875 resultados para Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


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Introduction: Serum concentrations of polyclonal free light chains (FLC) represent the activity of the adaptive immune system. This study assessed the relationship between polyclonal FLC and the established marker of innate immunity, C-reactive protein (CRP), in chronic and acute disease. Methods: We utilized four cross-sectional chronic disease patient cohorts: chronic kidney disease (CKD), diabetes, vasculitis and kidney transplantation; and a longitudinal intensive care case series to assess the kinetics of production in acute disease. Results: There was a weak association between polyclonal FLC and high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) in the study cohorts. A longitudinal assessment in acute disease showed a gradual increase in FLC concentrations over time, often when CRP levels were falling, demonstrating clear differences in the response kinetics of CRP and FLC in this setting. Conclusion: Polyclonal FLC and hs-CRP provide independent information as to inflammatory status. Prospective studies are now required to assess the utility of hs-CRP and polyclonal FLC in combination for risk stratification in disease populations. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto de un programa de ejercicio aeróbico y un programa de circuito con pesas sobre la calidad de vida, disnea y resistencia cardiorrespiratoria en sujetos con Enfermedad Pulmonar Crónica (EPC). Metodología: el programa de rehabilitación se hizo durante ocho semanas, se realizó un pretest y un postest, se cumplió con una sesión semanal presencial, y las otras dos domiciliarias, se tuvo comunicación directa vía telefónica los días que realizaban el ejercicio en la casa. Instrumentos: el cuestionario St. George Respiratory Questonnaire para medir calidad de vida, la escala de Borg para medir la disnea y el test de caminata de los 6 min. para medir la resistencia cardiorrespiratoria. Sujetos: participaron 38 personas con diagnóstico previo de EPC, 18 hombres y 20 mujeres; 27 sujetos con patología obstructiva y 11 sujetos con restrictiva., con una edad promedio de 69.8 ± 9.34 años, divididos aleatoriamente en dos grupos, uno que realizó ejercicio aeróbico (22 sujetos) y otro que ejecutó ejercicio aeróbico y de contrarresistencia con pesas (16 sujetos). Análisis estadístico: ANOVA mixta de cuatro vías (2x2x2x2) para las variables mediciones, sexo, tratamiento y patología. Resultados: se encontraron diferencias significativas entre mediciones para la variable disnea (pre: 7.18 ± 0.69 puntos y post: 4.89 ± 0.68 puntos) (F = 228.770; p < 0,05), calidad de vida (pre: 59.68 ± 7.50 puntos y post 81.75 ± 7.33 puntos) (F = 228.770; p < 0,05), resistencia cardiorrespiratoria (pre 384,95 ± 51,02 mts. y post 432 ± 37,41 mts.) (F: 59.9; p<0.01), pero no se encontraron diferencias por sexo, actividad ni enfermedad (p>0,05), ni interacción entre las variable (p>0,05). Conclusión: la realización de ejercicio físico aeróbico y anaeróbico mejoran el grado de disnea, la calidad de vida y resistencia cardiorrespiratoria en pacientes con EPC.


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Mycobacterium asiaticum was first reported as a cause of human disease in 1982, with only a few cases in the literature to date. This study aims to review the clinical significance of M. asiaticum isolates in Queensland, Australia. A retrospective review (1989 to 2008) of patients with M. asiaticum isolates was conducted. Data were collected through the Queensland TB Control Centre database. Disease was defined in accordance with the American Thoracic Society criteria. Twenty-four patients (13 female) had a positive culture of M. asiaticum, many residing around the Tropic of Capricorn. M. asiaticum was responsible for pulmonary disease (n = 2), childhood lymphadenitis (n = 1), olecranon bursitis (n = 1), 6 cases of possible pulmonary disease, and 2 possible wound infections. Chronic lung disease was a risk factor for pulmonary infection, and wounds/lacerations were a risk factor for extrapulmonary disease. Extrapulmonary disease responded to local measures. Pulmonary disease responded to ethambutol-isoniazid-rifampin plus pyrazinamide for the first 2 months in one patient, and amikacin-azithromycin-minocycline in another patient. While M. asiaticum is rare in Queensland, there appears to be an environmental niche. Although often a colonizer, it can be a cause of pulmonary and extrapulmonary disease. Treatment of pulmonary disease remains challenging. Extrapulmonary disease does not mandate specific nontuberculous mycobacterium (NTM) treatment.


