1000 resultados para CHRONIC-PANCREATITIS


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the occurrence of late thromboembolism after surgical repair of chronic atrial fibrillation (AF) simultaneously with repair of mitral valve using the Cox-Maze procedure. METHODS: 69 patients underwent Cox 3 procedure, with no cryoablation simultaneously with mitral valvuloplasty or prosthesis. Mean age was 49.9±13.2 years. Mean follow-up was of 31.7±19 months. Types of lesion were as follows: 33 (48%) stenoses, 23 (33%) insufficiencies, and 13 (19%) double lesions. Procedures were: 64 (93%) valvuloplasties, 3 (4%) biological and 2 (3%) mechanical prosthesis placement. There were 9 (13%) patients with previous systemic embolism and 2 (3%) had left atrial thrombi. RESULTS: Early mortality was 7% and late 1%. 2 patients (3%) were reoperated for mitral placement. At last evaluation, 10 patients (15%), were in AF. The remaining 59 (85%) were either in sinus / atrial rythm (74%) or under pacing (12%). There were no occurrence of early or late, systemic or pulmonary embolism. Permanent anticoagulation was employed in 16 cases, 10 in regular rythm and 6 in AF. The remaining 47 (75%), 2 in AF and 45 in regular rythm, did not receive anticoagulants. CONCLUSIONS: These results are in accordance with others series, where the occurrence of embolism was rare after maze procedure. Permanent systemic anticoagulation seems to be unnecessary in those cases.


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Chloroquine has been widely used in rheumatological treatment, but potential severe side effects require careful follow-up. Cardiac damage is not a common consequence, but its clinical relevance has not yet been described. We report the case of a 58-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis, in whom chronic chloroquine use resulted in major irreversible cardiac damage. She presented with syncopal episodes due to complete atrioventricular block confirmed by electrophysiological study whose changes were concluded to be irreversible and a permanent pacemaker was indicated. Endomyocardial biopsy was also performed to search for histopathological and ultrastructural cardiac damage. We also reviewed the 22 cases of chloroquine-induced cardiopathy described to date as well as its pathophysiology.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess structural and functional cardiac changes in asymptomatic pregnant women with chronic arterial hypertension (CAH). METHODS: One hundred pregnant women with CAH underwent conventional Doppler echocardiography. The Student t test was used to compare them with 29 normotensive pregnant women (NT) in their third gestational trimester. RESULTS: Systolic (SBP; mmHg) and diastolic (DBP; mmHg) blood pressure values were higher (p<0.001) in the CAH pregnant women (SBP: 139±19 and DBP: 92± 18) as compared with those of the NT group (SBP: 112±10 and DBP: 74±9). A significant enlargement of the left atrium (4.10±0.48 cm vs 3.6±0.3 cm; p<0.001) and of the left ventricular normalized mass (59.6±19.7 g/cm2,7 vs 41.9±3.4 g/cm2,7; p<0.001) was observed. Cardiac output (CO, L/min) and systolic volume (SV, mL) were significantly higher in the CAH group (CO: 6.0±1.54 vs 4.9±2.1, p<0.01; SV: 77.3±19.8 vs 56.5±25.8, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Chronic hypertensive pregnant women have structural and functional cardiac changes that justify routine cardiologic assessment, even in the absence of cardiopulmonary symptoms.


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OBJECTIVE: To study echocardiographic parameters of left ventricular systolic function and valvar regurgitation under pharmacological influence in mildly symptomatic patients with chronic mitral regurgitation (MR). METHODS: We carried out a double-blind placebo controlled study in 12 patients with MR, mean aged 12.5 years old, who were randomized in 4 phases: A) digoxin; B) enalapril; C) digoxin + enalapril; D) placebo. The medication was administered for 30 days in each phase, and the following variables were analyzed: shortening and ejection fractions, wall stress index of left ventricle, left ventricular meridional end-systolic wall stress, Doppler-derived mean rate of left ventricular pressure rise (mean dP/dt), stroke volume and MR jet area. The clinical variables analysed were heart rate and systemic arterial pressure. RESULTS: No significant variation was observed in the clinical variables analysed. The shortening and ejection fraction, the mean dP/dt and stroke volume significantly increased and the wall stress index of left ventricle, the meridional left ventricular end systolic wall stress and the mitral regurgitation jet area decreased in the phases with medication as compared with that in the placebo phase. CONCLUSION: The parameters of left ventricular systolic function improved significantly and the degree of MR decreased with the isolated administration of digoxin or enalapril in mildly symptomatic patients with chronic MR. The combination of the drugs, however, did not show better results.


