937 resultados para Biological chemistry


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Type III protein secretion has been shown recently to be important in the virulence of the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida. The ADP-ribosylating toxin Aeromonas exoenzyme T (AexT) is one effector protein targeted for secretion via this system. In this study, we identified muscular and nonmuscular actin as substrates of the ADP-ribosylating activity of AexT. Furthermore, we show that AexT also functions as a GTPase-activating protein (GAP), displaying GAP activity against monomeric GTPases of the Rho family, specifically Rho, Rac, and Cdc42. Transfection of fish cells with wild type AexT resulted in depolymerization of the actin cytoskeleton and cell rounding. Point mutations within either the GAP or the ADP-ribosylating active sites of AexT (Arg-143 as well as Glu-398 and Glu-401, respectively) abolished enzymatic activity, yet did not prevent actin filament depolymerization. However, inactivation of the two catalytic sites simultaneously did. These results suggest that both the GAP and ADP-ribosylating domains of AexT contribute to its biological activity. This is the first bacterial virulence factor to be described that has a specific actin ADP-ribosylation activity and GAP activity toward Rho, Rac, and Cdc42, both enzymatic activities contributing to actin filament depolymerization.


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Meprins are members of the astacin family of metalloproteases expressed in epithelial tissues, intestinal leukocytes and certain cancer cells. In mammals, there are two homologous subunits, which form complex glycosylated disulfide-bonded homo- and heterooligomers. Both human meprin alpha and meprin beta cleave several basement membrane components, suggesting a role in epithelial differentiation and cell migration. There is also evidence that meprin beta is involved in immune defence owing to its capability of activating interleukin-1beta and the diminished mobility of intestinal leukocytes in meprin beta-knockout mice. Here we show for the first time by reverse transcription PCR, immunoblotting and immunofluorescence analyses that meprins are expressed not only in mammals, but also in the zebrafish Danio rerio. In contrast to the human, mouse and rat enzymes, zebrafish meprins are encoded by three genes, corresponding to two homologous alpha subunits and one beta subunit. Observations at both the mRNA and protein level indicate a broad distribution of meprins in zebrafish. However, there are strikingly different expression patterns of the three subunits, which is consistent with meprin expression in mammals. Hence, D. rerio appears to be a suitable model to gain insight into the basic physiological functions of meprin metalloproteases.


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Epithelial cells in the human small intestine express meprin, an astacin-like metalloprotease, which accumulates normally at the brush border membrane and in the gut lumen. Therefore, meprin is targeted towards luminal components. In coeliac disease patients, peptides from ingested cereals trigger mucosal inflammation in the small intestine, disrupting epithelial cell differentiation and function. Using in situ hybridisation on duodenal tissue sections, we observed a marked shift of meprin mRNA expression from epithelial cells, the predominant expression site in normal mucosa, to lamina propria leukocytes in coeliac disease. Meprin thereby gains access to the substrate repertoire present beneath the epithelium.


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We have identified YkbA from Bacillus subtilis as a novel member of the L-amino acid transporter (LAT) family of amino acid transporters. The protein is approximately 30% identical in amino acid sequence to the light subunits of human heteromeric amino acid transporters. Purified His-tagged YkbA from Escherichia coli membranes reconstituted in proteoliposomes exhibited sodium-independent, obligatory exchange activity for L-serine and L-threonine and also for aromatic amino acids, albeit with less activity. Thus, we propose that YkbA be renamed SteT (Ser/Thr exchanger transporter). Kinetic analysis supports a sequential mechanism of exchange for SteT. Freeze-fracture analysis of purified, functionally active SteT in proteoliposomes, together with blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and transmission electron microscopy of detergent-solubilized purified SteT, suggest that the transporter exists in a monomeric form. Freeze-fracture analysis showed spherical particles with a diameter of 7.4 nm. Transmission electron microscopy revealed elliptical particles (diameters 6 x 7 nm) with a distinct central depression. To our knowledge, this is the first functional characterization of a prokaryotic member of the LAT family and the first structural data on an APC (amino acids, polyamines, and choline for organocations) transporter. SteT represents an excellent model to study the molecular architecture of the light subunits of heteromeric amino acid transporters and other APC transporters.


