated by the field; it seems to exist only if wO is less than the electron plasma frequency wpe. The instability only appears if the field exceeds a certain threshold, which is found.
On the basis of the BBGKY hierarchy of equations an expression is derived for the response of a fully ionized plasma to a strong, high-frequency electric field in the limit of infinite ion mass. It is found that even in this limit the ionion correlation function is substantially affected by the field. The corrections to earlier nonlinear results for the current density appear to be quite ssential. The validity of the model introduced by Dawson and Oberman to study the response to a vanishingly small field is confirmed for larger values of the field when the eorrect expression for the ion-ion correlations i s introduced; the model by itself does not yield such an expression. The results have interest for the heating of the plasma and for the propagation of a strong electromagnetic wave through the plasma. The theory seems to be valid for any field intensity for which the plasma is stable.
Moment invariants have been thoroughly studied and repeatedly proposed as one of the most powerful tools for 2D shape identification. In this paper a set of such descriptors is proposed, being the basis functions discontinuous in a finite number of points. The goal of using discontinuous functions is to avoid the Gibbs phenomenon, and therefore to yield a better approximation capability for discontinuous signals, as images. Moreover, the proposed set of moments allows the definition of rotation invariants, being this the other main design concern. Translation and scale invariance are achieved by means of standard image normalization. Tests are conducted to evaluate the behavior of these descriptors in noisy environments, where images are corrupted with Gaussian noise up to different SNR values. Results are compared to those obtained using Zernike moments, showing that the proposed descriptor has the same performance in image retrieval tasks in noisy environments, but demanding much less computational power for every stage in the query chain.
Knowledge resource reuse has become a popular approach within the ontology engineering field, mainly because it can speed up the ontology development process, saving time and money and promoting the application of good practices. The NeOn Methodology provides guidelines for reuse. These guidelines include the selection of the most appropriate knowledge resources for reuse in ontology development. This is a complex decision-making problem where different conflicting objectives, like the reuse cost, understandability, integration workload and reliability, have to be taken into account simultaneously. GMAA is a PC-based decision support system based on an additive multi-attribute utility model that is intended to allay the operational difficulties involved in the Decision Analysis methodology. The paper illustrates how it can be applied to select multimedia ontologies for reuse to develop a new ontology in the multimedia domain. It also demonstrates that the sensitivity analyses provided by GMAA are useful tools for making a final recommendation.
The new reactor concepts proposed in the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) are conceived to improve the use of natural resources, reduce the amount of high-level radioactive waste and excel in their reliability and safe operation. Among these novel designs sodium fast reactors (SFRs) stand out due to their technological feasibility as demonstrated in several countries during the last decades. As part of the contribution of EURATOM to GIF the CP-ESFR is a collaborative project with the objective, among others, to perform extensive analysis on safety issues involving renewed SFR demonstrator designs. The verification of computational tools able to simulate the plant behaviour under postulated accidental conditions by code-to-code comparison was identified as a key point to ensure reactor safety. In this line, several organizations employed coupled neutronic and thermal-hydraulic system codes able to simulate complex and specific phenomena involving multi-physics studies adapted to this particular fast reactor technology. In the “Introduction” of this paper the framework of this study is discussed, the second section describes the envisaged plant design and the commonly agreed upon modelling guidelines. The third section presents a comparative analysis of the calculations performed by each organisation applying their models and codes to a common agreed transient with the objective to harmonize the models as well as validating the implementation of all relevant physical phenomena in the different system codes.
The new reactor concepts proposed in the Generation IV International Forum require the development and validation of computational tools able to assess their safety performance. In the first part of this paper the models of the ESFR design developed by several organisations in the framework of the CP-ESFR project were presented and their reliability validated via a benchmarking exercise. This second part of the paper includes the application of those tools for the analysis of design basis accident (DBC) scenarios of the reference design. Further, this paper also introduces the main features of the core optimisation process carried out within the project with the objective to enhance the core safety performance through the reduction of the positive coolant density reactivity effect. The influence of this optimised core design on the reactor safety performance during the previously analysed transients is also discussed. The conclusion provides an overview of the work performed by the partners involved in the project towards the development and enhancement of computational tools specifically tailored to the evaluation of the safety performance of the Generation IV innovative nuclear reactor designs.