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OBJECTIVE: To differentiate the nature of functional cardiorespiratory limitations during exercise in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or congestive heart failure (CHF) and to determine indicators that may help their classifications. METHODS: The study comprised 40 patients: 23 with COPD and 17 with CHF. All individuals underwent maximal cardiopulmonary exercise testing on a treadmill. RESULTS: The values of peak gas exchange ratio (R peak), peak carbon dioxide production (VCO2 peak), and peak oxygen ventilatory equivalent (V E O2 peak) were higher in the patients with CHF than in those with COPD, and, therefore, those were the variables that characterized the differences between the groups. For group classification, the differentiating functions with the R peak, VCO2 peak (L/min), and V E O2 peak variables were used as follows: group COPD: - 44.886 + 78.832 x R peak + 5.442 x VCO2 peak + 0.336 x V E O2 peak; group CHF: - 69.251 + 89.740 x R peak + 8.461 x VCO2 peak + 0.574 x V E O2 peak. The differentiating function, whose result is greater, correctly classifies the patient's group as 90%. CONCLUSION: The R peak, VCO2 peak, and V E O2 peak values may be used to identify the cause of the functional cardiorespiratory limitations in patients with COPD and CHF.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the frequency of hypertension in chagasic patients, as well as its clinical behavior and cardiologic findings. METHODS: We carried out a retrospective study with 225 patients with chronic Chagas' disease and hypertension (104 males), mean age of 55.1 ± 11.8. These patients were being followed up in the outpatient care clinics from 1984 to 2000. The study assessed the clinical, electrocardiographic, and radiological viewpoints. RESULTS: Of the 225 hypertensive patients (prevalence = 33.3%), 78 (34.7%) had mild hypertension, 108 (48%) had moderate hypertension, and 39 (17.3%) had severe hypertension. The association of left anterosuperior divisional block and right bundle-branch block occurred in 39 cases (17.3%), and enlargement of the cardiac area on radiological examination occurred in 93 (44.9%) of the 207 cases studied. The undetermined form of Chagas' disease was the most prevalent, 30.2% of the cases, followed by the form associated with conduction disorders in 27.1%, and the isolated form of conduction disorders in 21.3%. CONCLUSION: Chagasic patients had a frequency of hypertension similar to that of the general population, and the clinical profile of the hypertensive chagasic patients seemed not to differ a lot from that of the chagasic patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of skeletal muscle mass on ventilatory and hemodynamic variables during exercise in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). METHODS: Twenty-five male patients underwent maximum cardiopulmonary exercise testing on a treadmill with a ramp protocol and measurement of the skeletal muscle mass of their thighs by using magnetic resonance imaging. The clinically stable, noncachectic patients were assessed and compared with 14 healthy individuals (S) paired by age and body mass index, who underwent the same examinations. RESULTS: Similar values of skeletal muscle mass were found in both groups (CHF group: 3863 ± 874 g; S group: 3743 ± 540 g; p = 0.32). Significant correlations of oxygen consumption in the anaerobic threshold (CHF: r = 0.39; P= 0.02 and S: r = 0.14; P = 0.31) and of oxygen pulse also in the anaerobic threshold (CHF: r = 0.49; P = 0.01 and S: r =0.12; P = 0.36) were found only in the group of patients with chronic heart failure. CONCLUSION: The results obtained indicate that skeletal muscle mass may influence the capacity of patients with CHF to withstand submaximal effort, due to limitations in their physical condition, even maintaining a value similar to that of healthy individuals. This suggests qualitative changes in the musculature.


