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Anticancer drug therapy activates both molecular cell death and autophagy pathways. Here we show that even sublethal concentrations of DNA-damaging drugs, such as etoposide and cisplatin, induce the expression of autophagy-related protein 5 (ATG5), which is both necessary and sufficient for the subsequent induction of mitotic catastrophe. We demonstrate that ATG5 translocates to the nucleus, where it physically interacts with survivin in response to DNA-damaging agents both in vitro and in carcinoma tissues obtained from patients who had undergone radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. As a consequence, elements of the chromosomal passenger complex are displaced during mitosis, resulting in chromosome misalignment and segregation defects. Pharmacological inhibition of autophagy does not prevent ATG5-dependent mitotic catastrophe, but shifts the balance to an early caspase-dependent cell death. Our data suggest a dual role for ATG5 in response to drug-induced DNA damage, where it acts in two signalling pathways in two distinct cellular compartments, the cytosol and the nucleus.


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A new anisotropic elastic-viscoplastic damage constitutive model for bone is proposed using an eccentric elliptical yield criterion and nonlinear isotropic hardening. A micromechanics-based multiscale homogenization scheme proposed by Reisinger et al. is used to obtain the effective elastic properties of lamellar bone. The dissipative process in bone is modeled as viscoplastic deformation coupled to damage. The model is based on an orthotropic ecuntric elliptical criterion in stress space. In order to simplify material identification, an eccentric elliptical isotropic yield surface was defined in strain space, which is transformed to a stress-based criterion by means of the damaged compliance tensor. Viscoplasticity is implemented by means of the continuous Perzyna formulation. Damage is modeled by a scalar function of the accumulated plastic strain D(κ) , reducing all element s of the stiffness matrix. A polynomial flow rule is proposed in order to capture the rate-dependent post-yield behavior of lamellar bone. A numerical algorithm to perform the back projection on the rate-dependent yield surface has been developed and implemented in the commercial finite element solver Abaqus/Standard as a user subroutine UMAT. A consistent tangent operator has been derived and implemented in order to ensure quadratic convergence. Correct implementation of the algorithm, convergence, and accuracy of the tangent operator was tested by means of strain- and stress-based single element tests. A finite element simulation of nano- indentation in lamellar bone was finally performed in order to show the abilities of the newly developed constitutive model.


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Nonlinear computational analysis of materials showing elasto-plasticity or damage relies on knowledge of their yield behavior and strengths under complex stress states. In this work, a generalized anisotropic quadric yield criterion is proposed that is homogeneous of degree one and takes a convex quadric shape with a smooth transition from ellipsoidal to cylindrical or conical surfaces. If in the case of material identification, the shape of the yield function is not known a priori, a minimization using the quadric criterion will result in the optimal shape among the convex quadrics. The convexity limits of the criterion and the transition points between the different shapes are identified. Several special cases of the criterion for distinct material symmetries such as isotropy, cubic symmetry, fabric-based orthotropy and general orthotropy are presented and discussed. The generality of the formulation is demonstrated by showing its degeneration to several classical yield surfaces like the von Mises, Drucker–Prager, Tsai–Wu, Liu, generalized Hill and classical Hill criteria under appropriate conditions. Applicability of the formulation for micromechanical analyses was shown by transformation of a criterion for porous cohesive-frictional materials by Maghous et al. In order to demonstrate the advantages of the generalized formulation, bone is chosen as an example material, since it features yield envelopes with different shapes depending on the considered length scale. A fabric- and density-based quadric criterion for the description of homogenized material behavior of trabecular bone is identified from uniaxial, multiaxial and torsional experimental data. Also, a fabric- and density-based Tsai–Wu yield criterion for homogenized trabecular bone from in silico data is converted to an equivalent quadric criterion by introduction of a transformation of the interaction parameters. Finally, a quadric yield criterion for lamellar bone at the microscale is identified from a nanoindentation study reported in the literature, thus demonstrating the applicability of the generalized formulation to the description of the yield envelope of bone at multiple length scales.


