973 resultados para Collection management (Libraries)
E-books on their own are complex; they become even more so in the context of course reserves. In FY2016 the Resource Sharing & Reserves and Acquisitions units developed a new workflow for vetting requested e-books to ensure that they were suitable for course reserves (i.e. they permit unlimited simultaneous users) before posting links to them within the university’s online learning management system. In the Spring 2016 semester 46 e-books were vetted through this process, resulting in 18 purchases. Preliminary data analysis sheds light on the suitability of the Libraries’ current e-book collections for course reserves as well as faculty preferences, with potential implications for the Libraries’ ordering process. We hope this lightening talk will generate discussion about these issues among selectors, collection managers, and reserves staff alike.
Este trabalho buscou investigar a importância da educação patrimonial no processo de reconhecimento de bibliotecas históricas enquanto instituições patrimoniais e as possibilidades de atuação do profissional bibliotecário neste contexto, sendo o objeto de estudo desta pesquisa a Biblioteca Rio-Grandense, localizada na cidade de Rio Grande (RS). Nota-se que esta tem passado despercebida pela comunidade local, situação possivelmente explicada, segundo observações pessoais da autora, pelo comportamento da própria entidade, a qual denota pouca expressividade quanto a realização de atividades culturais, fato que possivelmente vem interferindo na relação e na possibilidade de maiores interações da mesma com a população entorno. Logo, esta pesquisa buscou averiguar quais têm sido as estratégias encontradas pela referida instituição para se fazer perceber junto à comunidade riograndina, especialmente sob o seu aspecto patrimonial. De caráter exploratóriodescritivo, seguindo uma abordagem qualitativa, assume a forma de estudo de caso. Para sua consecução se elaborou um questionário semiestruturado que foi aplicado no período de julho a agosto de 2015 junto às bibliotecárias e equipe gestora da Biblioteca Rio-Grandense, prosseguindo a tabulação e observação crítica das informações coletados adotando o método da Análise de Conteúdo. O conjunto de dados analisados implicou o surgimento de categorias temáticas: Temporalidade; Valor cultural sublimado; Pouco uso popular, quando se questionou se os sujeitos acreditavam que a Biblioteca Rio-Grandense seria reconhecida como elemento patrimonial pela comunidade local; Centralização do planejamento organizacional; Realização de atividades, acerca do planejamento estratégico e projetos para dar visibilidade popular à biblioteca e seu acervo; Serviços culturais restritos; Entrave financeiro, referente a quais ações culturais são executadas pela Biblioteca Rio Grandense; Práticas literárias; Uso do acervo; Público direcionado, relativas a quais atividades que desenvolveriam para divulgar a Biblioteca Rio-Grandense. Pensando ainda no aspecto da mediação cultural foram sugeridas algumas ações que a Biblioteca poderá empregar visando a uma maior aproximação e comunicação com a população local.
Selected papers from the 3rd Edition of the International Conference on Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities
The fundamental purpose of fisheries management is to ensure sustainable production over time from fish stocks, preferably through regulatory and enhancement actions that promote economic and social well being of the fishers and industries that depend on the resource. To achieve this purpose, management authorities must design, justify and administer (enforce) a collection of restraints on fishing and fishery-related activities. Productivity and management of the fisheries should be based on the understanding that they are complex and dynamic systems. Physical, chemical and biological components support a community of organisms that is unique to the these systems. All these components are in constant change but mainly dictated by human interference in the water body ecosystem.