Relatório de estágio para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico
Há no Evangelho de Mateus material suficiente para se chegar ao discipulado de iguais porque seu conteúdo reflete uma prática igualitária de Jesus em relação às mulheres. Nesta tese tal prática pode ser verificada através da investigação de duas perícopes nas quais Jesus advoga a causa das mulheres discutindo o direito masculino do divórcio e o adultério: 19,1-12 e 5,27-32. No debate sobre a justa causa para se despedir a mulher, Jesus declara que a volta à criação original não mais concede tal prerrogativa aos homens. Essa discussão ocorre em terreno legal e isso se evidencia pelo termo aitia, cujo significado demonstra que na demanda do divórcio a lei concede ao homem o benefício de encontrar um motivo para acusação. Jesus, por sua vez, declara que pela sua lei todo motivo e acusação contra a mulher se transforma em motivo e acusação contra o próprio homem diante de Deus. O silêncio dos fariseus comprova que os argumentos de Jesus são irrefutáveis, mas o protesto dos seus discípulos revela que não lhes agrada a igualdade social entre os sexos. A resposta final e definitiva de Jesus encontra-se em Mt 19,10 onde pelo uso da metáfora eunuco ele encerra o debate dizendo que somente podem aceitar a sua causa os que abraçarem a causa do Reino dos Céus. Os temas divórcio e adultério permitem estender a discussão para o matrimônio que é a relação social e legal que fundamenta tais práticas, e buscar na Antigüidade as leis e costumes que regiam a vida sexual das mulheres naquele tempo, considerando os ambientes mais relevantes em relação ao mundo bíblico: o mundo greco-romano e o oriente próximo no período entre os séculos IV a.C. e IV d.C. para que, através da pesquisa sobre matrimônio, divórcio, adultério, dote, repúdio e outras sanções relativas à vida sexual das mulheres, se possa chegar aos mecanismos culturais da educação capazes de levar as mulheres à cumplicidade ou à resistência aos seus papéis sociais. Essa pesquisa se encerra com uma apreciação da história da renúncia sexual nos contextos judaico e cristão para projetar o ambiente e o horizonte sócio-religioso que foram palcos da recepção e transmissão de Mt 5,27-32 e Mt 19,1-12, de modo a demonstrar que os argumentos misóginos que se tornaram inerentes à interpretação desses textos são o resultado de uma mentalidade sexista que não corresponde à crítica literária do evangelho.(AU)
Há no Evangelho de Mateus material suficiente para se chegar ao discipulado de iguais porque seu conteúdo reflete uma prática igualitária de Jesus em relação às mulheres. Nesta tese tal prática pode ser verificada através da investigação de duas perícopes nas quais Jesus advoga a causa das mulheres discutindo o direito masculino do divórcio e o adultério: 19,1-12 e 5,27-32. No debate sobre a justa causa para se despedir a mulher, Jesus declara que a volta à criação original não mais concede tal prerrogativa aos homens. Essa discussão ocorre em terreno legal e isso se evidencia pelo termo aitia, cujo significado demonstra que na demanda do divórcio a lei concede ao homem o benefício de encontrar um motivo para acusação. Jesus, por sua vez, declara que pela sua lei todo motivo e acusação contra a mulher se transforma em motivo e acusação contra o próprio homem diante de Deus. O silêncio dos fariseus comprova que os argumentos de Jesus são irrefutáveis, mas o protesto dos seus discípulos revela que não lhes agrada a igualdade social entre os sexos. A resposta final e definitiva de Jesus encontra-se em Mt 19,10 onde pelo uso da metáfora eunuco ele encerra o debate dizendo que somente podem aceitar a sua causa os que abraçarem a causa do Reino dos Céus. Os temas divórcio e adultério permitem estender a discussão para o matrimônio que é a relação social e legal que fundamenta tais práticas, e buscar na Antigüidade as leis e costumes que regiam a vida sexual das mulheres naquele tempo, considerando os ambientes mais relevantes em relação ao mundo bíblico: o mundo greco-romano e o oriente próximo no período entre os séculos IV a.C. e IV d.C. para que, através da pesquisa sobre