961 resultados para CHROMOSOME-8 LONG ARM


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Trying to define the precise role played by insulin regulating the survival of brown adipocytes, we have used rat fetal brown adipocytes maintained in primary culture. The effect of insulin on apoptosis and the mechanisms involved were assessed. Different from the known effects of insulin as a survival factor, we have found that long-term treatment (72 h) with insulin induces apoptosis in rat fetal brown adipocytes. This process is dependent on the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin/p70 S6 kinase pathway. Short-term treatment with the conditioned medium from brown adipocytes treated with insulin for 72 h mimicked the apoptotic effect of insulin. During the process, caspase 8 activation, Bid cleavage, cytochrome c release, and activation of caspases 9 and 3 are sequentially produced. Treatment with the caspase inhibitor, benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp (Z-VAD), prevents activation of this apoptotic cascade. The antioxidants, ascorbic acid and superoxide dismutase, also impair this process of apoptosis. Moreover, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), probably through reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidases, and a late decrease in reduced glutathione content are produced. According to this, antioxidants prevent caspase 8 activation and Bid cleavage, suggesting that ROS production is an important event mediating this process of apoptosis. However, the participation of uncoupling protein-1, -2, and -3 regulating ROS is unclear because their levels remain unchanged upon insulin treatment for 72 h. Our data suggest that the prolonged hyperinsulinemia might cause insulin resistance through the loss of brown adipose tissue.


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BackgroundBipolar disorder is a highly heritable polygenic disorder. Recent enrichment analyses suggest that there may be true risk variants for bipolar disorder in the expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) in the brain.AimsWe sought to assess the impact of eQTL variants on bipolar disorder risk by combining data from both bipolar disorder genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and brain eQTL.MethodTo detect single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that influence expression levels of genes associated with bipolar disorder, we jointly analysed data from a bipolar disorder GWAS (7481 cases and 9250 controls) and a genome-wide brain (cortical) eQTL (193 healthy controls) using a Bayesian statistical method, with independent follow-up replications. The identified risk SNP was then further tested for association with hippocampal volume (n = 5775) and cognitive performance (n = 342) among healthy individuals.ResultsIntegrative analysis revealed a significant association between a brain eQTL rs6088662 on chromosome 20q11.22 and bipolar disorder (log Bayes factor = 5.48; bipolar disorder P = 5.85×10(-5)). Follow-up studies across multiple independent samples confirmed the association of the risk SNP (rs6088662) with gene expression and bipolar disorder susceptibility (P = 3.54×10(-8)). Further exploratory analysis revealed that rs6088662 is also associated with hippocampal volume and cognitive performance in healthy individuals.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that 20q11.22 is likely a risk region for bipolar disorder; they also highlight the informative value of integrating functional annotation of genetic variants for gene expression in advancing our understanding of the biological basis underlying complex disorders, such as bipolar disorder.


