862 resultados para Convenience stores


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This study is one of the first studies to approach workplace bullying cross-culturally. It sought to compare employees' understanding of workplace bullying in two different world regions: Central America and Southern Europe, regarding three aspects of workplace bullying: psychological vs. physical harassment, hierarchical vs. horizontal bullying, and direct vs. indirect aggression. A convenience sample of 246 workers provided their own definition of workplace bullying through a single, open-ended question. The results showed that employees from Central America emphasized the physical component of workplace bullying more than the Southern European employees. However, similarities in the conceptualization of workplace bullying across both cultures were found as well. Both Southern European and Central American employees defined workplace bullying mainly as a hierarchical phenomenon, where the aggression took the form of direct strategies. Such differences and similarities bring to the field some positive inputs for the development and implementation of different strategies for dealing effectively with this phenomenon.


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The road paving cost continues to increase and the backlog of projects waiting for funding is growing. Finding a more cost-effective way to use the available money to pave roads will result in more miles of road being paved with the same amount of money. This project is in Cass County on G35 between US 71 and Norway-Center. It consists of a thin layer of asphalt over a base designed to achieve stability while having some permeability. This project was paved in 1996. An asphalt cement concrete pavement was chosen for the project based on cost, convenience, and historic portland cement concrete problems in Cass County. The new pavement gives quicker access time to farms and residences.


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Soils consist largely of mineral particles in a wide range of sizes. It is advantageous to assign names, such as "sand", etc., to describe particles which lie between certain size limits. These names are convenient to use and give more information than merely stating that the particles fit certain size limitations. Many systems of particle-size limits have been proposed and used, and have many discrepancies. For example, depending on the system used, a term such as "sand" may designate very different materials. Since no clear-cut divisions can be made between members of a continuous series all particle-size limit schemes are arbitrary. The originators of the various systems were influenced by many factors: convenience of investigation, methods and equipment available for analysis, ease of presenting data, convenience for statistical analysis, previous work, and systems in use. The complications were further compounded because of widely varying fields of endeavor with varying background, outlook, and goals. For example, many inconsistencies are found in engineering depending on whether the size limits are used to differentiate soils, or characterize aggregates for concrete. Some of the investigators have tried to place limits to correspond with the various properties of the soil components; others were more interested in the ease and convenience of obtaining and presenting data. The purpose of this paper is to review many of the systems which have been proposed and used, and if possible, to suggest what may have been the reasons for the selection of the particle-size limits.


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Efficacy of iron therapy, whether oral or intravenous, on biological markers of body iron stores is well recognized in medical literature, but current studies are heterogeneous, of sometimes dubious quality, and rarely address clinical outcomes. Precise practical guidelines appear available only for indications related to kidney disease. First-line intravenous use is reserved for situations comprising chronic renal failure, or patients presenting with malabsorption syndromes such as in inflammatory bowel disease. In all other situations, because of the non-negligible risk of hypersensitivity reactions, intravenous iron use is considered justified only in clinically sustained indications, for patients in whom oral administration of iron is unsatisfactory or impossible.


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The metabolic balance method was performed on three men to investigate the fate of large excesses of carbohydrate. Glycogen stores, which were first depleted by diet (3 d, 8.35 +/- 0.27 MJ [1994 +/- 65 kcal] decreasing to 5.70 +/- 1.03 MJ [1361 +/- 247 kcal], 15% protein, 75% fat, 10% carbohydrate) and exercise, were repleted during 7 d carbohydrate overfeeding (11% protein, 3% fat, and 86% carbohydrate) providing 15.25 +/- 1.10 MJ (3642 +/- 263 kcal) on the first day, increasing progressively to 20.64 +/- 1.30 MJ (4930 +/- 311 kcal) on the last day of overfeeding. Glycogen depletion was again accomplished with 2 d of carbohydrate restriction (2.52 MJ/d [602 kcal/d], 85% protein, and 15% fat). Glycogen storage capacity in man is approximately 15 g/kg body weight and can accommodate a gain of approximately 500 g before net lipid synthesis contributes to increasing body fat mass. When the glycogen stores are saturated, massive intakes of carbohydrate are disposed of by high carbohydrate-oxidation rates and substantial de novo lipid synthesis (150 g lipid/d using approximately 475 g CHO/d) without postabsorptive hyperglycemia.


