628 resultados para CATFISH SILURIFORMES


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Esse estudo avaliou aspectos quantitativos qualitativos do desembarque pesqueiro no reservatório hipertrófico de Barra Bonita. Os dados foram coletados mensalmente (julho/2004-junho/2006) em três localidades e informações sobre captura, esforço de pesca e técnicas de pesca foram registrados de 745 desembarques, totalizando 86.691,9 kg de pescado capturados. As espécies mais capturadas foram as exóticas tilápias, especialmente a tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus L.), que representaram 82,5% da biomassa total. A produtividade pesqueira do reservatório foi de 11,1 kg/ha-1/dia-1 com uma Captura Por Unidade de Esforço de 62,4 kg/pescador-1/dia-1 . Cinco técnicas de pesca foram identificadas: tarrafas, rede de espera, rede de arrasto, pesca da batida e pesca da batida + rede de espera. Análise de DCA relacionou as estratégias ativas com a captura de tilápia, as estratégias passivas com a captura de Pimelodus maculatus (Lacepède) e Triporthues angulatus (Spix & Agassiz) e a estratégia mista com a captura de tilápia, cascudos e Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes). Os resultados da ANCOVA foram significativos para todas as variáveis analisadas (época, local de pesca e técnicas de pesca). Os resultados mostram uma substituição da pesca da corvina, Plagioscion squamossisimus (Heckel) na década de 1990, pela tilápia-do-nilo. A substituição pode ter sido provocada pelo aumento da eutrofização do reservatório, aliado à mudança das estratégias de pesca. A pesca no reservatório de Barra Bonita seguiu padrões de outros reservatórios eutrofizados brasileiros, com a pesca sustentada pela exótica tilápia-do-nilo.


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A vitamina C é essencial para dietas de peixe porque muitas espécies não conseguem sintetizá-la. Esta vitamina é necessária par a formação de cartilagem e matriz óssea. Além disso, age como antioxidante e melhora as resposta do sistema imunológico. O presente trabalho investigou os efeitos da suplementação de vitamina C em dietas para alevinos de pintado (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans) pela incidência de deformidades na estrutura óssea e cartilaginosa. O ascorbil polifosfato (AP) foi utilizado como fonte de vitamina C em dietas para alevinos de pintado durante o período de três meses. Seis dietas foram formuladas: uma dieta controle (0 mg de vitamina C / kg) e cinco dietas 500, 1.000, 1.500, 2.000 e 2.500 mg de AP / kg. Os peixes alimentados sem suplementação de vitamina C apresentaram deformidades óssea na cabeça e mandíbula e fragilidade de nadadeiras. Assim, a dieta de 500 mg de AP/kg foi suficiente para prevenir a ocorrência de deformidades, e a ausência desta vitamina prejudica o desenvolvimento ósseo de juvenis de pintados.


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Este artigo traz os primeiros resultados sobre a resposta ao estresse em jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) expostos a diferentes cores de luz. O jundiá é uma espécie para produção no sul da América do Sul - sendo assim apta a cultivo em qualquer região de clima temperado e subtropical. Com o objetivo de desenvolver um manejo de luz para o jundiá durante sua manutenção em tanques internos e de entender a relação entre as cores de luz e o bem-estar da espécie, alevinos foram exposto por 10 dias à luz branca, azul e verde. No 10° dia de exposição às diferentes cores de luz, um estressor agudo foi imposto. Uma hora após a aplicação do estressor, os peixes foram amostrados e a resposta ao estresse medida por meio da determinação da concentração sérica de cortisol. Nossos resultados mostraram que a luz verde parece ser a pior alternativa para iluminar instalações internas ou de transporte de jundiás. Os resultados também sugerem que a cor da luz afeta a resposta ao estresse dos jundiás, conhecimento que pode ser útil no manejo da espécie.


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Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar o efeito da contaminação da água por cádmio sobre a taxa de fertilização dos ovócitos e de eclosão dos ovos e a duração da motilidade espermática em jundiá (Rhamdia quelen). Foram realizados dois ensaios: no ensaio 1, foi avaliado o efeito do cádmio sobre a fertilização artificial dos ovócitos e a eclosão dos ovos e, no ensaio 2, o efeito do cádmio sobre a duração da motilidade espermática. em ambos os ensaios, adotou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com cinco níveis de cádmio na água (0; 20; 50; 80 e 110 mg L-1), avaliados com quatro (ensaio 1) ou três repetições (ensaio 2). As taxas de fertilização e eclosão tiveram resposta linear, mantendo-se constantes até os níveis de 28,6 e 40,4 mg L-1, respectivamente. A partir desses níveis, ocorreu um efeito linear inversamente proporcional entre as taxas de fertilização e eclosão e o aumento dos níveis de cádmio. O aumento do nível de cádmio na água teve efeito linear inverso na duração da motilidade espermática, proporcionando redução de 21,8s em água limpa para 10,6s em água contaminada contendo 110 mg-1. Níveis a partir de 20,0 e 28,6 mg L-1 influenciam espermatozoides e ovócitos de jundiá, respectivamente.