matrimônio, divórcio, adultério, dote, repúdio e outras sanções relativas à vida sexual das mulheres, se possa chegar aos mecanismos culturais da educação capazes de levar as mulheres à cumplicidade ou à resistência aos seus papéis sociais. Essa pesquisa se encerra com uma apreciação da história da renúncia sexual nos contextos judaico e cristão para projetar o ambiente e o horizonte sócio-religioso que foram palcos da recepção e transmissão de Mt 5,27-32 e Mt 19,1-12, de modo a demonstrar que os argumentos misóginos que se tornaram inerentes à interpretação desses textos são o resultado de uma mentalidade sexista que não corresponde à crítica literária do evangelho.(AU)
O Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 geralmente ocorre na infância ou adolescência e repercute de forma dramática na vida dos pais. A família é fundamental no tratamento do paciente: representa o alicerce que influenciará na aceitação ou não da enfermidade por parte do portador. Por isso, os objetivos deste estudo foram descrever as convicções de saúde de pais de crianças portadoras de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 e compreender mudanças comportamentais e psíquicas que possam influenciar na conduta em relação ao tratamento. Investigou-se 13 pessoas, pais de crianças de 11 meses a 10 anos portadoras de Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1, por intermédio de uma entrevista para levantamento e descrição de fatores de convicção de saúde. Os dados foram avaliados com base em um modelo de convicção de saúde. Esse modelo avaliou: impacto do diagnóstico, suscetibilidade, severidade, benefícios, barreiras, eficácia própria e expectativa de futuro de cada um dos pais. Os resultados mostraram que os pais experimentam dificuldades, medos e inseguranças, pela doença do filho. Ao relatarem as situações vividas desde o diagnóstico até o momento atual, em todas as etapas, os pais revelam intenso sofrimento. Eles são constantemente invadidos por medo de perda tanto no presente como no futuro em função das complicações da doença. A partir desses resultados recomenda-se que os pais recebam atendimento de uma equipe multidisciplinar com conhecimento específico e com a finalidade de informar sobre a doença e aplacar os medos e inseguranças que criam obstáculos para a adesão ao tratamento. Espera-se com este tipo de atendimento melhorar e a qualidade de vida do paciente e de sua família.
O Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1 geralmente ocorre na infância ou adolescência e repercute de forma dramática na vida dos pais. A família é fundamental no tratamento do paciente: representa o alicerce que influenciará na aceitação ou não da enfermidade por parte do portador. Por isso, os objetivos deste estudo foram descrever as convicções de saúde de pais de crianças portadoras de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 e compreender mudanças comportamentais e psíquicas que possam influenciar na conduta em relação ao tratamento. Investigou-se 13 pessoas, pais de crianças de 11 meses a 10 anos portadoras de Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1, por intermédio de uma entrevista para levantamento e descrição de fatores de convicção de saúde. Os dados foram avaliados com base em um modelo de convicção de saúde. Esse modelo avaliou: impacto do diagnóstico, suscetibilidade, severidade, benefícios, barreiras, eficácia própria e expectativa de futuro de cada um dos pais. Os resultados mostraram que os pais experimentam dificuldades, medos e inseguranças, pela doença do filho. Ao relatarem as situações vividas desde o diagnóstico até o momento atual, em todas as etapas, os pais revelam intenso sofrimento. Eles são constantemente invadidos por medo de perda tanto no presente como no futuro em função das complicações da doença. A partir desses resultados recomenda-se que os pais recebam atendimento de uma equipe multidisciplinar com conhecimento específico e com a finalidade de informar sobre a doença e aplacar os medos e inseguranças que criam obstáculos para a adesão ao tratamento. Espera-se com este tipo de atendimento melhorar e a qualidade de vida do paciente e de sua família.
