540 resultados para Calving
A produção e qualidade do leite são influenciadas por factores ambientais como a nutrição, factores genéticos como a raça, e factores fisiológicos como a idade a idade ao parto ou o número de ordenhas diárias. Este trabalho teve por objectivo estimar factores de correcção para os efeitos ambientais que influenciam a quantidade e qualidade do leite com vista ao melhoramento genético dos animais. Para isso, foram utilizados os registos de 23897 contrastes leiteiros de vacas de raça Frísia, no período de 6 anos, recolhidos a partir dos dados da ANABLE. De acordo com os resultados, obtidos através do método dos quadrados mínimos, observa-se que para a produção de leite, gordura e proteína, todos os efeitos fixos de variação são significativos nas três características produtivas estudadas, pelo que se conclui que há interacção entre a idade da vaca ao parto e a produção e qualidade do leite, assim como, a época do ano em que ocorre o parto e o número de ordenhas diárias a que o animal está sujeito. ABSTRACT; Cow production and milk quality are influenced by environmental factors such as nutrition, by genetic factors as breed and physiological factors as age at calving or milking frequency. This study aimed to estimate correction parameters for environmental factors with influence on milk production and quality embodying genetic improvement. For this propose, a data base was used with information related to 23987 milk tests collected from official milk recording program. According to the results, where the at least square procedure was adopted, it shows that all the fixed effects of variation significantly affect the productive performances, so it can be concluded that there is a significant interaction between milking frequency, age at calving and season when it occurs, and milk production and quality.
Foram analisados os dados de desempenho ponderal de bubalinos Murrah do Sistema de Produção de Leite da Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, campus de Botucatu. Os pesos foram corrigidos às diversas idades-padrão e o modelo incluiu os efeitos de sexo (S), mês (M) e ano (A) de nascimento, classe de idade da búfala ao parto (C) e as interações S x M, S x A, S x C e M x A. As médias ajustadas e respectivos erros-padrão estimados para as características estudadas foram: Peso ao Nascer (PN): 37,71 ± 8,25kg; Peso aos 120 dias (P120): 102,08 ± 16,27kg; Peso aos 240 dias (P240): 169,84 ± 22,83kg; Peso aos 365 dias (P365): 250,59 ± 25,12kg; Peso aos 550 dias (P550): 326,13 ± 39,27kg e Peso aos 730 dias (P730): 389,80 ± 31,26kg. O efeito de sexo (S) foi significativo somente para PN e P365, sendo que machos tenderam a nascer mais pesados que fêmeas. O mês de nascimento (M) exerceu efeito sobre o PN, P120 e P730 sendo que animais nascidos em maio foram os mais pesados ao nascer, enquanto os nascidos em janeiro e maio, foram os mais pesados aos 120 e 730 dias, respectivamente. O efeito de ano de foi significativo sobre o PN, P120, P240 e P730. Os filhos de búfalas das classes de idade 1 (3 anos ou menos) e da classe 6 (10,11 e 12 anos) foram os mais leves e mais pesados ao nascer, respectivamente. O fato de a classe de idade da búfala não exercer efeito sobre os P365, P550 e P730 sugere que, em rebanhos comerciais possa ser feita a substituição de búfalas não gestantes por novilhas prenhes, apesar de esta prática reduzir a média de idade do rebanho de cria. Bubalinos da raça Murrah oriundos de rebanhos leiteiros podem ser utilizados para a produção de carne.
