925 resultados para Christian literature for children.


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This paper aimed to (1) identify potential mediators reported in children's physical activity interventions; and (2) review the psychometric properties of measures of potential mediators included in such interventions. A systematic search of the literature was conducted and studies that reported potential mediators and/or the psychometric properties of measures of potential mediators were retrieved and reviewed. The studies were reviewed for the following psychometric properties: face/logical, construct, and criterion validity; and test–retest and internal consistency (factor analysis and Cronbach's α) reliability. Twenty-one potential mediators were identified from 24 published children's physical activity intervention studies; 17 individual, three social, and one physical environmental. Overall, there was considerable variation in the reporting of the psychometric properties of these measures. Reliability properties (specifically Cronbach's α) were more commonly reported than validity properties; however, for many potential mediators, the quality of these measures was low. Future studies should examine the psychometric properties of measures of potential mediators to ensure appropriate, valid and reliable instruments are used. This will assist in the ability to accurately determine the efficacy of physical activity interventions among children.


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The small number and recency of the early childhood obesity-prevention literature identified in a previous review of interventions to prevent obesity, promote healthy eating, physical activity, and/or reduce sedentary behaviors in 0-5 year olds suggests this is a new and developing research area. The current review was conducted to provide an update of the rapidly emerging evidence in this area and to assess the quality of studies reported. Ten electronic databases were searched to identify literature published from January 1995 to August 2008. Inclusion criteria: interventions reporting child anthropometric, diet, physical activity, or sedentary behavior outcomes and focusing on children aged 0-5 years of age. Exclusion criteria: focusing on breastfeeding, eating disorders, obesity treatment, malnutrition, or school-based interventions. Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed study quality. Twenty-three studies met all criteria. Most were conducted in preschool/childcare (n = 9) or home settings (n = 8). Approximately half targeted socioeconomically disadvantaged children (n = 12) and three quarters were published from 2003 onward (n = 17). The interventions varied widely although most were multifaceted in their approach. While study design and quality varied most studies reported their interventions were feasible and acceptable, although impact on behaviors that contribute to obesity were not achieved by all. Early childhood obesity-prevention interventions represent a rapidly growing research area. Current evidence suggests that behaviors that contribute to obesity can be positively impacted in a range of settings and provides important insights into the most effective strategies for promoting healthy weight from early childhood.


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Background: Sedentary behaviour has been linked with a number of health outcomes. Preschool-aged children spend significant proportions of their day engaged in sedentary behaviours. Research into the correlates of sedentary behaviours in the preschool population is an emerging field, with most research being published since 2002. Reviews on correlates of sedentary behaviours which include preschool children have previously been published; however, none have reported results specific to the preschool population. This paper reviews articles reporting on correlates of sedentary behaviour in preschool children published between 1993 and 2009.
Methods: A literature search was undertaken to identify articles which examined correlates of sedentary behaviours in preschool children. Articles were retrieved and evaluated in 2008 and 2009.
Results: Twenty-nine studies were identified which met the inclusion criteria. From those studies, 63 potential correlates were identified. Television viewing was the most commonly examined sedentary behaviour. Findings from the review suggest that child’s sex was not associated with television viewing and had an indeterminate association with sedentary behaviour as measured by accelerometry. Age, body mass index, parental education and race had an indeterminate association with television viewing, and outdoor playtime had no association with television viewing. The remaining 57 potential correlates had been investigated too infrequently to be able to draw robust conclusions about associations.
Conclusions: The correlates of preschool children’s sedentary behaviours are multi-dimensional and not well established. Further research is required to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the influences on preschool children’s sedentary behaviours to better inform the development of interventions.


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Evidence suggests that parental modeling, use of feeding strategies, nutrition knowledge, self-efficacy for providing healthy foods and food availability are all likely to be important correlates in determining the dietary habits of young children. This paper reviews the literature regarding parental correlates of the dietary intakes of young children and provides insights regarding areas which may be important in early life but have as yet not been well researched.


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Creative problem solving is essential to technology education. In our research project we explored the suggestion that creativity may need to include a time of ‘non-thinking’ during which innovative responses to problem tasks are generated. The period of non-conscious cognitive process (NCCP) time is considered to be when the brain makes connections between independent ideas and when inappropriate responses can be forgotten, allowing more relevant responses to be made available for problem solving. Our research provided an opportunity for several primary school teachers to focus on enhancing creativity in technology education and to explore the notion of the NCCP time for creative problem solving. In this chapter we review the current literature on enhancing creativity and comment on how the teachers fostered creativity as they implemented a design, make and appraise technological task to produce recycling devices in their classrooms. Classes and children were observed and teachers interviewed about their perception of children’s creativity and the NCCP time. In this study, a time frame of only several days appears to be ideal for non-conscious cognitive processing to occur and more time may hinder creativity. These findings have implications for teachers of technology who assign the same day and time each week for technology learning.
During the non-task time, which included the NCCP time, children were able to discuss their ideas with family members. As children learn in social and cultural contexts, these discussions can be fruitful. The teachers indicated that peer discussions also played an important role after the generation of designs.


