907 resultados para Conservative
A técnica de isquemia-reperfusão tem sido utilizada em cirurgias conservadoras do rim como a nefrectomia parcial e em transplantes renais. Para se realizar a isquemia pode-se fazer o bloqueio do fluxo sanguíneo da artéria renal ou o bloqueio simultâneo da artéria e da veia renal. O evento isquêmico acarreta em dano celular ao rim principalmente pelo estresse oxidativo local e a liberação de radicais livres assim como o aumento da resposta inflamatória. Diversos autores verificaram lesão renal após a isquemia-reperfusão, porém, apenas testes funcionais foram realizados até o momento. Os autores que tentaram avaliar a lesão morfológica do rim apenas fizeram a quantificação de escores subjetivos. O nosso objetivo é avaliar por quantificação estereológica o dano causado pela isquemia-reperfusão comparando o clampeamento somente arterial com o clampeamento arteriovenoso. Utilizamos 24 ratos wistar, machos, de quatro meses de idade. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos: o grupo Sham (n=8), o grupo de clampeamento somente da artéria renal (n=8) e o grupo de clampeamento simultâneo da artéria e da veia renal (n=8). Os animais foram submetidos a laparotomia mediana. Os animais do grupo Sham permaneceram os 60 minutos anestesiados mas sem obstrução do fluxo sanguíneo de seus vasos renais. Os animais do grupo de clampeamento arterial foram submetidos à clampeamento de sua arterial renal esquerda por 60 minutos e os animais do grupo de clampeamento arterial e venoso tiveram seus vasos renais esquerdos clampeados simultaneamente e em bloco pelo mesmo tempo. Após os 60 minutos os animais foram suturados e mantidos por 30 dias em caixas próprias sendo mortos por sobredose anestésica após decorrido esse tempo. Os rins foram coletados e mantidos em solução de formalina tamponada e posteriormente processados para análise histológica e estereológica. Foram analisados a densidade volumétrica (Vv) dos glomérulos, o número de glomérulos/mm3(Nv) e o volume glomerular médio (VGM). A Vv e Nv se encontrou reduzida nos rins esquerdos submetidos à isquemia mas foi somente significativa nos animais do grupo de clampeamento arterial e venoso. Mesmo usando o rato como modelo animal experimental, a partir de nossos resultados recomendamos o uso do clampeamento somente arterial nos casos em que mínina lesão ao rim é imperiosa.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as políticas de inclusão e as condições de permanência dos alunos com deficiência na Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE). Para tanto, contextualizaram-se as circunstâncias históricas do processo de inclusão/exclusão, reconhecendo as possíveis limitações enfrentadas nos sistemas de ensino superior brasileiro, e abordaram-se as linhas e diretrizes da educação do Estado do Paraná. Utilizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas para abordar alunos com deficiência (física, sensorial e/ou cognitiva), professores, coordenadores de cursos, diretores de Câmpus e de Centros onde esses alunos encontravam-se matriculados, integrantes do Programa Institucional de Ações Relativas às Pessoas com Necessidades Especiais (PEE) e gestores dos cinco Câmpus da Universidade. As declarações apresentadas pelos entrevistados reconhecem a relevância do PEE, destacando serem imprescindíveis as ações desenvolvidas pela equipe nas bancas do processo seletivo vestibular, porém apontaram para a necessidade de medidas para uma real efetivação do Programa, o que implica maiores repasses de subsídios financeiros e a realização de concursos públicos para a contratação de profissionais especializados para atender a demanda existente em todos os Câmpus da instituição. Foi possível identificar que a UNIOESTE não atende os requisitos das normas brasileiras do setor da construção civil (NBR 9050/2004) e a inexistência de políticas de permanência na Instituição impõe limites para a diversidade existente. Correlacionadas a essas questões, identificou-se barreiras que comprometem a inclusão na UNIOESTE, abrangendo as barreiras atitudinais, físicas e sistêmicas. Conclui-se que o debate sobre a inclusão das pessoas com deficiência precisa se enraizar na estrutura interna da universidade e na concepção política e elitista do governo do Estado do Paraná, que ainda possui fortes ondas conservadoras, que muitas vezes sufocam os movimentos contra-hegemônicos, dificultando esse processo de inclusão de todos numa universidade pública, gratuita e de qualidade