La demanda de una producción de alimentos cada vez mayor a nivel mundial sumado a la tecnificación y al ritmo acelerado del progreso de las explotaciones agropecuarias actuales hacen que el ganado deba soportar elevadas presiones de producción aumentando los requerimientos de nutrientes. Este es el caso de los minerales considerados actualmente elementos esenciales para los animales, aunque tradicionalmente fueron definidos como los nutrientes pobres de la nutrición y alimentación animal. Actualmente se ha demostrado con evidencia clínica y productiva, el importante rol metabólico de los minerales en el animal sano y productivo, como también se ha definido qué elemento mineral y porcentaje del mismo es requerido para el normal funcionamiento del organismo. Los macro-minerales (calcio, magnesio, fósforo, sodio, potasio, cloro y azufre) y los oligo-minerales (cobre, zinc, hierro, selenio, cobalto, iodo, manganeso, molibdeno y cromo) son elementos esenciales y necesarios para transformar la proteína y la energía de los alimentos en componentes del organismo o en productos animales como leche, carne, crías, piel, lana. Además, ayudan al organismo a combatir las enfermedades, manteniendo al animal en buen estado de salud. Se ha considerado a los minerales como el tercer grupo limitante en la nutrición animal, siendo a su vez, el que mayor potencial y menor costo tiene para incrementar la producción del ganado. Los minerales desempeñan funciones tan importantes como ser constituyentes de la estructura ósea y dental, de tejidos blandos y líquidos corporales. Están involucrados en el funcionamiento celular, siendo activadores de más de trescientas enzimas, constituyentes esenciales de vitaminas, hormonas y pigmentos respiratorios y facilitando la actividad de los microorganismos del rumen. Cuando el aporte de minerales en la ración no es el adecuado en calidad y/o cantidad se originan las deficiencias minerales, encuadradas dentro de las enfermedades metabólicas o enfermedades de la producción. Estas han sido informadas en casi todo el mundo y son responsables de importantes pérdidas económicas en los rodeos de bovinos para carne. Las deficiencias y/o desequilibrios minerales pueden causar los siguientes trastornos en los animales: bajo porcentaje de parición, mayor número de servicios por concepción, abortos, retenciones placentarias, incremento del intervalo entre partos, baja producción de leche, menor peso al nacimiento y al destete, menor porcentaje de destete, menor ganancia de peso, mayor incidencia de enfermedades infecciosas, fracturas espontáneas, diarrea, deformación de huesos y mortandad. Así cobra importancia el diagnóstico mediante el análisis de la sangre de los animales, del pasto y el agua que consumen y la caracterización de estas deficiencias en primarias o secundarias con el objetivo de poder realizar un control de las mismas mediante un adecuado plan de suplementación mineral acorde a las necesidades de los distintos establecimientos agropecuarios.
Knowledge of the efficacy of an intervention for disease control on an individual farm is essential to make good decisions on preventive healthcare, but the uncertainty in outcome associated with undertaking a specific control strategy has rarely been considered in veterinary medicine. The purpose of this research was to explore the uncertainty in change in disease incidence and financial benefit that could occur on different farms, when two effective farm management interventions are undertaken. Bovine mastitis was used as an example disease and the research was conducted using data from an intervention study as prior information within an integrated Bayesian simulation model. Predictions were made of the reduction in clinical mastitis within 30 days of calving on 52 farms, attributable to the application of two herd interventions previously reported as effective; rotation of dry cow pasture and differential dry cow therapy. Results indicated that there were important degrees of uncertainty in the predicted reduction in clinical mastitis for individual farms when either intervention was undertaken; the magnitude of the 95% credible intervals for reduced clinical mastitis incidence were substantial and of clinical relevance. The large uncertainty associated with the predicted reduction in clinical mastitis attributable to the interventions resulted in important variability in possible financial outcomes for each farm. The uncertainty in outcome associated with farm control measures illustrates the difficulty facing a veterinary clinician when making an on-farm decision and highlights the importance of iterative herd health procedures (continual evaluation, reassessment and adjusted interventions) to optimise health in an individual herd.
This study investigated cow characteristics, farm facilities, and herd management strategies during the dry period to examine their joint influence on somatic cell counts (SCC) in early lactation. Data from 52 commercial dairy farms throughout England and Wales were collected over a 2-yr period. For the purpose of analysis, cows were separated into those housed for the dry period (6,419 cow-dry periods) and those at pasture (7,425 cow-dry periods). Bayesian multilevel models were specified with 2 response variables: ln SCC (continuous) and SCC >199,000 cells/mL (binary), both within 30 d of calving. Cow factors associated with an increased SCC after calving were parity, an SCC >199,000 cells/mL in the 60 d before drying off, increasing milk yield 0 to 30 d before drying off, and reduced DIM after calving at the time of SCC estimation. Herd management factors associated with an increased SCC after calving included procedures at drying off, aspects of bedding management, stocking density, and method of pasture grazing. Posterior predictions were used for model assessment, and these indicated that model fit was generally good. The research demonstrated that specific dry-period management strategies have an important influence on SCC in early lactation.