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Recent years have seen a flood of celebrity-authored children’s books enter the children’s literature marketplace. This paper tracks the evolution of this phenomenon as it pertains to contemporary celebrity culture, and responds to the question: what are the embedded messages about identity at play in such texts? The key contention here is that these works endorse celebrity as the most desirable identity category for the children of the new millennium, going so far as to position difference as a commodity to be traded in the quest for fame. Using critical theory around celebrity culture, and through a close reading of a short celebrity-authored picture book, this paper demonstrates that far from being innocuous pieces of popular culture, such books beckon children into a world that increasingly values visibility and stardom above all else.


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The primary aim of this review was to identify and evaluate the strength of associations of the key parental factors measured in studies examining early childhood physical activity (PA). A systematic review of the literature, using databases PsychINFO, Medline, Academic Search Complete, PSYCHinfo, and CINHAL, published between January 1986 and March 2011 was conducted; 20 papers were relevant for the current review. While 12 parenting variables were identified, only 5 of these had been investigated sufficiently to provide conclusive findings. There were inconsistencies in the findings involving the social learning variable parental enjoyment and variables involving parental behaviours such as maternal depression and self-efficacy, and rules for sedentary behaviour, and parental perceptions, which included perceived importance of PA, fear of safety, and perception of child’s motor competence. Given these inconsistencies, a metaanalysis was conducted to determine whether the method of measuring PA (objective or subjective) influenced the strength of associations between the parental factors and young children’s PA. There was no difference in the strength of associations in the studies that used objective or subjective measurement (via parent self-report). Further investigation is needed to clarify and understand the specific parental influences and behaviours that are associated with PA in young children. In particular, longitudinal research is needed to better understand how parental influences and PA levels of children during the formative preschool and early elementary school years are associated.


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Childhood overweight and obesity rates have continued to rise globally, reaching epidemic proportions. Children's dietary patterns evolve within the context of the family and there are a number of pathways through which parents may shape children's dietary practices, including parent nutritional knowledge the types of foods that are made available to children, parental modeling of particular eating behaviors, and parent child-feeding practices. Most research examining these predictors has been undertaken with mothers as the primary caregivers, while fathers have received markedly less attention. This paper is a review of the literature on paternal influences on preschool children's weight gain, overweight and obesity. The results of this review indicate that fathers do influence preschool children's weight gain, overweight and obesity status. However, methodological limitations in the existing studies make direct and meaningful comparisons across studies difficult. The review further highlights the fact that fathers have been neglected in childhood obesity research.


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Background/Objectives: The main objective of European Food Consumption Validation (EFCOVAL)-child Project is to define and evaluate a trans-European methodology for undertaking national representative dietary surveys among children in the age group of 4–14 years. In the process of identifying the best dietary assessment methodologies, experts were brought together at a workshop. The paper presents the discussion of the best available method and the final recommendations for a trans-European dietary assessment method among 4- to 14-year-old children.
Subjects/Methods: The starting point was to investigate whether the method (two non-consecutive 24-h dietary recalls (24-HDRs)) suggested for the adults in European Food Consumption Survey Method (EFCOSUM) would be usable for children in
the age group between 4 and 14 years. However, all available dietary assessment methods were included in the discussion to ensure that the final recommendation would be based on the best evidence. Six criteria were defined and used as additional
guidance in the process.
Results: The literature does not give a clear recommendation on the dietary assessment methods that are most suitable for children in the age group of 4–14 years. Nevertheless, on the basis of the literature, the recommendations were separated for preschoolers (4–6 years) and schoolchildren (7–14 years).
Conclusion: For preschoolers, two non-consecutive days of a structured food record are recommended, using a (for children adapted) picture booklet and household measures for portion-size estimation. For schoolchildren, repeated 24-HDRs are recommended, using a picture booklet and household measures for portion-size estimation. In addition, the child should bring a booklet to register what is eaten out of home. One parent should assist the schoolchild at the 24-HDR interview, and therefore face-to-face interviews are required.


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This essay examines books for children focusing on Ned Kelly and the Kelly gang, published from 2000 to 2011. Drawing upon theories of narrative, memory and nostalgia it analyses the narrative strategies and visual images through which these texts position readers, and their investment in formulations of the Australian nation. The essay argues that these books function as exercises in restorative nostalgia, producing palatable versions of Kelly as an Australian hero, and articulating connections between the Kelly legend and Australian national identity. By foregrounding Kelly's Irishness and by representing him as a “good badman”, these Ned Kelly narratives for children, which range across fiction, non-fiction, picture book and play script, reinscribe versions of national identity which occlude more complicated narratives. In particular, their emphasis on struggles between Irish and English settlers, and between selectors and squatters, displaces Indigenous histories, colonial violence, and systemic discrimination against those deemed outsiders to the nation.