Hurricanes can cause extensive damage to the coastline and coastal communities due to wind-generated waves and storm surge. While extensive modeling efforts have been conducted regarding storm surge, there is far less information about the effects of waves on these communities and ecosystems as storms make landfall. This report describes a preliminary use of NCCOS’ WEMo (Wave Exposure Model; Fonseca and Malhotra 2010) to compute the wind wave exposure within an area of approximately 25 miles radius from Beaufort, North Carolina for estuarine waters encompassing Bogue Sound, Back Sound and Core Sound during three hurricane landfall scenarios. The wind wave heights and energy of a site was a computation based on wind speed, direction, fetch and local bathymetry. We used our local area (Beaufort, North Carolina) as a test bed for this product because it is frequently impacted by hurricanes and we had confidence in the bathymetry data. Our test bed conditions were based on two recent Hurricanes that strongly affected this area. First, we used hurricane Isabel which made landfall near Beaufort in September 2003. Two hurricane simulations were run first by passing hurricane Isabel along its actual path (east of Beaufort) and second by passing the same storm to the west of Beaufort to show the potential effect of the reversed wind field. We then simulated impacts by a hurricane (Ophelia) with a different landfall track, which occurred in September of 2005. The simulations produced a geographic description of wave heights revealing the changing wind and wave exposure of the region as a consequence of landfall location and storm intensity. This highly conservative simulation (water levels were that of low tide) revealed that many inhabited and developed shorelines would receive wind waves for prolonged periods of time at heights far above that found during even the top few percent of non-hurricane events. The simulations also provided a sense for how rapidly conditions could transition from moderate to highly threatening; wave heights were shown to far exceed normal conditions often long before the main body of the storm arrived and importantly, at many locations that could impede and endanger late-fleeing vessels seeking safe harbor. When joined with other factors, such as storm surge and event duration, we anticipate that the WEMo forecasting tool will have significant use by local emergency agencies and the public to anticipate the relative exposure of their property arising as a function of storm location and may also be used by resource managers to examine the effects of storms in a quantitative fashion on local living marine resources.
Age and growth of sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) in waters off eastern Taiwan were examined from counts of growth rings on cross sections of the fourth spine of the first dorsal fin. Length and weight data and the dorsal fin spines were collected monthly at the fishing port of Shinkang (southeast of Taiwan) from July 1998 to August 1999. In total, 1166 dorsal fins were collected, of which 1135 (97%) (699 males and 436 females) were aged successfully. Trends in the monthly mean marginal increment ratio indicated that growth rings are formed once a year. Two methods were used to back-calculate the length of presumed ages, and growth was described by using the standard von Bertalanffy growth function and the Richards function. The most reasonable and conservative description of growth assumes that length-at-age follows the Richards function and that the relationship between spine radius and lower jaw fork length (LJFL) follows a power function. Growth differed significantly between the sexes; females grew faster and reached larger sizes than did males. The maximum sizes in our sample were 232 cm LJFL for female and 221 cm LJFL for male.
In the present study, non-conservative abiotic parameters and biological conditions were utilized to portray the causes, consequences and magnitude of anthropogenic eutrophication in 4 fresh water perennial community ponds at Gangetic West Bengal, India. In order to classify the ponds, a single criterion basis was adopted and more emphasis given to the species of plankton which are biological indicators of eutrophication. Besides this, various abiotic parameters were also studied. On the basis of results obtained, 4 ponds have been classified as "Eutrophic, Tropical Bacillariae".
