809 resultados para Comprehensive income


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Kansallisen kokonaismaanpuolustuksemme toimintaympäristö on kylmän sodan jälkeisellä ajalla ollut voimakkaassa muutoksessa. Globalisoituvassa maailmassa turvallisuushaasteet ja -uhat muodostavat keskinäisriippuvuuden verkoston, joiden vaikutuksiltaan laajat seuraukset iskevät lyhyillä varoitusajoilla yhä voimakkaammin, etäämmälle ja perinteisistä valtioiden rajoista välittämättä. Kansainvälisessä toiminnassa on vakiintumassa käsitteellisellä tasolla termi ”Comprehensive Approach”- kuvaamaan kokonaisvaltaista lähestymistapaa uusiin turvallisuushaasteisiin vastaamiseksi laajan turvallisuuden käsiteympäristössä. Miten tämä käsite ymmärretään Suomelle keskeisimpien toimijoiden, eli Euroopan Unionin, Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien, Naton, Yhdysvaltojen tai vaikkapa Pohjoismaiden osalta? Kansallisen varautumisemme päämäärä on kuitenkin säilynyt vuosien saatossa samana. Sen tehtävänä on ollut varmistaa ja ylläpitää yhteiskuntamme elintärkeät toiminnot kaikissa tilanteissa kansalaisten elinmahdollisuuksien turvaamiseksi sekä valtion toimintakyvyn säilyttämiseksi. Varautumisemme kulmakiveksi on vuosikymmenten kuluessa muotoutunut kokonaismaanpuolustuksen konsepti, jonka avulla kaikki tärkeimmät kansalliset voimavaramme on kyetty keskittämään kohti yhteistä päämäärää kriisitilanteesta selviämiseksi sekä on estetty pienen valtion rajallisten resurssien päällekkäinen kehittäminen tai käyttö. Suomen kriisivalmiuden nykytila ja tulevaisuus on kuitenkin yhä tiiviimmin sidoksissa kansainväliseen kehitykseen. Syrjäinen sijaintimme, riippuvuus ulkomaankaupasta pitkine kulje-tusyhteyksineen, talouden kasvava integraatio, sähköisen viestinnän kehitys, teknologinen kustannusten kasvu sekä erikoistumisen vaatimus lisäävät jatkuvasti alttiuttamme erilaisille häiriöille ja lisäävät varautumisen kokonaiskustannuksia. Myös luonnon ääri-ilmiöiden voimistuminen, energiariippuvuuden lisääntyminen sekä sotilaallisten kriisinhallintaoperaatioiden luonteen muutos edellyttävät kansallisen varautumisemme perusrakenteiden aktiivista ja kehittävää tarkastelua. Tämän diplomityön keskeisenä tarkoituksena on löytää ja tunnistaa konstruktivismin teorian viitekehyksessä niitä kansainvälisen kehityksen trendejä ja muutospaineita, jotka mahdollistavat oman kansallisen kokonaismaanpuolustuksen mallimme kehittämisen. Samalla Suomelle tarjoutuu mahdollisuus vaikuttaa aktiivisella omalla toiminnallaan ja osaamisellaan kansainväliseen kehitykseen sekä verkottumalla hyödyntää globaalia osaamispääomaa. Esimerkkeinä tästä onnistuneesta kaksisuuntaisesta vaikuttamisesta esitellään tässä tutkimustyössä Suomen toiminta monikansallisessa suorituskykyjen kehittämistoiminnassa (MNE- eksperimentaatiosarja) sekä merivalvonta-alalla toteutettu monenvälinen yhteistyö.