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The discovery that astrocytes possess a nonelectrical form of excitability (calcium excitability) that leads to the release of chemical transmitters, an activity called gliotransmission, indicates that these cells may have additional important roles in brain function. Elucidating the stimulussecretion coupling leading to the exocytic release of chemical transmitters (such as glutamate, Bezzi et al., Nature Neurosci, 2004) may therefore clarify i) whether astrocytes represent in full a new class of secretory cells in the brain and ii) whether they can participate to the fast brain signaling in the brain. We have recently discovered the existence in astrocytes of functional sub-membrane microdomains of calcium release from the internal stores in response to mGluR5 activation (Marchaland et al., J of Neurosci., 2008). Such sub-plasma membrane calcium microdomains control exocytosis of astrocytic glutamate signaling to neurons. Homer proteins are scaffold proteins controlling calcium signaling in different cellular microdomains, including dendritic spines in neurons (Sala et al., J of Neurosci., 2005). Thus, similarly to dendritic pines, Homer1 could be implicated in the coupling between astrocytic mGluR5 and IP3Rs on the ER. Here, by using a recently developed approach for studying vesicle recycling dynamics at synapses (Voglmaier et al., Neuron, 2006; Balaji and Ryan, PNAS, 2007) combined with epifluorescence and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) imaging, we investigated the involvement of Homer1 proteins in the calcium dependent stimulus-secretion coupling leading glutamate exocytosis of synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs) in astrocytes.


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Introducció: Els errors de medicació són definits com qualsevol incident prevenible que pot causar dany al pacient o donar lloc a una utilització inapropiada dels medicaments, quan aquests estan sota el control dels professionals sanitaris o del pacient. Els errors en la preparació i l’administració de medicació són els més comuns de l’àrea hospitalària i, tot i la llarga cadena per la qual passa el fàrmac, el professional d’infermeria és el últim responsable de l’acció, tenint així, un paper molt important en la seguretat del pacient. Les infermeres dediquen el 40% del temps de la seva jornada laboral en tasques relacionades amb la medicació. Objectiu: Determinar si les infermeres produeixen més errors si treballen amb sistemes de distribució de medicació de stock o en sistemes de distribució unidosis de medicació. Metodologia: Estudi quantitatiu, observacional i descriptiu, on la notificació d’errors (o oportunitats d’error) realitzats per la infermera, en les fases de preparació i administració de medicació, es farà mitjançant un qüestionari autoelaborat. Els elements a identificar seran: el tipus d’error, les causes que poden haver--‐lo produït, la seva potencial gravetat i qui l’ha pogut evitar; així com el tipus de professional que l’ha produït. Altres dades rellevants són: el medicament implicat junt amb la dosis i la via d’administració i el sistema de distribució utilitzat. Mostreig i mostra: El mostreig serà no probabilístic i per conveniència. S’escolliran aquelles infermeres que l’investigador consideri amb les característiques necessàries per participar en l’estudi, així que la mostra estarà formada per les infermeres les quals treballen a la unitat 40 de l’Hospital del Mar i utilitzen un sistema de distribució de medicació de dosis unitàries i les infermeres que treballen a urgències (concretament a l’àrea de nivell dos) de l’Hospital del Mar les quals treballen amb un sistema de distribució de medicació de stock.


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Aquest projecte es dirigeix a tots aquells docents que gestionen informació d'activitats dinvestigació des de diferents eines tecnològiques i que precisen de connexió a Internet i de diverses Webs. Per centralitzar aquestes dades, neix TeachPro, un software automatitzat que gestiona i emmagatzema informació sobre les activitats de gestió per tal que l'usuari en disposi de manera ràpida i organitzada. Tot això, sense connexió a Internet. Les dades són gestionades mitjançant una interfície a partir de la qual l'usuari podrà consultar, afegir, modificar, o eliminar tota aquella informació que desitgi. Totes aquestes dades seran emmagatzemades en una base de dades local.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the circumstances of first anal intercourse (FAI) among men who have sex with men (MSM) and to identify factors associated with condom use at this event. We conducted a cross-sectional survey among a convenience sample of MSM living in Switzerland (N = 2,200). Anonymous questionnaires were distributed using Swiss gay communication channels (newspapers, associations, websites) and gay bathhouses. We gathered data on age at FAI, age of the partner, degree of familiarity with him, place of first meeting, and sociodemographic indicators. We did not ask whether FAI was insertive, receptive, or both. Data were stratified by birth year classes (birth cohorts). The median age at FAI fell from 24.5 years among men born before 1965 to 20.0 years among those born between 1975 and 1984 (p < .001). In each birth cohort, between 20 and 30% reported a partner 10 years older or more. Of eight variables examined in multivariate analysis, two were positively associated with condom use: age of participants at FAI and low degree of familiarity between partners. Conversely, large age discrepancy between partners was negatively associated with condom use. In conclusion, our data showed that early initiation of anal intercourse and large age discrepancy were associated with risk taking: a pattern of initiation that may facilitate HIV transmission from older to younger cohorts of MSM. Since age at FAI is on the decrease, there is an urgent need to heighten awareness of prevention actions regarding sexual debut of MSM.


