572 resultados para Ceratodermia Palmar e Plantar
Trata-se de estudo de intervenção tipo antes e depois, no qual o sujeito é seu próprio controle, fator que permite identificar os efeitos na adesão ao tratamento e controle dos níveis glicêmicos. Teve como objetivo avaliar a contribuição da consulta de enfermagem na adesão ao tratamento do diabetes mellitus tipo 2, em uma Unidade Saúde da Família, de acordo com o \"Protocolo de atendimento as pessoas com diabetes mellitus,\" em Ribeirão Preto, SP. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de setembro de 2014 a janeiro de 2015. O trabalho foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto, SP, sob Parecer nº 648.970. Participaram 31 pessoas com diabetes mellitus, por meio de três consultas de enfermagem, na unidade de saúde e no domicílio, com intervalo de um mês entre as três consultas de todos os participantes. Foi utilizado um roteiro contendo variáveis sociodemográficos e clínicas e o teste de Medida de Adesão ao Tratamento. Para a análise da adesão, durante e após a intervenção, utilizou-se a estatística descritiva e o teste de Mann- Whitney; para a comparação do antes e após a intervenção, utilizou-se o teste de Wilcoxon; para análise de correlação com as variáveis numéricas, o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e o teste Q de Cochran, para a comparação dos exames nos momentos anterior, durante e posterior à intervenção. Os resultados mostraram que os participantes tinham entre 33 e 79 anos, sendo 58,1% do sexo feminino; 71% tinham companheiro; renda familiar de 1 a 3 salários-mínimos (83,9%); 80,6% referiram ser profissionalmente inativos (aposentados, pensionistas ou do lar); média de 5,68 anos de estudo e predomínio de menos de 8 anos de estudo (67,7%). Em relação aos valores da pressão arterial sistêmica constatou hipertensão arterial sistêmica grau I em 25,8% das pessoas com diabetes mellitus, 90,3% com índice de massa corporal apresentando excesso de peso, quanto à circunferência abdominal, 32,2% dos homens estavam com valores maiores que 102 cm e 45,2% das mulheres com valores acima de 88 cm. A avaliação dos pés, com uso do monofilamento Semmes-Weinstein de 10g, apresentou 9,7% das pessoas com diabetes mellitus com pé em risco para ulceração e diminuição ou ausência de sensibilidade tátil pressórica protetora dos pés. O tempo de diagnóstico do diabetes mellitus tipo 2 variou entre 1 a 39 anos, predominando as comorbidades hipertensão arterial (83,9%), dislipidemia (58,1%) e obesidade (41,8%). Quanto aos exames laboratoriais, observa-se que, em 64,5% da população estudada, os níveis da glicemia de jejum estavam acima de 100 mg/dL , ocorrendo pequena redução para 61,3% nos casos de pessoas com diabetes mellitus durante a intervenção e se manteve após. No que se refere à glicemia pós-prandial, os casos das pessoas com diabetes mellitus com valores iguais ou acima de 160 mg/dL, antes da intervenção era de 45,2% e durante e após a intervenção caiu para 38,7%. Em contrapartida, aumentou o número de pessoas com diabetes mellitus durante e após a intervenção, com valores da glicemia pós-prandial abaixo de 160 mg/dL, de 54,8% para 61,3%. E, em relação à hemoglobina glicada, foi observado que em 61,3% das pessoas com diabetes mellitus os valores antes da intervenção eram iguais ou acima de 7%. Durante a intervenção, caiu para 19,3% e após a intervenção o número de pessoas com diabetes mellitus, com a hemoglobina glicada igual ou superior a 7%, chegou a 38,7%. Quanto aos valores abaixo de 7%, observou-se aumento de 38,7% antes da intervenção para 80,6 e 61,3% respectivamente, durante e após a intervenção, com diferença estatisticamente significante (p< 0,001). As pessoas com diabetes mellitus desse estudo, apresentaram 83,87% de adesão ao tratamento antes da intervenção, e esses escores subiram para 96,78% após a intervenção, fato corroborado pelo teste de Wilcoxon que mostrou escores estatisticamente significantes (p<0,001), entre antes e após a intervenção. Esse estudo contribui para ressaltar a importância do enfermeiro, enquanto integrante da equipe multiprofissional, seguindo as orientações do \"Protocolo de atendimento ao indivíduo com diabetes\", tanto no atendimento individual quanto em grupo, reorganizando o processo de trabalho, contribuindo para maior adesão ao tratamento e controle dos níveis glicêmicos, ao minimizar a fragmentação e assegurar a continuidade na assistência, por meio de abordagem integral ao diabético
