1000 resultados para Camundongo como animal de laboratório Teses


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Purpose: Pathologic choroidal neovascularizations (CNV) are implicated in the wet form of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). Abnormal vessel growth is also observed in disease when hypoxia and/or inflammation occur. Our goal is to establish a standard protocol of laser-induced CNV in mice that have different levels of pigmentation to identify the most reliable animal model.Methods: CNV was induced by 4 burns around the optic disk, using a green argon laser (100μm diameter spot size; 0,05 sec. duration) in C57/Bl6, DBA/1 and Balb/c to ascertain the efficacy of the method in function of retina pigmentation. Five different intensities were tested and Bruch's membrane disruption was identified by the appearance of a bubble at the site of photocoagulation. Fluorescein angiographies (FA) were undertaken 14 days post lesion and CNV area was quantified by immunohistochemistry on cryosections.Results: CNV retina area was related to spot intensity after laser injury. While 180mW and 200mW do not induce reliable CNV (respectively 27.850.35% and 291.67% of the retina surface), 260mW is required to induce 51,078.52% of CNV in C57/Bl6 mice. For the DBA/1 strain, less pigmented, 200mW was sufficient to induce 49.353.9% of CNV, indicating that lower intensity are required to induce CNV. Furthermore, an intensity of 180mW induced greater CNV (35.556.01%) than in C57/Bl6 mice. Nevertheless, laser did not induce reproducible 50% CNV in Balb/c albino mice for all intensities tested. Isolectin-B4 and GFAP stainings revealed neovessel formation and photoreceptor (PR) degeneration at the impact site. The presence of glia was observed throughout all the retinal layers and angiograms showed fluorescein leakage in pigmented mice.Conclusions: The establishment of a standard protocol to induce CNV and subsequent PR degeneration is of prime importance for the use of the laser-induced CNV model and will allow to evaluate the therapeutic potency of agents to prevent CNV and retinal degeneration.


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Glutathione (GSH), a major redox regulator and anti-oxidant, is decreased in cerebrospinal fluid and prefrontal cortex of schizophrenia patients. The gene of the key GSH-synthesizing enzyme, glutamate-cysteine ligase, modifier (GCLM) subunit, is associated with schizophrenia, suggesting that the deficit in the GSH system is of genetic origin. Using the GCLM knock-out (KO) mouse model with 60% decreased brain GSH levels, we have shown that redox dysregulation results in abnormal brain morphology and function. Current theory holds that schizophrenia is a developmental disease involving progressive anatomical and functional brain pathology. Here, we used GCLM KO mice to investigate the impact of a genetically dysregulated redox system on the neurochemical profile of the developing brain. The anterior and posterior cortical neurochemical profile of male and female GCLM KO, heterozygous and wildtype mice was determined by localised in vivo 1H NMR spectroscopy at 14.1 T (Varian/Magnex spectrometer) on post-natal days 10, 20, 30, 60 and 90. We show, for the first time, (1) that high quality 1H NMR spectra can be acquired from early developing mouse brains and (2) that recurrent anaesthesia by itself when administered at the same developmental days has no adverse effects on brain metabolites nor on adult behaviour. (3) Most importantly, our results reveal genotype and age specific changes for a number of metabolites revealing insight into normal brain development and about the impact of genetic GSH dysregulation.


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BACKGROUND: A device to perform sutureless end-to-side coronary artery anastomosis has been developed by means of stent technology (GraftConnector). The present study assesses the long-term quality of the GraftConnector anastomosis in a sheep model. METHODS: In 8 adult sheep, 40-55 kg in weight, through left anterior thoracotomy, the right internal mammary artery (RIMA) was prepared and connected to the left anterior descending artery (LAD) by means of GraftConnector, on beating heart, without using any stabilizer. Ticlopidine 250 mg/day for anticoagulation for 4 weeks and Aspirin 100 mg/day for 6 months were given. The animals were sacrificed after 6 months and histological examination of anastomoses was carried out after slicing with the connector in situ for morphological analysis. RESULTS: All animals survived at 6 months. All anastomoses were patent and mean luminal width at histology was 1.8 +/- 0.2 mm; mean myotomia hyperplasia thickness was 0.21 +/- 0.1 mm. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term results demonstrate that OPCABGs performed with GraftConnector had 100% patency rate. The mean anastomotic luminal width corresponds to mean LAD's adult sheep diameter. We may speculate that myotomia hyperplasia occurred as a result of local device oversizing.


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Experimental animal models offer possibilities of physiology knowledge, pathogenesis of disease and action of drugs that are directly related to quality nursing care. This integrative review describes the current state of the instrumental and ethical aspects of experimental research with animal models, including the main recommendations of ethics committees that focus on animal welfare and raises questions about the impact of their findings in nursing care. Data show that, in Brazil, the progress in ethics for the use of animals for scientific purposes was consolidated with Law No. 11.794/2008 establishing ethical procedures, attending health, genetic and experimental parameters. The application of ethics in handling of animals for scientific and educational purposes and obtaining consistent and quality data brings unquestionable contributions to the nurse, as they offer subsidies to relate pathophysiological mechanisms and the clinical aspect on the patient.


