927 resultados para Bone loss
Recent studies in animals have shown pronounced resorption of the buccal bone plate after immediate implantation. The use of flapless surgical procedures prior to the installation of immediate implants, as well as the use of synthetic bone graft in the gaps represent viable alternatives to minimize buccal bone resorption and to favor osseointegration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the healing of the buccal bone plate following immediate implantation using the flapless approach, and to compare this process with sites in which a synthetic bone graft was or was not inserted into the gap between the implant and the buccal bone plate. Lower bicuspids from 8 dogs were bilaterally extracted without the use of flaps, and 4 implants were installed in the alveoli in each side of the mandible and were positioned 2.0 mm from the buccal bone plate (gap). Four groups were devised: 2.0-mm subcrestal implants (3.3 x 8 mm) using bone grafts (SCTG), 2.0-mm subcrestal implants without bone grafts (SCCG), equicrestal implants (3.3 x 10 mm) with bone grafts (EGG), and equicrestal implants without bone grafts (ECCG). One week following the surgical procedures, metallic prostheses were installed, and within 12 weeks the dogs were sacrificed. The blocks containing the individual implants were turned sideways, and radiographic imaging was obtained to analyze the remodeling of the buccal bone plate. In the analysis of the resulting distance between the implant shoulder and the bone crest, statistically significant differences were found in the SCTG when compared to the ECTG (P = .02) and ECCG (P = .03). For mean value comparison of the resulting linear distance between the implant surface and the buccal plate, no statistically significant difference was found among all groups (P > .05). The same result was observed in the parameter for presence or absence of tissue formation between the implant surface and buccal plate. Equicrestally placed implants, in this methodology, presented little or no loss of the buccal bone. The subcrestally positioned implants presented loss of buccal bone, even though synthetic bone graft was used. The buccal bone, however, was always coronal to the implant shoulder.
Purpose: To evaluate the influence of sex, implant characteristics, and bone grafting on the survival rate of dual acid-etched (DAE) implants. Materials and Methods: Patients treated with internal-hex DAE implants for single-tooth replacement in a military dental clinic between January 2005 and December 2010 were included in this study. Clinical data related to implant characteristics, implant location, presence of grafted bone, and implant failures were collected. The primary outcome was implant loss. The survival rate was analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method. Cox regression modeling was used to determine which factors would predict implant failure. Results: DAE implants were evaluated in a total of 988 patients (80.3% men). Twenty-four (2.4%) implants failed, most were cylindric (54.2%) with regular platforms (70.8%) and were 10 mm long (58.3%). The failure rate was 2.4% for the anterior maxilla, 3.3% for the posterior maxilla, 1.6% for the anterior mandible, and 2.0% for posterior mandible. The cumulative survival rate was 97.6%. The failure rate was 8.8% in implants placed after sinus augmentation, 7.3% in bone block-grafted areas, and 1.6% in native bone. Based on multivariable analysis (Cox regression), sinus augmentation and bone block grafting had a statistically significant effect on implant failure; the hazard ratios were 5.5 and 4.6, respectively. Conclusion: The results revealed that DAE implants had high survival rates, and no influence of sex, location, shape, diameter, or length on failure rates could be observed. However, a significant association was observed between failure and presence of bone graft in the implant area. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012;27:1243-1248
Many techniques have been proposed for root coverage. However, none of them presents predictable results in deep and wide recessions. Objective: The aim of this case series report is to describe an alternative technique for root coverage at sites showing deep recessions and attachment loss >4 mm at buccal sites. Material and Methods: Four patients presenting deep recession defects at buccal sites (>= 4 mm) were treated by the newly forming bone graft technique, which consists in the creation of an alveolar socket at edentulous ridge and transferring of granulation tissue present in this socket to the recession defect after 21 days. Clinical periodontal parameters, including recession depth (RD), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), bleeding on probing (BOP), plaque index (PI) and keratinized gingiva width (KGW) were evaluated by a single examiner immediately before surgery and at 1, 3, 6 and 9 months postoperatively. Results: All cases showed reduction in RD and PD, along with CAL gain, although no increase in KGW could be observed. These findings suggest that the technique could favor periodontal regeneration along with root coverage, especially in areas showing deep recessions and attachment loss.
