972 resultados para CFU, colony-forming unit


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During mouse embryogenesis, two waves of hematopoietic progenitors originate in the yolk sac. The first wave consists of primitive erythroid progenitors that arise at embryonic day 7.0 (E7.0), whereas the second wave consists of definitive erythroid progenitors that arise at E8.25. To determine whether these unilineage hematopoietic progenitors arise from multipotential precursors, we investigated the kinetics of high proliferative potential colony-forming cells (HPP-CFC), multipotent precursors that give rise to macroscopic colonies when cultured in vitro. No HPP-CFC were found at presomite stages (E6.5–E7.5). Rather, HPP-CFC were detected first at early somite stages (E8.25), exclusively in the yolk sac. HPP-CFC were found subsequently in the bloodstream at higher levels than the remainder of the embryo proper. However, the yolk sac remains the predominant site of HPP-CFC expansion (>100-fold) until the liver begins to serve as the major hematopoietic organ at E11.5. On secondary replating, embryonic HPP-CFC give rise to definitive erythroid and macrophage (but not primitive erythroid) progenitors. Our findings support the hypothesis that definitive but not primitive hematopoietic progenitors originate from yolk sac-derived HPP-CFC during late gastrulation.


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The protective antigen (PA) component of anthrax toxin mediates entry of the toxin's lethal factor (LF) and edema factor into the cytosolic compartment of mammalian cells. The amino-terminal domain of LF (LFn; 255 amino acids) binds LF to PA, and when fused to heterologous proteins, the LFn domain delivers such proteins to the cytoplasm in the presence of PA. In the current study, we fused a 9-amino acid cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitope (LLO91-99) from an intracellular pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes, to LFn and measured the ability of the resulting LFn-LLO91-99 fusion protein to stimulate a CTL response against the epitope in BALB/c mice. As little as 300 fmol of fusion could stimulate a response. The stimulation was PA-dependent and occurred with the peptide fused to either the amino terminus or the carboxyl terminus of LFn. Upon challenge with L. monocytogenes, mice previously injected with LFn-LLO91-99 and PA showed a reduction of colony-forming units in spleen and liver, relative to nonimmunized control mice. These results indicate that anthrax toxin may be useful as a CTL-peptide delivery system for research and medical applications.


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We have generated a human 293-derived retroviral packaging cell line (293GPG) capable of producing high titers of recombinant Moloney murine leukemia virus particles that have incorporated the vesicular stomatitis virus G (VSV-G) protein. To achieve expression of the retroviral gag-pol polyprotein, the precise coding sequences for gag-pol were introduced into a vector which utilizes totally nonretroviral signals for gene expression. Because constitutive expression of the VSV-G protein is toxic in 293 cells, we used the tetR/VP 16 transactivator and teto minimal promoter system for inducible, tetracycline-regulatable expression of VSV-G. After stable transfection of the 293GPG packaging cell line with the MFG.SnlsLacZ retroviral vector construct, it was possible to readily isolate stable virus-producing cell lines with titers approaching 10(7) colony-forming units/ml. Transient transfection of 293GPG cells using a modified version of MFG.SnlsLacZ, in which the cytomegalovirus IE promoter was used to drive transcription of the proviral genome, led to titers of approximately 10(6) colony-forming units/ml. The retroviral/VSV-G pseudotypes generated using 293GPG cells were significantly more resistant to human complement than commonly used amphotropic vectors and could be highly concentrated (> 1000-fold). This new packaging cell line may prove to be particularly useful for assessing the potential use of retroviral vectors for direct in vivo gene transfer. The design of the cell line also provides at least theoretical advantages over existing cell lines with regard to the possible release of replication-competent virus.