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Insufficient understanding of entrepreneurial opportunities characterizes entrepreneurship research (Companys & McMullen 2006, 302). Subsequently, the purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of entrepreneurial opportunity and to explore and synthetize the integrated theory of entrepreneurial opportunity. A theoretical and concept analytical approach was adapted. Findings of this study was that entrepreneurial opportunity concept was used for variety of different phenomena. No commonly accepted definition existed. Altogether 24 attributes that described the concept were found. The most frequently attached attributes were agent and action, new goods and services, market, value, new means ends or both, and future. Further, the results implied that opportunity could be best understood as a part of a process. Opportunity emerges out of intervened factors. Changes in the environment together with factors related to knowledge, cognition and social ties are the most important drivers of opportunity. Preventing factors that impeded the emergence of opportunity were typically related to cognitive and organizational factors. This study found a tendency towards more integrated theory of entrepreneurial opportunity. The integrated theory acknowledged the usefulness of both discovery and creation theories of opportunity in explaining opportunity. Yet three argument types of integrating two different opportunity theories were identified. These were process category, contextual category and complementing category. Opportunity is at the same time cognitive, social and linguistic construct, although it is shaped by the objective environment. Opportunity requires linguistic endeavors to become explicit. Materialization of opportunity occurs in a social context. Moreover, it is always characterized by some extent of subjectivity, as opportunities cannot appear without the agent and their action. Due to these the concept remains always to some extent ambiguous. Tolerating and harnessing change and investing in human and social capital create the preeminent environment for the entrepreneurial opportunity to be identified.


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Abstract—This paper discusses existing military capability models and proposes a comprehensive capability meta-model (CCMM) which unites the existing capability models into an integrated and hierarchical whole. The Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture is used as a structure for the CCMM. The CCMM takes into account the abstraction level, the primary area of application, stakeholders, intrinsic process, and life cycle considerations of each existing capability model, and shows how the models relate to each other. The validity of the CCMM was verified through a survey of subject matter experts. The results suggest that the CCMM is of practical value to various capability stakeholders in many ways, such as helping to improve communication between the different capability communities.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Postnatal depression is a significant problem affecting 10-15% of mothers in many countries and has been the subject of an increasing number of publications. Prenatal depression has been studied less. The aims of the present investigation were: 1) to obtain information on the prevalence of prenatal and postnatal depression in low income Brazilian women by using an instrument already employed in several countries, i.e., the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS); 2) to evaluate the risk factors involved in prenatal and postnatal depression in Brazil. The study groups included 33 pregnant women interviewed at home during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, and once a month during the first six months after delivery. Questions on life events and the mother's relationship with the baby were posed during each visit. Depressed pregnant women received less support from their partners than non-depressed pregnant women (36.4 vs 72.2%, P<0.05; Fisher exact test). Black women predominated among pre- and postnatally depressed subjects. Postnatal depression was associated with lower parity (0.4 ± 0.5 vs 1.1 ± 1.0, P<0.05; Student t-test). Thus, the period of pregnancy may be susceptible to socio-environmental factors that induce depression, such as the lack of affective support from the partner. The prevalence rate of 12% observed for depression in the third month postpartum is comparable to that of studies from other countries.


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The objectives of this overview are to describe the past and potential contributions of birth cohorts to understanding chronic disease aetiology; advance a justification for the maintenance of birth cohorts from low- and middle-income countries (LMIC); provide an audit of birth cohorts from LMIC; and, finally, offer possible future directions for this sphere of research. While the contribution of birth cohorts from affluent societies to understanding disease aetiology has been considerable, we describe several reasons to anticipate why the results from such studies might not be directly applied to LMIC. More than any other developing country, Brazil has a tradition of establishing, maintaining and exploiting birth cohort studies. The clear need for a broader geographical representation may be precipitated by a greater collaboration worldwide in the sharing of ideas, fieldwork experience, and cross-country cohort data comparisons in order to carry out the best science in the most efficient manner. This requires the involvement of a central overseeing body - such as the World Health Organization - that has the respect of all countries and the capacity to develop strategic plans for `global' life-course epidemiology while addressing such issues as data-sharing. For rapid progress to be made, however, there must be minimal bureaucratic entanglements.


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Financial industry has recently encountered many changes in the business environment. Increased regulation together with growing competition is forcing commercial banks to rethink their business models. In order to maintain profitability in the new environment, banks are focusing more into activities that yield noninterest income. This is a shift away from the traditional intermediation function of banks. This study aims to answer the question if the shift from traditional income yielding activities to more innovative noninterest activities is logical in terms of profitability and risk in Nordics. This study also aims to answer the question if diversification within the noninterest income categories has impact on profitability and risk and if there are certain categories of noninterest income that are better than others in terms of profitability and risk in Nordics. Results show that diversification between interest and noninterest activities and increase in the share of noninterest income have a negative impact on the risk adjusted returns and risk profile. Results also show that further diversification within the noninterest income categories has negative impact on risk adjusted profitability and risk while an increase of the share of commission and fee income category of total noninterest income has a positive impact on risk adjusted profitability and risk. Results are logical and in line with previous research (De Young & Roland, 2001; Stiroh, 2004). Results provide useful information to banks and help them better evaluate outcomes of different income diversification strategies.


