598 resultados para Camarão Soldado


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Materiais compósitos são projetados e fabricados para várias aplicações de alto desempenho, incluindo componentes para os segmentos automobilístico, aeroespacial, aeronáutico, naval, de defesa, de óleo e gás, energia eólica e até equipamentos esportivos. Porém, a união por soldagem de Compósitos de Matriz Metálica de Alumínio (Al-CMM) ainda é um grande obstáculo para a maior disseminação desta classe de materiais estruturais. As mudanças microestruturais decorrentes do ciclo de soldagem e/ou do tratamento térmico afetam sensivelmente as propriedades mecânicas e físico-químicas finais da junta e do metal base nas proximidades de mesma, daí a importância de se estudar a evolução microestrutural que prospera nestas etapas. O presente trabalho caracterizou a microestrutura do compósito liga-A356/SiCp soldado por laser de fibra de Itérbio, empregando-se nessa tarefa técnicas de microscopia óptica, radiografia e microscopia eletrônica de varredura, assim como difração de raios-X e de elétrons retroespalhados, ensaio instrumentado de dureza e microtomografia computadorizada. O foco das análises realizadas restringiu-se à geometria dos cordões de solda, à expulsão de SiC particulado da zona soldada, à volatilização de elementos químicos da poça de soldagem, à formação de precipitados fragilizantes de Al4SiC4 em formato de agulhas no cordão de solda e à determinação das regiões com concentração de poros, todos estes fenômenos tendo efeitos nocivos, em maior ou menor extensão, no desempenho global da junta do Al-CMM soldada a laser, notadamente em suas propriedades mecânicas e eletroquímicas.


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A contribuição da música no campo das ciências humanas vem sendo valorizado pelas ciências da saúde nas últimas décadas, favorecendo relações entre a Fonoaudiologia e a Musicoterapia. A avaliação da percepção musical busca compreender princípios básicos como a discriminação de timbres, melodias, ritmos, intensidade, altura, duração das notas, densidade, entre outros, além de conhecimentos inerentes em relação a audição, bem como as experiências musicais no decorrer da vida. O objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar um teste informatizado de avaliação do reconhecimento de melodias tradicionais brasileiras e verificar o desempenho de crianças com audição normal neste instrumento. Foi realizada a elaboração de um teste, denominado Avaliação do Reconhecimento de Melodias Tradicionais em Crianças normo-ouvintes (ARMTC), em formato de website, composto por 15 melodias tradicionais da cultura brasileira, gravadas com timbre sintetizado de piano, padronizadas com andamentos variáveis, intensidades similares, tonalidade de acordo com a partitura utilizada, reprodução de 12 segundos cada melodia e pausas de quatro segundos entre cada melodia. A casuística foi composta por 155 crianças, com faixa etária entre oito e 11 anos, de ambos os sexos, com limiares auditivos nas frequências de 500 Hz a 4000 Hz dentro dos padrões de normalidade e curva timpanométrica tipo A. Todas as crianças foram submetidas à triagem audiológica (frequências de 500 Hz, 1 KHz, 2 KHz e 4 KHz), Timpanometria e ao ARMTC. O ARMTC foi aplicado em campo livre com intensidade de 65 dBNA, com caixa de som posicionada a 0o azimute, à uma distância de um metro do participante que se manteve sentado. As crianças foram instruídas a clicar na tela do notebook no ícone correspondente ao nome e ilustração da melodia a qual ouviram e prosseguir dessa forma até o término das 15 melodias apresentadas. Na maioria das melodias selecionadas não houve diferença significante entre número de erros/acertos e tempo de reação quando estas variáveis foram correlacionadas ao sexo, idade e local em que o teste foi aplicado. As melodias mais reconhecidas foram: Cai, cai balão, Boi da cara preta, que teve igual score a Caranguejo, Escravos de Jó, O cravo, Parabéns a você e Marcha soldado, as quais obtiveram reconhecimento superior à 70% de acertos e a melodia com menor reconhecimento foi Capelinha de melão.


