985 resultados para Cassava genotypes
The super early genotypes (SEG) of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) have a shorter life cycle (65-75 days) when compared with the season length of traditional cultivars (90-100 days). Timing of nitrogen top-dressing fertilization could be different because of this reduction in length of the SEG life cycle. This study aimed at characterizing, by using growth analysis and vegetation index, super early genotypes of dry bean development as affected by timing of nitrogen application. Field experiments were conducted in the 2014 and 2015 growing seasons in central Brazil with a randomized block experimental design with split plots scheme and four replicates. The plots comprised the dry bean genotypes (Colibri ? check cultivar, CNFC 15873, CNFC 15874, and CNFC 15875), and subplots comprised applications of N at different timings: 90 kg of N at sowing, 90 kg N at top-dressing; 45 kg of N at sowing plus 45 kg at top-dressing, with urea as the source of N. We also used a control treatment without N application. The CNFC 15874 super early genotype of dry bean had the higher grain yield (2776 kg ha-1) and differed from the CNFC 15873 genotype (2492 kg ha-1). Nitrogen fertilization allowed higher grain yield (2619 kg ha-1, when applied N at sowing, 2605 kg ha-1, when applied N at sowing and at top-dressing, and 2680 kg ha-1, when applied N at top-dressing) than the control, 2360 kg ha-1 (no N fertilization). The time of N fertilization in super early genotype of dry bean did not affect grain yield.
There is a lack of researches that evaluate the development and nutrient accumulation in super early genotypes of common bean for the elaboration of fertilization programs. This study aimed at characterizing the development; N, P, K, Ca and Mg accumulation by leaves; grain yield; and yield components of super early genotypes of common bean. Field experiments were conducted in a randomized blocks design, with four replications. The treatments consisted of the IPR Colibri (control), CNFC 15873, CNFC 15874 and CNFC 15875 genotypes. Plants were sampled throughout the common bean development, being divided into leaves, stems and pods. After determining the dry matter, the contents of N, P, K, Ca and Mg accumulated in leaves were estimated. At harvesting, the grain yield and yield components were evaluated. The biomass accumulation in stems and leaves occurred until the flowering stage, and then it started in the pods until harvesting. The genotypes that absorbed more nitrogen and phosphorus had a higher grain yield. The average growing season of super early genotypes was 70 days (winter) and 63 days (summer). CNFC 15874 was the most productive genotype in the winter, with grain yield similar to the IPR Colibri cultivar (control). In the summer, CNFC 15873 and CNFC 15875 achieved grain yield similar to the IPR Colibri cultivar.
Most strawberry genotypes grown commercially in Brazil originate from breeding programs in the United States, and are therefore not adapted to the various soil and climatic conditions found in Brazil. Thus, quantifying the magnitude of genotype x environment (GE) interactions serves as a primary means for increasing average Brazilian strawberry yields, and helps provide specific recommendations for farmers on which genotypes meet high yield and phenotypic stability thresholds. The aim of this study was to use AMMI (additive main effects and multiplicative interaction) and GGE biplot (genotype main effects + genotype x environment interaction) analyses to identify high-yield, stable strawberry genotypes grown at three locations in Espírito Santo for two agricultural years. We evaluated seven strawberry genotypes (Dover, Camino Real, Ventana, Camarosa, Seascape, Diamante, and Aromas) at three locations (Domingos Martins, Iúna, and Muniz Freire) in agricultural years 2006 and 2007, totaling six study environments. Joint analysis of variance was calculated using yield data (t/ha), and AMMI and GGE biplot analysis was conducted following the detection of a significant genotypes x agricultural years x locations (G x A x L) interaction. During the two agricultural years, evaluated locations were allocated to different regions on biplot graphics using both methods, indicating distinctions among them. Based on the results obtained from the two methods used in this study to investigate the G x A x L interaction, we recommend growing the Camarosa genotype for production at the three locations assessed due to the high frequency of favorable alleles, which were expressed in all localities evaluated regardless of the agricultural year.
Toxicidade de manipueira de mandioca e erva-de-rato a adultos de Toxoptera citricida Kirkaldy.