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The road paving cost continues to increase and the backlog of projects waiting for funding is growing. Finding a more cost-effective way to use the available money to pave roads will result in more miles of road being paved with the same amount of money. This project is in Cass County on G35 between US 71 and Norway-Center. It consists of a thin layer of asphalt over a base designed to achieve stability while having some permeability. This project was paved in 1996. An asphalt cement concrete pavement was chosen for the project based on cost, convenience, and historic portland cement concrete problems in Cass County. The new pavement gives quicker access time to farms and residences.


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Three pavement design software packages were compared with regards to how they were different in determining design input parameters and their influences on the pavement thickness. StreetPave designs the concrete pavement thickness based on the PCA method and the equivalent asphalt pavement thickness. The WinPAS software performs both concrete and asphalt pavements following the AASHTO 1993 design method. The APAI software designs asphalt pavements based on pre-mechanistic/empirical AASHTO methodology. First, the following four critical design input parameters were identified: traffic, subgrade strength, reliability, and design life. The sensitivity analysis of these four design input parameters were performed using three pavement design software packages to identify which input parameters require the most attention during pavement design. Based on the current pavement design procedures and sensitivity analysis results, a prototype pavement design and sensitivity analysis (PD&SA) software package was developed to retrieve the pavement thickness design value for a given condition and allow a user to perform a pavement design sensitivity analysis. The prototype PD&SA software is a computer program that stores pavement design results in database that is designed for the user to input design data from the variety of design programs and query design results for given conditions. The prototype Pavement Design and Sensitivity Analysis (PA&SA) software package was developed to demonstrate the concept of retrieving the pavement design results from the database for a design sensitivity analysis. This final report does not include the prototype software which will be validated and tested during the next phase.


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Human keratinocytes represent a potent source of the pro-inflammatory cytokines pro-interleukin(IL)-1α and -β. ProIL-1β requires processing by caspase-1 (IL-1β-converting enzyme, ICE) for activation and receptor binding. ProIL-1α and -β lack a signal peptide and leave the cell via the alternative secretion pathway, which is independent of the classical ER/Golgi pathway. Both cytokines are stored in the cytoplasm and can be activated and released upon UV irradiation. In macrophages maturation of proIL-1β requires the activation of inflammasomes, innate multiprotein immune complexes, which are essential for the activation of caspase-1 and thereby for processing of proIL-1β. However, the intracellular pathways, which are responsible for activation of proIL-1β and secretion of IL-1β in keratinocytes, are unknown. We show that human keratinocytes express inflammasome proteins in vitro and in vivo. UVB irradiation of keratinocytes results in an increase of cytoplasmic Ca2+ from intracellular stores. This shift is required for inflammasome-dependent activation of caspase-1 and subsequent processing of proIL-1β and secretion of IL-1β. In contrast to macrophages, caspase-1 cannot activate proIL-18 in keratinocytes, although secretion of this cytokine is also induced by UVB irradiation. In vivo, caspase-1 is also essential for UVB-induced inflammation in the skin, since caspase-1 knockout mice showed a strongly reduced inflammatory response after UVB irradiation. Our results suggest that keratinocytes are important immuno-competent cells under physiological and pathological conditions.