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O aço inoxidável martensítico ASTM A743 CA6NM é utilizado para produzir componentes especiais para turbinas hidráulicas, devido às suas boas propriedades mecânicas combinadas com alta resistência à corrosão e cavitação e uma boa soldabilidade. As turbinas hidráulicas são produzidas por meio de múltiplos passes de solda em peças espessas obtidas por fundição. Durante a operação, estes componentes estão sujeitos à erosão por cavitação e trincas em regiões tensionadas, que são reparados também por meio de soldagem. Após o processo de soldagem, um tratamento térmico pós-soldagem é comumente utilizado para aliviar as tensões residuais. Porém, existem dificuldades significativas para a realização de tratamento térmico nas turbinas hidráulicas, tais como a complexidade da geometria de solda, a possibilidade de distorção no caso de quaisquer cargas mecânicas, dificuldade em aquecer simetricamente, e também o tratamento térmico pode causar degradação das propriedades do material. Assim, existe um grande interesse no desenvolvimento de procedimentos de soldagem que elevem a tenacidade ao impacto e evitem o tratamento térmico pós-soldagem. Neste trabalho, a aplicação de vibrações mecânicas durante e após a soldagem para aliviar tensões residuais foram avaliadas em juntas de aço inoxidável martensítico CA6NM soldadas pelo processo Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW). A utilização de vibrações mecânicas para reduzir e redistribuir as tensões residuais das estruturas soldadas através da aplicação de carga vibratória pode gerar muitos benefícios. Testes de impacto Charpy (-20 °C), ensaios de tração e dobramento foram realizados conforme ASME IX, e perfis de microdureza nas diferentes regiões da solda foram conduzidos para a caracterização mecânica das juntas soldadas. A caracterização microestrutural foi realizada utilizando difração de raios X, microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Os resultados de propriedades mecânicas das amostras vibradas atenderam as exigências especificadas por norma, na qual o processo com tratamento térmico é recomendado para a soldagem deste tipo de aço, visando atingir os níveis de tenacidade do material original. Com relação à microestrutura não foram observados alterações significativas para as amostras vibradas em comparação com a condição \"como soldado\", porém para a condição com tratamento térmico pós-soldagem foi observado uma pequena quantidade de austenita retida, que são precipitadas após o tratamento térmico e permanecem finamente distribuídas após o resfriamento e auxiliam no ganho de tenacidade das juntas soldadas.


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Ao clarão dos obuzes.--O verbo.--O desertor.--O coveiro.--O vóto.--Trophéos.--A agonia do Christo.--A flor das Tulherias.--O triduo da morte.--A primeira aula.--A fronteira.--A cruz de guerra.--O crime do soldado.--O ultimo disparo.--A guerra.--Os dois mensageiros.--Olhos do coração.--As cegonhas.--As rosas de Malmaison.--A bandeira.--Gethsemani.--Adeus.--Edith Cavell.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Contiene: El siervo de la gleva. El dominó negro y el dominó rosa. El oso y el reyezuelo / escrito en alemán por Grimm. Un minué de Haydn / por Luis Mehul. La madre del soldado / Ortiz de la Vega. La primera representación del Barbero de Sevilla, contada por Rossini. El puñal de plata / por Filiberto Audebrand.


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Among the species of freshwater shrimp being cultivated, Macrobrachium rosenbergii stands out. Knowledge about the behavior of this species and the influence of certain factors on its development can help optimize management practices and minimize the likely impacts shrimp farming has on the environment and the animals themselves. The objective of this study was to characterize the species' behavior during early stages of development under different stocking densities over a 24-hour cycle. Ten day old postlarvae were transferred from the Jundiaí School of Agriculture (EAJ - Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí) in Macaíba (RN), Brazil to the Shrimp Behavior Laboratory (LSPR - Laboratório de Estudos do Comportamento do Camarão) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), where they were weighed and measured. Eight aquaria with constant temperature, aeration and filtration, and subjected to a12 h light/12 h dark cycle were used for each experiment. Each aquarium also contained two shelters made of bricks and the water quality was monitored weekly. Behavioral observations were made at two densities: 25 individuals/m-² and 40 individuals/m-². The methods for recording behaviors were: behavioral sampling – enter and leave the shelter, exploring on the substrate, exploring in the water column, move away, attack, pursuit and cannibalism; scan sampling - inactivity, feeding, exploration, digging, swimming, cleaning and staying in the shelter. Observations were made during a 15 minute period/per aquarium at a frequency of 4 times daily, for 4 days/week, and over 4 weeks. Food was provided 2 times/day for each aquarium population, immediately before the 1st and 3rd observation periods. Our results demonstrate that at high density, there is an increased frequency of agonistic behavior; during the light phase, there is a greater frequency of behaviors that result in less exposure (inactivity, cleaning and staying in the shelter); during the dark phase, there is an increased frequency of behaviors that result in greater exposure (feeding, exploration, swimming and digging); at times of feed offer, there is an increased frequency of leaving the shelter, moving away, pursuit, feeding, exploration and swimming. At low density, the animals showed a lower frequency of agonistic behaviors, greater weight gain and higher growth rates, which indicates that this is a more favorable growing environment for cultivation and when applied, can generate better living conditions, favor survival rates and increase management success


