986 resultados para Cognitive tests


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Problématiques sur le plan éthique, mais aussi sur le plan juridique, les tests de dépistage des substances psychoactives en milieu scolaire et en milieu professionnel renvoient d'abord et avant tout à un examen d'aptitude. Celui-ci est du ressort de l'intervenant médical, sous couvert des garanties d'adéquation, de pertinence et de proportionnalité des moyens d'évaluation mis en oeuvre, ainsi que des règles relatives au consentement et à la confidentialité.


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Forensic scientists working in 12 state or private laboratories participated in collaborative tests to improve the reliability of the presentation of DNA data at trial. These tests were motivated in response to the growing criticism of the power of DNA evidence. The experts' conclusions in the tests are presented and discussed in the context of the Bayesian approach to interpretation. The use of a Bayesian approach and subjective probabilities in trace evaluation permits, in an easy and intuitive manner, the integration into the decision procedure of any revision of the measure of uncertainty in the light of new information. Such an integration is especially useful with forensic evidence. Furthermore, we believe that this probabilistic model is a useful tool (a) to assist scientists in the assessment of the value of scientific evidence, (b) to help jurists in the interpretation of judicial facts and (c) to clarify the respective roles of scientists and of members of the court. Respondents to the survey were reluctant to apply this methodology in the assessment of DNA evidence.


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AIMS: The purpose of the present study was to probe sensitivity to potentially misleading negative feedback on cognitive tasks as a possible mechanism of cognitive impairment in elderly patients with mild depression. METHODS: A total of 22 mildly depressed elderly subjects were compared to 22 healthy controls, using a computerized Tower-of-London task. RESULTS: Failure and magnitude of failure were significantly worse after negative but not positive feedback. Depression predicted failure after negative feedback but not the magnitude of failure. Neither failure nor magnitude of failure increased as a consequence of repeated negative feedback. CONCLUSIONS: Altered sensitivity to negative feedback occurs in mild late-life unipolar depression and may represent a subtle context-specific phenomenon.


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This article analyzes the different perceptions of both male and female potential entrepreneurs from three European regions differing in their respective level of economic development and entrepreneurial culture. We use an extended cognitive model of entrepreneurial intentions based on the theory of planned behaviour, the theory of normative social behaviour and social capital literature. Results show females have lower self-efficacy and entrepreneurial attraction than males, thus leading to lower entrepreneurial intention. Differences between the three subsamples are small when males are studied. However, female entrepreneurial intentions and perceptions are more affected by the cultural context.