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Based on transplantation studies with bone marrow cultured under various conditions, a role of interleukin 11 (IL-11) in the self-renewal and/or the differentiation commitment of hematopoietic stem cells has been indicated. To better evaluate the in vivo effects of IL-11 on stem/progenitor cell biology, lethally irradiated mice were serially transplanted with bone marrow cells transduced with a defective retrovirus, termed MSCV-mIL-11, carrying the murine IL-11 (mIL-11) cDNA and the bacterial neomycin phosphotransferase (neo) gene. High serum levels (i.e., > 1 ng/ml) of mIL-11 in all (20/20) primary and 86% (12/14) of secondary long-term reconstituted mice, as well as 86% (12/14) of tertiary recipients examined at 6 weeks posttransplant, demonstrated persistence of vector expression subsequent to transduction of bone marrow precursors functionally definable as totipotent hematopoietic stem cells. In agreement with results obtained with human IL-11 in other myeloablation models, ectopic mIL-11 expression accelerated recovery of platelets, neutrophils, and, to some extent, total leukocytes while preferentially increasing peripheral platelet counts in fully reconstituted mice. When analyzed 5 months posttransplant, tertiary MSCV-mIL-11 recipients had a significantly greater percentage of G418-resistant colony-forming cells in their bone marrow compared with control MSCV animals. Collectively, these data show that persistent stimulation of platelet production by IL-11 is not detrimental to stem cell repopulating ability; rather, they suggest that IL-11 expression in vivo may have resulted in enhanced maintenance of the most primitive hematopoietic stem cell compartment. The prolonged expression achieved by the MSCV retroviral vector, despite the presence of a selectable marker, contrasts with the frequent transcriptional extinction observed with other retroviral vectors carrying two genes. These findings have potentially important implications for clinical bone marrow transplantation and gene therapy of the hematopoietic system.


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The Tsc2 gene, which is mutationally inactivated in the germ line of some families with tuberous sclerosis, encodes a large, membrane-associated GTPase activating protein (GAP) designated tuberin. Studies of the Eker rat model of hereditary cancer strongly support the role of Tsc2 as a tumor suppressor gene. In this study, the biological activity of tuberin was assessed by expressing the wild-type Tsc2 gene in tumor cell lines lacking functional tuberin and also in rat fibroblasts with normal levels of endogenous tuberin. The colony forming efficiency of Eker rat-derived renal carcinoma cells was significantly reduced following reintroduction of wild-type Tsc2. Tumor cells expressing the transfected Tsc2 gene became more anchorage-dependent and lost their ability to form tumors in severe combined immunodeficient mice. At the cellular level, restoration of tuberin expression caused morphological changes characterized by enlargement of the cells and increased contact inhibition. As with the full-length Tsc2 gene, a clone encoding only the C terminus of tuberin (amino acids 1049-1809, including the GAP domain) was capable of reducing both colony formation and in vivo tumorigenicity when transfected into the Eker rat tumor cells. In normal Rat1 fibroblasts, conditional overexpression of tuberin also suppressed colony formation and cell growth in vitro. These results provide direct experimental evidence for the tumor suppressor function of Tsc2 and suggest that the tuberin C terminus plays an important role in this activity.


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The transcription factors c-myb and GATA-2 are both required for blood cell development in vivo and in vitro. However, very little is known on their mechanism(s) of action and whether they impact on complementary or overlapping pathways of hematopoietic proliferation and differentiation. We report here that embryonic stem (ES) cells transfected with c-myb or GATA-2 cDNAs, individually or in combination, underwent hematopoietic commitment and differentiation in the absence of added hematopoietic growth factors but that stimulation with c-kit and flt-3 ligands enhanced colony formation only in the c-myb transfectants. This enhancement correlated with c-kit and flt-3 surface receptor up-regulation in c-myb-(but not GATA-2-) transfected ES cells. Transfection of ES cells with either a c-myb or a GATA-2 antisense construct abrogated erythromyeloid colony-forming ability in methyl cellulose; however, introduction of a full-length GATA-2 or c-myb cDNA, respectively, rescued the hematopoiesis-deficient phenotype, although only c-myb-rescued ES cells expressed c-kit and flt-3 surface receptors and formed increased numbers of hematopoietic colonies upon stimulation with the cognate ligands. These results are in agreement with previous studies indicating a fundamental role of c-myb and GATA-2 in hematopoiesis. Of greater importance, our studies suggest that GATA-2 and c-myb exert their roles in hematopoietic gene regulation through distinct mechanisms of action in nonoverlapping pathways.