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Intelligent and functional Textile Materials have been widely developed and researched with the purpose of being used in several areas of science and technology. These fibrous materials require different chemical and physical properties to obtain a multifunctional material. With the advent of nanotechnology, the techniques developed, being used as essential tools to characterize these new materials qualitatively. Lately the application of micro and nanomaterials in textile substrates has been the objective of many studies, but many of these nanomaterials have not been optimized for their application, which has resulted in increased costs and environmental pollution, because there is still no satisfactory effluent treatment available for these nanomaterials. Soybean fiber has low adsorption for thermosensitive micro and nanocapsules due to their incompatibility of their surface charges. For this reason, in this work initially chitosan was synthesized to functionalise soybean fibres. Chitosan is a natural polyelectrolyte with a high density of positive charges, these fibres have negative charges as well as the micro/nanocápsules, for this reason the chitosan acts as auxiliary agent to cationize in order to fix the thermosensitive microcapsules in the textile substrate. Polyelectrolyte was characterized using particle size analyses and the measurement of zeta potential. For the morphological analysis scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and x-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and to study the thermal properties, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Near Infrared Spectroscopy analysis in the Region of the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), colourimetry using UV-VIS spectrum were simultaneously performed on the substrate. From the measurement of zeta potential and in the determination of the particle size, stability of electrostatic chitosan was observed around 31.55mV and 291.0 nm respectively. The result obtained with (GD) for chitosan extracted from shrimp was 70 %, which according to the literature survey can be considered as chitosan. To optimize the dyeing process a statistical software, Design expert was used. The surface functionalisation of textile substrate with 2% chitosan showed the best result of K/S, being the parameter used for the experimental design, in which this showed the best response of dyeing absorbance in the range of 2.624. It was noted that soy knitting dyed with the thermosensitive micro andnanocapsules property showed excellent washing solidity, which was observed after 25 home washes, and significant K/S values.


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The study aims to evaluate the performance and identify lesions of agonistic interactions of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in different densities cages (chapter 1); compare the growth performance of shrimp M. rosenbergii and Litopenaus vannamei cages (chatper 2); in addition the study aimed at identifying the knowledge and practices of a traditional community of farmers Bebida-Velha, in the city of Pureza / RN, practicing rural family and aquaculture, as well as tracing the community socioeconomic profile and evaluate the management that these farmers use in shrimp farming Macrobrachium rosenbergii (chapter 3). To perform the experiments (chapter 1 and 2) shrimp species L. vannamei and M. rosenbergii were weighed on a digital scale and transferred to cultures in cages. The cages had 1m³, with 5mm mesh between us and were closed on top with screen to avoid predators (birds, insects). The animals remained in adaptation for fifteen days before the start of data collection (each experiment). Both experiments lasted seventy days, totaling eighty-five days cultivation. During the cultures, animals were fed pelleted feed for shrimp at 10% of their biomass with 35% crude protein, offered in feed trays twice a day during the hours (7:00 am and 14:00 pm). The remnants in the tray were removed after 2h of permanence to calculate intake. To determine the performance parameters, some samples were taken every 10 days. The results of both experiments were analyzed using the STATISTIC 7.0 (2004). In Chapter 1 experiment were applied5 treatments were applied with 5 replications each: D5 - 5 animals/m2 ; D10 - 10 animals/m2 ; D15 - 15 animals/m2 ; D20 - 20 animals/m2 ; D25 - 25 animals/m2 . To this, were distributed 25 cages randomly in two masonry nurseries. The end of the experiment the lesions were verified and quantified. The chapter 2 experiment began when the shrimp reached the same age (eighty-four days) and was used the density of 25 shrimp / m2 with 4 repetitions. For the realization of chapter 3 were applied semi-structured interviews by direct approach of Bebida Velha of settlers practicing aquaculture activity, tilapia producers and community shrimp. Data were tabulated and analyzed according to the responses obtained by the participants. Therefore, the amount of damage increased with increasing stocking density. The density of 10 freshwater shrimp/m² showed the best conditions for a better performance in cages. It can be concluded that in cages, the cultivation of species of fresh water shrimp M. rosenbergii had better zootechnical indexes than the cultivation of marine shrimp species L. 9 vannamei. It was possible to verify that the activities of which the interviewees practice guarantee a good quality of life and income for them. We find that respondents have traditional and local knowledge, and also may be interested in the cultivation of the species M. rosenbergii.