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OBJECTIVE: To study emotional behaviors in an acute stroke population. BACKGROUND: Alterations in emotional behavior after stroke have been recently recognized, but little attention has been paid to these changes in the very acute phase of stroke. METHODS: Adult patients presenting with acute stroke were prospectively recruited and studied. We validated the Emotional Behavior Index (EBI), a 38-item scale designed to evaluate behavioral aspects of sadness, aggressiveness, disinhibition, adaptation, passivity, indifference, and denial. Clinical, historical, and imaging (computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging) data were obtained on each subject through our Stroke Registry. Statistical analysis was performed with both univariate and multivariate tests. RESULTS: Of the 254 patients, 40% showed sadness, 49% passivity, 17% aggressiveness, 53% indifference, 76% disinhibition, 18% lack of adaptation, and 44% denial reactions. Several significant correlations were identified. Sadness was correlated with a personal history of alcohol abuse (r = P < 0.037), female gender (r = P < 0.028), and hemorrhagic nature of the stroke (r = P < 0.063). Aggressiveness was correlated with a personal history of depression (r = P < 0.046) and hemorrhage (r = P < 0.06). Denial was correlated with male gender (r = P < 0.035) and hemorrhagic lesions (r = P < 0.05). Emotional behavior did not correlate with either neurologic impairment or lesion localization, but there was an association between hemorrhage and aggressive behavior (P < 0.001), lack of adaptation (r = P < 0.015), indifference (r = P < 0.018), and denial (r = P < 0.045). CONCLUSIONS: Systematic observations of acute emotional behaviors after stroke suggest that emotional alterations are independent of mood and physical status and should be considered as a separate consequence of stroke.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine whether a caregiver's attachment style is associated with patient cognitive trajectory after traumatic brain injury (TBI). SETTING: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. PARTICIPANTS: Forty Vietnam War veterans with TBI and their caregivers. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Cognitive performance, measured by the Armed Forces Qualification Test percentile score, completed at 2 time points: preinjury and 40 years postinjury. DESIGN: On the basis of caregivers' attachment style (secure, fearful, preoccupied, dismissing), participants with TBI were grouped into a high or low group. To examine the association between cognitive trajectory of participants with TBI and caregivers' attachment style, we ran four 2 × 2 analysis of covariance on cognitive performances. RESULTS: After controlling for other factors, cognitive decline was more pronounced in participants with TBI with a high fearful caregiver than among those with a low fearful caregiver. Other attachment styles were not associated with decline. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATION: Caregiver fearful attachment style is associated with a significant decline in cognitive status after TBI. We interpret this result in the context of the neural plasticity and cognitive reserve literatures. Finally, we discuss its impact on patient demand for healthcare services and potential interventions.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between levels of cognitive impairment and health services utilization in older patients undergoing post-acute rehabilitation. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Post-acute rehabilitation facility. PARTICIPANTS: Patients (N = 1764) aged 70 years and older admitted over 3 years. MEASUREMENTS: Sociodemographic, medical, and functional data were collected upon admission. Based on discharge diagnoses, patients were classified as cognitively intact, cognitively impaired with no dementia (CIND), and demented. RESULTS: Dementia and CIND were diagnosed in 425 (24.1%) and 301 (17.1%) patients, respectively. Gradients from cognitively intact to cognitively impaired to demented patients were observed in median length of stay (19, 22, and 25 days, P < .001), and institutionalization rates at discharge (4.2%, 7.6%, and 28.8%, P < .001). Among patients discharged home, similar gradients were observed in utilization of home care (68.2%, 79.7%, and 83.3%, P < .001) and day care (3.1%, 7.1%, and 14.3%, P < .001). After adjustment, compared with cognitively intact patients, only those with dementia still had longer stays (+2.7 days) and increased odds of institutionalization (adjOR 6.1, 95% CI 4.0-9.3, P < .001). Among patients discharged home, use of home and day care remained higher in those with dementia (adjOR 1.8, 95% CI 1.2-2.7, P = .005, and adjOR 1.8, 95% CI 1.2-2.7, P = .005, respectively), while CIND patients had higher odds of using home care (adjOR 1.6, 95% CI 1.1-2.4, P = .028). CONCLUSION: Among patients undergoing post-acute rehabilitation, those with dementia had increased use of both institutional and community care, whereas those with CIND had increased use of home care services only. Future studies should investigate specific strategies susceptible to reduce the related burden on health care systems.


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Le géopatrimoine regroupe des objets géologiques lato sensu auxquels certaines valeurs sont attribuées, en fonction de leur intérêt pour la science, de leur rareté, de leurs particularités culturelles ou écologiques, etc. Valoriser le géopatrimoine signifie avant tout faire partager cette approche aux non-spécialistes, en expliquant ce qui fait la valeur de ces objets. Cette valorisation peut s'effectuer, entre autres, sous la forme d'une activité touristique et contribuer ainsi au développement régional. Faire comprendre l'origine, la singularité et la valeur des formes du relief implique le recours à une communication éducative, désignée par le terme de médiation. Les implications de la dimension éducative du processus, comme la prise en compte des connaissances et attentes du public, la création d'un environnement favorable à l'apprentissage ou l'attractivité du contenu, sont souvent négligées. Du point de vue conceptuel, un modèle de la médiation indirecte (c'est-à-dire au moyen de supports médiatiques) a été proposé et appliqué au développement empirique de produits de médiation et à leur évaluation. Ce modèle ne garantit pas la réussite de la communication éducative, mais contribue à créer un cadre favorable au processus. De plus, plusieurs lignes directrices pour le choix du type de média et sa mise en forme ont été définies sur la base d'une compilation de résultats de la psychologie cognitive sur l'usage des médias pour l'apprentissage. Des méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives variées ont été mobilisées: enquêtes par questionnaire ex situ et in situ, auprès des visiteurs de géomorphosites de montagne, réalisation de médias interactifs testés ensuite auprès de divers publics (parcours enregistré, pré- et post-questionnaires) et entretiens collectifs. Les résultats obtenus éclairent divers aspects de la problématique. L'étude du public a montré, par exemple, que le géotourisme possède un réel public parmi les visiteurs des sites de montagnes: trois-quarts d'entre eux expriment de l'intérêt pour des explications sur la géologie et l'évolution du paysage. Cette thèse a exploré ces aspects liés au processus d'apprentissage en se focalisant sur les médias visuels, surtout interactifs. La plupart des médias visuels couramment utilisés en géomorphologie ont été considérés. Le développement de versions interactives de ces médias sous forme d'applications web a fourni un aperçu concret des possibilités des nouvelles technologies. Les utilisateurs apprécient en particulier a richesse du contenu, le haut degré d'interactivité et la variété de ces applications. De tels médias incitent à visiter le site naturel et semblent aussi répondre aux intérêts de publics variés.