961 resultados para Carboxyl-terminal Fragment
Proteins located on the surface of the pathogenic malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum are objects of intensive studies due to their important role in the invasion of human cells and the accessibility to host antibodies thus making these proteins attractive vaccine candidates. One of these proteins, merozoite surface protein 3 (MSP3) represents a leading component among vaccine candidates; however, little is known about its structure and function. Our biophysical studies suggest that the 40 residue C-terminal domain of MSP3 protein self-assembles into a four-stranded alpha-helical coiled coil structure where alpha-helices are packed "side-by-side". A bioinformatics analysis provides an extended list of known and putative proteins from different species of Plasmodium which have such MSP3-like C-terminal domains. This finding allowed us to extend some conclusions of our studies to a larger group of the malaria surface proteins. Possible structural and functional roles of these highly conserved oligomerization domains in the intact merozoite surface proteins are discussed.
Embryonic cells are expected to possess high growth/differentiation potential, required for organ morphogenesis and expansion during development. However, little is known about the intrinsic properties of embryonic epithelial cells due to difficulties in their isolation and cultivation. We report here that pure keratinocyte populations from E15.5 mouse embryos commit irreversibly to differentiation much earlier than newborn cells. Notch signaling, which promotes keratinocyte differentiation, is upregulated in embryonic keratinocyte and epidermis, and elevated caspase 3 expression, which we identify as a transcriptional Notch1 target, accounts in part for the high commitment of embryonic keratinocytes to terminal differentiation. In vivo, lack of caspase 3 results in increased proliferation and decreased differentiation of interfollicular embryonic keratinocytes, together with decreased activation of PKC-delta, a caspase 3 substrate which functions as a positive regulator of keratinocyte differentiation. Thus, a Notch1-caspase 3 regulatory mechanism underlies the intrinsically high commitment of embryonic keratinocytes to terminal differentiation.
α-Crystallins, initially described as the major structural proteins of the lens, belong to the small heat shock protein family. Apart from their function as chaperones, α-crystallins are involved in the regulation of intracellular apoptotic signals. αA- and αB-crystallins have been shown to interfere with the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway triggering Bax pro-apoptotic activity and downstream activation of effector caspases. Differential regulation of α-crystallins has been observed in several eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration and stress-induced and inherited retinal degenerations. Although the function of α-crystallins in healthy and diseased retina remains poorly understood, their altered expression in pathological conditions argue in favor of a role in cellular defensive response. In the Rpe65(-/-) mouse model of Leber's congenital amaurosis, we previously observed decreased expression of αA- and αB-crystallins during disease progression, which was correlated with Bax pro-death activity and photoreceptor apoptosis. In the present study, we demonstrated that α-crystallins interacted with pro-apoptotic Bax and displayed cytoprotective action against Bax-triggered apoptosis, as assessed by TUNEL and caspase assays. We further observed in staurosporine-treated photoreceptor-like 661W cells stably overexpressing αA- or αB-crystallin that Bax-dependent apoptosis and caspase activation were inhibited. Finally, we reported that the C-terminal extension domain of αA-crystallin was sufficient to provide protection against Bax-triggered apoptosis. Altogether, these data suggest that α-crystallins interfere with Bax-induced apoptosis in several cell types, including the cone-derived 661W cells. They further suggest that αA-crystallin-derived peptides might be sufficient to promote cytoprotective action in response to apoptotic cell death.
The active fragment derived from factor XII (factor XIIf) was purified from human plasma and administered intravenously to normotensive conscious rats. Factor XIIf-mediated hypotension was dose-dependent and augmented by pretreatment with captopril, an inhibitor of the angiotensin I- and bradykinin-processing enzyme. In contrast, factor XIIf-induced hypotension was not enhanced by blockade of the renin-angiotensin system by saralasin, a competitive antagonist of angiotensin II at the vascular receptor level. These results suggest that factor XIIf-mediated hypotension is due to the formation of bradykinin.