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The somatosensory system plays an important role in balance control and age-related changes to this system have been implicated in falls. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic and progressive disease of the brain, characterized by postural instability and gait disturbance. Previous research has shown that deficiencies in somatosensory feedback may contribute to the poorer postural control demonstrated by PD individuals. However, few studies have comprehensively explored differences in somatosensory function and postural control between PD participants and healthy older individuals. The soles of the feet contain many cutaneous mechanoreceptors that provide important somatosensory information sources for postural control. Different types of insole devices have been developed to enhance this somatosensory information and improve postural stability, but these devices are often too complex and expensive to integrate into daily life. Textured insoles provide a more passive intervention that may be an inexpensive and accessible means to enhance the somatosensory input from the plantar surface of the feet. However, to date, there has been little work conducted to test the efficacy of enhanced somatosensory input induced by textured insoles in both healthy and PD populations during standing and walking. Therefore, the aims of this thesis were to determine: 1) whether textured insole surfaces can improve postural stability by enhancing somatosensory information in younger and older adults, 2) the differences between healthy older participants and PD participants for measures of physiological function and postural stability during standing and walking, 3) how changes in somatosensory information affect postural stability in both groups during standing and walking; and 4), whether textured insoles can improve postural stability in both groups during standing and walking. To address these aims, Study 1 recruited seven older individuals and ten healthy young controls to investigate the effects of two textured insole surfaces on postural stability while performing standing balance tests on a force plate. Participants were tested under three insole surface conditions: 1) barefoot; 2) standing on a hard textured insole surface; and 3), standing on a soft textured insole surface. Measurements derived from the centre of pressure displacement included the range of anterior-posterior and medial-lateral displacement, path length and the 90% confidence elliptical area (C90 area). Results of study 1 revealed a significant Group*Surface*Insole interaction for the four measures. Both textured insole surfaces reduced postural sway for the older group, especially in the eyes closed condition on the foam surface. However, participants reported that the soft textured insole surface was more comfortable and, hence, the soft textured insoles were adopted for Studies 2 and 3. For Study 2, 20 healthy older adults (controls) and 20 participants with Parkinson’s disease were recruited. Participants were evaluated using a series of physiological assessments that included touch sensitivity, vibratory perception, and pain and temperature threshold detection. Furthermore, nerve function and somatosensory evoked potentials tests were utilized to provide detailed information regarding peripheral nerve function for these participants. Standing balance and walking were assessed on different surfaces using a force plate and the 3D Vicon motion analysis system, respectively. Data derived from the force plate included the range of anterior-posterior and medial-lateral sway, while measures of stride length, stride period, cadence, double support time, stance phase, velocity and stride timing variability were reported for the walking assessment. The results of this study demonstrated that the PD group had decrements in somatosensory function compared to the healthy older control group. For electrodiagnosis, PD participants had poorer nerve function than controls, as evidenced by slower nerve conduction velocities and longer latencies in sural nerve and prolonged latency in the P37 somatosensory evoked potential. Furthermore, the PD group displayed more postural sway in both the anterior-posterior and medial-lateral directions relative to controls and these differences were increased when standing on a foam surface. With respect to the gait assessment, the PD group took shorter strides and had a reduced stride period compared with the control group. Furthermore, the PD group spent more time in the stance phase and had increased cadence and stride timing variability than the controls. Compared with walking on the firm surface, the two groups demonstrated different gait adaptations while walking on the uneven surface. Controls increased their stride length and stride period and decreased their cadence, which resulted in a consistent walking velocity on both surfaces. Conversely, while the PD patients also increased their stride period and decreased their cadence and stance period on the uneven surface, they did not increase their stride length and, hence walked slower on the uneven surface. In the PD group, there was a strong positive association between decreased somatosensory function and decreased clinical balance, as assessed by the Tinetti test. Poorer somatosensory function was also strongly positively correlated with the temporospatial gait parameters, especially shorter stride length. Study 3 evaluated the effects of manipulating the somatosensory information from the plantar surface of the feet using textured insoles in the same populations assessed in Study 2. For this study, participants performed the standing and walking balance tests under three footwear conditions: 1) barefoot; 2) with smooth insoles; and 3), with textured insoles. Standing balance and walking were evaluated using a force plate and a Vicon motion analysis system and the data were analysed in the same way outlined for Study 2. The findings showed that the smooth and textured insoles caused different effects on postural control during both the standing and walking trials. Both insoles decreased medial-lateral sway to the same level on the firm surface. The greatest benefits were observed in the PD group while wearing the textured insole. When standing under a more challenging condition on the foam surface with eyes closed, only the textured insole decreased medial-lateral sway in the PD group. With respect to the gait trials, both insoles increased walking velocity, stride length and stride time and decreased cadence, but these changes were more pronounced for the textured insoles. The effects of the textured insoles were evident under challenging conditions in the PD group and increased walking velocity and stride length, while decreasing cadence. Textured insoles were also effective in reducing the time spent in the double support and stance phases of the gait cycle and did not increase stride timing variability, as was the case for the smooth insoles for the PD group. The results of this study suggest that textured insoles, such as those evaluated in this research, may provide a low-cost means of improving postural stability in high-risk groups, such as people with PD, which may act as an important intervention to prevent falls.