Voltage-dependent and calcium-sensitive K+ (MaxiK) channels are key regulators of neuronal excitability, secretion, and vascular tone because of their ability to sense transmembrane voltage and intracellular Ca2+. In most tissues, their stimulation results in a noninactivating hyperpolarizing K+ current that reduces excitability. In addition to noninactivating MaxiK currents, an inactivating MaxiK channel phenotype is found in cells like chromaffin cells and hippocampal neurons. The molecular determinants underlying inactivating MaxiK channels remain unknown. Herein, we report a transmembrane β subunit (β2) that yields inactivating MaxiK currents on coexpression with the pore-forming α subunit of MaxiK channels. Intracellular application of trypsin as well as deletion of 19 N-terminal amino acids of the β2 subunit abolished inactivation of the α subunit. Conversely, fusion of these N-terminal amino acids to the noninactivating smooth muscle β1 subunit leads to an inactivating phenotype of MaxiK channels. Furthermore, addition of a synthetic N-terminal peptide of the β2 subunit causes inactivation of the MaxiK channel α subunit by occluding its K+-conducting pore resembling the inactivation caused by the “ball” peptide in voltage-dependent K+ channels. Thus, the inactivating phenotype of MaxiK channels in native tissues can result from the association with different β subunits.
The small HIV-1 accessory protein Vpr (virus protein R) is a multifunctional protein that is present in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid of AIDS patients. We previously showed that Vpr can form cation-selective ion channels across planar lipid bilayers, introducing the possibility that, if incorporated into the membranes of living cells, Vpr might form ion channels and consequently perturb the maintained ionic gradient. In this study, we demonstrate, by a variety of approaches, that Vpr added extracellularly to intact cells does indeed form ion channels. We use confocal laser scanning microscopy to examine the subcellular localization of fluorescently labeled Vpr. Plasmalemma depolarization and damage are examined using the anionic potential-sensitive dye bis(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid) trimethine oxonol and propidium iodide (PI), respectively, and the effect of Vpr on whole-cell current is demonstrated directly by using the patch-clamp technique. We show that recombinant purified extracellular Vpr associates with the plasmalemma of hippocampal neurons to cause a large inward cation current and depolarization of the plasmalemma, eventually resulting in cell death. Thus, we demonstrate a physiological action of extracellular Vpr and present its mechanistic basis. These findings may have important implications for neuropathologies in AIDS patients who possess significant amounts of Vpr in the cerebrospinal fluid.
The bryostatins are a unique family of emerging cancer chemotherapeutic candidates isolated from marine bryozoa. Although the biochemical basis for their therapeutic activity is not known, these macrolactones exhibit high affinities for protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes, compete for the phorbol ester binding site on PKC, and stimulate kinase activity in vitro and in vivo. Unlike the phorbol esters, they are not first-stage tumor promoters. The design, computer modeling, NMR solution structure, PKC binding, and functional assays of a unique class of synthetic bryostatin analogs are described. These analogs (7b, 7c, and 8) retain the putative recognition domain of the bryostatins but are simplified through deletions and modifications in the C4-C14 spacer domain. Computer modeling of an analog prototype (7a) indicates that it exists preferentially in two distinct conformational classes, one in close agreement with the crystal structure of bryostatin 1. The solution structure of synthetic analog 7c was determined by NMR spectroscopy and found to be very similar to the previously reported structures of bryostatins 1 and 10. Analogs 7b, 7c, and 8 bound strongly to PKC isozymes with Ki = 297, 3.4, and 8.3 nM, respectively. Control 7d, like the corresponding bryostatin derivative, exhibited weak PKC affinity, as did the derivative, 9, lacking the spacer domain. Like bryostatin, acetal 7c exhibited significant levels of in vitro growth inhibitory activity (1.8–170 ng/ml) against several human cancer cell lines, providing an important step toward the development of simplified, synthetically accessible analogs of the bryostatins.