536 resultados para Collectionwise Normality
A Constituição da República Portuguesa desde 1982, e após sete revisões constitucionais, faz a distinção vincada entre o que é Segurança Interna e Defesa Nacional. Assim, reserva para a primeira a intervenção das Forças da Segurança e para a segunda a as Forças Armadas, permitindo apenas a intervenção destas na Segurança Interna em estados de excepção, como o estado de emergência e o estado de sítio. Dada a delicadeza do tema optou-se pela construção de um questionário, para que as pessoas possam pronunciar-se de forma isenta sobre o tema, sem constrangimentos institucionais. Optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa. Com base num guião, entrevistaram-se quatro peritos no assunto de forma a obter respostas sobre a viabilidade da intervenção das Forças Armadas na Segurança Interna, num estado de normalidade democrática. As respostas depois de transcritas constituíram o corpus que foi submetido a análise de conteúdo. Com base nesta análise de conteúdo, a partir dos excertos de discursos codificados nas categorias e subcategorias, procedeu-se à construção dos itens que figurarão numa primeira versão do questionário. A primeira versão do questionário apresenta-se em torno de quatro eixos (categorias), que se dividem em subcategorias: intervenção das Forças Armadas na Segurança Interna; legislação; mudança do paradigma de segurança; e, definição conceptual.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2016.
Wingtip vortices are created by flying airplanes due to lift generation. The vortex interaction with the trailing aircraft has sparked researchers’ interest to develop an efficient technique to destroy these vortices. Different models have been used to describe the vortex dynamics and they all show that, under real flight conditions, the most unstable modes produce a very weak amplification. Another linear instability mechanism that can produce high energy gains in short times is due to the non-normality of the system. Recently, it has been shown that these non-normal perturbations also produce this energy growth when they are excited with harmonic forcing functions. In this study, we analyze numerically the nonlinear evolution of a spatially, pointwise and temporally forced perturbation, generated by a synthetic jet at a given radial distance from the vortex core. This type of perturbation is able to produce high energy gains in the perturbed base flow (10^3), and is also a suitable candidate for use in engineering applications. The flow field is solved for using fully nonlinear three-dimensional direct numerical simulation with a spectral multidomain penalty method model. Our novel results show that the nonlinear effects are able to produce locally small bursts of instability that reduce the intensity of the primary vortex.
The vitamin A is essential to animals because of its participation in a great number of biological functions. The investigation of this vitamin s concentrations is important to serve as reference to normality parameters. This study had as aim to analyse the serics and hepatics concentrations of vitamin A in two groups of bovines and to compare the hepatics concentrations to the present requeriments of vitamin A for pregnant women. It was also appraised the consume habit of bovine liver by pregnant women through of the alimentary frequency quest. Two groups of bovine were studied and the first was formad by Nelore bovine breed and the second by bovine without defined breed (WDB). It was analysed 120 samples: 60 of liver and 60 of serum. The method used to dose retinol was High Performance Liquid Cromatography (HPLC). The average (+ sd) of retinol concentrations in Nelore breed bovine and WDB liver were 16947,8 + 6866,9 and 5213,1 + 2517,2 µg of retinol/100g and at serum 39,6 + 17,9 e 28,6 + 9,4 µg of retinol/dL, respectively. No statistically significant correlation was found between hepatic and the serum retinol. The bovines in this study had adequate vitamin A levels. Independently of animal breed, the daily ingestion of bovine liver is not advised for pregnant women who show adequate support of vitamin A. The consume of bovine liver by pregnant women consulted on school maternity hospital Januário Cicco, UFRN, Natal RN, was considered high
Juan Manuel Echavarria discusses his exhibition which includes 24 paintings created by men and women who participated in Colombia’s war. All 35 participants were rank and file soldiers demobilized either under the Ley de Justicia y Paz (Justice and Peace Law), or because they deserted or were wounded in combat. They spent two years painting their personal experiences, illustrating the rural tragedy; witnessing the involvement of drug traffickers, capturing the painful repertoire of violence in Colombia, which for years has played out alongside daily life, blending in with normality. Introduction by Carol Damien.
Suppose two or more variables are jointly normally distributed. If there is a common relationship between these variables it would be very important to quantify this relationship by a parameter called the correlation coefficient which measures its strength, and the use of it can develop an equation for predicting, and ultimately draw testable conclusion about the parent population. This research focused on the correlation coefficient ρ for the bivariate and trivariate normal distribution when equal variances and equal covariances are considered. Particularly, we derived the maximum Likelihood Estimators (MLE) of the distribution parameters assuming all of them are unknown, and we studied the properties and asymptotic distribution of . Showing this asymptotic normality, we were able to construct confidence intervals of the correlation coefficient ρ and test hypothesis about ρ. With a series of simulations, the performance of our new estimators were studied and were compared with those estimators that already exist in the literature. The results indicated that the MLE has a better or similar performance than the others.
