974 resultados para Coefficient of friction


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The equivalent coefficient of permeability of a stratified soil system calculated theoretically has been observed to be not the same as that directly measured, when the flow is normal to the orientation of the bedding planes. A hypothesis has been proposed in this investigation to explain this deviation according to which the permeability of the exit layer controls whether the measured permeability is greater or lesser than the theoretically calculated value. The proposed hypothesis has been used to successfully and satisfactorily explain the experimental observations made with the two-layer systems. It has been shown that the coefficient of permeability of a soil in a layered system cannot be considered as its property and that it depends upon the permeabilities of adjoining layers, their thicknesses, and the flow direction.


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We consider the breaking of a polymer molecule which is fixed at one end and is acted upon by a force at the other. The polymer is assumed to be a linear chain joined together by bonds which satisfy the Morse potential. The applied force is found to modify the Morse potential so that the minimum becomes metastable. Breaking is just the decay of this metastable bond, by causing it to go over the barrier. Increasing the force causes the potential to become more and more distorted and eventually leads to the disappearance of the barrier. The limiting force at which the barrier disappears is D(e)a/2,D-e with a the parameters characterizing the Morse potential. The rate of breaking is first calculated using multidimensional quantum transition state theory. We use the harmonic approximation to account for vibrations of all the units. It includes tunneling contributions to the rate, but is valid only above a certain critical temperature. It is possible to get an analytical expression for the rate of breaking. We have calculated the rate of breaking for a model, which mimics polyethylene. First we calculate the rate of breaking of a single bond, without worrying about the other bonds. Inclusion of other bonds under the harmonic approximation is found to lower this rate by at the most one order of magnitude. Quantum effects are found to increase the rate of breaking and are significant only at temperatures less than 150 K. At 300 K, the calculations predict a bond in polyethylene to have a lifetime of only seconds at a force which is only half the limiting force. Calculations were also done using the Lennard-Jones potential. The results for Lennard-Jones and Morse potentials were rather different, due to the different long-range behaviors of the two potentials. A calculation including friction was carried out, at the classical level, by assuming that each atom of the chain is coupled to its own collection of harmonic oscillators. Comparison of the results with the simulations of Oliveira and Taylor [J. Chem. Phys. 101, 10 118 (1994)] showed the rate to be two to three orders of magnitude higher. As a possible explanation of discrepancy, we consider the translational motion of the ends of the broken chains. Using a continuum approximation for the chain, we find that in the absence of friction, the rate of the process can be limited by the rate at which the two broken ends separate from one another and the lowering of the rate is at the most a factor of 2, for the parameters used in the simulation (for polyethylene). In the presence of friction, we find that the rate can be lowered by one to two orders of magnitude, making our results to be in reasonable agreement with the simulations.


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The ultrasonic degradation of poly(vinyl acetate) was carried out in six different solvents and two mixtures of solvents. The evolution of molecular weight distribution (MWD) with time was determined with gel permeation chromatography. The observed MWDs were analyzed by continuous distribution kinetics. A stoichiometric kernel that accounts for preferential mid-point breakage of the polymer chains was used. The degradation rate coefficient of the polymer in each solvent was determined from the model. The variations of rate coefficients were correlated with vapor pressure of the solvent, the Flory–Huggins polymer–solvent interaction parameter and the kinematic viscosity of the solution. A lower saturation vapor pressure resulted in higher degradation rates of the polymer. The degradation rate increased with increasing kinematic viscosity.


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Thermodynamic properties of Li3N dissolved in the molten LiCl salt at 900 K were explored using electrochemical methods. It was difficult to determine precisely the decomposition voltage of Li3N dissolved in the molten salt by cyclic voltammetry. The oxidation wave of N3– ion could not be located with high accuracy. However, the lithium activity of the Pb-Li alloy in equilibrium with the molten salt containing dissolved Li3N under nitrogen atmosphere could be measured electrochemically with high accuracy using the Li/Li + reference electrode. Under the conditions used in this study, the potential of the Li-Pb electrode is equal to the decomposition voltage of Li3N. The activity of Li3N in molten LiCl was determined for anionic fractions of N3– ranging from xN3– = 10–4 to 0.028. The nitride ion concentration in the salt was determined by chemical titration. The activity coefficient of the Li3N at high dilution was found to be very low, around 10–4. The activity coefficient increases sharply with composition and has a value of 0.25 at xN3– = 0.028. ©2001 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.