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Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis rely on understanding of the micromechanical behaviour of bone and its influence on fracture toughness and cell-mediated adaptation processes. Postyield properties may be assessed by nonlinear finite element simulations of nanoindentation using elastoplastic and damage models. This computational study aims at determining the influence of yield surface shape and damage on the depth-dependent response of bone to nanoindentation using spherical and conical tips. Yield surface shape and damage were shown to have a major impact on the indentation curves. Their influence on indentation modulus, hardness, their ratio as well as the elastic-to-total work ratio is well described by multilinear regressions for both tip shapes. For conical tips, indentation depth was not statistically significant (p<0.0001). For spherical tips, damage was not a significant parameter (p<0.0001). The gained knowledge can be used for developing an inverse method for identification of postelastic properties of bone from nanoindentation.


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Tissue grafts are implanted in orthopedic surgery every day. In order to minimize infection risk, bone allografts are often delipidated with supercritical CO2 and sterilized prior to implantation. This treatment may, however, impair the mechanical behavior of the bone graft tissue. The goal of this study was to determine clinically relevant mechanical properties of treated/sterilized human trabecular bone grafts, e.g. the apparent modulus, strength, and the ability to absorb energy during compaction. They were compared with results of identical experiments performed previously on untreated/fresh frozen human trabecular bone from the same anatomical site (Charlebois, 2008). We tested the hypothesis that the morphology–mechanical property relationships of treated cancellous allografts are similar to those of fresh untreated bone. The morphology of the allografts was determined by μCT. Subsequently, cylindrical samples were tested in unconfined and confined compression. To account for various morphologies, the experimental data was fitted to phenomenological mechanical models for elasticity, strength, and dissipated energy density based on bone volume fraction (BV/TV) and the fabric tensor determined by MIL. The treatment/sterilization process does not appear to influence bone graft stiffness. However, strength and energy dissipation of the bone grafts were found to be significantly reduced by 36% to 47% and 66% to 81%, respectively, for a broad range of volume fraction (0.14 < BV/TV < 0.39) and degree of anisotropy (1.24 < DA < 2.18). Since the latter properties are strongly dominated by BV/TV, the clinical consequences of this reduction can be compensated by using grafts with lower porosity. The data of this study suggests that an increase of 5–10% in BV/TV is sufficient to compensate for the reduced post-yield mechanical properties of treated/sterilized bone in monotonic compression. In applications where graft stiffness needs to be matched and strength is not a concern, treated allograft with the same BV/TV as an appropriate fresh bone graft may be used.


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BACKGROUND Moraxella catarrhalis, a major nasopharyngeal pathogen of the human respiratory tract, is exposed to rapid downshifts of environmental temperature when humans breathe cold air. The prevalence of pharyngeal colonization and respiratory tract infections caused by M. catarrhalis is greatest in winter. We investigated how M. catarrhalis uses the physiologic exposure to cold air to regulate pivotal survival systems that may contribute to M. catarrhalis virulence. RESULTS In this study we used the RNA-seq techniques to quantitatively catalogue the transcriptome of M. catarrhalis exposed to a 26 °C cold shock or to continuous growth at 37 °C. Validation of RNA-seq data using quantitative RT-PCR analysis demonstrated the RNA-seq results to be highly reliable. We observed that a 26 °C cold shock induces the expression of genes that in other bacteria have been related to virulence a strong induction was observed for genes involved in high affinity phosphate transport and iron acquisition, indicating that M. catarrhalis makes a better use of both phosphate and iron resources after exposure to cold shock. We detected the induction of genes involved in nitrogen metabolism, as well as several outer membrane proteins, including ompA, m35-like porin and multidrug efflux pump (acrAB) indicating that M. catarrhalis remodels its membrane components in response to downshift of temperature. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a 26 °C cold shock enhances the induction of genes encoding the type IV pili that are essential for natural transformation, and increases the genetic competence of M. catarrhalis, which may facilitate the rapid spread and acquisition of novel virulence-associated genes. CONCLUSION Cold shock at a physiologically relevant temperature of 26 °C induces in M. catarrhalis a complex of adaptive mechanisms that could convey novel pathogenic functions and may contribute to enhanced colonization and virulence.