Two new methodologies are introduced to improve inference in the evaluation of mutual fund performance against benchmarks. First, the benchmark models are estimated using panel methods with both fund and time effects. Second, the non-normality of individual mutual fund returns is accounted for by using panel bootstrap methods. We also augment the standard benchmark factors with fund-specific characteristics, such as fund size. Using a dataset of UK equity mutual fund returns, we find that fund size has a negative effect on the average fund manager’s benchmark-adjusted performance. Further, when we allow for time effects and the non-normality of fund returns, we find that there is no evidence that even the best performing fund managers can significantly out-perform the augmented benchmarks after fund management charges are taken into account.
On the basis of the knowledge that the entheses between the plantar fascia and the calcaneus may exhibit a varied pathology, we considered the need to value the pathological factors by illustrating the anatomical changes in the Plantar Fascia Syndrome (PFS) with easy-to-obtain images which allowed us to substantiate our claims. Accordingly, we analized the anatomical (Orts Llorca, 1977; Llusá, 2007; Sobotta, 2007; Domenech Mateu, 2012; Rodriguez Baeza 2012) and biomechanical (Arandes, 1956; Viladot 1979; Caturla, 2001; Safe, 2001) literature in order to better know the location of the pathology and also to assess the functional reasons that could favor this disease. A study of the affected area by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) revealed the presence of bone affections such as bone edema, subchondral lesions and several other bone pathologies together with fascia intrinsic injuries such as myxoid degeneration, intrasubstance fissures and perifascial edematous lesions (Larroca, 2013; Conejero, 2014). Injuries not properly treated during the acute phase can evolve into chronic processes which, month after month, become ever more difficult to resolve. In addition, as seen throughout this study, there are changes in the anatomical normality of the foot usually associated with pathological conditions of the plantar fascia. Once the pathological aspects of PFS are identified and their location is established, clinical manifestations should be registered in order to define this syndrome. Pain is the main symptom in patients with PFS and is associated, in many occasions, with tightness or stiffness of the plantar area, limited mobility of the arch of the ankle and, inevitably, a progressive functional deterioration. Thus, that sharp and stabbing pain felt when one puts the foot on the floor after a period of rest located in the front lower face of the heel and irradiating and/or projecting to the middle of the sole of the foot would be synonymous with Plantar Fascia Syndrome (PFS)...
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Atividade Física.
Objetivo: El propósito del estudio fue describir estadísticamente las etapas de cambio comportamental frente al consumo de sustancias psicoactivas –SPA– (alcohol, tabaco y drogas ilegales) en escolares entre 9 y 17 años de Bogotá- Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Método: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y transversal en 6.965 niños y adolescentes entre 9 y 17 años, pertenecientes a 24 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá - Colombia. La medición de los procesos de cambio propuestos por el Modelo Transteórico (MTT), aplicados al consumo de drogas, tabaco y alcohol se aplicaron de manera auto-diligenciada mediante un cuestionario estructurado. Resultados: De la muestra evaluada, el 58,4% fueron mujeres con un promedio de edad 12,74 ± 2.38 años. En la población en general, frente al consumo de drogas, el 6% de los escolares se encontraban en etapa de pre-contemplación, 44 % en contemplación; 30% en preparación/acción, 20% en mantenimiento. Con relación al consumo de alcohol, el 5% de los niños y adolescentes se encontraban en etapa de pre-contemplación, 36 % en contemplación; 12% en preparación/acción, 46% en mantenimiento. Frente al tabaco, el 4% de los niños y adolescentes se encontraban en etapa de pre-contemplación, 33 % en contemplación; 12% en preparación/acción, 51% en mantenimiento. Conclusiones: En los escolares evaluados, un importante porcentaje se ubica en la etapa de mantenimiento frente a la intención de consumo de tabaco y alcohol. Frente al consumo de drogas ilegales los niños y adolescentes están en la etapa de contemplación. Se requieren esfuerzos mayores para fomentar programas preventivos que enseñen sobre el riesgo del abuso/dependencia de este tipo de sustancias psicoactiva sobre la salud; dándole prioridad en las agendas y políticas públicas dentro del ámbito escolar.
This chapter aims at presenting and discussing credible online recruitment eliciting techniques targeting scientific purposes adjusted to the digital age. Based on several illustrations conducted by the author within the framework of both quantitative and qualitative inquiries, this chapter critically explores the digital ethos in three main challenges faced when dealing with online recruitment for scientific purposes: entering the normality of the everyday life, entering the idiosyncrasy of multicultural lives, and entering the chaos of busy lives. By the end, a toolbox for establishing and evaluating (dis)credibility within online recruitment strategies is presented. Moreover, it is argued that success of data collection at the present time in online environments seems to rely as ever on internal factors of the communication process vis-à-vis e-mail content, design and related strategies.