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Over time the demand for quantitative portfolio management has increased among financial institutions but there is still a lack of practical tools. In 2008 EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre conducted a survey of European investment practices. It revealed that the majority of asset or fund management companies, pension funds and institutional investors do not use more sophisticated models to compensate the flaws of the Markowitz mean-variance portfolio optimization. Furthermore, tactical asset allocation managers employ a variety of methods to estimate return and risk of assets, but also need sophisticated portfolio management models to outperform their benchmarks. Recent development in portfolio management suggests that new innovations are slowly gaining ground, but still need to be studied carefully. This thesis tries to provide a practical tactical asset allocation (TAA) application to the Black–Litterman (B–L) approach and unbiased evaluation of B–L models’ qualities. Mean-variance framework, issues related to asset allocation decisions and return forecasting are examined carefully to uncover issues effecting active portfolio management. European fixed income data is employed in an empirical study that tries to reveal whether a B–L model based TAA portfolio is able outperform its strategic benchmark. The tactical asset allocation utilizes Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model to create return forecasts from lagged values of asset classes as well as economic variables. Sample data (31.12.1999–31.12.2012) is divided into two. In-sample data is used for calibrating a strategic portfolio and the out-of-sample period is for testing the tactical portfolio against the strategic benchmark. Results show that B–L model based tactical asset allocation outperforms the benchmark portfolio in terms of risk-adjusted return and mean excess return. The VAR-model is able to pick up the change in investor sentiment and the B–L model adjusts portfolio weights in a controlled manner. TAA portfolio shows promise especially in moderately shifting allocation to more risky assets while market is turning bullish, but without overweighting investments with high beta. Based on findings in thesis, Black–Litterman model offers a good platform for active asset managers to quantify their views on investments and implement their strategies. B–L model shows potential and offers interesting research avenues. However, success of tactical asset allocation is still highly dependent on the quality of input estimates.


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This article presents an empirical analysis based on cross-country data concerned with two points regarding corruption: (i) its effects on income; and (ii) how to mitigate corruption. The findings can be highlighted in two points. Firstly the idea that corruption is intrinsically connected with income is confirmed. Secondly, the traditional argument that an increase in rule of law represents a good strategy in the fight against corruption is valid for developing countries. Furthermore, this study reveals that the search for increasing the human development index represents a rule of thumb for high levels of income and to control corruption.


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Solving the water crisis in the developing world is a critical issue. Four billion people in the globe, so called the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) population suffer from inadequate access to safe drinking water, while millions die daily from waterborne diseases and lack of clean water. The BoP people desperately need to obtain a satisfactory access to safe water sources. In order to address the issue, this research has been carried out. To provide holistic consideration to the matter, comprehensive exploration of various causes of the water crisis and its impacts in developing countries were discussed. Then, various viable and relevant solutions to the problem have been thoroughly scrutinized, including scientific, rational, practical and speculative approaches, examination of existing methods, technologies and products at the BoP water market. The role of clean water to the sustainable development was specifically featured. The paper also has studied social and economic factors, actors and circumstances which affect the market development of clean water technologies in the BoP. Possibilities and potentials of successful business between foreign water enterprises and BoP consumers were considered, while primary obstacles are deliberated on, with suggestion of the ways to tackle them. Technologies and products which are needed by the poor must be affordable, sustainable and of an appropriate quality. The crucial question of technology transfer was soundly discussed with pointing out main hindrances on the way of its implementation between the developed and developing world. The means to overcome these barriers were properly observed as well. To explore to some extent the possibility and feasibility of technology transfer from Finland to the BoP sector, 3 case study analyses have been implemented. Personal discussions in form of interviews were conducted at Kemira, Outotec and Fenno Water, Finnish water treatment and supply enterprises. The results of the interviews shed light on the specific practical matters, actual obstacles and potential solutions of the technology transfer from Finland to low-income countries.