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Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) is a pluripotent peptide hormone that regulates various cellular activities, including growth, differentiation, and extracellular matrix protein gene expression. We previously showed that TGF-beta induces the transcriptional activation domain (TAD) of CTF-1, the prototypic member of the CTF/NF-I family of transcription factors. This induction correlates with the proposed role of CTF/NF-I binding sites in collagen gene induction by TGF-beta. However, the mechanisms of TGF-beta signal transduction remain poorly understood. Here, we analyzed the role of free calcium signaling in the induction of CTF-1 transcriptional activity by TGF-beta. We found that TGF-beta stimulates calcium influx and mediates an increase of the cytoplasmic calcium concentration in NIH3T3 cells. TGF-beta induction of CTF-1 is inhibited in cells pretreated with thapsigargin, which depletes the endoplasmic reticulum calcium stores, thus further arguing for the potential relevance of calcium mobilization in TGF-beta action. Consistent with this possibility, expression of a constitutively active form of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase calcineurin or of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase IV (DeltaCaMKIV) specifically induces the CTF-1 TAD and the endogenous mouse CTF/NF-I proteins. Both calcineurin- and DeltaCaMKIV-mediated induction require the previously identified TGF-beta-responsive domain of CTF-1. The immunosuppressants cyclosporin A and FK506 abolish calcineurin-mediated induction of CTF-1 activity. However, TGF-beta still induces the CTF-1 TAD in cells treated with these compounds or in cells overexpressing both calcineurin and DeltaCaMKIV, suggesting that other calcium-sensitive enzymes might mediate TGF-beta action. These results identify CTF/NF-I as a novel calcium signaling pathway-responsive transcription factor and further suggest multiple molecular mechanisms for the induction of CTF/NF-I transcriptional activity by growth factors.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Normal weight obesity (NWO) has been defined as an excessive body fat (BF) associated with a normal body mass index (BMI). Still, little is known regarding the effect of differing cut-offs for %BF on the prevalence of NWO. We thus conducted a study to assess the effect of modifying the cut-offs for excessive %BF on the prevalence of NWO. METHODS: We examined a convenience sample of 1523 Portuguese adults. BF was measured by validated hand-held bioimpedance. NWO was defined as a BMI < 25 kg/m2 and a %BF >30% or according to sex- and age-specific %BF cut-offs. RESULTS: Prevalence of NWO was 10.1% in women and 3.2% in men. In women, prevalence of NWO increased considerably with age, and virtually all women aged over 55 with a BMI < 25 kg/m2 were actually considered as NWO. Using sex-specific cut-offs for BF (men: 29.1%; women: 37.2%) led to moderately lower prevalence of NWO in women. Using sex and age-specific cut-offs for %BF considerably decreased the prevalence of NWO in women, i.e. 0.5e2.5% (depending on the criterion) but not in men, i.e. 1.9e3.4%. CONCLUSIONS: In women, the prevalence of NWO varies considerably according to the cut-off used to define excess BF, whereas a much smaller variation is found in men. While further studies are needed to describe the risk associated with NWO using various %BF cut-offs, this study suggests that sex- and age-specific cut-offs may be preferred.


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The discovery that astrocytes possess a non-electrical form of excitability (Ca21-excitability) that leads to the release of chemical transmitters, an activity called ''gliotransmission'', indicates that these cells may have additional important roles in brain function. Elucidating the stimulus-secretion coupling leading to the exocytic release of chemical transmitters (such as glutamate, Bezzi et al., Nature Neurosci, 2004) may therefore clarify i) whether astrocytes represent in full a new class of secretory cells in the brain and ii) whether they can participate to the fast brain signaling in the brain. We have recently discovered the existence in astrocytes of functional sub-membrane microdomains of Ca21 release from the internal stores in response to mGluR5 activation (Marchaland et al., J of Neurosci., 2008). Such Ca21 microdomains control exocytosis of astrocytic glutamate signalling to neurons. Homer proteins are scaffold proteins controlling Ca21 signalling in different cellular microdomains, including dendritic spines in neurons (Sala et al., J of Neurosci., 2005). Thus, similarly to dendritic pines, Homer1 could be implicated in the coupling between astrocytic mGluR5 and IP3Rs on the ER. Here, by using a recently developed approach for studying vesicle recycling dynamics at synapses (Voglmaier et al., Neuron, 2006; Balaji and Ryan, PNAS, 2007) combined with epifluorescence and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) imaging, we have investigated the involvement of Homer1 proteins in the Ca21-dependent stimulus-secretion coupling leading glutamate exocytosis of synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs) in astrocytes.