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This article examines body image development among preadolescent boys. In particular, it examines the nature of body image change, as well as the prevalence of these concerns in relation to weight, shape, and muscles. The ages at which these concerns happen are discussed within a developmental framework. Factors related to body image concerns among preadolescent boys are also evaluated. The roles of sociocultural influences (e.g., media, parents, and peers) and psychological factors (e.g., self-esteem and perfectionism) are discussed. The limited literature on cultural differences in body image concerns among preadolescent boys is also considered. Finally, the implications of body image concerns for prevention and intervention programs among boys are evaluated.


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Resilience for children is positive adaptation and a capacity to thrive despite challenging circumstances. Children demonstrating resilience are seen to have strong cognitive skills and have developed positive peer relationships. The ‘Supporting Resilience’ project is exploring the conditions and characteristics of resilience of young children and their families who live in rural, regional and metropolitan communities that are economically and socially disadvantaged. The aim of this paper was to report on pretend play and social competence within the early years’ cohort of the ‘Supporting Resilience’ project. Twenty-six children aged 4–6 years who were identified as resilient by their preschool teacher were involved in the study. Results obtained from the Child Initiated Pretend Play Assessment and the Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale when the children were at pre-school found significant relationships between object substitution and social interaction (r = .414, p < .05). Children who could elaborate play with unstructured objects were less likely to be socially disconnected (r = –.49, p < .05). There was no significant difference between geographical locations for play ability. Significant difference for social competence was found between geographical locations. By situating play as individual development within a socio-cultural environment the relationship between children's pretend play ability and social peer play interactions are considered within early childhood development and resilience literature.


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Two recent studies, from France (Nataf et al., 200614. Nataf, R., Skorupka, C., Amet, L., Lam, A., Springbett, A. and Lathe, R. 2006. Porphyrinuria in childhood autistic disorder: Implications for environmental toxicity. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 214: 99–108. [CrossRef], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] View all references) and the United States (Geier & Geier, 20079. Geier, D. A. and Geier, M. R. 2007. A prospective study of mercury toxicity biomarkers in autistic spectrum disorders. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health, A, 70: 1723–1730. [Taylor & Francis Online], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] View all references), identified atypical urinary porphyrin profiles in children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These profiles serve as an indirect measure of environmental toxicity generally, and mercury (Hg) toxicity specifically, with the latter being a variable proposed as a causal mechanism of ASD (Bernard et al., 20012. Bernard, S., Enayati, A., Redwood, L., Roger, H. and Binstock, T. 2001. Autism: A novel form of mercury poisoning. Med. Hypoth., 56: 462–471. [CrossRef], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] View all references; Mutter et al., 200515. Mutter, J., Naumann, J., Schneider, R., Walach, H. and Haley, B. 2005. Mercury and autism: Accelerating evidence?. Neuroendocrinol. Lett., 26: 439–446. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] View all references). To examine whether this phenomenon occurred in a sample of Australian children with ASD, an analysis of urinary porphyrin profiles was conducted. A consistent trend in abnormal porphyrin levels was evidenced when data was compared with those previously reported in the literature. The results are suggestive of environmental toxic exposure impairing heme synthesis. Three independent studies from three continents have now demonstrated that porphyrinuria is concomitant with ASD, and that Hg may be a likely xenobiotic to produce porphyrin profiles of this nature.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify and evaluate treatment for adult fire setters with an intellectual disability, given the specific risks they present, the complexities of criminal proceedings associated with their behaviour, and subsequent rehabilitation. However, the review also took into account programmes for fire setters in the wider population, including those for children and adolescents, given that such research might also inform the development of programmes for offenders with an intellectual disability.

Design/methodology/approach – A systematic review of the literature was undertaken.

Findings – Only four studies which evaluated treatment programmes specifically for arsonists with an intellectual disability were identified. Although each of these studies reported a reduction in fire-setting behaviour following programme completion, all employed relatively weak research designs. An additional 12 studies investigating programmes for arsonists without intellectual disability were also identified. It is concluded that there is a lack of evidence regarding treatment programme outcomes for arsonists with an intellectual disability. The extent to which such programmes can be adapted to suit adult offenders with an intellectual disability is discussed, with recommendations made for the design and evaluation of arson treatment programmes for offenders with intellectual disabilities.

Originality/value – Currently, minimal treatments programs exist for fire setting in offenders with intellectual disability. This review highlights the importance of further research into treatment programs for this specialised population.


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While the gender and age of the girl may seem to remove her from any significant contribution to empire, this book provides both a new perspective on familiar girls' literature, and the first detailed examination of lesser-known fiction relating the emergence of fictional girl adventurers, castaways and 'ripping' schoolgirls to the British Empire.