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Because of their known myelopoietic activities, both interleukin (IL)-3 and IL-1 are often used in combination with other cytokines for in vitro (ex vivo) expansion of stem cells. We have investigated the effects of IL-3 and IL-1 on in vitro expansion of murine hematopoietic stem cells with long-term engraftment capabilities, using a highly purified progenitor population. Lineage-negative, Ly-6A/E+, c-kit+ bone marrow cells from male mice were cultured in suspension in the presence of stem cell factor, IL-6, IL-11, and erythropoietin with or without IL-3 or IL-1. Kinetic studies revealed an exponential increase in total nucleated cells and about 10-fold enhancement of nucleated cells by IL-3 during the initial 10 days. Addition of IL-3 hastened the development but significantly suppressed the peak production of colony-forming cells. Addition of IL-1 also significantly suppressed the numbers of colony-forming cells. The reconstituting ability of the cultured cells was tested by transplanting the expanded male cells into lethally irradiated female mice. The cells expanded from enriched cells in the absence of IL-3 and IL-1 revealed engraftment at 2, 4, 5, and 6 months, whereas addition of IL-3 or IL-1 to the cultures significantly reduced the reconstituting ability. The results suggest that these cytokines may have a modulatory role on the self-renewal of stem cells and further indicate that the use of IL-3 and IL-1 for in vitro expansion of human stem cells needs to be cautiously evaluated.


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A pantropic pseudotyped retroviral vector containing the envelope protein of vesicular stomatitis virus was used as a gene transfer vector in the dwarf surfclam, Mulinia lateralis. These pantropic retroviral vectors have an extremely broad host cell range and can infect many nonmammalian species. Newly fertilized dwarf surfclam eggs were electroporated at 700 V in the presence of 1 x 10(4) colony-forming units of pantropic pseudotyped retroviral particles. Infection was well tolerated and did not affect the survival rate of the embryos. Gametes collected from P1 presumptive transgenic animals were analyzed for the presence of provirus by PCR, and in different experiments 13-33% of the gamete pools were positive for the transgene. Dot blot hybridization of DNA samples from the F1 offspring of two different crosses between infected P1 and wild-type individuals revealed that 28% and 31% of F1 offspring were transgenic, respectively. Southern blot analysis of DNA isolated from PCR-positive F1 animals confirmed integration of a single copy of the provirus into the host genome. Thus, the germ lines of these two P1 transgenic animals were mosaic for the transgene. Expression of beta-galactosidase encoded by the provirus was detected in transgenic but not control surfclam embryos. Pantropic pseudotyped retroviral vectors provide a useful method for the stable introduction of foreign genetic information into surfclams and may facilitate the introduction of desirable genetic traits into commercially important shellfish and crustaceans.


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A major goal of experimental and clinical hematology is the identification of mechanisms and conditions that support the expansion of transplantable hematopoietic stem cells. In normal marrow, such cells appear to be identical to (or represent a subset of) a population referred to as long-term-culture-initiating cells (LTC-ICs) so-named because of their ability to produce colony-forming cell (CFC) progeny for > or = 5 weeks when cocultured with stromal fibroblasts. Some expansion of LTC-ICs in vitro has recently been described, but identification of the factors required and whether LTC-IC self-renewal divisions are involved have remained unresolved issues. To address these issues, we examined the maintenance and/or generation of LTC-ICs from single CD34+ CD38- cells cultured for variable periods under different culture conditions. Analysis of the progeny obtained from cultures containing a feeder layer of murine fibroblasts engineered to produce steel factor, interleukin (IL)-3, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor showed that approximately 20% of the input LTC-ICs (representing approximately 2% of the original CD34+ CD38- cells) executed self-renewal divisions within a 6-week period. Incubation of the same CD34+ CD38- starting populations as single cells in a defined (serum free) liquid medium supplemented with Flt-3 ligand, steel factor, IL-3, IL-6, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, and nerve growth factor resulted in the proliferation of initial cells to produce clones of from 4 to 1000 cells within 10 days, approximately 40% of which included > or = 1 LTC-IC. In contrast, in similar cultures containing methylcellulose, input LTC-ICs appeared to persist but not divide. Overall the LTC-IC expansion in the liquid cultures was 30-fold in the first 10 days and 50-fold by the end of another 1-3 weeks. Documentation of human LTC-IC self-renewal in vitro and identification of defined conditions that permit their extensive and rapid amplification should facilitate analysis of the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes and their exploitation for a variety of therapeutic applications.