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Considerable interest is currently focused on fish haemoglobins in order to identify the structural basis for their diversity of functional behavior. Hoplosternum littorale is a catfish that presents bimodal gill (water)/gut (air) -breathing, which allows this species to survive in waters with low oxygen content. The hemolysate of this fish showed the presence of two main haemoglobins, cathodic and anodic. This work describes structural features analyzed here by integration of molecular modeling with small angle X-ray scattering. Here is described a molecular model for the cathodic haemoglobin in the unliganded and liganded states. The models were determined by molecular modeling based on the high-resolution crystal structure of fish haemoglobins. The structural models for both forms of H. littorale haemoglobin were compared to human haemoglobin. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fruit-eating by fishes represents an ancient (perhaps Paleozoic) interaction increasingly regarded as important for seed dispersal (ichthyochory) in tropical and temperate ecosystems. Most of the more than 275 known frugivorous species belong to the mainly Neotropical Characiformes (pacus, piranhas) and Siluriformes (catfishes), but cypriniforms (carps, minnows) are more important in the Holarctic and Indomalayan regions. Frugivores are among the most abundant fishes in Neotropical floodplains where they eat the fruits of a wide variety of trees and shrubs. By consuming fruits, fishes gain access to rich sources of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and act as either seed predators or seed dispersers. With their often high mobility, large size, and great longevity, fruit-eating fishes can play important roles as seed dispersers and exert strong influences on local plant-recruitment dynamics and regional biodiversity. Recent feeding experiments focused on seed traits after gut passage support the idea that fishes are major seed dispersers in floodplain and riparian forests. Overfishing, damming, deforestation and logging potentially diminish ichthyochory and require immediate attention to ameliorate their effects. Much exciting work remains in terms of fish and plant adaptations to ichthyochory, dispersal regimes involving fishes in different ecosystems, and increased use of nondestructive methods such as stomach lavage, stable isotopes, genetic analyses and radio transmitters to determine fish diets and movements. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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The Tatui river hydrographic basin locates in low Sorocaba river basin in São Paulo state, Brazil. A relatively high diversity of fish species was noticed at that place, whose habitats are also presumed to be diversified. The Tatui river is an important tributary of Sorocaba river, with great number of smaller streams and marginal lagoons. Fishes were collected using gill-nets, purse seines, sieves and traps, line and hook, every month during one year (from May 2009 to April 2010). Fish species were 51, including seven orders and 18 families. Characiformes and Siluriformes were the most represented with respectively 26 and 14 species.


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The stomach contents of 24 species of fish and unidentified species from four genera in a floodplain lake of the Pantanal were studied. Fish were collected during the dry season when the lake was isolated from the main river. A community food ingestion index (feeding index weighted by consumer biomass, FIWCB, where 0 < FIWCB < 1) was calculated to quantify feeding patterns. Detritus and algae ingested by Curimatidae were responsible for 46.5% of the FIWCB, while that for algae ingested by Loricariidae (armoured catfish) accounted for 13.2%. The importance of detritus in fish diets is discussed as a strategy for shortening food chains, thereby increasing community efficiency, and as a consequence, fish biomass. It was learnt that the main route of energy flow in this perennial lake was through the detritus chain. The floodplain lakes function as a dry season feeding ground for small-sized species of fish, which are potential prey for the more highly valued larger species of fish.


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The diet of detritivorous fish was analysed at four distinct habitats in a tropical river during the wet and dry seasons. Two methodologies were used to determine the diet of the fish: (1) the direct analysis of the stomach contents; and (2) the use of stable carbon isotopes. Both methods indicated food partitioning among the fish. The stomach contents showed what the fish had ingested when captured and the 13C isotope indicated what it had assimilated over a long period of time. The 13C isotope suggested the existence of sectional differences in the feeding of the detritivorous fish along the river. Plants employing the C4 photosynthesis pathways seem to have little influence on the diet of these fish. This method proved to be more appropriate for the detection of the main food sources of the captured fish.


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The injuries caused by venomous and poisonous aquatic animals may provoke important morbidity in the victim. The cnidarians (jellyfishes, especially cubomedusas and Portuguese-Man-of-War) caused nearly 25% of 236 accidents by marine animals, while sea urchins were responsible for about 50% and catfish, stingrays and scorpionfish nearly 25%). In freshwater, stingrays and catfish cause injuries with a very similar mechanism to the poisoning and the effects of the toxins of marine species. In a series of about 200 injuries observed among freshwater fishermen, nearly 40% were caused by freshwater catfish, 5% freshwater stingrays and 55% by traumatogenic fish, such as piranhas and trairas. The author presents the aquatic animals that cause injuries to humans in Brazil, the clinical aspects of the envenoming and the first measures for the control of the severe pain observed mainly in the accidents caused by cnidarians and venomous fishes.