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The stability of the Hagen-Poiseuille flow of a Newtonian fluid in a tube of radius R surrounded by an incompressible viscoelastic medium of radius R < r < HR is analysed in the high Reynolds number regime. The dimensionless numbers that affect the fluid flow are the Reynolds number Re = (ρVR / η), the ratio of the viscosities of the wall and fluid ηr = (ηs/η), the ratio of radii H and the dimensionless velocity Γ = (ρV2/G)1/2. Here ρ is the density of the fluid, G is the coefficient of elasticity of the wall and Vis the maximum fluid velocity at the centre of the tube. In the high Reynolds number regime, an asymptotic expansion in the small parameter ε = (1/Re) is employed. In the leading approximation, the viscous effects are neglected and there is a balance between the inertial stresses in the fluid and the elastic stresses in the medium. There are multiple solutions for the leading-order growth rate do), all of which are imaginary, indicating that the fluctuations are neutrally stable, since there is no viscous dissipation of energy or transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctruations due to the Reynolds strees. There is an O(ε1/2) correction to the growth rate, s(1), due to the presence of a wall layer of thickness ε1/2R where the viscous stresses are O(ε1/2) smaller than the inertial stresses. An energy balance analysis indicates that the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctuations due to the Reynolds stress in the wall layer is exactly cancelled by an opposite transfer of equal magnitude due to the deformation work done at the interface, and there is no net transfer from the mean flow to the fluctuations. Consequently, the fluctuations are stabilized by the viscous dissipation in the wall layer, and the real part of s(1) is negative. However, there are certain values of Γ and wavenumber k where s(l) = 0. At these points, the wail layer amplitude becomes zero because the tangential velocity boundary condition is identically satisfied by the inviscid flow solution. The real part of the O(ε) correction to the growth rate s(2) turns out to be negative at these points, indicating a small stabilizing effect due to the dissipation in the bulk of the fluid and the wall material. It is found that the minimum value of s(2) increases [is proportional to] (H − 1)−2 for (H − 1) [double less-than sign] 1 (thickness of wall much less than the tube radius), and decreases [is proportional to] (H−4 for H [dbl greater-than sign] 1. The damping rate for the inviscid modes is smaller than that for the viscous wall and centre modes in a rigid tube, which have been determined previously using a singular perturbation analysis. Therefore, these are the most unstable modes in the flow through a flexible tube.


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In lubricated sliding contacts, components wear out and the lubricating oil ages with time. The present work explores the interactive influence between lubricant aging and component wear. The flat face of a steel pin is slid against a rotating steel disk under near isothermal conditions while the contact is immersed in a reservoir of lubricant (hexadecane). The chemical changes in the oil with time are measured by vibrational spectroscopy and gas chromatography. The corresponding chemistry of the pin surface is recorded using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy while the morphology of the worn pins; surface and subsurface, are observed using a combination of focused ion beam milling and scanning electron 5 microscopy. When compared to thermal auto-oxidation of the lubricant alone, steel on steel friction and wear are found to accentuate the decomposition of oil and to reduce the beneficial impact of antioxidants. The catalytic action of nascent iron, an outcome of pin wear and disk wear, is shown to contribute to this detrimental effect. Over long periods of sliding, the decomposition products of lubricant aging on their own, as well as in conjunction with their products of reaction with iron, generate a thick tribofilm that is highly protective in terms of friction and wear.