A vast body of experimental data has been accumulated on the constant amplitude crack growth response of structural metals in moist laboratory air. Usually the data is presented as plots of crack growth rate, da/dN, against stress intensity range, DELTA K. In order to extrapolate this data to fatigue crack growth in more active or more inert environments, to crack growth under variable amplitude loading, or to crack growth under multi-axial or mixed mode loading, the mechanisms of crack advance and crack closure should be considered. This paper briefly reviews the crack closure phenomenon and discusses the dominant causes of accelerated and retarded growth under changes in environment or type of loading. It is argued that simple constant amplitude data is often surprisingly accurate when used to predict crack growth in more complex situations. However, there are some cases where constant amplitude data lead to dangerously non-conservative predictions of fatigue life.
Marine line-fishing is seen to be of major importance to the social well-being and economy of many coastal people of Mozambique. Aspects of the artisanal and semi-industrial fisheries of Mozambique are described and a recent significant increase in effort is noted. Landings are seen to comprise a high proportion of vulnerable, endemic species, several of which are shared with neighbouring South Africa. Trends in CPUE, sex ratios and yield per recruit suggest that future landings may decline if conservative management is not introduced. Strategies for data collection and biological research on key species are proposed.
Background: Due to the advances of high throughput technology and data-collection approaches, we are now in an unprecedented position to understand the evolution of organisms. Great efforts have characterized many individual genes responsible for the interspecies divergence, yet little is known about the genome-wide divergence at a higher level. Modules, serving as the building blocks and operational units of biological systems, provide more information than individual genes. Hence, the comparative analysis between species at the module level would shed more light on the mechanisms underlying the evolution of organisms than the traditional comparative genomics approaches. Results: We systematically identified the tissue-related modules using the iterative signature algorithm (ISA), and we detected 52 and 65 modules in the human and mouse genomes, respectively. The gene expression patterns indicate that all of these predicted modules have a high possibility of serving as real biological modules. In addition, we defined a novel quantity, "total constraint intensity,'' a proxy of multiple constraints (of co-regulated genes and tissues where the co-regulation occurs) on the evolution of genes in module context. We demonstrate that the evolutionary rate of a gene is negatively correlated with its total constraint intensity. Furthermore, there are modules coding the same essential biological processes, while their gene contents have diverged extensively between human and mouse. Conclusions: Our results suggest that unlike the composition of module, which exhibits a great difference between human and mouse, the functional organization of the corresponding modules may evolve in a more conservative manner. Most importantly, our findings imply that similar biological processes can be carried out by different sets of genes from human and mouse, therefore, the functional data of individual genes from mouse may not apply to human in certain occasions.
Two shock-capturing methods are considered. One is based on a standard conservative Roe scheme with van Leer's MUSCL variable extrapolation method applied to characteristic variables and a Runge-Kutta time stepping scheme. The other is based on the novel CABARET space-time scheme, which uses two sets of staggered variables, one for the conservation step and the other for characteristic splitting into local Riemann invariants. The methods are compared in a range of 2-D inviscid compressible flow test cases. Copyright © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
During earthquakes, hydrodynamic pressures are generated by the impounded reservoir on the dam face. The magnitude and distribution of the hydrodynamic pressures vary with factors such as frequency and intensity of earthquake-induced ground motion, depth of impounded reservoir, stiffness of dam and geological conditions. It is difficult to obtain experimental data on hydrodynamic pressures from the field owing to uncertainties associated with earthquake loading. This paper aims at using dynamic centrifuge modelling to measure hydrodynamic pressures behind both relatively stiff and flexible model dams. Comparisons of the experimental data with theoretical hydrodynamic pressures show that Westergaard's equation gives a conservative estimation of hydrodynamic pressures. Comparison with Chopra's method revealed that it underpredicts hydrodynamic pressures for low reservoir depths but gives reasonably good predictions for higher depths of reservoir. It is concluded that dynamic centrifuge modelling may be an effective experimental method to estimate the hydrodynamic pressures acting on a dam. © 2010 Thomas Telford Ltd.