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Article preview View full access options BoneKEy Reports | Review Print Email Share/bookmark Finite element analysis for prediction of bone strength Philippe K Zysset, Enrico Dall'Ara, Peter Varga & Dieter H Pahr Affiliations Corresponding author BoneKEy Reports (2013) 2, Article number: 386 (2013) doi:10.1038/bonekey.2013.120 Received 03 January 2013 Accepted 25 June 2013 Published online 07 August 2013 Article tools Citation Reprints Rights & permissions Abstract Abstract• References• Author information Finite element (FE) analysis has been applied for the past 40 years to simulate the mechanical behavior of bone. Although several validation studies have been performed on specific anatomical sites and load cases, this study aims to review the predictability of human bone strength at the three major osteoporotic fracture sites quantified in recently completed in vitro studies at our former institute. Specifically, the performance of FE analysis based on clinical computer tomography (QCT) is compared with the ones of the current densitometric standards, bone mineral content, bone mineral density (BMD) and areal BMD (aBMD). Clinical fractures were produced in monotonic axial compression of the distal radii, vertebral sections and in side loading of the proximal femora. QCT-based FE models of the three bones were developed to simulate as closely as possible the boundary conditions of each experiment. For all sites, the FE methodology exhibited the lowest errors and the highest correlations in predicting the experimental bone strength. Likely due to the improved CT image resolution, the quality of the FE prediction in the peripheral skeleton using high-resolution peripheral CT was superior to that in the axial skeleton with whole-body QCT. Because of its projective and scalar nature, the performance of aBMD in predicting bone strength depended on loading mode and was significantly inferior to FE in axial compression of radial or vertebral sections but not significantly inferior to FE in side loading of the femur. Considering the cumulated evidence from the published validation studies, it is concluded that FE models provide the most reliable surrogates of bone strength at any of the three fracture sites.


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Computer tomography (CT)-based finite element (FE) models of vertebral bodies assess fracture load in vitro better than dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, but boundary conditions affect stress distribution under the endplates that may influence ultimate load and damage localisation under post-yield strains. Therefore, HRpQCT-based homogenised FE models of 12 vertebral bodies were subjected to axial compression with two distinct boundary conditions: embedding in polymethylmethalcrylate (PMMA) and bonding to a healthy intervertebral disc (IVD) with distinct hyperelastic properties for nucleus and annulus. Bone volume fraction and fabric assessed from HRpQCT data were used to determine the elastic, plastic and damage behaviour of bone. Ultimate forces obtained with PMMA were 22% higher than with IVD but correlated highly (R2 = 0.99). At ultimate force, distinct fractions of damage were computed in the endplates (PMMA: 6%, IVD: 70%), cortex and trabecular sub-regions, which confirms previous observations that in contrast to PMMA embedding, failure initiated underneath the nuclei in healthy IVDs. In conclusion, axial loading of vertebral bodies via PMMA embedding versus healthy IVD overestimates ultimate load and leads to distinct damage localisation and failure pattern.


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Intervertebral disc (IVD) cell therapy with unconditioned 2D expanded mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) is a promising concept yet challenging to realize. Differentiation of MSCs by nonviral gene delivery of growth and differentiation factor 5 (GDF5) by electroporation mediated gene transfer could be an excellent source for cell transplantation. Human MSCs were harvested from bone marrow aspirate and GDF5 gene transfer was achieved by in vitro electroporation. Transfected cells were cultured as monolayers and as 3D cultures in 1.2% alginate bead culture. MSC expressed GDF5 efficiently for up to 21 days. The combination of GDF5 gene transfer and 3D culture in alginate showed an upregulation of aggrecan and SOX9, two markers for chondrogenesis, and KRT19 as a marker for discogenesis compared to untransfected cells. The cells encapsulated in alginate produced more proteoglycans expressed in GAG/DNA ratio. Furthermore, GDF5 transfected MCS injected into an IVD papain degeneration organ culture model showed a partial recovery of the GAG/DNA ratio after 7 days. In this study we demonstrate the potential of GDF5 transfected MSC as a promising approach for clinical translation for disc regeneration.