Los portales utilizados en la artroscopia de muñeca inicialmente son portales dorsales. Con el desarrollo de los portales volares, ha sido posible el abordaje artroscópico de la muñeca desde cualquier ángulo. PORTALES DORSALES. Los portales dorsales de la articulación radiocarpiana se nombran según su relación con los tendones de los compartimentos extensores del dorso del radio 1-/2, 3-/4, 4-/5, 6R y 6U. Los portales dorsales mediocarpianos radial y ulnar se encuentran 1 cm distal a los portales 3-/4 y 4-/5 respectivamente. Son los portales más utilizados y obtienen una adecuada visión de la articulación radiocarpiana y de la cápsula volar, pero no permiten una adecuada visión del ligamento radiopiramidal dorsal ni de la región palmar de los ligamentos lunopiramidal y escafolunar. PORTALES VOLARES. Aunque algunos autores han descrito portales volares para la articulación radiocarpiana, los más utilizados en la actualidad son los propuestos por Slutsky: portal volar radial y portal volar ulnar. También describe un portal volar para la articulación mediocarpiana a través de la misma incisión que para el portal volar radial y a 11cm distal a la misma. Los portales volares obtienen una adecuada visión de la región dorsal de la muñeca, y de la porción palmar de los ligamentos lunopiramidal y escafolunar…
Biomechanical adaptations that occur during pregnancy can lead to changes on gait pattern. Nevertheless, these adaptations of gait are still not fully understood. The purpose was to determine the effect of pregnancy on the biomechanical pattern of walking, regarding the kinetic parameters. A three-dimensional analysis was performed in eleven participants. The kinetic parameters in the joints of the lower limb during gait were compared at the end of the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy and in the postpartum period, in healthy pregnant women. The main results showed a reduction in the normalized vertical reaction forces, throughout pregnancy, particularly the third peak. Pregnant women showed, during most of the stance phase, medial reaction forces as a motor response to promote the body stability. Bilateral changes were observed in hip joint, with a decrease in the participation of the hip extensors and in the eccentric contraction of hip flexors. In ankle joint a decrease in the participation of ankle plantar flexors was found. In conclusion, the overall results point to biomechanical adjustments that showed a decrease of the mechanical load of women throughout pregnancy, with exception for few unilateral changes of hip joint moments.
1.1 Background and Purpose: Ultrasound guided sciatic nerve blockade has rapid onset but at 24 hours pain is greater than nerve stimulator techniques. Injection of the nerve branches or trunk and sub-sheath blockade increase success and reduce onset times but risk injury. This study mapped needle coordinates for sciatic nerve blockade with nerve stimulation and its relation to postoperative pain scores. 1.2 Method: Angle and distance of the needle tip and infusion catheter from the popliteal sciatic nerve at which stimulated plantar flexion occurred were measured. Pain scores at postanesthesia unit discharge and 24 hours were recorded. 1.3 Results: 81% of opioid naïve patients reported immediate analgesia and 20.8% at 24 hours. In opioid tolerant patients 56.8% reported immediate analgesia and 9.1% at 24 hours. Plantar flexion was observed with the needle in the posterior medial quadrant near the sciatic nerve. Opioid tolerant patients reported adequate analgesia when the needle was located more medially and proximally to the sciatic nerve. 1.4 Conclusion: Stimulated plantar flexion is isolated to a narrow angular range in the posterior medial quadrant adjacent to the sciatic nerve. Opioid tolerant patients report adequate analgesia if the needle and catheter are more medial and proximal to the nerve surface.