The caspase-3/p120 RasGAP module acts as a stress sensor that promotes pro-survival or pro-death signaling depending on the intensity and the duration of the stressful stimuli. Partial cleavage of p120 RasGAP generates a fragment, called fragment N, which protects stressed cells by activating Akt signaling. Akt family members regulate many cellular processes including proliferation, inhibition of apoptosis and metabolism. These cellular processes are regulated by three distinct Akt isoforms: Akt1, Akt2 and Akt3. However, which of these isoforms are required for fragment N mediated protection have not been defined. In this study, we investigated the individual contribution of each isoform in fragment N-mediated cell protection against Fas ligand induced cell death. To this end, DLD1 and HCT116 isogenic cell lines lacking specific Akt isoforms were used. It was found that fragment N could activate Akt1 and Akt2 but that only the former could mediate the protective activity of the RasGAP-derived fragment. Even overexpression of Akt2 or Akt3 could not rescue the inability of fragment N to protect cells lacking Akt1. These results demonstrate a strict Akt isoform requirement for the anti-apoptotic activity of fragment N.
Fungi are divided in 3 groups in the field of medical mycology. The dermatophytes are filamentous fungi able to grow on keratinized tissues from human or animals. They are the main cause of superficial and cutaneous mycoses of the skin and its appendix (hair and nail). The yeasts, or dimorphic fungi, can be responsible of diverse types of infections (superficial to deep mycoses). The moulds include all Non-dermatophyte Filamentous Fungi (NDF). In medical mycology, the most representative moulds are Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp. and Mucor spp. Diagnosis of mycosis is currently based on direct mycological examination of biological samples, as well as macroscopic and microscopic identification of the infectious fungus in culture assay. However, culture assays were found to remain sterile in roughly 40% of cases otherwise positive by direct mycological examinations. Additionally, results from culture assays are often difficult to interpret as various NDF are sometimes isolated. This thesis work is composed of three projects focusing on the development of new assays for direct in situ identification of fungi from dermatological samples. Part 1. A Polymerase Chain Reaction - Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism assay (PCR-TRFLP) targeting the 28S rDNA was developed to identify dermatophytes and NDF in nails with suspected onychomycosis. This method is faster and more efficient than culture. It further enables the distinction of more than one agent in case of mixed infection. A fast and reliable assay for the identification of dermatophytes and NDF in onychomycosis was found to be highly relevant since onychomycosis with Fusarium spp. or other NDF are weakly responsive or unresponsive to standard onychomycosis treatments with oral terbinafine and itraconazole. Part 2. A nested PCR-sequencing assay targeting the 28S rDNA was developed to identify dermatophyte species in skin and hair samples. This method is especially suitable for tinea capitis where dermatophytes identification is critical for subsequently prescribing the adequate treatment. The challenge presented when performing direct PCR fungi identification in skin and hair differs from that seen in onychomycosis as small amount of material is generally collected, few fungal elements are present in the clinical sample and one dermatophyte among a dozen species must be identified. Part 3. Fusarium spp. is currently isolated from nails with a frequency of 15% of that of dermatophytes in the laboratory of Mycology of the CHUV (2005-2012). The aim of this work was to examine if the intensive use of terbinafine and itraconazole could be a cause of the high incidence of Fusarium nail infections. For that purpose, two different methods, specific PCR and TRFLP, were used to detect both Fusarium spp. and Trichophyton spp. in nails of previously treated or untreated patients. TRFLP assay was found to be less sensitive than classical PCR assays specifically detecting Fusarium spp. or Trichophyton spp. Independently of the detection method used, the prevalence of Fusarium spp. appears not to be higher in patients previously treated by oral standard treatment with terbinafine and azoles which are highly effective to fight Trichophyton spp. in nails. In many cases Fusarium sp. was detected in samples of patients not previously subjected to antifungal therapy. Therefore, these treatments do not appear to favor the establishment of Fusarium spp. after elimination of a dermatophyte in nail