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A survey was carried out on the fish species in the Sorocaba River basin, the main tributary of the left margin of the Tietê River, located in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The species were collected with gill nets. After identification of the specimens, their relative abundance, weight and standard length were determined. Up to the present moment there are not any studies that focus this subject in this hydrographic basin. Fifty-three species, distributed in eighteen families and six orders were collected. Characiformes were represented by twenty-eight species, Siluriformes by seventeen species, the Gymnotiformes by three species, Perciformes and Cyprinodontiformes by two species, and the Synbranchiformes by one species. Among the collected species there were two exotic. The most abundant species were Astyanax fasciatus and Hypostomus ancistroides. In relation to total weight the most representative species were Hoplias malabaricus and Hypostomus ancistroides. Cyprinus carpio, Prochilodus lineatus, Schizodon nasutus and Hoplias malabaricus were the most representative species in relation to average weight. Largest standard length were recorded for Sternopygus macrurus, Steindachnerina insculpta, Eigenmannia off. virescens and Cyprinus carpio.


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The aim of this work was to assess and compare the diversity of the ichthyofauna in three headwater rivers of Paraíba-do-Sul basin in the Serra do Mar State Park, Núcleo Santa Virgínia. A total of 1,774 specimens of 16 species of fishes belonging to 6 families were caught. Characiforms were the most abundant fish at all three sites, followed by Cyprinodontiformes, Siluriformes, and Perciformes. The Shannon index (H′), evenness (E), and the Jaccard and Morisita-Horn similarity indexes were low, indicating both low diversity and low similarity of species among the three streams. The values of these indexes should be evaluated according to the biotic and abiotic conditions in each environment. It is clear that in mountain streams of the Atlantic Forest, these low values occur because of the presence of a few abundant and many rare species.


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This work aimed to study the bacterial contamination of the catfishes stings Genidens genidens (Valenciennes, 1839); and Cathorops agassizii (Agassiz, 1829) found in the estuary-bay complex of Santos and São Vicente (São Paulo State). Fish samples for bacteriological analyses were obtained and constituted of a group of 50 specimens, being 25 of Cathorops agassizii and 25 of Genidens genidens,. The bacteriological analyses showed that there was contamination of the stings by 13 different strains of Enterobacteriaceae with Klebsiella pneumoniae (26,80%) as the most frequent bacteria and lower percentual frequencies for Enterobacter sp and Escherichia coli (16,27%) and Serratia marcescens, Serratia sp. and Proteus mirabilis (1,16%). Gram positive bacteria, as well fungi species were not detected in the samples. In basis of the Gram negative species characterized, is possible to consider the bacterial strains are representative of the environmental public health conditions, as well as, accidents with these fish stings are able to develop significative acute secondary infections in humans.


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In this work are presented data for mean abundance, prevalence and mean intensity of infection in 34 specimens of Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, commonly called cacharas. Fish were captured using nets in the Aquidauana river during March, September and November 2003, October 2004 and October 2005. All analyzed fish were infected. Nineteen species of parasites were collected - seven of them were proteocephalid cestodes, three monogeneans, one species of digeneans, three nematodes, one acanthocephalan, one crustacean, one pentastomid and two species of myxosporeans. The first records of Harriscolex kaparari and Megathylacus travassosi in P. fasciatum in the Aquidauana river were observed. Monogeneans featured the highest prevalence (100%), followed by cestodes (91.18%) and nematodes (58.82%).


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Exposure to agrichemicals can have deleterious effects on fish, such as disruption of the hypothalamus-pituitary-inter-renal axis (HPI) that could impair the ability of fish to respond to stressors. In this study, fingerlings of the teleost jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) were used to investigate the effects of the commonly used agrichemicals on the fish response to stress. Five common agrichemicals were tested: the fungicide - tebuconazole, the insecticide - methyl-parathion, and the herbicides - atrazine, atrazine + simazine, and glyphosate. Control fishes were not exposed to agrichemicals and standard stressors. In treatments 2-4, the fishes were exposed to sub-lethal concentrations (16.6%, 33.3%, and 50% of the LC50) of each agrichemical for 96 h, and at the end of this period, were subjected to an acute stress-handling stimulus by chasing them with a pen net. In treatments 5-7 (16.6%, 33.3%, and 50% of the LC50), the fishes were exposed to the same concentrations of the agrichemicals without stress stimulus. Treatment 8 consisted of jundiás not exposed to agrichemicals, but was subjected to an acute stress-handling stimulus. Jundiás exposed to methyl-parathion, atrazine + simazine, and glyphosate presented a decreased capacity in exhibiting an adequate response to cope with stress and in maintaining the homeostasis, with cortisol level lower than that in the control fish (P < 0.01). In conclusion, the results of this study clearly demonstrate that the acute exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of methyl-parathion, atrazine + simazine, and glyphosate exert a deleterious effect on the cortisol response to an additional acute stressor in the jundiá fingerlings. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.