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Zootécnica/Produção Animal
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias - Especialidade de Produção Animal
Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária
El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de zeolita (Clinoptilolita) adicionado en la dieta basal de vacas lecheras durante 105 días, 60 días pre-parto (dap) y 45 días post-parto (dpp) y su influencia en la involución (IU) y salud uterina (SU), el retorno de la actividad ovárica (AO) y la condición corporal (CC). El proyecto se realizó en tres ganaderías de la comunidad de Soldados del Cantón Cuenca – Azuay, en 50 vacas secas, con una CC ≥ 3,5, entre 2 a 5 partos, clínicamente sanas y todas en las mismas condiciones sanitarias y de manejo; fueron divididas en un grupo control (n1=25), alimentadas con dieta basal y un experimental (n2=25), con dieta basal + 2% de Zeolita del consumo de materia (CMS). Se evaluó retorno de AO considerando folículos ≥ 10 mm de diámetro a los 15, 22, 35 y 45 dpp por Ultrasonografía transrectal, SU (>10 PMN) a los 35 dpp por cytobrush, IU considerando posición del útero con respecto a la pelvis (PU), simetría de los cuernos (SCU), y diámetro del cérvix (DC), a los 22 y 45 dpp por palpación rectal, y finalmente la CC a los 15 dap, parto y 45 dpp. Se usó un diseño completamente al azar (DCA) y los resultados fueron analizados con el programa estadístico SPSS versión 22.0, posteriormente fueron aplicados los estadísticos de “U de Mann Withney y Kruscall Wallis”. Se obtuvo eficacia en el GE con mayor porcentaje de vacas que retornaron su AO (respectivamente, para GC y GE fueron: 35 dpp 29,6% vs. 70,4%; 45 dpp 44,4% vs. 55,6%; p<0,05). La IU fue a los 45 dpp, los valores obtenido para GC y GE fueron: respectivamente, PU 40,0% vs. 76,0%, SCU 32,0% vs. 76,0% y DC 28,0% vs. 68,0%, (p<0,05). Y en SU también mostró eficacia en el GE obteniendo un 3,4% vs. 22,2% de PMN en comparación con el GC, (p<0,05). Finalmente, se comprobó diferencias significativas (p<0,05) en la CC al parto y 45 dpp con eficacia atribuida al GE. En conclusión, la adición de zeolita al 2% en la dieta basal mostró eficacia en la involución y salud uterina, retorno de la actividad ovárica y la condición corporal en vacas en transición, recomendando su uso en las ganaderías lecheras
Malignant Catarrhal Fever (MCF), an often-lethal infectious disease, presents as a variable complex of lesions in susceptible ungulate species. The disease is caused by a -herpesvirus following transmission from an inapparent carrier host. Two major epidemiological forms exist: wildebeest-associated MCF (WA-MCF), in which the virus is transmitted to susceptible species by wildebeest calves less than approximately four months of age, and sheepassociated MCF (SA-MCF) in which the virus is spread by sheep (primarily adolescents). Due to the lack of an in-vitro propagation system for the causative agent of the more economically significant SA-MCF, and with the expectation that cross-protective immunity may be provided, vaccine development has focused on the more easily propagated alcelaphine herpesvirus-1 (AlHV-1) that causes WA-MCF. In 2008 a direct viral challenge trial showed that a novel vaccine, employing an attenuated AlHV-1 (atAlHV-1) `C5000 virus strain, protected British Friesian-Holstein (FH) cattle against an intranasal challenge with virulent AlHV-1 `C5000 virus. For cattle keeping people living near wildebeest calving areas in sub-Saharan Africa an effective vaccine would have value as it would release them from the costly annual disease avoidance strategy of having to move their herds away from the oncoming wildebeest. On the other hand, an effective vaccine will release herd owners from the need to avoid MCF, allowing them to graze their cattle alongside wildebeest on the highly nutritious pastures of the calving areas. As such conservationists have raised concerns that the development of a vaccine might lead to detrimental grazing competition. The principle objective of this study was to test the novel vaccine on Tanzanian shorthorn zebu cross cattle (SZC).We did this firstly using a natural challenge field trial (Chapter Two) which demonstrated