1000 resultados para Charge relative
The aim of the present study was to determinate the cycle length of spermatogenesis in three species of shrew, Suncus murinus, Sorex coronatus and Sorex minutus, and to assess the relative influence of variation in basal metabolic rate (BMR) and mating system (level of sperm competition) on the observed rate of spermatogenesis, including data of shrew species studied before (Sorex araneus, Crocidura russula and Neomys fodiens). The dynamics of sperm production were determined by tracing 5-bromodeoxyuridine in the DNA of germ cells. As a continuous scaling of mating systems is not evident, the level of sperm competition was evaluated by the significantly correlated relative testis size (RTS). The cycle durations estimated by linear regression were 14.3 days (RTS 0.3%) in Suncus murinus, 9.0 days (RTS 0.5%) in Sorex coronatus and 8.5 days (RTS 2.8%) in Sorex minutus. In regression and multiple regression analyses including all six studied species of shrew, cycle length was significantly correlated with BMR (r2=0.73) and RTS (r2=0.77). Sperm competition as an ultimate factor obviously leads to a reduction in the time of spermatogenesis in order to increase sperm production. BMR may act in the same way, independently or as a proximate factor, revealed by the covariation, but other factors (related to testes size and thus to mating system) may also be involved.
L'Office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP) a mandaté deux groupes de recherche pour analyser les besoins de la prise en prise en charge des personnes dépendantes en Suisse : l'Unité d'évaluation de programmes de prévention (UEPP) de l'Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive de Lausanne (IUMSP) du Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV) et Addiction Suisse de Lausanne. Plus précisément, le but de cette étude est d'explorer et de définir - par une analyse des besoins - si l'offre actuelle en services dans le domaine des addictions est encore adaptée à la situation épidémiologique actuelle des addictions, à l'évolution des types de comportements liés à la dépendance et aux besoins des clients. Il s'agit en particulier de répondre aux questions suivantes: ? Existe-t-il actuellement des besoins en traitement pour lesquels il n'existe aucune offre appropriée ? ? Quels groupes ne sont pas ou sont insuffisamment atteints par l'offre existante? ? A quels genres de problèmes liés à la dépendance et à quels nouveaux besoins des clients les structures oeuvrant dans le domaine de la dépendance sont -elles confrontées? ? Quels sont les besoins d'adaptation du système de prise en charge nécessaires concernant soit les groupes-cibles de services, soit les types d'offres - en particulier le besoin en nouveaux concepts/modèles de prise en charge pour répondre à l'évolution des besoins? ? Comment ces structures font-elles face à l'accroissement de l'usage de multiples substances (multi-consommation)?
1. Species distribution models are increasingly used to address conservation questions, so their predictive capacity requires careful evaluation. Previous studies have shown how individual factors used in model construction can affect prediction. Although some factors probably have negligible effects compared to others, their relative effects are largely unknown. 2. We introduce a general "virtual ecologist" framework to study the relative importance of factors involved in the construction of species distribution models. 3. We illustrate the framework by examining the relative importance of five key factors-a missing covariate, spatial autocorrelation due to a dispersal process in presences/absences, sample size, sampling design and modeling technique-in a real study framework based on plants in a mountain landscape at regional scale, and show that, for the parameter values considered here, most of the variation in prediction accuracy is due to sample size and modeling technique. Contrary to repeatedly reported concerns, spatial autocorrelation has only comparatively small effects. 4. This study shows the importance of using a nested statistical framework to evaluate the relative effects of factors that may affect species distribution models.
Guidelines for the treatment of hypertension recommend reducing blood pressure to below 140/90 mmHg. However, there is little to guide the clinician on which pharmacological strategy to pursue: monotherapy with stepped-care, sequential monotherapy, or the initial use of combination therapy. The STRATHE study was designed to clarify this issue by comparing the three strategies. A low-dose combination of perindopril/indapamide was significantly superior to either stepped-care or sequential monotherapy in terms of reducing systolic blood pressure and in the percentage of patients achieving normalisation without adverse effects. Pulse pressure showed a trend to greater reductions with the low-dose combination. Although there must be caution about extrapolating these results to other combinations, which may not have the same pharmacological properties, the STRATHE study has shown that initiating antihypertensive therapy with a low-dose combination has advantages over the two other classical therapeutic strategies.
Swiss clinical practice guidelines for skin cancer in organ transplant recipients Transplant patients have increased over the last decades. As a consequence of long-term immunosuppression, skin cancer, in particular squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), has become an important problem. Screening and education of potential organ transplant recipients (OTRs) regarding prevention of sun damage and early recognition of skin cancer are important before transplantation. Once transplanted, OTRs should be seen yearly by a dermatologist to ensure compliance with sun avoidance as well as for treatment of precancerosis and SCC. Early removal is the best treatment for SCC. Reduction of immunosuppression, switch to mTOR inhibitors and chemoprevention with acitretin may reduce the incidence of SCC. The dermatological follow-up of OTRs should be integrated into a comprehensive post-transplant management strategy.