Highly demanding resistive vibration exercise program is tolerated during 56 days of strict bed-rest
Several studies have tried to find countermeasures against musculoskeletal de-conditioning during bed-rest, but none of them yielded decisive results. We hypothesised that resistive vibration exercise (RVE) might be a suitable training modality. We have therefore carried out a bed-rest study to evaluate its feasibility and efficacy during 56 days of bed-rest. Twenty healthy male volunteers aged 24 to 43 years were recruited and, after medical check-ups, randomised to a non-exercising control (Ctrl) group or a group that performed RVE 11 times per week. Strict bed-rest was controlled by video surveillance. The diet was controlled. RVE was performed in supine position, with a static force component of about twice the body weight and a smaller dynamic force component. RVE comprised four different units (squats, heel raises, toe raises, kicks), each of which lasted 60 - 100 seconds. Pre and post exercise levels of lactate were measured once weekly. Body weight was measured daily on a bed scale. Pain questionnaires were obtained in regular intervals during and after the bed-rest. Vibration frequency was set to 19 Hz at the beginning and progressed to 25.9 Hz (SD 1.9) at the end of the study, suggesting that the dynamic force component increased by 90%. The maximum sustainable exercise time for squat exercise increased from 86 s (SD 21) on day 11 of the BR to 176 s (SD 73) on day 53 (p = 0.006). On the same days, post-exercise lactate levels increased from 6.9 mmol/l (SD2.3) to 9.2 mmol/l (SD 3.5, p = 0.01). On average, body weight was unchanged in both groups during bed-rest, but single individuals in both groups depicted significant weight changes ranging from -10% to + d10% (p < 0.001). Lower limb pain was more frequent during bed-rest in the RVE subjects than in Ctrl (p = 0.035). During early recovery, subjects of both groups suffered from muscle pain to a comparable extent, but foot pain was more common in Ctrl than in RVE (p = 0.013 for plantar pain, p = 0.074 for dorsal foot pain). Our results indicate that RVE is feasible twice daily during bed-rest in young healthy males, provided that one afternoon and one entire day per week are free. Exercise progression, mainly by progression of vibration frequency, yielded increases in maximum sustainable exercise time and blood lactate. In conclusion, RVE as performed in this study, appears to be safe.
The new development strategies should operate mainly in the areas of energy efficiency and sustainable agriculture. Thus, the substitution of fossil fuels with biofuels, such as biodiesel, is increasingly on the agenda. The cultivation of oilseed plants for biodiesel production must take place in integrated systems that enable best environmental benefits and are more economically significant. The objectives of this study were to assess the morphological, anatomic, and physiological characteristics of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L., promising oilseed for biodiesel production) grown in monoculture and intercropping with cowpea bean (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.); and identify socioeconomic family farmers and verify their acceptance about safflower as an energy crop. The methodology used for the analysis of safflower growth in monoculture and intercropped with beans, were morphoanatomical and histochemical analyzes, made with samples of plants grown in the field in two cropping systems throughout the range of the life cycle of these plants. There were no changes in growth and anatomy of plants, even in the consortium, which is satisfactory to indicate the intercropping system for those crops and can be a good alternative for the family farmer, who may have safflower as a source of income without giving up planting their livelihood. To check the acceptance of safflower by farmers, interviews were made to family farmers by Canudos agrovila in Ceará-Mirim/RN. It was noticed that many of them accept the introduction of safflower as oil crop, although unaware of the species, and that, being more resistant to drought, safflower help in the stability of families who depend on the weather conditions for success their current crops. In general, it is concluded that safflower has features that allows it to be grown in consortium for biodiesel production combined with the production of food, such as cowpea, and can be used enabling better development for family farmers.