Piles passing through sloping liquefiable deposits are prone to lateral loading if these deposits liquefy and flow during earthquakes. These lateral loads caused by the relative soil-pile movement will induce bending in the piles and may result in failure of the piles or excessive pile-head displacement. Whilst the weak nature of the flowing liquefied soil would suggest that only small loads would be exerted on the piles, it is known from case histories that piles do fail owing to the influence of laterally spreading soils. It will be shown, based on dynamic centrifuge test data, that dilatant behaviour of soil close to the pile is the major cause of these considerable transient lateral loads which are transferred to the pile. This paper reports the results of geotechnical centrifuge tests in which models of gently sloping liquefiable sand with pile foundations passing through them were subjected to earthquake excitation. The soil close to the pile was instrumented with pore-pressure transducers and contact stress cells in order to monitor the interaction between soil and pile and to track the soil stress state both upslope and downslope of the pile. The presence of instrumentation measuring pore-pressure and lateral stress close to the pile in the research described in this paper gives the opportunity to better study the soil stress state close to the pile and to compare the loads measured as being applied to the piles by the laterally spreading soils with those suggested by the JRA design code. This test data shows that lateral stresses much greater than one might expect from calculations based on the residual strength of liquefied soil may be applied to piles in flowing liquefied slopes owing to the dilative behaviour of the liquefied soil. It is shown at least for the particular geometry studied that the current JRA design code can be un-conservative by a factor of three for these dilation-affected transient lateral loads.
It is shown in the paper how robustness can be guaranteed for consensus protocols with heterogeneous dynamics in a scalable and decentralized way i.e. by each agent satisfying a test that does not require knowledge of the entire network. Random graph examples illustrate that the proposed certificates are not conservative for classes of large scale networks, despite the heterogeneity of the dynamics, which is a distinctive feature of this work. The conditions hold for symmetric protocols and more conservative stability conditions are given for general nonsymmetric interconnections. Nonlinear extensions in an IQC framework are finally discussed. Copyright © 2005 IFAC.
Centrifuge testing has been undertaken to investigate instability failure of pile groups during seismic liquefaction, with specific reference to the 'top-down' propagation of liquefaction during the earthquake and to account for initial imperfections in pile geometry. The results of these tests were used to validate numerical models within the finite element program ABAQUS, based on the popular p-y analysis method. Pseudostatic classical and post-buckling analyses were conducted to examine the collapse behaviour of the pile groups and were found to give reasonable predictions of collapse load and conservative predictions of the associated deflection conditions. This numerical model was compared to currently published methods which were found to over-predict collapse loads. The resulting insights into the collapse of axially loaded pile groups revealed that the failure load is strongly dependent on both the depth of liquefaction propagation and initial imperfections, which reduce the collapse load.
The seismic design for offshore foundations is based predominantly on experience onshore. This paper describes the results of dynamic centrifuge tests performed to validate the performance of a suction caisson installed in normally consolidated clay. The main objective is to evaluate the likely plastic displacement under different shaking levels. Permanent displacement results indicate that the displacements experienced are well within the allowable movement for the foundation considered, even though a strength based design approach would consider this to be a failure. Larger earthquakes are seen to produce comparatively smaller displacements. It is concluded that the when designing for seismic loading, if some displacement is permissible then a performance-based approach allowing some displacement proves significantly less conservative than a purely strength-based design. It is also concluded that dynamic response analyses should consider the strength of soil, as this can act as a fuse against large amplitude shear waves. © 2011 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
Construction industry is a sector that is renowned for the slow uptake of new technologies. This is usually due to the conservative nature of this sector that relies heavily on tried and tested and successful old business practices. However, there is an eagerness in this industry to adopt Building Information Modelling (BIM) technologies to capture and record accurate information about a building project. But vast amounts of information and knowledge about the construction process is typically hidden within informal social interactions that take place in the work environment. In this paper we present a vision where smartphones and tablet devices carried by construction workers are used to capture the interaction and communication between workers in the field. Informal chats about decisions taken in the field, impromptu formation of teams, identification of key persons for certain tasks, and tracking the flow of information across the project community, are some pieces of information that could be captured by employing social sensing in the field. This information can not only be used during the construction to improve the site processes but it can also be exploited by the end user during maintenance of the building. We highlight the challenges that need to be overcome for this mobile and social sensing system to become a reality. © 2012 ACM.