infection. - En mycologie médicale, les champignons sont classés en 3 groupes. Les dermatophytes sont des champignons filamenteux capables de se développer dans les tissus kératinisés des hommes et des animaux, ils représentent la principale cause des mycoses superficielles et cutanées de la peau et de ses appendices (ongles et cheveux). Les levures, ou champignons dimorphiques, peuvent être responsables de divers types d'infections (superficielles à profondes). Les moisissures incluent tous les champignons filamenteux non-dermatophytes (NDF), les Aspergillus spp., les Fusarium spp. et les Mucor spp. sont les principales espèces rencontrées. Le diagnostic d'une mycose est basé sur un examen mycologique direct des prélèvements biologiques ainsi que sur l'identification macroscopique et microscopique du champignon infectieux isolé en culture. Cependant, dans environ 40% des cas, l'identification de l'agent pathogène est impossible par cette méthode car la culture reste stérile, bien que l'examen direct soit positif. De plus, la croissance de moisissures et/ou autres contaminants peut rendre l'interprétation de l'examen difficile. Ce travail de thèse est composé de trois projets focalisés sur le développement de nouvelles méthodes d'identification des champignons directement à partir d'échantillons dermatologiques. Projet 1. Une méthode de Réaction en chaîne de polymérase couplée à du polymorphisme de longueur des fragments de restriction terminaux (PCR-TRFLP), en ciblant l'ADN ribosomal 28S, a été développée pour l'identification des dermatophytes et moisissures dans les ongles avec suspicion d'onychomycoses. Cette technique s'est avérée plus rapide et plus efficace que la culture, permettant l'identification de plusieurs champignons en même temps. Posséder une méthode d'identification rapide et fiable des dermatophytes et des NDF dans les onychomycoses a été jugée nécessaire du fait que les Fusarium et d'autres NDF sont peu ou pas sensibles aux traitements oraux standards à la terbinafine et à Γ itraconazole. Projet 2. Une PCR nichée couplée au séquençage d'un fragment de l'ADN ribosomal 28S a été développée afin de différencier les dermatophytes dans la peau et les cheveux. Cette méthode est particulièrement adaptée au cas de tinea capitis, où l'identification du dermatophyte est essentielle afin de prescrire le traitement adéquat. Le problème de l'identification du pathogène fongique dans les cheveux et la peau diffère des onychomycoses car de petites quantités sont prélevées chez les patients, peu d'éléments fongiques sont présents et il faut discriminer un dermatophyte parmi une douzaine d'espèces potentielles. Projet 3. Au laboratoire de Mycologie du CHUV, les Fusarium ont été isolé dans les ongles à une fréquence de 15% pour la période 2005-2012. Le but de ce travail était d'examiner si l'utilisation intensive de terbinafine et d'itraconazole pouvait être une des causes de la forte incidence des infections des ongles par Fusarium. A cet effet, deux méthodes ont été utilisées pour détecter à la fois Fusarium spp. et Trichophyton spp., la PCR spécifique et le TRFLP. Indépendamment de la méthode choisie, il en résulte que la prévalence des Fusarium η'apparaît pas liée à un traitement au préalable des patients avec de la terbinafine ou des azoles, thérapies très efficaces contre les Trichophyton spp. dans les ongles. De plus, il existe de nombreux cas où Fusarium était détecté chez des patients non traités.
En les cures pal·liatives pediàtriques es contemplen les dimensions essencials de la persona: la física, la psicològica, la social i l’espiritual. Tot i que s’han fet estudis sobre la dimensió espiritual, en la revisió bibliogràfica es mostra que és un àmbit poc desenvolupat. És important conèixer l’aspecte de creences i valors per tal que la infermera oncològica, juntament amb altres professionals, puguin proporcionar una atenció holística. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és identificar les necessitats espirituals en adolescents (13 a 18 anys) malalts de càncer en situació avançada-terminal. S’utilitza la metodologia qualitativa. La mostra és de vuit adolescents, que són seleccionats d’acord amb els criteris d’inclusió. Aquests seran entrevistats per la infermera, la investigadora, la qual realitzarà entrevistes semiestructurades i un fotomuntatge depenent de la predisposició de l’adolescent. L’àmbit de realització d’aquest estudi és en un hospital de tercer nivell on es proporcioni atenció especialitzada amb pediatria oncològica i, concretament, en una unitat de cures pal·liatives pediàtriques. Per finalitzar, és important tenir en compte que les entrevistes i el fotomuntatge poden tenir les seves limitacions i que no sempre s’obtingui el resultat esperat.
Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) is a hormone secreted by the endocrine K-cells from the duodenum that stimulates glucose-induced insulin secretion. Here, we present the molecular characterization of the human pancreatic islet GIP receptor. cDNA clones for the GIP receptor were isolated from a human pancreatic islet cDNA library. They encoded two different forms of the receptor, which differed by a 27-amino acid insertion in the COOH-terminal cytoplasmic tail. The receptor protein sequence was 81% identical to that of the rat GIP receptor. When expressed in Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts, both forms of the receptor displayed high-affinity binding for GIP (180 and 600 pmol/l). GIP binding was displaced by < 20% by 1 mumol/l glucagon, glucagon-like peptide (GLP-I)(7-36) amide, vasoactive intestinal peptide, and secretin. However exendin-4 and exendin-(9-39) at 1 mumol/l displaced binding by approximately 70 and approximately 100% at 10 mumol/l. GIP binding to both forms of the receptor induced a dose-dependent increase in intracellular cAMP levels (EC50 values of 0.6-0.8 nmol/l) but no elevation of cytoplasmic calcium concentrations. Interestingly, both exendin-4 and exendin-(9-39) were antagonists of the receptor, inhibiting GIP-induced cAMP formation by up to 60% when present at a concentration of 10 mumol/l. Finally, the physical and genetic chromosomal localization of the receptor gene was determined to be on 19q13.3, close to the ApoC2 gene. These data will help study the physiology and pathophysiology of the human GIP receptor.
The transcription factors TFIIB, Brf1, and Brf2 share related N-terminal zinc ribbon and core domains. TFIIB bridges RNA polymerase II (Pol II) with the promoter-bound preinitiation complex, whereas Brf1 and Brf2 are involved, as part of activities also containing TBP and Bdp1 and referred to here as Brf1-TFIIIB and Brf2-TFIIIB, in the recruitment of Pol III. Brf1-TFIIIB recruits Pol III to type 1 and 2 promoters and Brf2-TFIIIB to type 3 promoters such as the human U6 promoter. Brf1 and Brf2 both have a C-terminal extension absent in TFIIB, but their C-terminal extensions are unrelated. In yeast Brf1, the C-terminal extension interacts with the TBP/TATA box complex and contributes to the recruitment of Bdp1. Here we have tested truncated Brf2, as well as Brf2/TFIIB chimeric proteins for U6 transcription and for assembly of U6 preinitiation complexes. Our results characterize functions of various human Brf2 domains and reveal that the C-terminal domain is required for efficient association of the protein with U6 promoter-bound TBP and SNAP(c), a type 3 promoter-specific transcription factor, and for efficient recruitment of Bdp1. This in turn suggests that the C-terminal extensions in Brf1 and Brf2 are crucial to specific recruitment of Pol III over Pol II.
BACKGROUND: Dermatophytes are the main cause of onychomycoses, but various nondermatophyte filamentous fungi are often isolated from abnormal nails. The correct identification of the aetiological agent of nail infections is necessary in order to recommend appropriate treatment. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a rapid polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assay based on 28S rDNA for fungal identification in nails on a large number of samples in comparison with cultures. METHODS: Infectious fungi were analysed using PCR-RFLP in 410 nail samples in which fungal elements were observed in situ by direct mycological examination (positive samples). The results were compared with those previously obtained by culture of fungi on Sabouraud agar from the same nail samples. RESULTS: PCR-RFLP identification of fungi in nails allowed validation of the results obtained in culture when Trichophyton spp. grew from infected samples. In addition, nondermatophyte filamentous fungi could be identified with certainty as the infectious agents in onychomycosis, and discriminated from dermatophytes as well as from transient contaminants. The specificity of the culture results relative to PCR-RFLP appeared to be 81%, 71%, 52% and 63% when Fusarium spp., Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Aspergillus spp. and Candida spp., respectively, grew on Sabouraud agar. It was also possible to identify the infectious agent when direct nail mycological examination showed fungal elements, but negative results were obtained from fungal culture. CONCLUSIONS: Improved sensitivity for the detection of fungi in nails was obtained using the PCR-RFLP assay. Rapid and reliable molecular identification of the infectious fungus can be used routinely and presents several important advantages compared with culture in expediting the choice of appropriate antifungal therapy.