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La producción de productos lácteos conforma un complejo productivo de larga trayectoria en Argentina, con grandes transformaciones en el sector lechero en los últimos años. La provincia de Córdoba es una de las principales áreas de producción lechera, participando del 34.5 por ciento de la producción nacional. Esta provincia cuenta con un alto número de industrias, principalmente localizadas en la cuenca de Villa María, y concentra el 35 por ciento de los establecimientos lecheros del país. La Mastitis bovina (MB) es la principal causa de pérdidas económicas para el productor y la industria láctea a nivel mundial y regional, por lo cual se plantea la necesidad de mejorar la calidad higiénica y sanitaria de la leche a través de un mayor control de la mastitis. La MB es una inflamación de la glándula mamaria (GM) asociada a una infección bacteriana. Es la enfermedad más común y de mayor incidencia en el ganado lechero, siendo la principal causa de pérdidas económicas para la industria láctea a nivel mundial. Las medidas actuales de control de MB están basadas en prácticas de higiene apropiadas, reducción de la exposición ambiental al patógeno y terapia antibiótica del ganado, las cuales no son totalmente efectivas en el control de la infección. La defensa de la GM contra los patógenos causantes de MB depende de factores anatómicos, celulares y solubles, siendo la eficiencia de esos mecanismos la que determina la resistencia a nuevas infecciones. Los mediadores inmunes innatos y adquiridos de los tejidos y secreciones de la GM actúan en forma coordinada en la protección de la glándula contra enfermedades contagiosas. Staphylococcus aureus es el agente etiológico más importante en la mastitis. Esta bacteria evade la respuesta inmune inflamatoria mediante la inducción de mecanismos inmunosupresores, llevando a la patología a un curso crónico. S. aureus además puede colonizar el tejido epitelial y formar películas bacterianas conocidas como biofilms. Así, S. aureus adquiere más resistencia a la terapia antibiótica y a la acción del sistema inmunológico determinando la persistencia de la enfermedad. Nuestra hipótesis es que una respuesta inmune desarrollada en un microambiente particular de citoquinas, quimioquinas y células, podría contribuir a la evasión del patógeno y al desarrollo de una infección crónica. El polisacárido Quitosano (Q) presenta un efecto antibacteriano e inmunoestimulante en cultivos de células inmunes de ganado bovino, un efecto protectivo en modelos murinos de mastitis y actividad anti-biofilms de distintas cepas bacterianas. Por sus propiedades intrínsecas, este polisacárido es un candidato ideal en la regulación de las respuestas inmunológicas. El objetivo de este proyecto es caracterizar el microambiente local y sistémico, las señales inducidas por el microorganismo que promueven una falla inmunológica y caracterizar el efecto de Q sobre las respuestas generadas en la GM, mediante la realización de numerosos estudios in vivo e in vitro. Las estrategias para controlar la MB por S. aureus y disminuir el impacto de esta patología en la industria láctea, podrían orientarse a la manipulación del sistema inmunológico de la GM bovina a fin de incrementar los mecanismos de defensa naturales del huésped. Los resultados que se desprendan del proyecto permitirán adquirir conocimiento para el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias de inmunointervención a fin de controlar la MB por S. aureus y disminuir el impacto de esta patología en la industria láctea. Siendo la MB una patología relevante no solo en lo que hace a status sanitario animal, línea prioritaria definida en el Plan Estratégico Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación "Bicentenario 2006-2010", sino también a las implicancias económicas de esta problemática, y dado el desarrollo de la actividad lechera en la región y en el país, los resultados obtenidos podrían tener un importante impacto socioeconómico.