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Background Oropharyngeal aspiration (OPA) can lead to recurrent respiratory illnesses and chronic lung disease in children. Current clinical feeding evaluations performed by speech pathologists have poor reliability in detecting OPA when compared to radiological procedures such as the modified barium swallow (MBS). Improved ability to diagnose OPA accurately via clinical evaluation potentially reduces reliance on expensive, less readily available radiological procedures. Our study investigates the utility of adding cervical auscultation (CA), a technique of listening to swallowing sounds, in improving the diagnostic accuracy of a clinical evaluation for the detection of OPA. Methods We plan an open, unblinded, randomised controlled trial at a paediatric tertiary teaching hospital. Two hundred and sixteen children fulfilling the inclusion criteria will be randomised to one of the two clinical assessment techniques for the clinical detection of OPA: (1) clinical feeding evaluation only (CFE) group or (2) clinical feeding evaluation with cervical auscultation (CFE + CA) group. All children will then undergo an MBS to determine radiologically assessed OPA. The primary outcome is the presence or absence of OPA, as determined on MBS using the Penetration-Aspiration Scale. Our main objective is to determine the sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive values of ‘CFE + CA’ versus ‘CFE’ only compared to MBS-identified OPA. Discussion Early detection and appropriate management of OPA is important to prevent chronic pulmonary disease and poor growth in children. As the reliability of CFE to detect OPA is low, a technique that can improve the diagnostic accuracy of the CFE will help minimise consequences to the paediatric respiratory system. Cervical auscultation is a technique that has previously been documented as a clinical adjunct to the CFE; however, no published RCTs addressing the reliability of this technique in children exist. Our study will be the first to establish the utility of CA in assessing and diagnosing OPA risk in young children.


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Children in indigenous populations have substantially higher respiratory morbidity than non-indigenous children. Indigenous children have more frequent respiratory infections that are, more severe and, associated with long-term sequelae. Post-infectious sequelae such as chronic suppurative lung disease and bronchiectasis are especially prevalent among indigenous groups and have lifelong impact on lung function. Also, although estimates of asthma prevalence among indigenous children are similar to non-indigenous groups the morbidity of asthma is higher in indigenous children. To reduce the morbidity of respiratory illness, best-practice medicine is essential in addition to improving socio-economic factors, (eg household crowding), tobacco smoke exposure, and access to health care and illness prevention programs that likely contribute to these issues. Although each indigenous group may have unique health beliefs and interfaces with modern health care, a culturally sensitive and community-based comprehensive care system of preventive and long term care can improve outcomes for all these conditions. This article focuses on common respiratory conditions encountered by indigenous children living in affluent countries where data is available.