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Hedelmättömyyttä aiheuttavan siittiöiden puolihäntävian molekyyligenetiikka Suomalaisissa Yorkshire karjuissa yleistyi 1990-luvun lopulla autosomaalisesti ja resessiivisesti periytyvä hedelmättömyyttä aiheuttava siittiöiden puolihäntävika (ISTS, immotile short tail sperm). Sairaus aiheuttaa normaalia lyhyemmän ja täysin liikkumattoman siittiön hännän muodostuksen. Muita oireita sairailla karjuilla ei ole havaittu ja emakot ovat oireettomia. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa siittiöiden puolihäntävian aiheuttava geenivirhe ja kehittää DNA-testi markkeri- ja geeniavusteiseen valintaan. Koko genomin kartoituksessa vian aiheuttava alue paikannettiin sian kromosomiin 16. Paikannuksen perusteella kahden geenimerkin haplotyyppi kehitettiin käytettäväksi markkeri-avusteisessa valinnassa. Sairauteen kytkeytyneen alueen hienokartoitusta jatkettiin geenitestin kehittämiseksi kantajadiagnostiikkaan. Vertailevalla kartoituksella oireeseen kytkeytynyt alue paikannettiin 2 cM:n alueelle ihmisen kromosomiin viisi (5p13.2). Tällä alueella sijaitsevia geenejä vastaavista sian sekvensseistä löydetyn muuntelun perusteella voitiin tarkentaa sairauteen kytkeytyneitä haplotyyppejä. Haplotyyppien perusteella puolihäntäoireeseen kytkeytynyt alue rajattiin kahdeksan geenin alueelle ihmisen geenikartalla. Alueelle paikannetun kandidaattigeenin (KPL2) sekvensointi paljasti introniin liittyneen liikkuvan DNA-sekvenssin, Line-1 retroposonin. Tämä retroposoni muuttaa geenin silmikointia siten, että sitä edeltävä eksoni jätetään pois tai myös osa introni- ja inserttisekvenssiä liitetään geenin mRNA tuotteeseen. Molemmissa tapauksissa tuloksena on lyhentynyt KPL2 proteiini. Tähän retroposoni-inserttiin perustuva geenitesti on ollut sianjalostajien käytössä vuodesta 2006. KPL2 geenin ilmenemisen tarkastelu sialla ja hiirellä paljasti useita kudosspesifisiä silmikointimuotoja. KPL2 geenin pitkä muoto ilmenee pääasiassa vain kiveksessä, mikä selittää geenivirheen aiheuttamat erityisesti siittiön kehitykseen liittyvät oireet. KPL2 proteiinin ilmeneminen hiiren siittiön hännän kehityksen aikana ja mahdollinen yhteistoiminta IFT20 proteiinin kanssa viittaavat tehtävään proteiinien kuljetuksessa siittiön häntään. Mahdollisen kuljetustehtävän lisäksi KPL2 saattaa toimia myös siittiön hännän rakenneosana, koska se paikannettiin valmiin siittiön hännän keskiosaan. Lisäksi KPL2 proteiini saattaa myös toimia Golgin laitteessa sekä Sertolin solujen ja spermatidien liitoksissa, mutta nämä havainnot kuitenkin vaativat lisätutkimuksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että KPL2 geeni on tärkeä siittiön hännän kehitykselle ja sen rakennemuutos aiheuttaa siittiöiden puolihäntäoireen suomalaisilla Yorkshire karjuilla. KPL2 proteiinin ilmeneminen ja paikannus siittiön kehityksen aikana antaa viitteitä proteiinin toiminnasta. Koska KPL2 geenisekvenssi on erittäin konservoitunut, nämä tulokset tuovat uutta tietoa kaikkien nisäkkäiden siittiöiden kehitykseen ja urosten hedelmättömyyteen syihin.


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BACKGROUND: Little is known about the long-term changes in the functioning of schizophrenia patients receiving maintenance therapy with olanzapine long-acting injection (LAI), and whether observed changes differ from those seen with oral olanzapine. METHODS: This study describes changes in the levels of functioning among outpatients with schizophrenia treated with olanzapine-LAI compared with oral olanzapine over 2 years. This was a secondary analysis of data from a multicenter, randomized, open-label, 2-year study comparing the long-term treatment effectiveness of monthly olanzapine-LAI (405 mg/4 weeks; n=264) with daily oral olanzapine (10 mg/day; n=260). Levels of functioning were assessed with the Heinrichs-Carpenter Quality of Life Scale. Functional status was also classified as 'good', 'moderate', or 'poor', using a previous data-driven approach. Changes in functional levels were assessed with McNemar's test and comparisons between olanzapine-LAI and oral olanzapine employed the Student's t-test. RESULTS: Over the 2-year study, the patients treated with olanzapine-LAI improved their level of functioning (per Quality of Life total score) from 64.0-70.8 (P<0.001). Patients on oral olanzapine also increased their level of functioning from 62.1-70.1 (P<0.001). At baseline, 19.2% of the olanzapine-LAI-treated patients had a 'good' level of functioning, which increased to 27.5% (P<0.05). The figures for oral olanzapine were 14.2% and 24.5%, respectively (P<0.001). Results did not significantly differ between olanzapine-LAI and oral olanzapine. CONCLUSION: In this 2-year, open-label, randomized study of olanzapine-LAI, outpatients with schizophrenia maintained or improved their favorable baseline level of functioning over time. Results did not significantly differ between olanzapine-LAI and oral olanzapine.


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Soitinnus: lauluääni (tenori), orkesteri.