This study aimed to verify the existence of variability and to estimate genetic parameters for chlorophyll content in forage peanut genotypes.
Starches are applied in several fields of industry. Amylose and amylopectin (natural polymers) constitute the starch in vegetable cells. In some processes native starches cannot support high stress conditions (high temperatures/acidity). Then, modification methods are developed aiming the improving of starch technological utilization. Oxidative modification with H2O2 has been the subject of many researches. UV rays as well microwave irradiation can be used. The aim was to confirm possible thermogravimetric alterations in native cassava starch (A) granules due to a double starch modification: 1st step) H2O2 standard solutions 0.1 mol L-1 (B), 0.2 mol L-1 (C) and 0.3 mol L-1 (D) and UV rays exposure for 1h; 2nd step) microwave irradiation for 5 min. The results of thermogravimetric curves (TG-DTA) show that the behaviors of the starch proprieties were modified. Highlighting, the modified samples C and D showed a decrease on the thermal stability step. This alteration turned them suitable to many field of industry like the paper one.
Objetivou-se selecionar dentre 24 genótipos de sorgo os superiores para produção de silagem. O estudo foi conduzido no campo experimental da Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, município de Sete Lagoas, Estado de Minas Gerais. Utilizados 24 genótipos de sorgo forrageiro, 21 híbridos do cruzamento entre fêmeas graníferos e machos forrageiros (12F38019, 12F38006, 12F40006, 12F40005, 12F40019, 12F37016, 12F37005, 12F37043, 12F39006, 12F39005, 12F39019, 12F38005, 12F38007, 12F37007, 12F39007, 12F40007, 12F38014, 12F37014, 12F39014, 12F40014 e 12F38009) e três testemunhas: BRS 610, BRS 655 e Volumax. Estimada a produtividade por área, digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca, características bromatológicas e fermentativas das silagens de sorgo. A digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca, proteína indisponível em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente neutro corrigido para cinzas, proteína, fibra em detergente ácido, hemicelulose e lignina foram diferentes quanto aos genótipos testados. O pH e nitrogênio amoniacal das silagens também apresentaram diferenças entre genótipos. A maioria dos genótipos testados é favorável à produção de silagem, exceto o híbrido com maior teor de lignina 12F370014 e os híbridos 12F37007 e 12F370014, que apresentaram os maiores valores de FDNcp.
Objetivou-se avaliar as características agronômicas de genótipos de sorgo e o valor nutricional das silagens produzidas. Foram utilizados 15 genótipos de sorgo. O plantio foi realizado em blocos casualizados com três repetições por genótipo num total de 45 (quarenta e cinco) parcelas. Avaliaram-se as características agronômicas, nutricionais e qualidade da silagem. Houve diferença entre os genótipos para todas as características analisadas, com exceção dos teores de nitrogênio indisponível em detergente ácido (NIDA), proteína indisponível em detergente ácido (PIDA) e atividade de água (aw). Avaliando os parâmetros, com exceção dos genótipos 1016013, 1016025, 1016037, 1016039, Volumax, BRS 610, que apresentaram teor proteico abaixo de 7 %, os demais estão aptos a serem utilizados para a ensilagem, pois possuem um bom perfil de fermentação e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca; no entanto, o genótipo SF 15 é o mais favorável para a produção de silagem, devido à sua menor participação na fração de fibra em detergente neutro.