INTRODUÇÃO: O BAHA (Bone Ancored Hearing Aid) é um dispositivo auditivo de condução óssea que propaga o som diretamente à orelha interna, utilizado principalmente em pacientes com perda auditiva condutiva associada a atresia aural, mas atualmente também em perdas mistas e neurossensoriais. OBJETIVO: Revisar as principais indicações do BAHA, analisar os resultados audiométricos e os benefícios proporcionados aos pacientes, e compará-los com outras modalidades de tratamento além de comparar os dados da literatura com nossa casuística de 13 pacientes. MÉTODO: A pesquisa foi realizada em bases de dados abrangendo trabalhos em inglês, espanhol e português, sem limites de intervalos de anos, comparando com os resultados dos nossos 13 pacientes submetidos a esse procedimento, no período de 2000 a 2009. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos trabalhos mostrou vantagens do BAHA em comparação à cirurgia reconstrutiva, tanto pelos resultados audiológicos quanto em relação a complicações e recidiva. Os resultados pós-operatórios nos 13 pacientes operados por nossa equipe foi satisfatório e compatível com os da literatura, com fechamento do gap aéreo-ósseo em 7 pacientes e gap aéreo-ósseo de até 10 dB em 6 pacientes. Não houve complicações pós-operatórias. CONCLUSÃO: O BAHA é uma ótima opção de tratamento para pacientes com surdez condutiva bilateral, fato demonstrado pelos bons resultados audiológicos e por se tratar de um procedimento cirúrgico relativamente simples e com baixa taxa de complicações. Os estudos mais recentes vêm abordando seu uso para surdez condutiva e neurossensorial unilateral.
Zahnverlust zu Lebzeiten („antemortem tooth loss“, AMTL) kann als Folge von Zahnerkrankungen, Traumata, Zahnextraktionen oder extremer kontinuierlicher Eruption sowie als Begleiterscheinung fortgeschrittener Stadien von Skorbut oder Lepra auftreten. Nach dem Zahnverlust setzt die Wundheilung als Sekundärheilung ein, während der sich die Alveole mit Blut füllt und sich ein Koagulum bildet. Anschließend erfolgt dessen Umwandlung in Knochengewebe und schließlich verstreicht die Alveole derart, dass sie makroskopisch nicht mehr erkannt werden kann. Der Zeitrahmen der knöchernen Konsolidierung des Kieferkammes ist im Detail wenig erforscht. Aufgrund des gehäuften Auftretens von AMTL in menschlichen Populationen, ist die Erarbeitung eines Zeitfensters, mit dessen Hilfe durch makroskopische Beobachtung des Knochens die Zeitspanne seit dem Zahnverlust („time since tooth loss“, TSL) ermittelt werden kann, insbesondere im archäologischen Kontext äußerst wertvoll. Solch ein Zeitschema mit Angaben über die Variabilität der zeitlichen Abläufe bei den Heilungsvorgängen kann nicht nur in der Osteologie, sondern auch in der Forensik, der allgemeinen Zahnheilkunde und der Implantologie nutzbringend angewandt werden. rnrnNach dem Verlust eines Zahnes wird das Zahnfach in der Regel durch ein Koagulum aufgefüllt. Das sich bildende Gewebe wird rasch in noch unreifen Knochen umgewandelt, welcher den Kieferknochen und auch die angrenzenden Zähne stabilisiert. Nach seiner Ausreifung passt sich das Gewebe schließlich dem umgebenden Knochen an. Das Erscheinungsbild des Zahnfaches während dieses Vorgangs durchläuft verschiedene Stadien, welche in der vorliegenden Studie anhand von klinischen Röntgenaufnahmen rezenter Patienten sowie durch Untersuchungen an archäologischen Skelettserien identifiziert wurden. Die Heilungsvorgänge im Zahnfach können in eine prä-ossale Phase (innerhalb einer Woche nach Zahnverlust), eine Verknöcherungsphase (etwa 14 Wochen nach Zahnverlust) und eine ossifizierte bzw. komplett verheilte Phase (mindestens 29 Wochen nach Zahnverlust) eingeteilt werden. Etliche Faktoren – wie etwa die Resorption des Interdentalseptums, der Zustand des Alveolarknochens oder das Individualgeschlecht – können den normalen Heilungsprozess signifikant beschleunigen oder hemmen und so Unterschiede von bis zu 19 Wochen verursachen. Weitere Variablen wirkten sich nicht signifikant auf den zeitlichen Rahmen des Heilungsprozesse aus. Relevante Abhängigkeiten zwischen verschiedenen Variabeln wurden ungeachtet der Alveolenauffüllung ebenfalls getestet. Gruppen von unabhängigen Variabeln wurden im Hinblick auf Auffüllungsgrad und TSL in multivariablen Modellen untersucht. Mit Hilfe dieser Ergebnisse ist