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Clinical evidence of hematopoietic restoration with placental/umbilical cord blood (PCB) grafts indicates that PCB can be a useful source of hematopoietic stem cells for routine bone marrow reconstitution. In the unrelated setting, human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-matched donors must be obtained for candidate patients and, hence, large panels of frozen HLA-typed PCB units must be established. The large volume of unprocessed units, consisting mostly of red blood cells, plasma, and cryopreservation medium, poses a serious difficulty in this effort because storage space in liquid nitrogen is limited and costly. We report here that almost all the hematopoietic colony-forming cells present in PCB units can be recovered in a uniform volume of 20 ml by using rouleaux formation induced by hydroxyethyl starch and centrifugation to reduce the bulk of erythrocytes and plasma and, thus, concentrate leukocytes. This method multiples the number of units that can be stored in the same freezer space as much as 10-fold depending on the format of the storage system. We have also investigated the proportion of functional stem/progenitor cells initially present that are actually available to the recipient when thawed cryopreserved PCB units are infused. Progenitor cell viability is measurably decreased when thawed cells, still suspended in hypertonic cryopreservative solutions, are rapidly mixed with large volumes of isotonic solutions or plasma. The osmotic damage inflicted by the severe solute concentration gradient, however, can be averted by a simple 2-fold dilution after thawing, providing almost total recovery of viable hematopoietic progenitor cells.


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Sandpits used by children are frequently visited by wild life which constitutes a source of fungal pathogens and allergenic fungi. This study aimed to take an unannounced snapshot of the urban levels of fungal contaminants in sands, using for this purpose two public recreational parks, three elementary schools and two kindergartens. All samples were from Lisbon and neighboring municipalities and were tested for fungi of clinical interest. Potentially pathogenic fungi were isolated from all samples besides one. Fusarium dimerum (32.4%) was found to be the dominant species in one park and Chrysonilia spp. in the other (46.6%). Fourteen different species and genera were detected and no dermatophytes were found. Of a total of 14 species and genera, the fungi most isolated from the samples of the elementary schools were Penicillium spp. (74%), Cladophialophora spp. (38%) and Cladosporium spp. (90%). Five dominant species and genera were isolated from the kindergartens. Penicillium spp. was the only genus isolated in one, though with remarkably high counts (32500 colony forming units per gram). In the other kindergarten Penicillium spp. were also the most abundant species, occupying 69% of all the fungi found. All of the samples exceeded the Maximum Recommended Value (MRV) for beach sand defined by Brandão et al. 2011, which are currently the only quantitative guidelines available for the same matrix. The fungi found confirm the potential risk of exposure of children to keratinophilic fungi and demonstrates that regular cleaning or replacing of sand needs to be implemented in order to minimize contamination.


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BACKGROUND The intervertebral disc (IVD) has limited self-healing potential and disc repair strategies require an appropriate cell source such as progenitor cells that could regenerate the damaged cells and tissues. The objective of this study was to identify nucleus pulposus-derived progenitor cells (NPPC) and examine their potential in regenerative medicine in vitro. METHODS Nucleus pulposus cells (NPC) were obtained from 1-year-old bovine coccygeal discs by enzymatic digestion and were sorted for the angiopoietin-1 receptor Tie2. The obtained Tie2- and Tie2+ fractions of cells were differentiated into osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic lineages in vitro. Colony-forming units were prepared from both cell populations and the colonies formed were analyzed and quantified after 8 days of culture. In order to improve the preservation of the Tie2+ phenotype of NPPC in monolayer cultures, we tested a selection of growth factors known to have stimulating effects, cocultured NPPC with IVD tissue, and exposed them to hypoxic conditions (2 % O2). RESULTS After 3 weeks of differentiation culture, only the NPC that were positive for Tie2 were able to differentiate into osteocytes, adipocytes, and chondrocytes as characterized by calcium deposition (p < 0.0001), fat droplet formation (p < 0.0001), and glycosaminoglycan content (p = 0.0095 vs. Tie2- NPC), respectively. Sorted Tie2- and Tie2+ subpopulations of cells both formed colonies; however, the colonies formed from Tie2+ cells were spheroid in shape, whereas those from Tie2- cells were spread and fibroblastic. In addition, Tie2+ cells formed more colonies in 3D culture (p = 0.011) than Tie2- cells. During expansion, a fast decline in the fraction of Tie2+ cells was observed (p < 0.0001), which was partially reversed by low oxygen concentration (p = 0.0068) and supplementation of the culture with fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS Our results showed that the bovine nucleus pulposus contains NPPC that are Tie2+. These cells fulfilled formally progenitor criteria that were maintained in subsequent monolayer culture for up to 7 days by addition of FGF2 or hypoxic conditions. We propose that the nucleus pulposus represents a niche of precursor cells for regeneration of the IVD.