The distribution and diversity of acidophilic bacteria of a tailings impoundment at the La Andina copper mine, Chile, was examined. The tailings have low sulfide (1.7% pyrite equivalent) and carbonate (1.4% calcite equivalent) contents and are stratified into three distinct zones: a surface (0-70-80 cm) `oxidation zone' characterized by low-pH (2.5-4), a `neutralization zone' (70-80 to 300-400 cm) and an unaltered `primary zone' below 400 cm. A combined cultivation-dependent and biomolecular approach (terminal restriction enzyme fragment length polymorphism and 16S rRNA clone library analysis) was used to characterize the indigenous prokaryotic communities in the mine tailings. Total cell counts showed that the microbial biomass was greatest in the top 125 cm of the tailings. The largest numbers of bacteria (10(9) g(-1) dry weight of tailings) were found at the oxidation front (the junction between the oxidation and neutralization zones), where sulfide minerals and oxygen were both present. The dominant iron-/sulfur-oxidizing bacteria identified at the oxidation front included bacteria of the genus Leptospirillum (detected by molecular methods), and Gram-positive iron-oxidizing acidophiles related to Sulfobacillus (identified both by molecular and cultivation methods). Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans was also detected, albeit in relatively small numbers. Heterotrophic acidophiles related to Acidobacterium capsulatum were found by molecular methods, while another Acidobacterium-like bacterium and an Acidiphilium sp. were isolated from oxidation zone samples. A conceptual model was developed, based on microbiological and geochemical data derived from the tailings, to account for the biogeochemical evolution of the Piuquenes tailings impoundment.
We investigated the immunogenicity and the conformational properties of the non-repetitive sequences of the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite (CS) protein. Two polypeptides of 104 and 102 amino acids long, covering, respectively, the N- and C-terminal regions of the CS protein, were synthesized using solid phase Fmoc chemistry. The crude polypeptides were purified by a combination of size exclusion chromatography and RP-HPLC. Sera of mice immunized with the free polypeptides emulsified in incomplete Freund's adjuvant strongly reacted with the synthetic polypeptides as well as with native CS protein as judged by ELISA and IFAT assays. Most importantly, these antisera inhibited the sporozoite invasion of hepatoma cells. In addition, sera derived from donors living in a malaria endemic area recognized the CS 104- and 102-mers. Conformational studies of the CS polypeptides were also performed by circular dichroism spectroscopy showing the presence of a weakly ordered structure that can be increased by addition of trifluoroethanol. The obtained results indicate that the synthetic CS polypeptides and the natural CS protein share some common antigenic determinants and probably have similar conformation. The approach used in this study might be useful for the development of a synthetic malaria vaccine.
Multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis (MCTO) is a rare skeletal dysplasia characterized by aggressive osteolysis, particularly affecting the carpal and tarsal bones, and is frequently associated with progressive renal failure. Using exome capture and next-generation sequencing in five unrelated simplex cases of MCTO, we identified previously unreported missense mutations clustering within a 51 base pair region of the single exon of MAFB, validated by Sanger sequencing. A further six unrelated simplex cases with MCTO were also heterozygous for previously unreported mutations within this same region, as were affected members of two families with autosomal-dominant MCTO. MAFB encodes a transcription factor that negatively regulates RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis and is essential for normal renal development. Identification of this gene paves the way for development of novel therapeutic approaches for this crippling disease and provides insight into normal bone and kidney development.
OBJECTIVE: The pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) generates pancreatic beta-cells apoptosis mainly through activation of the c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway. This study was designed to investigate whether the long-acting agonist of the hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor exendin-4 (ex-4), which mediates protective effects against cytokine-induced beta-cell apoptosis, could interfere with the JNK pathway. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Isolated human, rat, and mouse islets and the rat insulin-secreting INS-1E cells were incubated with ex-4 in the presence or absence of IL-1 beta. JNK activity was assessed by solid-phase JNK kinase assay and quantification of c-Jun expression. Cell apoptosis was determined by scoring cells displaying pycnotic nuclei. RESULTS: Ex-4 inhibited induction of the JNK pathway elicited by IL-1 beta. This effect was mimicked with the use of cAMP-raising agents isobutylmethylxanthine and forskolin and required activation of the protein kinase A. Inhibition of the JNK pathway by ex-4 or IBMX and forskolin was concomitant with a rise in the levels of islet-brain 1 (IB1), a potent blocker of the stress-induced JNK pathway. In fact, ex-4 as well as IBMX and forskolin induced expression of IB1 at the promoter level through cAMP response element binding transcription factor 1. Suppression of IB1 levels with the use of RNA interference strategy impaired the protective effects of ex-4 against apoptosis induced by IL-1 beta. CONCLUSIONS: The data establish the requirement of IB1 in the protective action of ex-4 against apoptosis elicited by IL-1 beta and highlight the GLP-1 mimetics as new potent inhibitors of the JNK signaling induced by cytokines.