eine grobe Einschätzung der Zeitspanne nach einem Zahnverlust in Wochen möglich, wobei die Einbeziehung weiterer Parameter eine höhere Präzision ermöglicht. rnrnObwohl verschiedene dentale Pathologien in dieser Studie berücksichtigt wurden, sollten zukünftige Untersuchungen genauer auf deren potenzielle Einflussnahme auf den alveolaren Heilungsprozess eingehen. Der kausale Zusammenhang einiger Variablen (wie z. B. Anwesenheit von Nachbarzähnen oder zahnmedizinische Behandlungen), welche die Geschwindigkeit der Heilungsrate beeinflussen, wäre von Bedeutung für zukünftige Untersuchungen des oralen Knochengewebes. Klinische Vergleichsstudien an forensischen Serien mit bekannter TSL oder an einer sich am Anfang des Heilungsprozesses befindlichen klinischen Serie könnten eine Bekräftigung dieser Ergebnisse liefern.
Although non-organic hearing losses are relatively rare, it is important to identify suspicious findings early to be able to administer specific tests, such as objective measurements and specific counseling. In this retrospective study, we searched for findings that were specific ti or typical for non-organic hearing losses. Patient records from a 6 year period (2003-2008) from the University ENT Department of Bern, Switzerland, were reviewed. In this period, 40 subjects were diagnosed with a non-organic hearing loss (22 children, ages 7-16, mean 10.6 years; 18 adults, ages 19-57, mean 39.7 years; 25 females and 15 males). Pure tone audiograms in children and adults showed predominantly sensorineural and frequency-independent hearing losses, mostly in the range of 40-60 dB. In all cases, objective measurements (otoacoustic emissions and/or auditory-evoked potentials) indicated normal or substantially better hearing thresholds than those found in pure tone audiometry. In nine subjects (22.5%; 2 children, 7 adults), hearing aids had been fitted before the first presentation at our center. Six children (27%) had a history of middle ear problems with a transient hearing loss and 11 (50%) knew a person with a hearing loss. Two new and hitherto unreported findings emerged from the analysis: it was observed that a small air-bone gap of 5-20 dB was typical for non-organic hearing losses and that speech audiometry might show considerably poorer results than expected from pure tone audiometry.
The level of improvement in the audiological results of Baha(®) users mainly depends on the patient's preoperative hearing thresholds and the type of Baha sound processor used. This investigation shows correlations between the preoperative hearing threshold and postoperative aided thresholds and audiological results in speech understanding in quiet of 84 Baha users with unilateral conductive hearing loss, bilateral conductive hearing loss and bilateral mixed hearing loss. Secondly, speech understanding in noise of 26 Baha users with different Baha sound processors (Compact, Divino, and BP100) is investigated. Linear regression between aided sound field thresholds and bone conduction (BC) thresholds of the better ear shows highest correlation coefficients and the steepest slope. Differences between better BC thresholds and aided sound field thresholds are smallest for mid-frequencies (1 and 2 kHz) and become larger at 0.5 and 4 kHz. For Baha users, the gain in speech recognition in quiet can be expected to lie in the order of magnitude of the gain in their hearing threshold. Compared to its predecessor sound processors Baha(®) Compact and Baha(®) Divino, Baha(®) BP100 improves speech understanding in noise significantly by +0.9 to +4.6 dB signal-to-noise ratio, depending on the setting and the use of directional microphone. For Baha users with unilateral and bilateral conductive hearing loss and bilateral mixed hearing loss, audiological results in aided sound field thresholds can be estimated with the better BC hearing threshold. The benefit in speech understanding in quiet can be expected to be similar to the gain in their sound field hearing threshold. The most recent technology of Baha sound processor improves speech understanding in noise by an order of magnitude that is well perceived by users and which can be very useful in everyday life.
To compare the patient benefit of the Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid (Baha) Divino and the Baha BP100 sound processors.