that immunisation with the atAlHV-1 vaccine was well tolerated and induced an oro-nasopharyngeal AlHV-1-specific and -neutralising antibody response. This resulted in an immunity in SZC cattle that was partially protective and reduced naturally transmitted infection by 56%. We also demonstrated that non-fatal infections occurred with a much higher frequency than previously thought. Because the calculated efficacy of the vaccine was less than that seen in British FH cattle we wanted to determine whether host factors, particular to SZC cattle, had impacted the outcomes of the field trial. To do this we repeated the 2008 direct viral challenge trial using SZC cattle (Chapter Four). During this trial we also investigated whether the recombinant bacterial flagellin monomer (FliC), when used as an adjuvant, might improve the vaccine’s efficacy. The findings from this trial indicated that direct challenge with pathogenic AlHV-1 is effective at inducing MCF in SZC cattle and that FliC is not an appropriate adjuvant for this vaccine. Furthermore, with less control group cattle dying of MCF than expected we speculate that SZC cattle may have a degree of resistance to MCF that affords them protection from infection and developing fatal disease. In Chapter Three we investigated aspects of the epidemiology of MCF, specifically whether wildebeest placenta, long implicated by Maasai cattle owners as a source of MCF, might play a role in viral transmission. Additionally, through comparative sequence analysis, at two specific genes (A9.5 and ORF50) of wild-type and atAlHV-1, we investigated whether the `C5000 strain, the source of which was taken from Africa more than 40 years ago, was appropriate for vaccine development. The detection of AlHV-1 virus in approximately 50% of placentae indicated that infection can occur in-utero and that this tissue might play a role in disease transmission. And, despite describing three new alleles of the A9.5 gene (supporting previous evidence that this gene is polymorphic and encodes a secretory protein with interleukin-4 as the major homologue), the observation that the most frequently detected haplotypes, in both wild-type and attenuated AlHV-1, were identical suggests that AlHV-1 has a slow molecular clock and that the attenuated strain was appropriate for vaccine development. In Chapter Five we present the first quantitative assessment of the annual MCF avoidance costs that Maasai pastoralists incur. In particular we estimated that as a result of MCF avoidance 64% of the total daily milk yield during the MCF season was not available to be used by the 81% of the family unit remaining at the permanent boma. This represents an upper-bound loss of approximately 8% of a household0s annual income. Despite these considerable losses we concluded that, given an incidence of fatal MCF in cattle living in wildebeest calving areas of 5% to 10%, if herd owners were to stop trying to avoid MCF by allowing their cattle to graze alongside wildebeest, any gains made through increased availability of milk, improved body condition and reduced energy demands would be offset by an increase in MCF-incidence. With the development of an effective vaccine, however, this alternative strategy might become optimal. The overall conclusion we draw therefore is that, despite the substantial costs incurred each year avoiding MCF, the partial protection afforded by the novel vaccine strategy is not sufficient to warrant a wholesale change in disease avoidance strategy. Nonetheless, even the partial protection provided by this vaccine could be of value to protect animals that cannot be moved, for example where some of the herd remain at the boma to provide milk or where land-use changes make traditional disease avoidance difficult. Furthermore, the vaccine may offer a feasible solution to some of the current land-use challenges and conflicts, providing a degree of protection to valuable livestock where avoidance strategies are not possible, but with less risk of precipitating the potentially damaging environmental consequences, such as overgrazing of highly nutritious seasonal pastures, that might result if herd owners decide they no longer need to avoid wildebeest.