The number of patients treated by haemodialysis (HD) is continuously increasing. The complications associated with vascular accesses represent the first cause of hospitalisation in these patients. Since 2001 nephrologists, surgeons, angiologists and radiologists at the CHUV are working to develop a multidisciplinary model that includes planning and monitoring of HD accesses. In this setting the echo-Doppler represents an important tool of investigation. Every patient is discussed and decisions are taken during a weekly multidisciplinary meeting. A network has been created with nephrologists of peripheral centres and other specialists. This model allows to centralize investigational information and coordinate patient care while keeping and even developing some investigational activities and treatment in peripheral centres.
Pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH) and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED) are relatively common skeletal dysplasias resulting in short-limbed dwarfism, joint pain, and stiffness. PSACH and the largest proportion of autosomal dominant MED (AD-MED) results from mutations in cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP); however, AD-MED is genetically heterogenous and can also result from mutations in matrilin-3 (MATN3) and type IX collagen (COL9A1, COL9A2, and COL9A3). In contrast, autosomal recessive MED (rMED) appears to result exclusively from mutations in sulphate transporter solute carrier family 26 (SLC26A2). The diagnosis of PSACH and MED can be difficult for the nonexpert due to various complications and similarities with other related diseases and often mutation analysis is requested to either confirm or exclude the diagnosis. Since 2003, the European Skeletal Dysplasia Network (ESDN) has used an on-line review system to efficiently diagnose cases referred to the network prior to mutation analysis. In this study, we present the molecular findings in 130 patients referred to ESDN, which includes the identification of novel and recurrent mutations in over 100 patients. Furthermore, this study provides the first indication of the relative contribution of each gene and confirms that they account for the majority of PSACH and MED.
Normally either the Güntelberg or Davies equation is used to predict activity coefficients of electrolytes in dilute solutions when no betterequation is available. The validity of these equations and, additionally, of the parameter-free equation used in the Bates-Guggenheim convention for activity coefficients were tested with experimentally determined activity coefficients of LaCl3, CaCl2, SrCl2 and BaCl2 in aqueous solutions at 298.15 K. The experimentalactivity coefficients of these electrolytes can be usually reproduced within experimental error by means of a two-parameter equation of the Hückel type. The best Hückel equations were also determined for all electrolytes considered. The data used in the calculations of this study cover almost all reliable galvanic cell results available in the literature for the electrolytes considered. The results of the calculations reveal that the parameter-free activity coefficient equations can only be used for very dilute electrolyte solutions in thermodynamic studies
La connaissance de ses origines biologiques est une question constitutive et existentielle pour chaque individu. Dans les cas d'incertitude, les expertises en paternité apportent leur contribution dans l'inclusion ou l'exclusion d'un lien de paternité/filiation biologique. La sous-commission « Filiation et droits de l'enfant » a été chargée d'apporter une réponse à plusieurs questions sur les origines biologiques dont la question suivante : "S'il est considéré comme étant de la maltraitance envers un enfant de lui cacher la véritable identité de son père biologique (marié à sa mère ou pas) ?» La sous-commission a entrepris un travail de réflexion et a départagé la question en 3 volets : juridique, psychologique et médical. Le but de notre travail est d'apporter une réponse médicale, fondée sur l'expérience pratique des médecins, à la question suivante : « Le fait de ne pas informer un enfant quant à sa paternité biologique, dans le cas ou celle-ci est douteuse ou différente de la paternité légale, relève-t-il de la maltraitance ? » Nous présentons tout d'abord une revue de la littérature concernant les sujets de la paternité, de la filiation, de la maltraitance. Nous avons consulté 935 praticiens généralistes, psychiatres et pédiatres par le biais d'un questionnaire à choix multiple de 25 questions et nous avons analysé les 263 exemplaires retournés. Nous avons investigué la révélation des patients aux médecins, la révélation aux enfants (par qui, à quel âge, etc.), le vécu des patients et des enfants, l'avis des praticiens sur le sujet de la révélation, de la connaissance des origines biologiques, de la maltraitance, leurs conseils, etc. Nous observons que 93 praticiens ont été les confidents de situations de paternité légales différentes de la paternité biologique ou d'un doute à ce sujet. D'après les médecins, les patients (les mères, les pères et les enfants) vivent généralement mal la situation de paternité particulière. La moitié des enfants concernés étaient informés de leur filiation atypique. La majorité des enfants informés se sentaient victimes. Une proportion élevée de problèmes affectifs et psychologiques était signalée parmi les enfants informés et non informés. A la question ci-dessus, nous avons observé une différence entre la réponse globale des praticiens consultés et la littérature psychologique et psychiatrique relative au secret des origines. Nous apportons également une réflexion sur la situation des enfants dont la filiation est particulière et sur une hypothèse de prise en charge de ces patients.