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Los procesos neuronales adaptativos que se observan como consecuencia de la administración crónica de drogas de abuso, son similares a los procesos plásticos que subyacen al aprendizaje y la memoria. Por otra parte, el hipocampo forma parte del circuito neuronal responsable de los cambios conductuales observados como consecuencia de la administración crónica de diferentes drogas de abuso. De acuerdo con esto, resultados previos de nuestro laboratorio demostraron que la plasticidad sináptica en el hipocampo y las claves contextuales relacionadas con la administración de la droga, son relevantes para el incremento de la plasticidad hipocampal por la administración crónica de diazepam. Específicamente en el gyrus dentado hipocampal se han descripto fenómenos plásticos relacionados con la exposición crónica a psicofármacos, tales como facilitación en la transmisión sináptica, disminución de la proliferación celular y el aumento del factor de transcripción ?Fos B. Debido a la correlación existente entre los mecanismos de plasticidad neuronal, los aprendizaje asociativos y formación de memorias y aquellos responsables de la adicción, el objetivo general de este trabajo es caracterizar los cambios inducidos por la exposición repetida de cocaína y durante el periodo de abstinencia, en la excitabilidad neuronal de las células del gyrus dentado hipocampal, los canales iónicos afectados y los posibles mecanismos bioquímicos involucrados en dichos cambios, que podrían explicar las alteraciones conductuales observadas después de dicho tratamiento. Con este propósito, se estudiará: 1) la plasticidad sináptica (potenciación a largo plazo, LTP y depotenciación a largo plazo, LTD) en el gyrus dentado, mediante registros electrofisiológios multiunitarios; 2)la excitabilidad de las células granulares del gyrus dentado y la actividad de los canales iónicos, utilizando la técnica de patch clamp; 3) las alteraciones en la neurotransmisión glutamatergica, midiendo los niveles del neurotransmisor in vivo, utilizando la técnica de microdiálisis; el tráfico de receptores glutamatérgicos, utilizando la técnica de western-blott, 4) la participación del óxido nítrico en los cambios adaptativos observados como consecuencia de la sensibilización a cocaína. Además, mediante la utilización de técnicas comportamentales (avoidance inhibitorio), se estudiarán las posibles alteraciones de conductas que se sabe dependen de la integridad funcional del hipocampo.En relación a los resultados del presente proyecto se espera obtener un incremento en la plasticidad sináptica, en la excitabilidad neuronal de las células granulares del gyrus dentado de la formación hipocámpica, en la liberación extracelular de glutamato in vivo, como así también en el tráfico de receptores glutamatérgicos. Además se espera obtener un aumento de las vías de señalización activadas por la acción de glutamato, como la de óxido nítrico/GMPc, como consecuencia de la administración crónica de cocaína. Con este aumento global de la plasticidad sináptica hipocampal, las conductas dependientes de esta estructura debieran estar facilitadas, demostrando así una participación activa del hipocampo en los procesos de sensibilización y posiblemente en la adicción a psicoestimulantes. La caracterización del impacto del desarrollo de sensibilización a cocaína en la excitabilidad neuronal en el hipocampo, sobre los sistemas de neurotransmisión y las vías de señalización involucradas contribuirían a dilucidar los mecanismos que contribuyen al desarrollo de sensibilización a cocaína, los cuales podrían representar potenciales blancos terapéuticos para el tratamiento de la adicción, considerando principalmente aspectos específicos de la actividad eléctrica neuronal y la plasticidad sináptica asociada con las diferentes fases del ciclo de la adicción.


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The use of yoga as an effective cardiac rehabilitation in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) remains controversial. We performed a meta-analysis to examine the effects of yoga on exercise capacity and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patients with CHF. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Excerpta Medica database, LILACS, Physiotherapy Evidence Database, The Scientific Electronic Library Online, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (from the earliest date available to December 2013) for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) examining the effects of yoga versus exercise and/or of yoga versus control on exercise capacity (peakVO2) and quality-of-life (HRQOL) in CHF. Two reviewers selected studies independently. Weighted mean differences (WMDs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated, and heterogeneity was assessed using the I2 test. Two studies met the selection criteria (total: 30 yoga and 29 control patients). The results suggested that yoga compared with control had a positive impact on peak VO2 and HRQOL. Peak VO2, WMD (3.87 95% CI: 1.95 to 5.80), and global HRQOL standardized mean differences (-12.46 95% CI: -22.49 to -2.43) improved in the yoga group compared to the control group. Yoga enhances peak VO2 and HRQOL in patients with CHF and could be considered for inclusion in cardiac rehabilitation programs. Larger RCTs are required to further investigate the effects of yoga in patients with CHF.


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Background: Stress is associated with cardiovascular diseases. Objective: This study aimed at assessing whether chronic stress induces vascular alterations, and whether these modulations are nitric oxide (NO) and Ca2+ dependent. Methods: Wistar rats, 30 days of age, were separated into 2 groups: control (C) and Stress (St). Chronic stress consisted of immobilization for 1 hour/day, 5 days/week, 15 weeks. Systolic blood pressure was assessed. Vascular studies on aortic rings were performed. Concentration-effect curves were built for noradrenaline, in the presence of L-NAME or prazosin, acetylcholine, sodium nitroprusside and KCl. In addition, Ca2+ flux was also evaluated. Results: Chronic stress induced hypertension, decreased the vascular response to KCl and to noradrenaline, and increased the vascular response to acetylcholine. L-NAME blunted the difference observed in noradrenaline curves. Furthermore, contractile response to Ca2+ was decreased in the aorta of stressed rats. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the vascular response to chronic stress is an adaptation to its deleterious effects, such as hypertension. In addition, this adaptation is NO- and Ca2+-dependent. These data help to clarify the contribution of stress to cardiovascular abnormalities. However, further studies are necessary to better elucidate the mechanisms involved in the cardiovascular dysfunction associated with stressors. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2014; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0)