Das Gesundheitsmanagement von Milchkühen hat in den vergangenen Jahren auf den landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben an Bedeutung gewonnen. Neben Präventionsmaßnahmen zur Gesunderhaltung der Tiere ist die frühzeitige und systematische Erkennung von Erkrankungen hierbei der Hauptbestandteil. Es zeigt sich vermehrt, dass vor allem Transitkühe verstärkt an Stoffwechselerkrankungen in sowohl klinischer als auch subklinischer Form erkranken. Letztere stellen ein hohes Risiko dar, zum einen weil subklinische Erkrankungen oftmals nur schwer oder gar nicht erkannt werden und zum anderen, weil sie in vielen Fällen die Grundlage für meist schwerwiegendere Folgeerkrankungen sind. In der vorliegenden Studie wird das Thema der Früherkennung von subklinischen Ketosen und der subakuten Pansenazidose behandelt. Verschiedene Methoden wurden unter praktischen Versuchsbedingungen auf ihre Tauglichkeit zur Krankheitserkennung hin geprüft. In einer ersten Studie wurde auf einem konventionellen Milchviehbetrieb ein Ketose-Monitoring bei frischlaktierenden Kühen ab Tag 3 postpartum durchgeführt. Insgesamt 15 Tiere waren an einer subklinischen Ketose erkrankt, was eine Aufkommensrate von 26% in den untersuchten Tieren bedeutete. Die Blutproben von insgesamt 24 Tieren wurden auf ihren IL-6-Gehalt untersucht. Von den untersuchten Tieren waren 14 Tiere erkrankt, 10 Tiere bildeten die gesunde Kontrollgruppe. Interleukin-6 wurde bestimmt, da dem Zytokin IL-6 in anderen Studien in Bezug auf Ketosen eine Rolle zugesprochen wurde. Die erwartete Erhöhung von IL-6 bei erkrankten Tieren konnte nicht festgestellt werden; die erkrankten Kühe zeigten vielmehr die niedrigsten IL-6 Werte der Studiengruppe. Insgesamt waren die IL-6 Konzentrationen auf einem niedrigen Niveau mit 27.2 pg/m l± 10.2. Es zeigte sich, dass die IL-6 Bestimmung im Blut hinsichtlich der Erkennung von subklinischen Ketosen nur eingeschränkt nutzbar ist. Es konnte ausschließlich eine schwache negative Korrelation zwischen Beta- Hydroxybutyrat (BHBA, Goldstandard für den Nachweis einer Ketose) und IL-6 detektiert werden. Zusätzlich zu den Blutanalysen wurde ebenfalls die tägliche Wiederkauaktivität mit dem „DairyCheck“ System bestimmt, welches kontinuierlich die charakteristischen Kaumuskelkontraktionen aufzeichnet und somit die Dauer des Wiederkäuens bestimmt werden kann. Es wurde geprüft, ob sich ketotische Tiere von nicht ketotischen Tieren hinsichtlich der täglichen Wiederkäuzeit unterscheiden. Milchkühe mit einer Ketose kauten im Schnitt 475 min/d ± 56 wieder, nach Genesung 497 min/d ± 48. Sie befanden sich somit im Durchschnitt immer unterhalb der gesunden Kontrollgruppe, welche 521 min/d ± 76 wiederkaute. Eine Korrelation zwischen der Wiederkauzeit und dem BHBA- Gehalt im Blut war nur sehr schwach ausgeprägt, nicht zuletzt da die Tiere generell eine hohe Variabilität in der Wiederkauaktivität zeigten. Bei einer weiteren Studie, ebenfalls auf einem Praxisbetrieb durchgeführt, wurde auf die Erkennung der subakuten Pansensazidose (SARA) fokussiert. Hierbei kam ein drahtloses, kommerziell verfügbares Bolussystem zum Einsatz, welches den pH Wert kontinuierlich im Retikulorumen misst. Es macht die Erkennung einer SARA auch unter Praxisbedingungen ohne invasive Methoden wie der Punktion möglich. Das Bolussystem wurde 24 Milchkühen kurz vor der Abkalbung oral eingegeben, um den pH-Wert während der gesamten Transitphase messen und überwachen zu können. Während in der Trockenstehphase nur vereinzelte SARA Fälle auftraten, erlitt ein Großteil der untersuchten Tiere in der Frühlaktation eine SARA. Auf Grundlage von pH-Werten von laktierenden Milchkühen, wurde zusätzlich eine Sensitivitätsanalyse von verschieden, bereits eingesetzten Nachweismethoden durchgeführt, um die Tauglichkeit für die SARA-Diagnostik zu untersuchen. Es handelte sich hierbei zum einen um einen SARA-Nachweis unter Heranziehung von Einzelwerten, Fress- und Wiederkäuzeiten, sowie ausgewählten Milchinhaltsstoffen und der Milchmenge. Die Analyse ergab, dass nahezu alle Nachweismethoden im Vergleich zur Langzeitmessung nur eingeschränkt zur SARA-Diagnostik nutzbar sind. In einem weiteren Teil der Studie wurde eine Kotfraktionierung bei den gleichen Tieren durchgeführt, um damit SARA-Tiere auch mittels der Kotanalyse erkennen kann. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass zum einen die Ration einen Einfluss auf die Kotzusammensetzung hat (Trockensteherration versus Ration für Laktierende) zum anderen aber auch, dass eine SARA die Zusammensetzung des Kotes verändert. Hierfür wurden Kotproben ausschließlich von laktierenden Kühen untersucht, sodass der Einfluss der Ration ausgeschlossen werden konnte. Erhöhte Faseranteile im Kot von SARA - Kühen gaben Hinweis auf eine verminderte Verdaulichkeit. Dabei erwies sich vor allem die Hemizellulose als guter Parameter, um auf eine SARA schließen zu können. Die Versuchsbedingungen ließen es ebenfalls zu, die pH-Verläufe der Tiere in der Frühlaktation zu untersuchen. Eine Clusteranalyse von pH-Werten der ersten 12 Tage postpartum zeigte, dass die untersuchten Tiere trotz gleicher Haltungs- und Fütterungsbedingungen unterschiedliche pH-Wert Verläufe entwickelten. So gab es eine Gruppe von Milchkühen, die den pH-Wert stabil halten konnte, während die restlichen pH-Abfälle in verschiedenen Verläufen und Intensitäten aufzeigten. Es konnte ebenfalls aufgezeigt werden, dass Tiere innerhalb der Testherde unterschiedliche Schweregrade der SARA entwickelten. Auch in dieser Studie wurde deutlich, dass Tiere scheinbar unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten haben, auf ihre Umwelt zu reagieren, bzw. suboptimalen Bedingungen entgegenwirken zu können. Zusammengefasst wurden verschiedene Methoden zur Ketose- und SARA- Erkennung geprüft, von denen nur einzelne für die Praxis zu empfehlen sind. Die Variabilität der Tiere, sowohl bei der Ausprägung der Erkrankungen als auch bei den gemessenen Parametern verdeutlicht die Notwendigkeit, diese im Herden- und Gesundheitsmanagement in Zukunft stärker zu berücksichtigen.
Neste relatório são, primeiramente, descritas as atividades desenvolvidas durante o Estágio Curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Évora, no âmbito de clínica e cirurgia de espécies pecuárias. Pretendeu-se, depois, determinar se a suplementação de bovinos de aptidão leiteira com β-caroteno injetável contribui para reduzir o número de inseminações artificiais necessárias para uma gestação. Por outro lado avaliou-se a influência que podem ter algumas variáveis, como sejam a estação do ano ou o número de partos da vaca. Procurou-se, ainda, estudar a evolução dos teores séricos de β-caroteno nos animais suplementados e não suplementados com Dalmafertyl®, utilizando a técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta eficácia ultravioleta. A suplementação parenteral de β-caroteno, nomeadamente com Dalmafertyl®, na Primavera, mostra resultados benéficos na reprodução de vacas e novilhas de aptidão leiteira, aumentando a produtividade e diminuindo custos; ABSTRACT: LARGE ANIMAL SURGERY AND CLINICS On the following report are described the activities that took place during the Curricular Externship as part of the Veterinary Medicine Integrated Masters from University of Évora, in large animal surgery and clinics. Also, it was intended to determine if injectable β-carotene supplementation on dairy cattle can be a decreasing factor on the artificial insemination number needed to result in pregnancy. On the other hand, it was assessed its influence on some variables that can affect pregnancy, such as seasons and calving number. It has been studied the evolution of β-carotene serum levels on Dalmafertyl® supplemented and non-supplemented animals using the high-performance liquid chromatography ultraviolet detection method, as well. β-carotene parenteral supplementation using Dalmafertyl® seems to have benefic results on dairy cattle reproduction when it comes to Spring, which leads to productivity increase and cost decrease