This review covers the surgery for the bone-anchored hearing aid (Baha(®)). PREOPERATIVE WORKUP: A review of the indications and preoperative diagnostics shows that best results are generally obtained in patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss rehabilitation when surgery is not applicable or has failed and in patients that suffer from single-sided deafness. An audiogram must confirm that the bone conduction hearing is within the inclusion criteria. A computed tomography scan is performed in cases of malformation to assure sufficient bone thickness at the site of screw implantation.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the pulp sensitivity and vitality of mandibular incisors and canines before and after bone harvesting in the symphysis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 20 patients requiring bone grafts from the symphysis, pulp sensitivity (carbon dioxide [CO2]) and pulpal blood flow (laser Doppler flowmetry [LDF]) of mandibular incisors and canines were evaluated preoperatively, postoperatively, and 6 months after surgery. Teeth were allocated to 1 of 3 groups according to their initial and final reaction to CO2 (group A = teeth with a positive reaction throughout the study, group B = teeth that exhibited a sensitivity change from positive to negative, and group C = teeth with a negative reaction throughout the study). RESULTS: Preoperative flux measurements (LDF) did not differ between groups A, B, and C. Teeth with sensitivity changes (group B) showed the greatest decrease (a statistically significant decrease) of pulpal blood flow over time, whereas teeth in groups A and C demonstrated an insignificant reduction of flux over time. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: LDF was purely used as an experimental tool in the present study. Pulpal blood flow measurements using LDF demonstrated a decrease of flux over time in anterior mandibular teeth following bone harvesting in the symphysis. A significant change of flux, however, was only observed for teeth that also demonstrated a loss of pulp sensitivity during the same study period. Loss of pulp sensitivity appeared to be correlated to a significant decrease of blood flow assessed by LDF.
This case report describes the diagnosis and treatment of a Ewing's sarcoma in the right maxillary sinus and alveolar bone of a 19-year-old female patient. The first clinical symptoms were a loss of sensitivity of the premolars and first molar in the right maxilla and acute pain located in the area of these teeth. Initially, the referring dentist had treated these findings as an acute apical periodontitis with root canal medication. Because swellings on the palatal and buccal aspects of the teeth occurred and could not be treated with incision and drainage, the dentist referred the patient. Cone-beam computed tomography revealed a proliferation of soft tissue in the right maxillary sinus, with a radiopaque material at the tip of the mesiobuccal root of the first molar and resorptive signs of the mesiobuccal and distobuccal roots of the first molar. The palatal cortical bone of the right alveolar process seemed to be intact. After explorative surgery with biopsies from the buccal, palatal, and sinus proliferation areas, the pathologist diagnosed the lesion as a Ewing's sarcoma. Treatment of the patient consisted of initial chemotherapy, hemimaxillectomy, and postsurgical chemoradiotherapy.
Increased fracture risk has been reported for the adjacent vertebral bodies after vertebroplasty. This increase has been partly attributed to the high Young's modulus of commonly used polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Therefore, a compliant bone cement of PMMA with a bulk modulus closer to the apparent modulus of cancellous bone has been produced. This compliant bone cement was achieved by introducing pores in the cement. Due to the reduced failure strength of that porous PMMA cement, cancellous bone augmented with such cement could deteriorate under dynamic loading. The aim of the present study was to assess the potential of acute failure, particle generation and mechanical properties of cancellous bone augmented with this compliant cement in comparison to regular cement. For this purpose, vertebral biopsies were augmented with porous- and regular PMMA bone cement, submitted to dynamic tests and compression to failure. Changes in Young's modulus and height due to dynamic loading were determined. Afterwards, yield strength and Young's modulus were determined by compressive tests to failure and compared to the individual composite materials. No failure occurred and no particle generation could be observed during dynamical testing for both groups. Height loss was significantly higher for the porous cement composite (0.53+/-0.21%) in comparison to the biopsies augmented with regular cement (0.16+/-0.1%). Young's modulus of biopsies augmented with porous PMMA was comparable to cancellous bone or porous cement alone (200-700 MPa). The yield strength of those biopsies (21.1+/-4.1 MPa) was around two times higher than for porous cement alone (11.6+/-3.3 MPa).