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Creep resistant Mg alloy QE22 reinforced with maftec(R), saffil(R) or supertec(R) short fibres is cycled between room temperature and 308degreesC at different ramp rates in the longitudinal and transverse directions. From the careful analysis of the strain vs. temperature thermal cycling curves true material behaviour and artifacts from the dilatometer are deciphered. From this analysis true coefficient of thermal expansion and relaxation processes are deduced. Hysteresis at higher temperatures is attributed to the relaxation process, whereas hysteresis at low temperatures giving a tilt-ground shape to the thermal cycling curves is again an artifact due to the instrument. The change in ramp rate highlights this effect. Finally, the effect of thermal cycling on microstructure is examined.


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Polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) with Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) is employed for calculating the vibrational frequencies of an inviscid incompressible fluid partially filled in a rectangular tank with and without a baffle. Vibration frequencies of the coupled system are described through their projections on the PCE which uses orthogonal basis functions. PCE coefficients are evaluated using LHS. Convergence on the coefficient of variation is used to find the orthogonal polynomial basis function order which is employed in PCE. It is observed that the dispersion in the eigenvalues is more in the case of a rectangular tank with a baffle. The accuracy of the PCE method is verified with standard MCS results and is found to be more efficient.


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Molecular diffusion plays a dominant role in transport of contaminants through fine-grained soils with low hydraulic conductivity. Attenuation processes occur while contaminants travel through the soils. Effective diffusion coefficient (De) is expected to take into consideration various attenuation processes. Effective diffusion coefficient has been considered to develop a general approach for modelling of contaminant transport in soils.The effective diffusion coefficient of sodium in presence of sulphate has been obtained using the column test.The reliability of De, has been checked by comparing theoretical breakthrough curves of sodium ion in soils obtained using advection diffusion equation with the experimental curve.


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Laboratory advection-diffusion tests are performed on two regional soils-Brown Earth and Red Earth-in order to assess their capacity to control contaminant migration with synthetic contaminant solution of sodium sulphate with sodium concentration of 1000 mg/L. The test was designed to study the transport/attenuation behaviour of sodium in the presence of sulphate. Effective diffusion coefficient (De) that takes into consideration of attenuation processes is used. Cation exchange capacity is an important factor for the attenuation of cationic species. Monovalent sodium ion cannot usually replace other cations and the retention of sodium ion is very less. This is particularly true when chloride is anion is solution. However, sulphate is likely to play a role in the attenuation of sodium. Cation exchange capacity and type of exchangeable ions of soils are likely to play an important role. The effect of sulphate ions on the effective diffusion coefficient of sodium, in two different types of soils, of different cation exchange capacity has been studied. The effective diffusion coefficients of sodium ion for both the soils were calculated using Ogata Bank’s equation. It was shown that effective diffusion coefficient of sodium in the presence of sulphate is lower for Brown Earth than for Red Earth due to exchange of sodium with calcium ions from the exchangeable complex of clay. The soil with the higher cation exchange retained more sodium. Consequently, the breakthrough times and the number of pore volumes of sodium ion increase with the cation exchange capacity of soil.


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In the present investigation, soft materials, such as Al-4Mg alloy, high-purity Al and pure Mg pins were slid against hard steel plates of various surface textures to study the response of materials during sliding. The experiments were conducted using an inclined pin-on-plate sliding apparatus under both dry and lubricated conditions in an ambient environment. Two kinds of frictional response, namely steady-state and stick-slip, were observed during sliding. In general, the response was dependent on material pair, normal load, lubrication, and surface texture of the harder material. More specifically, for the case of Al-4Mg alloy, the stick-slip response was absent under both dry and lubricated conditions. For Al, stick-slip was observed only under lubricated conditions. For the case of Mg, the stick-slip response was seen under both dry and lubricated conditions. Further, it was observed that the amplitude of stick-slip motion primarily depends on the plowing component of friction. The plowing component of friction was the highest for the surfaces that promoted plane strain conditions and was the lowest for the surfaces that promoted plane stress conditions near the surface.