Collection-Level Subject Access in Aggregations of Digital Collections: Metadata Application and Use
Problems in subject access to information organization systems have been under investigation for a long time. Focusing on item-level information discovery and access, researchers have identified a range of subject access problems, including quality and application of metadata, as well as the complexity of user knowledge required for successful subject exploration. While aggregations of digital collections built in the United States and abroad generate collection-level metadata of various levels of granularity and richness, no research has yet focused on the role of collection-level metadata in user interaction with these aggregations. This dissertation research sought to bridge this gap by answering the question “How does collection-level metadata mediate scholarly subject access to aggregated digital collections?” This goal was achieved using three research methods: • in-depth comparative content analysis of collection-level metadata in three large-scale aggregations of cultural heritage digital collections: Opening History, American Memory, and The European Library • transaction log analysis of user interactions, with Opening History, and • interview and observation data on academic historians interacting with two aggregations: Opening History and American Memory. It was found that subject-based resource discovery is significantly influenced by collection-level metadata richness. The richness includes such components as: 1) describing collection’s subject matter with mutually-complementary values in different metadata fields, and 2) a variety of collection properties/characteristics encoded in the free-text Description field, including types and genres of objects in a digital collection, as well as topical, geographic and temporal coverage are the most consistently represented collection characteristics in free-text Description fields. Analysis of user interactions with aggregations of digital collections yields a number of interesting findings. Item-level user interactions were found to occur more often than collection-level interactions. Collection browse is initiated more often than search, while subject browse (topical and geographic) is used most often. Majority of collection search queries fall within FRBR Group 3 categories: object, concept, and place. Significantly more object, concept, and corporate body searches and less individual person, event and class of persons searches were observed in collection searches than in item searches. While collection search is most often satisfied by Description and/or Subjects collection metadata fields, it would not retrieve a significant proportion of collection records without controlled-vocabulary subject metadata (Temporal Coverage, Geographic Coverage, Subjects, and Objects), and free-text metadata (the Description field). Observation data shows that collection metadata records in Opening History and American Memory aggregations are often viewed. Transaction log data show a high level of engagement with collection metadata records in Opening History, with the total page views for collections more than 4 times greater than item page views. Scholars observed viewing collection records valued descriptive information on provenance, collection size, types of objects, subjects, geographic coverage, and temporal coverage information. They also considered the structured display of collection metadata in Opening History more useful than the alternative approach taken by other aggregations, such as American Memory, which displays only the free-text Description field to the end-user. The results extend the understanding of the value of collection-level subject metadata, particularly free-text metadata, for the scholarly users of aggregations of digital collections. The analysis of the collection metadata created by three large-scale aggregations provides a better understanding of collection-level metadata application patterns and suggests best practices. This dissertation is also the first empirical research contribution to test the FRBR model as a conceptual and analytic framework for studying collection-level subject access.
Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää tietojohtamisen eri käytäntöjen vaikutusta oppimiseen, uudistumiseen sekä yrityksen innovaatiokyvykkyyteen. Työssä on keskitytty erityisesti sellaisiin tietojohtamisen käytäntöihin, jotka edistävät oppimista ja uusiutumista yrityksissä. Työssä on käytetty tilastollisia menetelmiä, muun muassa faktorianalyysia, korrelaatioanalyysia sekä regressiota, analysoitaessa 259 suomalaisesta yrityksestä kerättyä kyselydataa niiden tietojohtamisen käytöntöihin ja aineettomaan pääomaan liittyen. Analyysi osoittaa, että useat tietojohtamisen käytännöt vaikuttavat positiivisesti yrityksen uudistumiseen ja sitä kautta innovaatiokyvykkyyteen. Henkilöstön kouluttaminen sekä parhaiden käytäntöjen kerääminen ja soveltaminen yrityksessä ovat positiivisesti yhteydessä innovaatiokyvykkyyteen. Henkilöstön kouluttamisella on merkittävin suora vaikutus innovaatiokyvykkyyteen ja tässä työssä on esitetty, että koulutuksen tarjoamisen suurin vaikutus on oppimismyönteisen kulttuurin kehittyminen yrityksiin sen sijaan, että koulutuksella pyrittäisiin vain parantamaan tehtäväkenttään liittyviä taitoja ja tietoja. Henkilöstön kouluttaminen, parhaat käytännöt sekä sosialisaatiossa tapahtuva tiedon vaihto ja suhteiden solmiminen vaikuttavat positiivisesti uudistumispääomaan. Työn tulosten perusteella uudistumispääomalla on merkittävä rooli innovaatioiden syntymisessä yrityksissä. Uudistumispääoma medioi koulutuksen, parhaiden käytäntöjen ja mahdollisesti myös sosialisaation vaikutusta innovaatiokyvykkyyteen ja on näin merkittävä osa innovaatioiden syntyä yrityksissä. Innovaatiokyvykkyyden osatekijöiden ymmärtäminen voi auttaa johtajia ja esimiehiä keskittämään huomionsa tiettyihin tietojohtamisen käytäntöihin edistääkseen innovaatioiden syntymistä yrityksessä sen sijaan, että he pyrkisivät vain vaikuttamaan innovaatioprosessiin.
This catalogue highlights forty-seven of the 1,180 eighteenth-century imprints held by Memorial University Libraries. Intended as a general introduction to eighteenth-century literature in its original formats, the work is aimed at students and teachers of book history and bibliography, as well as at the general reader. Consequently, the focus is broad, highlighting the emerging free press, imaginative literature—particularly the novel—travel literature, street literature, illustration, as well as works of religion, philosophy, science, and medicine. The introduction discusses each of the works presented in the catalogue and makes a case for the collection as a whole as representing a range of developments both in eighteenth-century literature and in the book trade. Catalogue entries highlight the physical artifact, offering both description and photographic evidence. Each entry contains information about the author and the content of the work, and attempts to place the work in its literary context.