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A descoberta de Cabo Verde no foi resultado de planos de pesquisa, como o caminho martimo para a ndia, nem de misses exploratrias, como as que reconheceram e levantaram os litorais do continente africano. Foi um achado (1460)1 no previsto nas viagens martimas portuguesas que rapidamente se utilizou em funo dos objectivos principais da navegao atlntica vertical: o comrcio com a Costa de frica e o avano para o Atlntico Sul. Seguir-se-ia, um pouco mais tarde, c. 1520, o fornecimento de escravos s ndias de Castela navegando o Atlntico na horizontal. A posio relativa de Cabo Verde, suficientemente afastado da costa para ficar fora do alcance de ataques das populaes africanas e convenientemente prximo para facultar uma fcil e cmoda comunicao, viria a conferir ao arquiplago o carcter de rea estratgica, consignado juridicamente, com variantes, ao longo dos tempos.


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Abstract Fundamental research in psychiatric neurosciences assumes that psychiatric disorders are associated with neurobiological factors. Identification of these factors would provide therapeutic targets as well as a better understanding of the relationship between- brain and behaviour in pathological processes. We conducted experiments in an animal model of schizophrenia. Several behavioural tasks were used to evaluate spatial and working memory in these animals. The model is based on glutathione deficit during cerebral development. Indeed, a 50% decrease of glutathione has been reported in prefrontal cortex of patients with schizophrenia. Glutathione is a major antioxidant in the brain and its deficit could lead to abnormal brain connectivity. The glutathione deficit was induced in rats by perinatal (PS-P16) subcutaneous injections with Lbuthionine-(S,R)-sullfoximine (BSO), an inhibitor of glutathione synthesis. This treatment leads to a transitory 50% glutathione levels during brain development. In parallel, we conducted behavioural testing in rats with a medial prefrontal cortex lesion. This allowed us to compare early damage induced by BSO treatment with a focal lesion in adults of a brain area known to present anomalies in schizophrenia. Finally, we conducted a series of experiments in senescent rats to evaluate if cognitive deficits could be related to neurobiological changes. Our results show that an early glutathione deficit provokes cognitive deficits in adulthood. These spatial and working memory deficits resemble the cognitive deficits observed in schizophrenia. The comparison with prefrontal rats revealed that the early brain glutathione deficit provoked more severe cognitive deficits than the prefrontal lesion in adult rats. Moreover, in both cases, we observed a dissociation in memory deficits depending on the type of locomotion that was used in behavioural experiments. Indeed, BSO treated rats as well as prefrontal rats showed place learning or working memory deficits in tasks conducted on dry surfaces where they had to walk. In contrast, they showed no deficit when the same cognitive functions were tested in the water maze. This dissociation might be sustained by a difference in requirement of sensory integration between walking and swimming tasks. Rsum La recherche fondamentale en neurosciences psychiatriques repose sur le prsuppos selon lequel les symptmes manifests dans les troubles psychiatriques auraient des concomitants neurobiologiques. Ceux-ci, une fois identifis, offriraient des cibles pour une dmarche thrapeutique ainsi que des modles permettant de mieux comprendre les soubassements biologiques du comportement et des activits mentales. Nos expriences s'articulent autour de la question de la modlisation de la schizophrnie chez l'animal. Nous avons recherch chez ces animaux des troubles cognitifs et sensoriels associs la schizophrnie. En effet, chez l'homme comme chez l'animal, la mmoire spatiale et la mmoire de travail dpendent fortement de la capacit d'intgration et d'organisation des informations sensorielles. Les premires expriences ont t menes suite une perturbation prinatale du dveloppement crbral. Celle-ci visait reproduire une diminution du taux de glutathion dans le cerveau, des recherches prcdentes ayant observ une diminution de 50% du taux de glutathion dans le cortex prfrontal de patients schizophrnes. Le glutathion tant un antioxydant majeur dans le cerveau, son dficit pourrait conduire des perturbations de la circuiterie crbrale. Nous avons reproduit ce dficit chez le rat, par injection de Lbuthionine-(S,R)-sullfoximine (BSO), un inhibiteur de la synthse du glutathion... Ce traitement a t administr pendant la priode prinatale (du jour postnatal 5 au jour 16) provoquant une diminution de 50% du taux de glutathion. Nous avons ensuite valu ls rpercussions de cette atteinte prcoce sur le comportement des rats l'ge adulte. Ce modle s'inscrit donc dans l'hypothse neurodveloppementale qui associe la schizophrnie une atteinte du dveloppement crbral normal. Nous avons ensuite conduit des expriences similaires chez des rats ayant subi une lsion du cortex prfrontal pour comparer les rpercussions du traitement prinatal avec une lsion, l'ge adulte, d'une aire crbrale connue pour prsenter des anomalies chez les patients. Finalement, nous avons valu si les processus sensoriels et cognitifs prcdemment tudis pouvaient galement tre affects lors du vieillissement normal en recherchant des corrlats biologiques des dficits de mmoire lis l'ge avanc. Nos rsultats montrent que ce dficit prcoce en glutathion peut avoir des rpercussions surale comportement l'ge adulte. On a relev une similarit avec les dficits cognitifs associs. la schizophrnie, incluant des dficits de mmoire de travail ainsi que des dficits de mmoire spatiale. Ces dficits taient fortement lis au type de locomotion utilise et n'ont t observs que dans les tches o les animaux devaient rejoindre un but en marchant mais pas dans ls tests dans lesquels ils devaient localiser une cible en nageant. Les dficits induits par la lsion prfrontale chez l'adulte taient beaucoup plus lgers que ceux dcoulant de l'atteinte prinatale mais prsentaient une dissociation analogue en fonction du type de locomotion. De plus, des tests similaires mens au cours du vieillissement confirment que la mmoire de travail peut tre affecte slectivement par le vieillissement dans une tche o les animaux doivent marcher, tout en restant intacte dans le bassin de Morris. Les dficits cognitifs lis au vieillissement taient significativement corrls des diffrences de niveaux des protines post-synaptiques PSD95 (postsynaptic density 95). L'ensemble des rsultats montre que les tests qui sont frquemment utiliss pour valuer la mmoire chez l'animal pourraient faire appel des processus diffrents. Cette diffrence pourrait notamment tenir au niveau d'intgration sensorielle requis pour rsoudre la tche, qui est particulirement sollicite au cours d'une locomotion intermittente.