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A fibrose cística (FC) é a doença autossômica recessiva mais comum na população branca que leva à redução na expectativa de vida. A doença pulmonar é a maior causa de morbidade e mortalidade. A relevância do presente estudo se dá diante de alguns fatores: aumento drástico da sobrevida média nos últimos 60 anos na FC, a fisiopatologia pulmonar não é bem compreendida, ausência de estudos reportados na literatura, até o momento, utilizando a técnica de oscilações forçadas (TOF) exclusivamente em adultos com FC. Assim sendo os objetivos deste estudo são: analisar as alterações da mecânica respiratória em adultos com FC através da espirometria, pletismografia e TOF; correlacionar os resultados da TOF aos espirométricos e pletismográficos e avaliar a sensibilidade e especificidade da TOF nestes indivíduos. É um estudo de corte transversal descritivo, no qual foram analisados dois grupos de indivíduos: controle (n=23) e FC (n=27). Os resultados foram expressos através média desvio-padrão. As técnicas funcionais respiratórias foram realizadas na seguinte sequência: TOF, espirometria, pletismografia. Na pletismografia foram avaliados os parâmetros: CPT (capacidade pulmonar total), CRF (capacidade residual funcional) e VR (volume residual), CRF/CPT e VR/CPT, resistência (Rva) e condutância específica das vias aéreas (SGva). Na espirometria: volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1), capacidade vital forçada (CVF), fluxo expiratório entre 25% e 75% (FEF25%-75%) da CVF (FEF25%-75%) e razões VEF1/CVF (%) e FEF/CVF (%). Na TOF: propriedades resistivas do sistema respiratório- R0 (resistência no intercepto), Rm (resistência média) e S (inclinação da reta de resistência) e propriedades reativas: Cdin,sr (complacência dinâmica do sistema respiratório), Xm (reatância média), frequência de ressonância (fr); e o módulo da impedância em 4 Hz (׀Zrs4Hz׀). Na espirometria o distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo (DVO) com CVF reduzida foi predominante, com marcante redução do FEF25%-75% no grupo FC (p<0,0001) em relação ao controle. Na pletismografia: destacou-se a elevação de VR, na presença de CPT normal e elevação da Rva e redução da SGva no grupo FC. Alterações da TOF ocorridas no grupo FC em relação ao controle: aumento de R0 e Rm (p<0,0001) e fr (p<0,0002), relacionados à obstrução das vias aéreas; redução de S (p<0,0006), Xm (p<0,0001) associadas à não-homogeneidade do sistema respiratório e Cdin,sr (p<0,0001), relacionada à redução da complacência pulmonar; aumento do módulo da impedância em 4 Hz (׀Zrs4Hz׀) (representando a carga mecânica total do sistema respiratório) resultante da interação das demais alterações da TOF citadas. Os parâmetros da TOF apresentaram correlações muito boas com a espirometria e moderadas com a pletismografia. Rm foi o único parâmetro que não se relacionou com nenhuma destas técnicas. A sensibilidade e especificidade da TOF em adultos com FC apresentaram valores elevados, sobretudo nos parâmetros reativos, em especial, Xm (85,2% e 73,9% respectivamente e área sob a curva de 0,86).