The research investigates the feasibility of using web-based project management systems for dredging. To achieve this objective the research assessed both the positive and negative aspects of using web-based technology for the management of dredging projects. Information gained from literature review and prior investigations of dredging projects revealed that project performance, social, political, technical, and business aspects of the organization were important factors in deciding to use web-based systems for the management of dredging projects. These factors were used to develop the research assumptions. An exploratory case study methodology was used to gather the empirical evidence and perform the analysis. An operational prototype of the system was developed to help evaluate developmental and functional requirements, as well as the influence on performance, and on the organization. The evidence gathered from three case study projects, and from a survey of 31 experts, were used to validate the assumptions. Baselines, representing the assumptions, were created as a reference to assess the responses and qualitative measures. The deviation of the responses was used to evaluate for the analysis. Finally, the conclusions were assessed by validating the assumptions with the evidence, derived from the analysis. The research findings are as follows: 1. The system would help improve project performance. 2. Resistance to implementation may be experienced if the system is implemented. Therefore, resistance to implementation needs to be investigated further and more R&D work is needed in order to advance to the final design and implementation. 3. System may be divided into standalone modules in order to simplify the system and facilitate incremental changes. 4. The QA/QC conceptual approach used by this research needs to be redefined during future R&D to satisfy both owners and contractors. Yin (2009) Case Study Research Design and Methods was used to develop the research approach, design, data collection, and analysis. Markus (1983) Resistance Theory was used during the assumptions definition to predict potential problems to the implementation of web-based project management systems for the dredging industry. Keen (1981) incremental changes and facilitative approach tactics were used as basis to classify solutions, and how to overcome resistance to implementation of the web-based project management system. Davis (1989) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used to assess the solutions needed to overcome the resistances to the implementation of web-base management systems for dredging projects.
The harvest and trade of corals and other benthic organisms from the world’s shallow tropical reefs is a lucrative industry that can have positive socioeconomic benefits for communities while supplying the increasing demand specimens for aquaria and curios. For most countries, this trade has historically been almost entirely unregulated. More recently, in response to concerns about the rapid decline of some reefs in the face of anthropogenic and natural pressures, as well as indications of depletions and even localized extinctions of some species caused by harvesting, there have been attempts to improve the sustainability of the industry. Both developing and developed countries face different impediments to this reform, the most pressing and common of which is the lack of reliable data on world trade through CITES. Thereafter, differences in the processes through which reform can be implemented are based principally on the length of the supply chain from collection to export, the degree of industry stewardship, and resourcing. The coral collection fishery in Queensland, Australia, provides an example where continual improvements in reporting and risk assessments and adopting a comanagement approach are delivering better adaptive management of the resource, although the on-ground sustainability benefits of this approach are still to be tested. A simpler approach to sustainable use of coral is to favor the replacement of wild harvested specimens with those bred or grown entirely in an aquaculture facility (as opposed to merely collected and then grown out in culture). Yet there are major impediments to this change, including the dependence of many public aquaria on the same sources as the hobbyist community, difficulties of culturing some species in captivity, and infrastructure costs. Nevertheless, this approach will likely play an important part in reef conservation efforts in the future.
This study proposes a conceptual framework that explores the correlations between economic dependence (ED), local government management of tourism (GMT), perceived tourism benefits and costs, and support for sustainable tourism development (STD). A quantitative research design was adopted. Data collection was carried out by personal survey applied to 300 residents of the small historic town of Lamego, located within the Douro Valley World Heritage Site. Structural equation modelling methods were employed to analyse the proposed model. Results suggest that GMT has a significant effect on the perceived impacts of tourism, both in the positive and in the negative. The effect of GMT in fostering residents’ support to STD was also empirically supported. Additionally, it was also determined that positive perceptions of the impacts of tourism directly influence support to STD. Nevertheless, ED does not have a significant effect either on perceivedbenefits, nor on perceived costs or on residents’ support to STD. Likewise, perceptions of the negative impacts do not predict residents’ support to STD.