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Influence of temperature on longevity, fecundity, and haematophagic activity of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus Skuse, 1894 (Diptera, Culicidae) under laboratory condition. Based on adults of Aedes albopictus maintained under four constant temperatures, 15C, 20C, 25C and 30C, longevity of males and females, fecundity, eggs viability, number of days from emergence to the first bloodsucking, and duration of the preoviposition period were observed. The average of the longevity for female was 19.45, 59.35, 61.55 and 42.72 days, under 15C, 20C, 25C and 30C, respectively. The greatest average number of bloodsucking per female was 8.32, under 25C. The average number of eggs per female was 1.00, 73.91, 269.87 and 183.69, and the greatest rates of viable eggs per female was 25C and 30C. The haematophagic activities and the oviposition were significantly influenced by temperature.


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Thermal requirements of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus Skuse, 1894 (Diptera, Culicidae) under laboratory conditions. Allochtonous species of Ae. albopictus in the American continent can be found in fourteen Brazilian states - about fifteen years had been elapsed since the first report of the presence of this species in Brazilian territory. Considering its potential epidemiological importance and its adaptation to several habitats, it was determined, for this species, the threshold temperature and the thermal constant for egg, larval and pupal stages under laboratory conditions under four constant temperatures and 12:12 hours light-dark photoperiod. The threshold temperature for the egg phase and for the first instar were quite similar: 9.07 C (K=214.46 degree days) and 9.23 C (K= 36.64 degree days), respectively. For 2nd, 3rd and 4th instar, the basal-temperature was higher, oscilating between 12.26 C and 13.95 C. The threshold temperature for the complete larval stage and for the pupal stage were 12.03 C (K= 99.48 degree days) and 11.87 C (K=32.40 degree days) for males and 11.95 C (K=110.11 degree days) and 11.60 C (K=35.30 degree days) for females, respectively.


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Zabrotes subfasciatus is a serious pest of common beans, P. vulgaris L.. In Brazil there are several studies dealing with resistance of bean genotypes to this insect, while other studies have emphasized the utilization of oils and powders from plants to repel their attack. In this paper, fecundity, fertility, pattern of oviposition, life cycle and longevity were evaluated for a Brazilian stock from the Gois State on P. vulgaris cv. Carioca, at 30C and 70% R.H. The mean fecundity was 38 eggs per female and 73% of viability. Egg laying showed an aggregated pattern. Males and females lived an average of 13 and 9 days, respectively. The total life cycle lasted for about 28 days.


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Ophyra albuquerquei may often be a potential predator of Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758 in poultry and pig houses in southern Brazil. Here we address the developmental period of immatures stages and their viability. To obtain eggs, larvae and pupae, a colony was established in the laboratory. Adult flies were fed on a diet comprising two parts dry milk, two parts sugar and one part fish flour. Larval diet comprised one part fish flour and one part sawdust and water. The eggs, larvae and pupae were incubated at 26 1C, 75% 10% R.H. and 12 h photoperiod. The egg to adult cycle took 573 h with a total viability of 64%. The shortest of the stages was the egg stage, which lasted about 20 h. The larval stage had the lowest viability (about 82%) and longest time interval (279 h). Overall, the results of this study show that O. albuquerquei can be readily maintained in the laboratory.