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The purposes of this study were: a) to examine the prevalence and consequences associated with adolescent gambling, b) to examine the factors which influence adolescent gambling,. c) to detennine what factors discriminate among four groups of gamblers (no-risk/non-gamblers, low-risk gamblers, at-risk gamblers, and high-risk/problematic gamblers), and d) to examine the relation of gambling to nine other risk behaviours (i.e., alcohol use, smoking, marijuana use, hard drug use, sexual activity, minor delinquency, major delinquency, direct aggression, and indirect aggression). Adolescents (N = 3,767) from 25 secondary schools completed a twohour survey that assessed involvement in risk be~aviours as well as potential predictors from a wide range of contexts (school, neighbourhood, family, peer, and intrapersonal). The majority of adolescents reported gambling, although the frequency of gambling participation was low. The strongest predictors/discriminators of gambling involvement were gender, unstructured activities, structured activities, and risk attitudes/perceptions. In addition, the examination of the co-occurrence of gambling with other risk behaviours revealed that for high-risk/problem gamblers, the top three most frequent co-occurring high-risk behaviours were direct aggression, minor delinquency and alcohol. This study was the first to examine the continuum of gambling involvement (i.e., non-gambling to high risk/problematic gambling) using a comprehensive set ofpotential predictors with a large sample of secondary school students. The findings of this study support past research and theories (e.g., Theory of Triadic Influence) which suggest the importance ofproximal variables in predicting risk behaviors. The next step, however, will be to examine the direct and indirect 1 effects of the ultimate (e.g., temperament), distal (e.g., parental relationship), and proximal variables (e.g., risk attitudes/perceptions) on gambling involvement in a longitudinal study.


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As children are becoming increasingly inactive and obese, there is an urgent need for effective early prevention and intervention programs. One solution is a comprehensive school health (CSH) program, a health promotion initiative aimed at educating students about healthy behaviours and lifestyles, which also provides a link between the school, students, families, and the surrounding community. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between different components of CSH programs, as well as three determinants of health (gender, social support, socio-economic status), and physical activity, on the aerobic fitness and body mass index (BMI) of children. A newly developed and pilot-tested survey derived from Health Canada's fourpart CSH model (instruction, social support, support services, and a healthy physical environment) was sent to elementary school principals. Data on the gender, physical activity, parental education, and social support levels of students from these schools were gathered from a previous study. Multiple regression procedures were conducted to estimate the relationships between CSH components, the social determinants of health, physical activity, and BMI and aerobic fitness. Results showed that three CSH components were significantly associated with both BMI and aerobic fitness values in children, but accounted for less than 5% of the variance in both variables. Physical activity partially mediated the relationship between the significant CSH components, BMI, and particularly aerobic fitness. Furthermore, the social determinant and physical activity variables played independent roles in aerobic fitness values. No moderating effects of the social determinants were discovered.


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The purpose of this ethnographic case study was to describe the characteristics of one school's Comprehensive School Health (CSH) initiative and to explore the experiences of school community members in order to gain an understanding of how one school embraced a Comprehensive School Health approach. An elementary school (grades Junior Kindergarten to six) in Burlington, Ontario was the research site for this study. Multiple methods of data collection (observations, document analysis, interviews) were used in keeping with the ethnographic and case study approach. The data were coded using both a deductive and then inductive process (Merriam, 1998). From a deductive perspective, the coding system and the subsequent identification of categories were based on a priori categories identified by using the elements of CSH based on the Comprehensive School Health Consensus Statement prepared by the Canadian Association of School Health and the research questions. Findings included the role that various school community members as well as the implementation of different programs and policies played in applying a CSH approach. The impact ofthe physical environment was described as well as successes and challenges related to the school's experience in implementing CSH. Three main themes emerged that characterized this school's experience. The first theme relates to the fundamental question about CSH which is the school community's understanding o/the concept. The second theme focused on positive school culture and the third and most diverse theme was that of capacity. Engaging in CSH is a complex and long-term undertaking involving both the school and greater community. Based on the experiences of this school's community members, recommendations address the different levels of influence on the health of children.