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The efficacy of a new skin disinfectant, 2% (w/v) chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) in 70% (v/v) isopropyl alcohol (IPA) (ChloraPrep®), was compared with five commonly used skin disinfectants against Staphylococcus epidermidis RP62A in the presence or absence of protein, utilizing quantitative time-kill suspension and carrier tests. All six disinfectants [70% (v/v) IPA, 0.5% (w/v) aqueous CHG, 2% (w/v) aqueous CHG, 0.5% (w/v) CHG in 70% (v/v) IPA and 10% (w/v) aqueous povidone iodine (PI)] achieved a log10 reduction factor of 5, in colony-forming units/mL, in a suspension test (exposure time 30 s) in the presence and absence of 10% human serum. Subsequent challenges of S. epidermidis RP62A in a biofilm (with and without human serum) demonstrated reduced bactericidal activity. Overall, the most effective skin disinfectants tested against S. epidermidis RP62A were 2% (w/v) CHG in 70% IPA and 10% (w/v) PI. These results suggest that enhanced skin antisepsis may be achieved with 2% (w/v) CHG in 70% (v/v) IPA compared with the three commonly used CHG preparations [0.5% (w/v) aqueous CHG, 2% (w/v) aqueous CHG and 0.5% (w/v) CHG in 70% (v/v) IPA]. © 2005 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purine and pyrimidine triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs), as potential antibacterial agents, were designed to bind by Hoogsteen and reverse Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds in a sequence specific manner in the major groove of genomic DNA at specific polypurine sites within the gyrA gene of E. coli and S. pneumoniae. Sequences were prepared by automated synthesis, with purification and characterisation determined by high performance liquid chromatograpy, capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Triplex stability was assessed using melting curves where the binding of the third strand to the duplex target, was assessed over a temperature range of 0-80°C, and at pH 6.4 and 7.2. The most successful of the unmodified TFOs (6) showed a Tm value of 26 °C at both pH values with binding via reverse Hoogsteen bonds. Binding to genomic DNA was also demonstrated by spectrofluorimetry, using fluorescein-labelled TFOs, from which dissociation constants were determined. Modifications in the form of 5mC, 5' acridine attachment, phosphorothioation, 2'-0-methylation and phosphoramidation, were made in order to. increase Tm values. Phosphoramidate modification was the most with increased Tm values of 42°C. However, the final purity of these sequences was poor due to their difficult syntheses. FACS (fluorescent activated cell sorting) analysis was used to determine the potential uptake of a fluorescently labelled analogue of 6 via passive, coJd shock mediated, and anionic liposome aided, uptake. This was established at 20°C and 37°C. At both temperatures anionic lipid-mediated uptake produced unrivalled fluorescence, equivalent to 20 and 43% at 20 and 37°C respectively. Antibacterial activity of each oligonucleotide was assessed by viable count anaJysis relying on passive uptake, cold shocking techniques, chlorpromazine-mediated uptake, and, cationic and anionic lipid-aided uptake. All oligonucleotides were assessed for their ability to enhance uptake, which is a major barrier to the effectiveness of these agents. Compound 6 under cold shocking conditions produced the greatest consistent decline in colony forming units per ml. Results for this compound were sometimes variable indicating inconsistent uptake by this particular assay method.