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BACKGROUND CONTEXT Proteolytic enzyme digestion of the intervertebral disc (IVD) offers a method to simulate a condition of disc degeneration for the study of cell-scaffold constructs in the degenerated disc. PURPOSE To characterize an in vitro disc degeneration model (DDM) of different severities of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and water loss by using papain, and to determine the initial response of the human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) introduced into this DDM. STUDY DESIGN Disc degeneration model of a bovine disc explant with an end plate was induced by the injection of papain at various concentrations. Labeled MSCs were later introduced in this model. METHODS Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS control) or papain in various concentrations (3, 15, 30, 60, and 150 U/mL) were injected into the bovine caudal IVD explants. Ten days after the injection, GAG content of the discs was evaluated by dimethylmethylene blue assay and cell viability was determined by live/dead staining together with confocal microscopy. Overall matrix composition was evaluated by histology, and water content was visualized by magnetic resonance imaging. Compressive and torsional stiffness of the DDM were also recorded. In the second part, MSCs were labeled with a fluorescence cell membrane tracker and injected into the nucleus of the DDM or a PBS control. Mesenchymal stem cell viability and distribution were evaluated by confocal microscopy. RESULTS A large drop of GAG and water content of the bovine disc were obtained by injecting >30 U/mL papain. Magnetic resonance imaging showed Grade II, III, and IV disc degeneration by injecting 30, 60, and 150 U/mL papain. A cavity in the center of the disc could facilitate later injection of the nucleus pulposus tissue engineering construct while retaining an intact annulus fibrosus. The remaining disc cell viability was not affected. Mesenchymal stem cells injected into the protease-treated DDM disc showed significantly higher cell viability than when injected into the PBS-injected control disc. CONCLUSIONS By varying the concentration of papain for injection, an increasing amount of GAG and water loss could be induced to simulate the different severities of disc degeneration. MSC suspension introduced into the disc has a very low short-term survival. However, it should be clear that this bovine IVD DDM does not reflect a clinical situation but offers exciting possibilities to test novel tissue engineering protocols.


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The acquisition of conventional X-ray radiographs remains the standard imaging procedure for the diagnosis of hip-related problems. However, recent studies demonstrated the benefit of using three-dimensional (3D) surface models in the clinical routine. 3D surface models of the hip joint are useful for assessing the dynamic range of motion in order to identify possible pathologies such as femoroacetabular impingement. In this paper, we present an integrated system which consists of X-ray radiograph calibration and subsequent 2D/3D hip joint reconstruction for diagnosis and planning of hip-related problems. A mobile phantom with two different sizes of fiducials was developed for X-ray radiograph calibration, which can be robustly detected within the images. On the basis of the calibrated X-ray images, a 3D reconstruction method of the acetabulum was developed and applied together with existing techniques to reconstruct a 3D surface model of the hip joint. X-ray radiographs of dry cadaveric hip bones and one cadaveric specimen with soft tissue were used to prove the robustness of the developed fiducial detection algorithm. Computed tomography scans of the cadaveric bones were used to validate the accuracy of the integrated system. The fiducial detection sensitivity was in the same range for both sizes of fiducials. While the detection sensitivity was 97.96% for the large fiducials, it was 97.62% for the small fiducials. The acetabulum and the proximal femur were reconstructed with a mean surface distance error of 1.06 and 1.01 mm, respectively. The results for fiducial detection sensitivity and 3D surface reconstruction demonstrated the capability of the integrated system for 3D hip joint reconstruction from 2D calibrated X-ray radiographs.


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Altersbedingte Osteoporose erhöht des Frakturrisiko. Übliche Diagnoseverfahren basieren auf DXA. Leider sind diese ungenau und erklären oft nicht die Effekte von Behandlungen. Eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Knochenfestigkeit beginnt derzeit, sich zu etablieren – die Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM). Diese universelle, im Bereich der Technik weit verbreitete, Methode erlaubt es, die Diagnose und den Behandlungserfolg besser vorauszusagen als DXA. CT-basierende FE-Modelle sind stark von der Bildauflösung abhängig. In diesem Überblicksartikel werden drei unterschiedliche Modelltypen (μCT, HR-pQCT, QCT) vorgestellt und die Ergebnisse von densitometrischen und FE-Analysen verglichen. Dabei waren die FE-Ergebnisse den densitometrischen immer überlegen. Darüber hinaus erlaubt die FEM die Angabe eines biomechanischen Frakturrisikos. Dieser Vorteil der FE-Methode muss jedoch im Licht der höheren Röntgendosen und Betriebskosten der CT-Bildgebung betrachtet werden. Zukünftig wird die FE-Methode klinisch eine weite Verbreitung finden – die Frage ist nur wann und wie!