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OBJECTIVES: To correlate the expression of p53 protein and VEGF with the prognosis of patients submitted to curative resection to treat esophageal adenocarcinoma. METHODS: Forty-six patients with esophageal adenocarcinoma, submitted to curative resection, were studied. The expressions of p53 protein and VEGF were assessed by immunohistochemistry in 52.2% and 47.8% of tumors, respectively. RESULTS: P53 protein and VEGF expressions coincided in 26% of the cases, and no correlation between these expressions was observed. None of the clinicopathological factors showed a significant correlation with p53 protein or VEGF expressions. There was no significant association between p53 protein and VEGF expressions and long-term survival. CONCLUSION: The expression of p53 protein and VEGF did not correlate with prognosis in esophageal adenocarcinoma patients submitted to curative resection.


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The authors present the four-arm single docking full robotic surgery to treat low rectal cancer. The eight main operative steps are: 1- patient positioning; 2- trocars set-up and robot docking; 3- sigmoid colon, left colon and splenic flexure mobilization (lateral-to-medial approach); 4-Inferior mesenteric artery and vein ligation (medial-to-lateral approach); 5- total mesorectum excision and preservation of hypogastric and pelvic autonomic nerves (sacral dissection, lateral dissection, pelvic dissection); 6- division of the rectum using an endo roticulator stapler for the laparoscopic performance of a double-stapled coloanal anastomosis (type I tumor); 7- intersphincteric resection, extraction of the specimen through the anus and lateral-to-end hand sewn coloanal anastomosis (type II tumor); 8- cylindric abdominoperineal resection, with transabdominal section of the levator muscles (type IV tumor). The techniques employed were safe and have presented low rates of complication and no mortality.


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To evaluate the influence of diets with different degrees of energy deficiency on the hormonal profile and vital functions, 12 steers were randomly distributed into 3 groups of 4 animals. For 140 days, each group received (G1) a diet to promote a weight gain of 900gr/day (17.7 Mcal/d DE and 13% CP), (G2) 80% of the maintenance requirements (5.8 Mcal/d DE and 7% CP), or (G3) 60% of the maintenance requirements (4.7 Mcal/d DE and 5% CP). In G2 and G3, the energy deficit caused a marked decrease in the heart rate and respiratory rate and a reduction in the blood levels of Insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and triiodothyronine (T3). The decrease in heart rate, respiratory movement and, to a lesser extent, reduction of the rectal temperature, reflected the low status of energy and was negatively impacted by the low levels of T3. There was a strong correlation between the hormones T3 and IGF-1 (r=0.833). There were also strong correlations between T3 and HR (r=0.701), T3 and RR (r=0.632), IGF-1 and HR (r=0.731), and IGF-1 and RR (r=0.679). There were intermediate correlations between T3 and TºC (r=0.484), T3 and insulin (r=0.506), IGF-1 and insulin (r=0.517), and IGF-1 and TºC (r=0.548). This study showed the influence of a long period of providing an energy-deficient diet on animal performance, correlating hormonal status and vital functions in growing cattle. The results indicated that the evaluated parameters represent an important tool for the early detection of dietary deficiency.


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Several studies have demonstrated that lymphocytes from patients with Down syndrome (DS) exhibit an increased frequency of chromosome aberrations when they are exposed to ionizing radiation or to chemicals at the G0 or G1 phases of the cell cycle, but not at G2, when compared to normal subjects. To determine the susceptibility of DS lymphocytes at G2 phase, bleomycin, a radiomimetic agent, was used to induce DNA breaks in blood cultures from 24 Down syndrome patients. All the patients with DS showed free trisomy 21 (47,XX + 21 or 47,XY + 21). Individuals that showed an average number of chromatid breaks per cell higher than 0.8 were considered sensitive to the drug. No control child showed susceptibility to bleomycin, and among the 24 patients with DS, only one was sensitive to the drug. No significant difference was observed between the two groups, regarding chromatid break frequencies in treated G2 lymphocytes. The distribution of bleomycin-induced breaks in each group of chromosomes was similar for DS and controls. No significant difference was found in the response to bleomycin between male and female subjects. Probably, the main factor involved in chromosome sensitivity of lymphocytes from patients with DS is the phase of the cell cycle in which the cell is treated.