La radioulnar distal es una articulación diartrodial trocoide compuesta por la escotadura sigmoidea del radio y la cabeza ulnar. Su estabilidad depende de la integridad de diversas estructuras como son el complejo fibrocartílago triangular o CFCT, el músculo pronador cuadrado y el músculo extensor ulnar del carpo y la porción distal de la membrana interósea (MIO), fundamentalmente la banda oblicua distal, en los casos en los que se encuentra presente. La banda oblicua distal (BOD) es una estructura independiente de la porción membranosa distal de la membrana interósea la cual ha sido descrita en un 40% de los individuos. Se origina en 1/6 distal de la diáfisis ulnar y se inserta en el borde inferior de la escotadura sigmoidea. Algunas fibras se extienden más distalmente, pareciendo mantener continuidad con los ligamentos radioulnares dorsal y palmar, lo que ha hecho pensar en su función como estabilizador de la articulación radioulnar distal. A su vez, su inserción ulnar coincide con el eje de rotación del antebrazo, experimentando así pocos cambios durante la pronosupinación, comportándose de forma isométrica. El CFCT es el estabilizador primario de la articulación, y en situaciones normales la influencia de la porción distal de la membrana interósea es insustancial. Sin embargo, tras una lesión del fibrocartílago triangular o una resección de la cabeza ulnar, es cuando adquiere un papel fundamental...
Este estudo objetivou conhecer a incidência do evento queda e identificar a presença de seus principais fatores de risco. Estudo exploratório, realizado de março a novembro/2009, com aplicação de um formulário sobre quedas em um grupo de idosos. Os dados foram analisados por cálculo de frequências, média e desvio-padrão. Participaram 62 idosos, 41,9% relataram queda nos últimos seis meses, a maioria mulheres. Identificou-se ocorrência de agravos concomitantes: visão regular, audição boa, polifarmácia, IMC normal, forte força de preensão palmar e condições dos pés adequadas. Na maioria dos que caiu, o desequilíbrio foi apontado como principal motivo. A queda ocorreu mais no período da manhã, em local de piso áspero e seco, sem degraus, rampas ou tapetes, iluminação adequada e o tipo de calçado mais utilizado foi chinelo de borracha. Percebe-se a alta ocorrência das quedas na população idosa, fato que fundamenta a necessidade de avaliação das condições de risco envolvidas
The prevalence of diabetic polyneuropathy in Spain is 22% increasing with age, standing at less than 5% in patients between 15 and 19 years and reaching 29.8% in those aged 70 to 74 years age. Infection is an important complication in Diabetic Foot, frequently associated with minor amputation and even lower extremity amputation. The study presents a clinical case of a 68-year-old man who consulted for a diabetic foot ulcer in the metatarseal area of the right foot, diagnosed two years ago and without healing success. An exploration protocol of the diabetic food was made. Afterwards, a surgical debridement was done and a cure procedure with pure hyaluronic acid, a bandage and foot unloading was followed. After 69 days of treatment, a complete ulcer healing was achieved. After the injure healing, a biomechanical exploration was made and a plantar support was produced to avoid the reappearance of the injury because of local hyperpressure.
Ankle sprains are the most common injuries in sports, usually causing damage to the lateral ligaments. Recurrence has as usual result permanent instability, and thus loss of proprioception. This fact, together with residual symptoms, is what is known as chronic ankle instability, CAI, or FAI, if it is functional. This problem tries to be solved by improving musculoskeletal stability and proprioception by the application of bandages and performing exercises. The aim of this study has been to review articles (meta-analisis, systematic reviews and revisions) published in 2009-2015 in PubMed, Medline, ENFISPO and BUCea, using keywords such as “sprain instability”, “sprain proprioception”, “chronic ankle instability”. Evidence affirms that there does exist decreased proprioception in patients who suffer from CAI. Rehabilitation exercise regimen is indicated as a treatment because it generates a subjective improvement reported by the patient, and the application of bandages works like a sprain prevention method limiting the range of motion, reducing joint instability and increasing confidence during exercise. As podiatrists we should recommend proprioception exercises to all athletes in a preventive way, and those with CAI or FAI, as a rehabilitation programme, together with the application of bandages. However, further studies should be generated focusing on ways of improving proprioception, and on the exercise patterns that provide the maximum benefit.