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As disnatremias são os distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos mais comuns, sendo relatados em cerca de 30-40% dos pacientes hospitalizados. Quando presentes na admissão em Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo (UTI) são fatores de risco independentes de pior prognóstico, estando associadas à maior letalidade hospitalar. Mesmo disnatremias limítrofes (130 135 mEq/l na hiponatremia e 145 a 150 mEq/L na hipernatremia) têm sido associadas a um maior tempo de internação na UTI e a um aumento de letalidade hospitalar, independente da gravidade da doença de base. A concentração sérica do sódio é mantida por um fino controle, por meio da regulação renal do sal e da água. Pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) em tratamento conservador ou em terapia renal substitutiva, apresentam maior prevalência de disnatremia. Embora a hiponatremia seja mais frequente nessa população, o diagnóstico de hipo- ou hipernatremia tem sido associado a uma maior mortalidade. Não há relato claro na literatura da prevalência de disnatremias na injúria renal aguda (IRA), em especial nos casos mais graves, em que há indicação de suporte dialítico. O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar a prevalência da disnatremia e o seu impacto no prognóstico de pacientes gravemente enfermos com IRA e necessidade de suporte renal (SR) na UTI.Em um período de 44 meses (de dezembro de 2004 a julho 2008) foram incluídos de forma prospectiva todos os pacientes que iniciaram SR em 14 UTIs de 3 hospitais terciários do Rio de Janeiro. Dados clínicos e laboratoriais foram coletados prospectivamente e lançados em uma planilha eletrônica para posterior análise com o software R. Os desfechos de interesse foram letalidade na UTI e no hospital. As variáveis que, além do sódio, apresentavam associação com os desfechos de interesse na análise bivariada, foram selecionadas e incluídas no modelo de regressão logística múltipla.Um total de 772 pacientes foram incluídos no estudo. A mediana da idade foi de 75 [IIQ: 61-82 anos]; 81,5% (IC: 78,4%-84%) foram admitidos na UTI por complicações clínicas. A presença de pelo menos uma comorbidade (hipertensão, diabetes, doença coronariana, insuficiência cardíaca, doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica ou cirrose) esteve presente em 84% dos pacientes. A maior parte dos pacientes (72,5%, IC: 69,2%-75,7%) apresentava o diagnóstico de sepse. Os principais fatores contribuinte para IRA foram sepse (72%) e isquemia/choque (66%). A mortalidade na UTI foi de 64,6% (IC: 61,1%-68%) e a hospitalar foi de 69,7% (IC: 66,3%-72,9%). O diagnóstico de disnatremia foi frequente, estando presente em 47,3% (IC: 43,7%-50,9%) dos pacientes. A hipernatremia foi significantemente mais frequente do que a hiponatremia (33,7% X 13,6%, p=0.001) na população estudada. Na análise multivariada, os pacientes mais idosos, a admissão clínica, o número de comorbidades e o número de disfunções orgânicas estiveram associados a uma maior letalidade hospitalar. Os paciente com hipernatremia grave (>155 mEq/l) apresentaram maior associação com o óbito na UTI e no hospital [odds ratio (OR) ajustado de 3.39 (1,48-7,8) e 2,87 (1,2-6,89), respectivamente], apesar de todos terem sido submetidos ao SR durante a internação na UTI. O estudo demonstrou que as disnatremias são altamente prevalentes em pacientes com IRA e necessidade de diálise na UTI. Diferente do que tem sido demonstrado na população de UTI e na com DRC, a hipernatremia é o distúrbio do sódio mais frequentemente observado na população estudada. A idade mais avançada, a admissão clínica, o número de comorbidades e o número de disfunções orgânicas e a hipernatremia grave estão associados a um pior desfecho na IRA com necessidade de SR na UTI.


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A interleucina 13 (IL-13) tem sido apontada como um dos principais mediadores em processos de ativação de fibroblastos e indução de fibrose pulmonar, sendo, portanto, considerada como um alvo terapêutico importante. A silicose é uma doença pulmonar inflamatória crônica, de caráter ocupacional, caracterizada por uma intensa resposta fibrótica e granulomatosa. Com base nestas observações, tivemos por objetivo investigar o potencial efeito da administração da imunotoxina IL-13-PE38QQR (IL-13PE) sobre o modelo de silicose em camundongos. Camundongos Swiss-Webster foram anestesiados e instilados intranasalmente com partículas de sílica (10 mg), sendo a administração da IL-13PE (200ng/dia) realizada por via intranasal, uma vez ao dia em dias alternados no período entre 21 a 27 dias após a provocação. Analisamos o componente inflamatório, a deposição de colágeno e a área de granuloma avaliados através de técnicas clássicas de histologia, incluindo coloração com H&E e Picrus-sirius, ou ainda a quantificação do conteúdo de colágeno por Sircol. Os componentes de matriz extracelular fibronectina e laminina foram avaliados através de imunohistoquímica. Citocinas e quimiocinas foram quantificadas por sistema de ELISA. As medidas de função pulmonar e resposta de hiperreatividade foram realizadas através do sistema de pletismografia de corpo inteiro invasiva. Verificamos que o tratamento curativo com a IL-13PE inibiu de forma acentuada o comprometimento da função pulmonar nos camundongos silicóticos, incluindo tanto aumento da resistência como da elastância, assim como a resposta de hiperratividade das vias aéreas ao agente broncoconstrictor metacolina. De forma coerente, os animais silicóticos quando submetidos ao tratamento com IL-13PE apresentaram marcada redução do componente inflamatório pulmonar e da resposta fibrótica, atestado pela diminuição na produção de colágeno, laminina e fibronectina e redução importante da área de granuloma. De forma semelhante, as citocinas (TNF-α e TGF-) e quimiocinas (MIP-1α, MIP-2, TARC, IP-10, MDC) detectadas em quantidade aumentada no pulmão de animais silicóticos foram reduzidas pelo tratamento com a IL-13PE. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostram que a administração curativa da IL-13PE foi capaz de inibir os componentes inflamatórios e fibróticos da fase crônica do quadro silicótico em camundongos, o que se refletiu de forma clara na melhora da função pulmonar. Em conjunto, nossos achados indicam que a utilização da IL13PE parece constituir uma abordagem terapêutica extremamente promissora para aplicação em casos de doenças crônicas de natureza fibrótica como a silicose.