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Severe aplastic anemia (SAA) is probably an immune-mediated disorder, and immunosuppressive therapy is recommended for patients with no available donor for bone marrow transplant. Between October 1984 and November 1987, 25 consecutive children and adolescents with SAA with no HLA-compatible marrow donor received equine antithymocyte globulin (ATG) (15 mg kg-1 day-1) for 10 days. The patients were evaluated 6 weeks, 6 months, and 12 months after starting ATG treatment. Thereafter, patients were evaluated yearly until July 1998. Median age was 10 years (range, 1.5-20 years), granulocyte counts on referral ranged from 0.032 to 1.4 x 10(9)/l (median 0.256 x 10(9)/l), and 12 patients had granulocyte counts <0.2 x 10(9)/l. At a median follow-up of 9.6 years (range, 8.6-11.8 years), 10 patients (40%) remained alive with good marrow function. No morphologic evidence of hematological clonal disorders has been observed, although two patients probably have acquired clonal chromosomal abnormalities (trisomy 8 and del(6)q21, respectively). Responses to ATG were observed between 6 weeks and 6 months from the start of treatment in 60% of evaluable patients. The response rate was not different in patients whose granulocyte count at diagnosis was <0.2 x 10(9)/l, or in those who were <10 years of age. This study supports the view that, when compared with supportive measures, ATG is an effective treatment for children or adolescents with SAA. Although these results are inferior to those reported for marrow transplantation or more intensive immunosuppressive regimens, these patients who responded to ATG are long-term survivors with stable peripheral blood counts and a low rate of relapse.


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The human immunoglobulin lambda variable 8 (IGLV8) subgroup is a gene family containing three members, one of them included in a monomorphic 3.7-kb EcoRI genomic fragment located at the major lambda variable locus on chromosome 22q11.1 (gene IGLV8a, EMBL accession No. Z73650) at 100% frequency in the normal urban population. The second is a polymorphic RFLP allele included in a 6.0-kb EcoRI fragment at 10% frequency, and the third is located in a monomorphic 8.0-kb EcoRI fragment at 100% frequency, the last being translocated to chromosome 8q11.2 and considered to be an orphan gene. Our Southern blot-EcoRI-RFLP studies in normal individuals and in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), using a specific probe for the IGLV8 gene family (probe pVL8, EMBL accession No. X75424), have revealed the two monomorphic genomic fragments containing the IGLV8 genes, i.e., the 3.7-kb fragment from chromosome 22q11.1 and the 8.0-kb fragment from 8q11.2, both occurring at 100% frequency (103 normal individuals, 48 RA and 28 SLE patients analyzed), but absence of the 6.0-kb IGLV8 polymorphic RFLP allele in all RA or SLE patients. As expected, the frequency of the 6.0-kb allele among the normal individuals was 10%. These findings suggest an association between the absence of the 6.0-kb EcoRI fragment and rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.


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DEAD-box proteins comprise a family of ATP-dependent RNA helicases involved in several aspects of RNA metabolism. Here we report the characterization of the human DEAD-box RNA helicase DDX26. The gene is composed of 14 exons distributed over an extension of 8,123 bp of genomic sequence and encodes a transcript of 1.8 kb that is expressed in all tissues evaluated. The predicted amino acid sequence shows a high similarity to a yeast DEAD-box RNA helicase (Dbp9b) involved in ribosome biogenesis. The new helicase maps to 7p12, a region of frequent chromosome amplifications in glioblastomas involving the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene. Nevertheless, co-amplification of DDX26 with EGFR was not detected in nine tumors analyzed.


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The anti-inflammatory effects of long-term ethanol intoxication were determined during ethanol treatment and withdrawal on the basis of neutrophil and eosinophil migration, hind paw edema and mast cell degranulation. Male Wistar rats (180-200 g, around 2 months of age) were exposed to increasing concentrations of ethanol vapor over a 10-day period. One group was evaluated immediately after exposure (treated group - intoxicated), and another was studied 7 h later (withdrawal group). Ethanol inhalation treatment significantly inhibited carrageenan- (62% for the intoxicated group, N = 5, and 35% for the withdrawal group, N = 6) and dextran-induced paw edema (32% for intoxicated rats and 26% for withdrawal rats, N = 5 per group). Ethanol inhalation significantly reduced carrageenan-induced neutrophil migration (95% for intoxicated rats and 41% for withdrawn rats, N = 6 per group) into a subcutaneous 6-day-old air pouch, and Sephadex-induced eosinophil migration to the rat peritoneal cavity (100% for intoxicated rats and 64% for withdrawn rats, N = 6 per group). A significant decrease of mast cell degranulation was also demonstrated (control, 82%; intoxicated, 49%; withdrawn, 51%, N = 6, 6 and 8, respectively). Total leukocyte and neutrophil counts in venous blood increased significantly during the 10 days of ethanol inhalation (leukocytes, 13, 27 and 40%; neutrophils, 42, 238 and 252%, respectively, on days 5, 9 and 10, N = 7, 6 and 6). The cell counts decreased during withdrawal, but were still significantly elevated (leukocytes, 10%; neutrophils, 246%, N = 6). These findings indicate that both the cellular and vascular components of the inflammatory response are compromised by long-term ethanol intoxication and remain reduced during the withdrawal period.