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate, in relation to intraoperative estimated blood loss (EBL), the effectiveness of preoperative transcatheter arterial embolization of hypervascular osseous metastatic lesions before orthopedic resection and stabilization. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between June 1987 and November 2007, 22 patients underwent transcatheter arterial embolization of tumors of the long bone, hip, or vertebrae before resection and stabilization. Osseous metastatic lesions from renal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, leiomyosarcoma, and prostate cancer were embolized. All patients were treated with a coaxial catheter technique with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) particles alone or a combination of PVA particles and coils. After embolization, each tumor was angiographically graded according to devascularization (grades 1-3) based on tumor blush after contrast injection into the main tumor-feeding arteries. RESULTS: In patients with complete devascularization (grade 1), mean EBL was calculated to be 1,119 mL, whereas in patients with partial embolization (grades 2 and 3) EBL was 1,788 mL and 2,500 mL. With respect to intraoperative EBL, no significant difference between devascularization grades was found (p > 0.05). Moderate correlation (r = 0.51, p = 0.019) was observed between intraoperative EBL and tumor size before embolization. Only low correlation (r = 0.44, p = 0.046) was found between intraoperative EBL and operating time. Major complications included transient palsy of the sciatic nerve and gluteal abscess in one patient. CONCLUSION: The results of this study support the concept that there is no statistically significant difference among amounts of intraoperative EBL with varying degrees of embolization.
OBJECTIVES: Bone attrition probably constitutes remodeling of the bone, resulting in flattening or depression of the articular surfaces. Defining bone attrition is challenging because it is an accentuation of the normal curvature of the tibial plateaus. We aimed to define bone attrition on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee using information from both radiographs and MRIs, and to assess whether bone attrition is common prior to end stage disease osteoarthritis (OA) in the tibio-femoral joint. METHODS: All knees of participants in the community-based sample of the Framingham OA Study were evaluated for bone attrition in radiographs and MRIs. Radiographs were scored based on templates designed to outline the normal contours of the tibio-femoral joint. MRIs were analyzed using the semi-quantitative Whole-Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scoring (WORMS) method. The prevalence of bone attrition was calculated using two different thresholds for MRI scores. RESULTS: Inter-observer agreement for identification of bone attrition was substantial for the radiographs (kappa=0.71, 95% CI 0.67-0.81) and moderate for MRI (kappa=0.56, 95% CI 0.40-0.72). Of 964 knees, 5.7% of the radiographs showed bone attrition. Of these, 91% of MRIs were also read as showing bone attrition. We selected a conservative threshold for bone attrition on MRI scoring (> or = 2 on a 0-3 scale) based on agreement with attrition on the radiograph or when bone attrition on MRI co-occurred with cartilage loss on OA. Using this threshold for bone attrition on MRI, bone attrition was common in knees with OA. For example, in knees with mild OA but no joint space narrowing, 13 of 88 MRIs (14.8%) showed bone attrition. CONCLUSIONS: Using MRI we found that many knees with mild OA without joint narrowing on radiographs had bone attrition, even using conservative definitions. The validity of our definition of bone attrition should be evaluated in further studies. Bone attrition may occur in milder OA and at earlier stages of disease than previously thought.
Context: In the Health Outcomes and Reduced Incidence with Zoledronic Acid Once Yearly - Pivotal Fracture Trial (HORIZON-PFT), zoledronic acid (ZOL) 5 mg significantly reduced fracture risk. Objective: To identify factors associated with greater efficacy during ZOL 5 mg treatment. Design, Setting and Patients: Subgroup analysis (preplanned and post hoc) of a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 36-month trial in 7765 women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Intervention: Single infusion of ZOL 5 mg or placebo at baseline, 12 and 24 months. Main Outcome Measures: Primary endpoints: new vertebral fracture and hip fracture. Secondary endpoints: non-vertebral fracture, change in femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD). Baseline risk factor subgroups: age, BMD T-score and vertebral fracture status, total hip BMD, race, weight, geographical region, smoking, height loss, history of falls, physical activity, prior bisphosphonates, creatinine clearance, body mass index (BMI), concomitant osteoporosis medications. Results: Greater ZOL induced effects on vertebral fracture risk with younger age (treatment-by-subgroup interaction P=0.05), normal creatinine clearance (P=0.04), and BMI >/=25 kg/m(2) (P=0.02). There were no significant treatment-factor interactions for hip or non-vertebral fracture or for change in BMD. Conclusions: ZOL appeared more effective in preventing vertebral fracture in younger women, overweight/obese women and women with normal renal function. ZOL had similar effects irrespective of fracture risk factors or femoral neck BMD.