Thanks to the development and combination of molecular markers for the genetic traceability of sunflower varieties and a gas chromatographic method for the determination of the FAs composition of sunflower oil, it was possible to implement an experimental method for the verification of both the traceability and the variety of organic sunflower marketed by Agricola Grains S.p.A. The experimental activity focused on two objectives: the implementation of molecular markers for the routine control of raw material deliveries for oil extraction and the improvement and validation of a gas chromatographic method for the determination of the FAs composition of sunflower oil. With regard to variety verification and traceability, the marker systems evaluated were the following: SSR markers (12) arranged in two multiplex sets and SCAR markers for the verification of cytoplasmic male sterility (Pet1) and fertility. In addition, two objectives were pursued in order to enable a routine application in the industrial field: the development of a suitable protocol for DNA extraction from single seeds and the implementation of a semi-automatic capillary electrophoresis system for the analysis of marker fragments. The development and validation of a new GC/FID analytical method for the determination of fatty acids (FAME) in sunflower achenes to improve the quality and efficiency of the analytical flow in the control of raw and refined materials entering the Agricola Grains S.p.A. production chain. The analytical performances being validated by the newly implemented method are: linearity of response, limit of quantification, specificity, precision, intra-laboratory precision, robustness, BIAS. These parameters are used to compare the newly developed method with the one considered as reference - Commission Regulation No. 2568/91 and Commission Implementing Regulation No. 2015/1833. Using the combination of the analytical methods mentioned above, the documentary traceability of the product can be confirmed experimentally, providing relevant information for subsequent marketing.
There is great interindividual variability in the response to GH therapy. Ascertaining genetic factors can improve the accuracy of growth response predictions. Suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS)-2 is an intracellular negative regulator of GH receptor (GHR) signaling. The objective of the study was to assess the influence of a SOCS2 polymorphism (rs3782415) and its interactive effect with GHR exon 3 and -202 A/C IGFBP3 (rs2854744) polymorphisms on adult height of patients treated with recombinant human GH (rhGH). Genotypes were correlated with adult height data of 65 Turner syndrome (TS) and 47 GH deficiency (GHD) patients treated with rhGH, by multiple linear regressions. Generalized multifactor dimensionality reduction was used to evaluate gene-gene interactions. Baseline clinical data were indistinguishable among patients with different genotypes. Adult height SD scores of patients with at least one SOCS2 single-nucleotide polymorphism rs3782415-C were 0.7 higher than those homozygous for the T allele (P < .001). SOCS2 (P = .003), GHR-exon 3 (P= .016) and -202 A/C IGFBP3 (P = .013) polymorphisms, together with clinical factors accounted for 58% of the variability in adult height and 82% of the total height SD score gain. Patients harboring any two negative genotypes in these three different loci (homozygosity for SOCS2 T allele; the GHR exon 3 full-length allele and/or the -202C-IGFBP3 allele) were more likely to achieve an adult height at the lower quartile (odds ratio of 13.3; 95% confidence interval of 3.2-54.2, P = .0001). The SOCS2 polymorphism (rs3782415) has an influence on the adult height of children with TS and GHD after long-term rhGH therapy. Polymorphisms located in GHR, IGFBP3, and SOCS2 loci have an influence on the growth outcomes of TS and GHD patients treated with rhGH. The use of these genetic markers could identify among rhGH-treated patients those who are genetically predisposed to have less favorable outcomes.
To evaluate associations between polymorphisms of the N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2), human 8-oxoguanine glycosylase 1 (hOGG1) and X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 1 (XRCC1) genes and risk of upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) cancer. A case-control study involving 117 cases and 224 controls was undertaken. The NAT2 gene polymorphisms were genotyped by automated sequencing and XRCC1 Arg399Gln and hOGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphisms were determined by Polymerase Chain Reaction followed by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods. Slow metabolization phenotype was significantly associated as a risk factor for the development of UADT cancer (p=0.038). Furthermore, haplotype of slow metabolization was also associated with UADT cancer (p=0.014). The hOGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism (CG or GG vs. CC genotypes) was shown as a protective factor against UADT cancer in moderate smokers (p=0.031). The XRCC1 Arg399Gln polymorphism (GA or AA vs. GG genotypes), in turn, was a protective factor against UADT cancer only among never-drinkers (p=0.048). Interactions involving NAT2, XRCC1 Arg399Gln and hOGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphisms may modulate the risk of UADT cancer in this population.
Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. Ex Adr. Juss.) Muell.-Arg. is the primary source of natural rubber that is native to the Amazon rainforest. The singular properties of natural rubber make it superior to and competitive with synthetic rubber for use in several applications. Here, we performed RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) of H. brasiliensis bark on the Illumina GAIIx platform, which generated 179,326,804 raw reads on the Illumina GAIIx platform. A total of 50,384 contigs that were over 400 bp in size were obtained and subjected to further analyses. A similarity search against the non-redundant (nr) protein database returned 32,018 (63%) positive BLASTx hits. The transcriptome analysis was annotated using the clusters of orthologous groups (COG), gene ontology (GO), Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), and Pfam databases. A search for putative molecular marker was performed to identify simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In total, 17,927 SSRs and 404,114 SNPs were detected. Finally, we selected sequences that were identified as belonging to the mevalonate (MVA) and 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathways, which are involved in rubber biosynthesis, to validate the SNP markers. A total of 78 SNPs were validated in 36 genotypes of H. brasiliensis. This new dataset represents a powerful information source for rubber tree bark genes and will be an important tool for the development of microsatellites and SNP markers for use in future genetic analyses such as genetic linkage mapping, quantitative trait loci identification, investigations of linkage disequilibrium and marker-assisted selection.
Polymorphisms of Rh, Kell, Duffy, Kidd and Diego blood group systems were studied in 209 unrelated Brazilian Japanese descendants from South of Brazil. The methods used were multiplex-PCR, AS-PCR and RFLP-PCR. The differences in frequencies among the populations were evaluated using chi-square test. The frequencies for Rh, Kell, Kidd and Diego system were similar to those of the Japanese. RHCE(*)CC, RHCE(*)EE genotypes and FY(*)01 allele were lower and FY(*)01N.01 was higher than Japanese. These differences in the frequencies between Brazilian Japanese descendants and Japanese could indicate a gene flow in Brazilian population and reinforce the importance of this knowledge to achieve safe red blood cells.
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is present in the daily diet of various countries and, as for other legumes, has been investigated for its nutraceutical potential. Thus, 16 genotypes from different gene pools, representing seven types of seed coats and different responses to pathogens and pests, were selected to verify their isoflavone contents. The isoflavonoids daidzein and genistein and the flavonols kaempferol, myricetin, and quercetin were found. Grains of the black type showed the highest concentrations of isoflavonoids and were the only ones to exhibit daidzein. IAC Formoso, with high protein content and source of resistance to anthracnose, showed the greatest concentration of genistein, representing around 11% of the content present in soybean, as well as high levels of kaempferol. Arc 1, Raz 55, and IAC Una genotypes showed high content of coumestrol. The results suggest the use of IAC Formoso to increase the nutraceutical characteristics in common bean.
Giardia duodenalis is a flagellate protozoan that parasitizes humans and several other mammals. Protozoan contamination has been regularly documented at important environmental sites, although most of these studies were performed at the species level. There is a lack of studies that correlate environmental contamination and clinical infections in the same region. The aim of this study is to evaluate the genetic diversity of a set of clinical and environmental samples and to use the obtained data to characterize the genetic profile of the distribution of G. duodenalis and the potential for zoonotic transmission in a metropolitan region of Brazil. The genetic assemblages and subtypes of G. duodenalis isolates obtained from hospitals, a veterinary clinic, a day-care center and important environmental sites were determined via multilocus sequence-based genotyping using three unlinked gene loci. Cysts of Giardia were detected at all of the environmental sites. Mixed assemblages were detected in 25% of the total samples, and an elevated number of haplotypes was identified. The main haplotypes were shared among the groups, and new subtypes were identified at all loci. Ten multilocus genotypes were identified: 7 for assemblage A and 3 for assemblage B. There is persistent G. duodenalis contamination at important environmental sites in the city. The identified mixed assemblages likely represent mixed infections, suggesting high endemicity of Giardia in these hosts. Most Giardia isolates obtained in this study displayed zoonotic potential. The high degree of genetic diversity in the isolates obtained from both clinical and environmental samples suggests that multiple sources of infection are likely responsible for the detected contamination events. The finding that many multilocus genotypes (MLGs) and haplotypes are shared by different groups suggests that these sources of infection may be related and indicates that there is a notable risk of human infection caused by Giardia in this region.