This study answers to How scenario analysis could help acquiring companies to reduce uncertainty in the acquisition process? It is due to the mismatch between academic world’s caveat emptor and business world’s eagerness to pursue acquisitions that motivated this study. Acquisitions are as popular as ever, thus, managing the uncertainty surrounding these transactions is relevant. This study creates a generic theoretical model with a strategy-level scope. Thus, the study does not discuss nor does it seek answers to operational issues related in both fields. This study is explorative and constructivist in nature. It discusses briefly the concepts and relatedness of risk and uncertainty and establishes a hierarchy between these two: Risks being a “sub-section” of uncertainty, although not with clear boundaries. Acquisition theory follows the process view that understands acquisitions as a process with various levels – some strategic, some operational. Scenario analysis is presented as tool for management to enrich their strategic discussion and understand their future options. The empirical data collection is done through interviewing. The results are reflected on literature on strategic management, scenario literature, and on a consultancy’s report picturing firm’s strategies in accordance with their acquisition processes. The study has an abductive approach as it tries to combine multiple views and generates discussion between literature review, interviews, the report, and second round of literature. The model suggests three propositions: First, at the strategic decision making level, when the decision whether or not to pursue an acquisition growth strategy has been made, it provides firms new data and enriches the strategic discussion. Second, when the acquisition strategy has been created, it can be applied as a tool to measure possible acquisition targets against the backdrop of the first set of scenarios. Third, due to the scenario analysis’ requirement to include people with various backgrounds and from multiple levels of the corporate hierarchy, it could help managers to avoid biases stemming from hubris.
This chapter discusses the consequences of open-access (OA) publishing and dissemination for libraries in higher education institutions (HEIs). Key questions (which are addressed in this chapter) include: 1. How might OA help information provision? 2. What changes to library services will arise from OA developments (particularly if OA becomes widespread)? 3. How do these changes fit in with wider changes affecting the future role of libraries? 4. How can libraries and librarians help to address key practical issues associated with the implementation of OA (particularly transition issues)? This chapter will look at OA from the perspective of HE libraries and will make four key points: 1. Open access has the potential to bring benefits to the research community in particular and society in general by improving information provision. 2. If there is widespread open access to research content, there will be less need for library-based activity at the institution level, and more need for information management activity at the supra-institutional or national level. 3. Institutional libraries will, however, continue to have an important role to play in areas such as managing purchased or licensed content, curating institutional digital assets, and providing support in the use of content for teaching and research. 4. Libraries are well-placed to work with stakeholders within their institutions and beyond to help resolve current challenges associated with the implementation of OA policies and practices.
The Digital Conversion and Media Reformatting plan was written in 2012 and revised 2013-2014, as a five-year plan for the newly established department at the University of Maryland Libraries under the Digital Systems and Stewardship Division. The plan focuses on increasing digitization production, both in-house and through vendors, and creates a model for the management of this production.
This work involves the organization and content perspectives on Enterprise Content Management (ECM) framework. The case study at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte was based on ECM model to analyse the information management provided by the three main administrative systems: The Integrated Management of Academic Activities (SIGAA), Integrated System of Inheritance, and Contracts Administration (SIPAC) and the Integrated System for Administration and Human Resources (SIGRH). A case study protocol was designed to provide greater reliability to research process. Four propositions were examined in order to reach the specific objectives of identification and evaluation of ECM components from UFRN perspective. The preliminary phase provided the guidelines for the data collection. In total, 75 individuals were interviewed. Interviews with four managers directly involved on systems design were recorded (average duration of 90 minutes). The 70 remaining individuals were approached in random way in UFRN s units, including teachers, administrative-technical employees and students. The results showed the presence of many ECM elements in the management of UFRN administrative information. The technological component with higher presence was "management of web content / collaboration". But initiatives of other components (e.g. email and document management) were found and are in continuous improvement. The assessment made use of eQual 4.0 to examine the effectiveness of applications under three factors: usability, quality of information and offered service. In general, the quality offered by the systems was very good and walk side by side with the obtained benefits of ECM strategy adoption in the context of the whole institution
The aim of Library Administration course led by Professor Gilda Chacon is that in addition to understanding the theory to be developed objectives for good management, learn to apply to a library or a department. Our group through this study sought to determine in what way the principles and purposes of the administration are applied in the Reference Department of the Central Library of the National University. Importantly, we believe that the Department of reference is the union between the user and bibliographic, and that its aim is to keep the user the right information. The theoretical part of the paper is prepared based on guided reading and class discussion of the basic literature presented in the course syllabus, information corresponding to the reference unit was obtained through collaboration that the staff gave us the same through interviews, written data, reports and so on.