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Solid oxide galvanic cells of the type Pt, Ni-NiO I Solid electrolyte ( Ometa,, Cermet. Pt were used to measure the activity coefficient of oxygen in liquid copper at 11 00 and 1 300eC, and in lead at 11 00'C. Similar cells were used to study the activity coefficient of oxygen in the whole range of Cu + Pb alloys at 1100'C and in lead-rich alloys at 900 and 750'C.The results obtained are discussed in terms of proposed solution models. An equation based on the formation of 'species' of the form M,O in solutions of oxygen in binary alloys is shown to fit the experimental data.


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The reversible e.m.f. of galvanic cells: stainlesssteel,Ir,Pb+PbO|CaO+ZrO2|Ag+Pb+PbO,Ir,stainlesssteel,I and Pt,Ni+NiO|CaO+ZrO2|O(Pb+Ag),Cermet,Pt,II incorporating solid oxide electrolytes were measured as a function of alloy composition. In lead-rich alloys, the temperature dependence of the e.m.f. of cell I was also investigated. Since the solubility of oxygen in the alloy is small, the relative partial molar properties of lead in the binary Ag + Pb system can be calculated from the e.m.f. of this cell. The Gibbs free energies obtained in this study are combined with selected calorimetric data to provide a complete thermodynamic discription of liquid Ag + Pb Alloys. The activity coefficient of oxygen in the whole range of Ag + Pb alloys at 1273 K have been obtained from the e.m.f. of cell II; and these are found to deviate positively from Alcock and Richardson's quasichemical equation when the average co-ordination number of all the atoms is assigned a value of 2.


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The solubility of oxygen in liquid indium in the temperature range 650–820 °C and in liquid copper-indium alloys at 1100 °C in equilibrium with indium sesquioxide has been measured by a phase equilibration technique. The solubility of oxygen in pure indium is given by the relation log(at.% O) = −4726/T + 3.73 (±0.08) Using the recently measured values for the standard free energy of formation of In2O3 and assuming that oxygen obeys Sievert's law up to saturation, the standard free energy of solution of molecular oxygen in liquid indium is calculated as View the MathML sourceΔG°= −51 440 + 8.07 T (±500) cal where the standard state for dissolved oxygen is an infinitely dilute solution in which activity is equal to atomic per cent. The effect of indium additions on the activity coefficient of oxygen dissolved in liquid copper was measured by a solid oxide galvanic cell. The interaction parameter ϵ0In is given by View the MathML source The experimentally determined variation of the activity coefficient of oxygen in dilute solution in Cu-In alloys is in fair agreement with that predicted by a quasichemical model in which each oxygen atom is assumed to be interstitially coordinated to four metal atoms and the nearest neighbour metal atoms are assumed to lose approximately half their metallic cohesive energies.


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The activity of Ti02 in single and two··phase regions of ihe system ZrOrTi02 has heen measured lIsing solid state cells based on yttria··doped tho ria (YDT) as the solid electrolyte at 1373 K. The cells used can be represented as: Pt, Tio.07PtO.Y3 + Zrj.,Tix0 2 / YDT / Ti02 + Tio.07Pto.93, Pt Pt, Tio.07Pto.93 + ZrJ.xTix02 + ZrTi04 / YDT / Ti02+ Tio.07PtO.93, Pt In each cell the composition of Pt-Ti alloy was identical at hoth electrodes. The emf of the cell is therefore directly related to the activity of Ti02 in oxide phase or oxide phase mixture: aTiO~ :;: cxp (-4FE/RT). The activity coefficient of Ti02 in th~ zirconia-rich solid solution with monoclinic structure (CUl2 2" XTi02 2" 0) can be expressed as:In the zirconia-rich solid solution with tetragonal structure (0.085 2" X ri02 2" 0.03), the activity coefficient is given by:In YTi02 (± 0.012) = 2.354 (1-XTiO? )2 +0.064 The standard Gibbs energy of formation of ZrTi04 is -5650 (± 200) J/mol at 1373 K .