758 resultados para Clock chime music.
Cantor Josef Rosenblatt
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F12232
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G03990
Hear their own Prayse with Mouths of gaping Wonder / And catch each Crotchet of the Birth-day Thunder (Peter Pindar) [[Elektronische Ressource]]
[Georg Philipp Telemann]
Mapping of the Music Ontology to the Media Value Chain Ontology and the PROV Ontology
Dormancy is an adaptive mechanism that allows woody plants to survive at low temperatures during the winter. Disruption of circadian clock genes in winter or under low temperatures, both in long days as in short days, were described in our group few years ago (Ramos et al., 2005). Basic mechanisms of the circadian clock function are similar in herbaceous as well as in woody plants although there are differences in their response to low temperatures (Bieniawska et al., 2008). Woody plants growing in daylight conditions should have a specific transcriptional control above the circadian clock genes, which is responsible of their constitutive transcriptional activation observed under low temperatures conditions. In order to understand this regulatory process, we are analyzing the behavior of a circadian clock gene in poplar. To this aim, we have isolated its promoter region and fused to the luciferase reporter gene. This construct has been transformed into Populus tremula x P. alba 717-1B4 INRA clone. Here we present the characterization of these transgenic lines under different conditions of light and temperature.
La musique c'est l'air, l'architecture, la lumiêre = Music is air, architecture is light [Entrevista]
Little is known about plant circadian oscillators, in spite of how important they are to sessile plants, which require accurate timekeepers that enable the plants to respond to their environment. Previously, we identified a circadian clock-associated (CCA1) gene that encodes an Myb-related protein that is associated with phytochrome control and circadian regulation in plants. To understand the role CCA1 plays in phytochrome and circadian regulation, we have isolated an Arabidopsis line with a T DNA insertion that results in the loss of CCA1 RNA, of CCA1 protein, and of an Lhcb-promoter binding activity. This mutation affects the circadian expression of all four clock-controlled genes that we examined. The results show that, despite their similarity, CCA1 and LHY are only partially redundant. The lack of CCA1 also affects the phytochrome regulation of gene expression, suggesting that CCA1 has an additional role in a signal transduction pathway from light, possibly acting at the point of integration between phytochrome and the clock. Our results indicate that CCA1 is an important clock-associated protein involved in circadian regulation of gene expression.
The period (per) gene in Drosophila melanogaster provides an integral component of biological rhythmicity and encodes a protein that includes a repetitive threonine-glycine (Thr-Gly) tract. Similar repeats are found in the frq and wc2 clock genes of Neurospora crassa and in the mammalian per homologues, but their circadian functions are unknown. In Drosophilids, the length of the Thr-Gly repeat varies widely between species, and sequence comparisons have suggested that the repeat length coevolves with the immediately flanking amino acids. A functional test of the coevolution hypothesis was performed by generating several hybrid per transgenes between Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. melanogaster, whose repetitive regions differ in length by about 150 amino acids. The positions of the chimeric junctions were slightly altered in each transgene. Transformants carrying per constructs in which the repeat of one species was juxtaposed next to the flanking region of the other were almost arrhythmic or showed a striking temperature sensitivity of the circadian period. In contrast, transgenes in which the repeat and flanking regions were conspecific gave wild-type levels of circadian rescue. These results support the coevolutionary interpretation of the interspecific sequence changes in this region of the PER molecule and reveal a functional dimension to this process related to the clock’s temperature compensation.
The circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus organizes behavioral rhythms, such as the sleep–wake cycle, on a near 24-h time base and synchronizes them to environmental day and night. Light information is transmitted to the SCN by direct retinal projections via the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT). Both glutamate (Glu) and pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) are localized within the RHT. Whereas Glu is an established mediator of light entrainment, the role of PACAP is unknown. To understand the functional significance of this colocalization, we assessed the effects of nocturnal Glu and PACAP on phasing of the circadian rhythm of neuronal firing in slices of rat SCN. When coadministered, PACAP blocked the phase advance normally induced by Glu during late night. Surprisingly, blocking PACAP neurotransmission, with either PACAP6–38, a specific PACAP receptor antagonist, or anti-PACAP antibodies, augmented the Glu-induced phase advance. Blocking PACAP in vivo also potentiated the light-induced phase advance of the rhythm of hamster wheel-running activity. Conversely, PACAP enhanced the Glu-induced delay in the early night, whereas PACAP6–38 inhibited it. These results reveal that PACAP is a significant component of the Glu-mediated light-entrainment pathway. When Glu activates the system, PACAP receptor-mediated processes can provide gain control that generates graded phase shifts. The relative strengths of the Glu and PACAP signals together may encode the amplitude of adaptive circadian behavioral responses to the natural range of intensities of nocturnal light.