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Pulmonary disease is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis (CF) suffers, with multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia complex as problematic pathogens in terms of recurrent and unremitting infections. Novel treatment of pulmonary infection is required to improve the prognosis and quality of life for chronically infected patients. Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) is a treatment combining exposure to a light reactive drug, with light of a wavelength specific for activation of the drug, in order to induce cell death of bacteria. Previous studies have demonstrated the susceptibility of CF pathogens to PACT in vitro. However, for the treatment to be of clinical use, light and photosensitizer must be able to be delivered successfully to the target tissue. This preliminary study assessed the potential for delivery of 635 nm light and methylene blue to the lung using an ex vivo and in vitro lung model. Using a fibre-optic light delivery device coupled to a helium-neon laser, up to 11% of the total light dose penetrated through full thickness pulmonary parenchymal tissue, which indicates potential for multiple lobe irradiation in vivo. The mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) of particles generated via methylene blue solution nebulisation was 4.40 µm, which is suitable for targeting the site of infection within the CF lung. The results of this study demonstrate the ability of light and methylene blue to be delivered to the site of infection in the CF lung. PACT remains a viable option for selective killing of CF lung pathogens.


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There are no European recommendations on issues specifically related to lung transplantation (LTX) in cystic fibrosis (CF). The main goal of this paper is to provide CF care team members with clinically relevant CF-specific information on all aspects of LTX, highlighting areas of consensus and controversy throughout Europe. Bilateral lung transplantation has been shown to be an important therapeutic option for end-stage CF pulmonary disease. Transplant function and patient survival after transplantation are better than in most other indications for this procedure. Attention though has to be paid to pretransplant morbidity, time for referral, evaluation, indication, and contraindication in children and in adults. This review makes extensive use of specific evidence in the field of lung transplantation in CF patients and addresses all issues of practical importance. The requirements of pre-, peri-, and postoperative management are discussed in detail including bridging to transplant and postoperative complications, immune suppression, chronic allograft dysfunction, infection, and malignancies being the most important. Among the contributors to this guiding information are 19 members of the ECORN-CF project and other experts. The document is endorsed by the European Cystic Fibrosis Society and sponsored by the Christiane Herzog Foundation. 


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a lifelong, inflammatory multi-organ disease and the most common lethal, genetic condition in Caucasian populations, with a median survival rate of 41.5 years. Pulmonary disease, characterized by infective exacerbations, bronchiectasis and increasing airway insufficiency is the most serious manifestation of this disease process, currently responsible for over 80% of CF deaths. Chronic dysregulation of the innate immune and host inflammatory response has been proposed as a mechanism central to this genetic condition, primarily driven by the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) pathway. Chronic activation of this transcription factor complex leads to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and mediators such as IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α. A20 has been described as a central and inducible negative regulator of NF-κB. This intracellular molecule negatively regulates NF-κB-driven pro-inflammatory signalling upon toll-like receptor activation at the level of TRAF6 activation. Silencing of A20 increases cellular levels of p65 and induces a pro-inflammatory state. We have previously shown that A20 expression positively correlates with lung function (FEV1%) in CF. Despite improvement in survival rates in recent years, advancements in available therapies have been incremental. We demonstrate that the experimental use of naturally occurring plant diterpenes such as gibberellin on lipopolysaccharide-stimulated cell lines reduces IL-8 release in an A20-dependent manner. We discuss how the use of a novel bio-informatics gene expression connectivity-mapping technique to identify small molecule compounds that similarly mimic the action of A20 may lead to the development of new therapeutic approaches capable of reducing chronic airway inflammation in CF.