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We evaluated the prevalence of low bone mineral density (BMD) and osteoporotic fractures in kidney transplantation (KT) patients and determined risk factors associated with osteoporotic fractures. The study was conducted on 191 patients (94 men and 97 women) with first KT for 3 years or more presenting stable and preserved renal function (serum creatinine levels lower than 2.5 mg/dl). KT patients were on immunosuppressive therapy and the cumulative doses of these drugs were also evaluated. BMD was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at multiple sites (spine, femur and total body). Quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus (broadband ultrasound attenuation, speed of sound, and stiffness index, SI) was also performed. Twenty-four percent (46) of all patients had either vertebral (29/46) or appendicular (17/46) fractures. We found osteoporosis and osteopenia in 8.5-13.4 and 30.9-35.1% of KT patients, respectively. Women had more fractures than men. In women, prevalent fractures were associated with diabetes mellitus [OR = 11.5, 95% CI (2.4-55.7)], time since menopause [OR = 3.7, 95% CI (1.2-11.9)], femoral neck BMD [OR = 1.99, 95% CI (1.4-2.8)], cumulative dose of steroids [OR = 1.1, 95% CI (1.02-1.12)] and low SI [OR = 1.1, 95% CI (1.0-1.2)]. In men, fractures were associated with lower lumbar spine BMD [OR = 1.75, 95% CI (1.1-2.7)], lower SI [OR = 1.1, 95% CI (1.03-1.13)], duration of dialysis [OR = 1.3, 95% CI (1.13-2.7)], and lower body mass index [OR = 1.24, 95% CI (1.1-1.4). Our results demonstrate high prevalence of low BMD and osteoporotic fractures in patients receiving a successful kidney transplant and indicate the need for specific intervention to prevent osteoporosis in this population.


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Significant improvements have been noted in heart transplantation with the advent of cyclosporine. However, cyclosporine use is associated with significant side effects, such as chronic renal failure. We were interested in evaluating the incidence of long-term renal dysfunction in heart transplant recipients. Fifty-three heart transplant recipients were enrolled in the study. Forty-three patients completed the entire evaluation and follow-up. Glomerular (serum creatinine, creatinine clearance measured, and creatinine clearance calculated) and tubular functions (urinary retinol-binding protein, uRBP) were re-analyzed after 18 months. At the enrollment time, the prevalence of renal failure ranged from 37.7 to 54% according to criteria used to define it (serum creatinine > or = 1.5 mg/dL and creatinine clearance <60 mL/min). Mean serum creatinine was 1.61 ± 1.31 mg/dL (range 0.7 to 9.8 mg/dL) and calculated and measured creatinine clearances were 67.7 ± 25.9 and 61.18 ± 25.04 mL min-1 (1.73 m²)-1, respectively. Sixteen of the 43 patients who completed the follow-up (37.2%) had tubular dysfunction detected by increased levels of uRBP (median 1.06, 0.412-6.396 mg/dL). Eleven of the 16 patients (68.7%) with elevated uRBP had poorer renal function after 18 months of follow-up, compared with only eight of the 27 patients (29.6%) with normal uRBP (RR = 3.47, P = 0.0095). Interestingly, cyclosporine trough levels were not different between patients with or without tubular and glomerular dysfunction. Renal function impairment is common after heart transplantation. Tubular dysfunction, assessed by uRBP, correlates with a worsening of glomerular filtration and can be a useful tool for early detection of renal dysfunction.