Abstract: The first metatarsal sesamoid bones are not always taken into consideration when making a diagnosis, in pathologies that affect the region of the first metatarsal head. This is due to the insufficient knowledge of all the pathologies that can affect the sesamoids and the relative little incidence that they have. With the increment of sports activities, in particular the running, increasingly affects of the symptoms concerning this region are observed. Methods: A literature search was performed in 5 databases (Medline, PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library and BUCEA). The terms included in the search were: sesamoids, anatomy, biomechanics, sesamoids review and sesamoids pathology. In the initial search articles with no more than 10 years, only humans and revision texts are considered. Results: 24 articles were selected and include different pathologies with diagnosis using imaging tests and treatments, both conservative and surgical; as well as aspects from the biomechanics of the metatarsal-sesamoid joint. Conclusion: Sesamoids due of his anatomy, topography and function can be involved in a lot of pathologies; with similar signs and symptoms that can confuse the podiatry when he has to make a correct diagnosis or treatment.
Contact dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin condition characterized by erythematous and pruritic skin lesions that occur after contact with a foreign substance. There are two forms of contact dermatitis: irritant and allergic. Irritant contact dermatitis is caused by the non–immune-modulated irritation of the skin by a substance, leading to skin changes. Allergic contact dermatitis is a delayed hypersensitivity reaction in which a foreign substance comes into contact with the skin; skin changes occur after reexposure to the substance. A medical condition referred to as “shoe dermatitis” is a form of contact dermatitis caused by the contact of the foot with parts of the shoe due to these materials. Shoe dermatitis is a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge and is a common type of contact dermatitis. It is imperative the foot and ankle physician become familiar with recognizing signs and symptoms of shoe dermatitis so that their patients can be accurately diagnosis and appropriately treated to avoid secondary infections and disability. This review will first present causative factors for the etiology of shoe contact dermatitis supported by clinical-based evidence as found in the medical literature. Secondly, a description of the signs and symptoms of shoe contact dermatitis will be presented in a narrative fashion. Finally, both treatment options and preventative measures to avoid shoe.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
El pie es la base de sustentación del ser humano, extremidad utilizada para diferentes actividades de locomoción, capaz de soportar todo el peso corporal incluso en acciones deportivas que implican mantenerla en buenas condiciones. La investigación en el área deportiva continuamente está tomando fuerza con miras en el mejoramiento del rendimiento y la obtención de la forma deportiva incluyendo el buen estado de todos los segmentos corporales implicados, de esta manera se realiza esta investigación tomando la huella plantar como variable fundamental, con el fin de determinar la tipología del pie asociando el dolor podal con las variables antropométricas y podométricas (1,8,10), la población de estudio conformada por 122 deportistas entre 12 y 14 años de edad, de las escuelas de formación en la modalidad de futbol de la ciudad de Neiva
Aim. We report a case of ulnar and palmar arch artery aneurysm in a 77 years old man without history of any occupational or recreational trauma, vasculitis, infections or congenital anatomic abnormalities. We also performed a computed search of literature in PUBMED using the keywords “ulnar artery aneurysm” and “palmar arch aneurysm”. Case report. A 77 years old male patient was admitted to hospital with a pulsing mass at distal right ulnar artery and deep palmar arch; at ultrasound and CT examination a saccular aneurysm of 35 millimeters at right ulnar artery and a 15 millimeters dilatation at deep palmar arch were detected. He was asymptomatic for distal embolization and pain. In local anesthesia ulnar artery and deep palmar arch dilatations were resected. Reconstruction of vessels was performed through an end-to-end microvascular repair. Histological examination confirmed the absence of vasculitis and collagenopaties. In postoperative period there were no clinical signs of peripheral ischemia, Allen’s test and ultrasound examination were normal. At follow-up of six months, the patient was still asymptomatic with a normal Allen test, no signs of distal digital ischemia and patency of treated vessel with normal flow at duplex ultrasound. Conclusion. True spontaneous aneurysms of ulnar artery and palmar arch are rare and can be successfully treated with resection and microvascular reconstruction.