RESUMO: A geleia de Wharton é uma fonte de células tronco mesenquimais (CTMs) que ainda não havia sido testada para a produção de embriões bovinos por transferência nuclear (TN). O objetivo deste estudo foi isolar, caracterizar e testar as CTMs derivadas da geleia de Wharton para produção de embriões e gestações por transferência nuclear em bovinos. O cordão umbilical foi coletado durante o nascimento e as células derivadas da geleia de Wharton (CGWs) foram isoladas por explante e cultivadas em Dulbecco?s Modified Eagle Medium. Fibroblastos (FB) da pele foram isolados após 6 meses de vida. As análises morfológicas foram realizadas pelas microscopias de campo claro e eletrônica de varredura durante o cultivo celular. Caracterização fenotípica e genotípica por citometria de fluxo, imunocitoquímica, RT-PCR e indução da diferenciação em linhagens celulares foi realizada com as CGWs. No procedimento de TN, ovócitos no estágio de metáfase II foram enucleados usando micromanipuladores, fusionados com CGWs ou FB e então ativados artificialmente. Micrografias de microscopia de varredura revelaram que CGWs tiveram forma variada sob cultivo. Os marcadores mesenquimais de CTMs (CD29+, CD73+, CD90+ and CD105+) foram expressos em cultura de CGWs bovina, como evidenciado por citometria de fluxo, imunocitoquímica e RT-PCR. Quando induzidas, estas células diferenciaram-se em osteócitos, condrócitos e adipócitos. Após classificação, as CGWs foram utilizadas na TN. A taxa de formação de blastocistos por TN com CGWs no sétimo dia de cultivo foi de 25,80±0,03%, similar a produção de blastócitos por TN com fibroblastos de pele (19,00±0,07). Gestações foram obtidas e mostraram que CGWs constituem um novo tipo celular para ser usado na clonagem animal. ABSTRACT: Wharton?s jelly is a source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that had not yet been tested for bovine embryo production by nuclear transfer (NT). Thus, the objective of this study was to isolate, characterize and test MSCs derived from Wharton?s jelly for embryo and pregnancy production by NT in cattle. The umbilical cord was collected during calving and cells derived from Wharton?s jelly (WJCs) were isolated by explant and cultured in Dulbecco?s Modified Eagle Medium. Skin Fibroblasts (FB) were isolated after 6 months of life. Morphological analysis was performed by bright field and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) during cell culture. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization by flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry, RT-PCR and differentiation induction in cell lineages were performed for WJC. In the NT procedure, oocytes at the arrested metaphase II stage were enucleated using micromanipulators, fused with WJCs or FB and later activated artificially. SEM micrographs revealed that WJCs have variable shape under culture. Mesenchymal markers of MSCs (CD29+, CD73+, CD90+ and CD105+) were expressed in bovine-derived WJC cultures, as evidenced by flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR. When induced, these cells differentiated into osteocytes, chondrocytes and adipocytes. After classification, the WJCs were used in NT. Blastocyst formation rate by NT with WJCs at day 7 was 25.80±0.03%, similar to blatocyst rate with NT using skin fibroblasts (19.00±0.07%). Pregnancies were obtained and showed that WJCs constitute a new cell type for use in animal cloning.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of inclusion or non-inclusion of short lactations and cow (CGG) and/or dam (DGG) genetic group on the genetic evaluation of 305-day milk yield (MY305), age at first calving (AFC), and first calving interval (FCI) of Girolando cows. Covariance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method in an animal model of single trait analyses. The heritability estimates for MY305, AFC, and FCI ranged from 0.23 to 0.29, 0.40 to 0.44, and 0.13 to 0.14, respectively, when short lactations were not included, and from 0.23 to 0.28, 0.39 to 0.43, and 0.13 to 0.14, respectively, when short lactations were included. The inclusion of short lactations caused little variation in the variance components and heritability estimates of traits, but their non-inclusion resulted in the re-ranking of animals. Models with CGG or DGG fixed effects had higher heritability estimates for all traits compared with models that consider these two effects simultaneously. We recommend using the model with fixed effects of CGG and inclusion of short lactations for the genetic evaluation of Girolando cattle.