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The method of isolation of bone marrow (BM) mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) is a limiting factor in their study and therapeutic use. MSCs are typically expanded from BM cells selected on the basis of their adherence to plastic, which results in a heterogeneous population of cells. Prospective identification of the antigenic profile of the MSC population(s) in BM that gives rise to cells with MSC activity in vitro would allow the preparation of very pure populations of MSCs for research or clinical use. To address this issue, we used polychromatic flow cytometry and counterflow centrifugal elutriation to identify a phenotypically distinct population of mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells (MSPCs) within human BM. The MSPC activity resided within a population of rare, small CD45⁻CD73⁺CD90⁺CD105⁺ cells that lack CD44, an antigen that is highly expressed on culture-expanded MSCs. In culture, these MSPCs adhere to plastic, rapidly proliferate, and acquire CD44 expression. They form colony forming units-fibroblast and are able to differentiate into osteoblasts, chondrocytes, and adipocytes under defined in vitro conditions. Their acquired expression of CD44 can be partially downregulated by treatment with recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, a response not found in BM-MSCs derived from conventional plastic adherence methods. These observations indicate that MSPCs within human BM are rare, small CD45⁻CD73⁺CD90⁺CD105⁺ cells that lack expression of CD44. These MSPCs give rise to MSCs that have phenotypic and functional properties that are distinct from those of BM-MSCs purified by plastic adherence.


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The use of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) for treatment of bacterial infections, including systemic processes like sepsis, is an evolving field of investigation. This study was designed to investigate the potential use of MSCs, harvested from compact bone, and their interactions with the innate immune system, during polymicrobial sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). We also wanted to elucidate the role of endogenous heme oxygenase (HO)-1 in MSCs during a systemic bacterial infection. MSCs harvested from the bones of HO-1 deficient (-/-) and wild-type (+/+) mice improved the survival of HO-1(-/-) and HO-1(+/+) recipient mice when administered after the onset of polymicrobial sepsis induced by CLP, compared with the administration of fibroblast control cells. The MSCs, originating from compact bone in mice, enhanced the ability of neutrophils to phagocytize bacteria in vitro and in vivo and to promote bacterial clearance in the peritoneum and blood after CLP. Moreover, after depleting neutrophils in recipient mice, the beneficial effects of MSCs were entirely lost, demonstrating the importance of neutrophils for this MSC response. MSCs also decreased multiple organ injury in susceptible HO-1(-/-) mice, when administered after the onset of sepsis. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the beneficial effects of treatment with MSCs after the onset of polymicrobial sepsis is not dependent on endogenous HO-1 expression, and that neutrophils are crucial for this therapeutic response.


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The in vivo roles of meprin metalloproteases in pathophysiological conditions remain elusive. Substrates define protease roles. Therefore, to identify natural substrates for human meprin α and β we employed TAILS (terminal amine isotopic labeling of substrates), a proteomics approach that enriches for N-terminal peptides of proteins and cleavage fragments. Of the 151 new extracellular substrates we identified, it was notable that ADAM10 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease domain-containing protein 10)-the constitutive α-secretase-is activated by meprin β through cleavage of the propeptide. To validate this cleavage event, we expressed recombinant proADAM10 and after preincubation with meprin β, this resulted in significantly elevated ADAM10 activity. Cellular expression in murine primary fibroblasts confirmed activation. Other novel substrates including extracellular matrix proteins, growth factors and inhibitors were validated by western analyses and enzyme activity assays with Edman sequencing confirming the exact cleavage sites identified by TAILS. Cleavages in vivo were confirmed by comparing wild-type and meprin(-/-) mice. Our finding of cystatin C, elafin and fetuin-A as substrates and natural inhibitors for meprins reveal new mechanisms in the regulation of protease activity important for understanding pathophysiological processes.