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The attention to health issues in aging has increased and it becomes a challenge for public policies directed to the elderly. This study aimed at learning the social representations built by seniors about the service in the Family Health Unit. It is an exploratory study, funded by the Theory of Social Representations of Moscovici. It was held at the Health Unit of the Family Felipe Shrimp, located in the neighborhood Felipe Shrimp in the city of Natal / RN-Brazil. The participants were one hundred and two elderly / as, served by the Family Health Strategy. The data collection period was extended from July to September 2014. Data were collected through the Word Free Association Test and Interview semi-structured, and analyzed with the help of EVOC software. Interviews were conducted with 20 elderly and subjected to content analysis. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital Research Onofre Lopes, in the opinion 704,323. It was possible to apprehend negative connotations regarding attendance, listing it as bad and disrespectful, and the limited hours of service, difficult to schedule appointments and tests and inadequate infrastructure, the most marked aspects. Seniors express satisfaction with the medical care, however, they understand that it is necessary that all services are properly integrated to a qualified service. The statements reveal that the service in the drive needs to implement new strategies host for users to participate more in educational and health promotion. It is noted, the need of integrated care, the host of qualified hearing in the health services that they address the elderly seeking care at the clinic of the family, so sticking to the principles of the Unified Health System.


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This study aims to understand the significance of palliative care for the elder health care professionals working in primary health care. Descriptive study of qualitative approach. Conducted in three health units of the Family and a core of support for Health, the Felipe Camarão neighborhood, District of Natal Health West, RN. Of the 25 participants, 19 are professionals of the Family Health Strategy and six of the Center for Support to Health, the majority being women, with minimal professional work experience, a year in primary health care. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under CAAE no. 43895815.4.0000.5537. There were individual interviews between July and September 2015, with the use of questionnaire containing open and closed questions on the topic of study. Our results were recorded in MP4 and transcribed into written language, and analyzed using the open coding process medium in which the categories were interpreted and identified, followed by axial coding, where categories were developed and systematically related. Three categories emerged: enhancement of elder health professionals in palliative care, behavioral health professionals across care in palliative care in primary care and disjointed Meaning between palliative care and health professionals. The categories were interpreted and analyzed by the theoretical framework of social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. Regarding the valuation of subjective perception of professionals, it is clear the issue of the complexity of multiple relationships through various aspects of his central task: focus a philosophy of the world's reality, namely a phenomenology of natural attitude; Before the professional behavior were identified: the discovery and depth of assumptions through the structure, and meaning in a common sense, and at the meaning of the disconnection between the health professionals-including that reality imminent can be represented by individuality special interest of the experience. It follows that health professionals understand there is a difficulty facing the assistance in palliative care to the elderly in primary care, and this difficulty, characterized by the complexity of social interactions across the joint teamwork. Although, I believe that the articulation between the teams, work and family, is essential for the subsequent improvement of care in palliative care favoring the health context surrounding the Elder.


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This study aims to understand the significance of palliative care for the elder health care professionals working in primary health care. Descriptive study of qualitative approach. Conducted in three health units of the Family and a core of support for Health, the Felipe Camarão neighborhood, District of Natal Health West, RN. Of the 25 participants, 19 are professionals of the Family Health Strategy and six of the Center for Support to Health, the majority being women, with minimal professional work experience, a year in primary health care. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under CAAE no. 43895815.4.0000.5537. There were individual interviews between July and September 2015, with the use of questionnaire containing open and closed questions on the topic of study. Our results were recorded in MP4 and transcribed into written language, and analyzed using the open coding process medium in which the categories were interpreted and identified, followed by axial coding, where categories were developed and systematically related. Three categories emerged: enhancement of elder health professionals in palliative care, behavioral health professionals across care in palliative care in primary care and disjointed Meaning between palliative care and health professionals. The categories were interpreted and analyzed by the theoretical framework of social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. Regarding the valuation of subjective perception of professionals, it is clear the issue of the complexity of multiple relationships through various aspects of his central task: focus a philosophy of the world's reality, namely a phenomenology of natural attitude; Before the professional behavior were identified: the discovery and depth of assumptions through the structure, and meaning in a common sense, and at the meaning of the disconnection between the health professionals-including that reality imminent can be represented by individuality special interest of the experience. It follows that health professionals understand there is a difficulty facing the assistance in palliative care to the elderly in primary care, and this difficulty, characterized by the complexity of social interactions across the joint teamwork. Although, I believe that the articulation between the teams, work and family, is essential for the subsequent improvement of care in palliative care favoring the health context surrounding the Elder.