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The ydgR gene of Escherichia coli encodes a protein of the proton-dependent oligopeptide transporter (POT) family. We cloned YdgR and overexpressed the His-tagged fusion protein in E. coli BL21 cells. Bacterial growth inhibition in the presence of the toxic phosphonopeptide alafosfalin established YgdR functionality. Transport was abolished in the presence of the proton ionophore carbonyl cyanide p-chlorophenylhydrazone, suggesting a proton-coupled transport mechanism. YdgR transports selectively only di- and tripeptides and structurally related peptidomimetics (such as aminocephalosporins) with a substrate recognition pattern almost identical to the mammalian peptide transporter PEPT1. The YdgR protein was purified to homogeneity from E. coli membranes. Blue native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and transmission electron microscopy of detergent-solubilized YdgR suggest that it exists in monomeric form. Transmission electron microscopy revealed a crown-like structure with a diameter of approximately 8 nm and a central density. These are the first structural data obtained from a proton-dependent peptide transporter, and the YgdR protein seems an excellent model for studies on substrate and inhibitor interactions as well as on the molecular architecture of cell membrane peptide transporters.


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Benzodiazepines are widely used drugs. They exert sedative/hypnotic, anxiolytic, muscle relaxant, and anticonvulsant effects and act through a specific high affinity binding site on the major inhibitory neurotransmitter receptor, the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) receptor. Ligands of the benzodiazepine-binding site are classified into three groups depending on their mode of action: positive and negative allosteric modulators and antagonists. To rationally design ligands of the benzodiazepine site in different isoforms of the GABA(A) receptor, we need to understand the relative positioning and overlap of modulators of different allosteric properties. To solve these questions, we used a proximity-accelerated irreversible chemical coupling reaction. GABA(A) receptor residues thought to reside in the benzodiazepine-binding site were individually mutated to cysteine and combined with a cysteine-reactive benzodiazepine site ligand. Direct apposition of reaction partners is expected to lead to a covalent reaction. We describe here such a reaction of predominantly alpha(1)H101C and also three other mutants (alpha(1)G157C, alpha(1)V202C, and alpha(1)V211C) with an Imid-NCS derivative in which a reactive isothiocyanate group (-NCS) replaces the azide group (-N(3)) in the partial negative allosteric modulator Ro15-4513. Our results show four contact points of imidazobenzodiazepines with the receptor, alpha(1)H101C being shared by classical benzodiazepines. Taken together with previous data, a similar orientation of these ligands within the benzodiazepine-binding pocket may be proposed.


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Matrilins are oligomeric extracellular matrix adaptor proteins mediating interactions between collagen fibrils and other matrix constituents. All four matrilins are expressed in cartilage and mutations in the human gene encoding matrilin-3 (MATN3) are associated with different forms of chondrodysplasia. Surprisingly, however, Matn3-null as well as Matn1- and Matn2-null mice do not show an overt skeletal phenotype, suggesting a dominant negative pathomechanism for the human disorders and redundancy/compensation among the family members in the knock-out situation. Here, we show that mice lacking both matrilin-1 and matrilin-3 develop an apparently normal skeleton, but exhibit biochemical and ultrastructural abnormalities of the knee joint cartilage. At the protein level, an altered SDS-PAGE band pattern and a clear up-regulation of the homotrimeric form of matrilin-4 were evident in newborn Matn1/Matn3 and Matn1 knock-out mice, but not in Matn3-null mice. The ultrastructure of the cartilage matrix after conventional chemical fixation was grossly normal; however, electron microscopy of high pressure frozen and freeze-substituted samples, revealed two consistent observations: 1) moderately increased collagen fibril diameters throughout the epiphysis and the growth plate in both single and double mutants; and 2) increased collagen volume density in Matn1(-/-)/Matn3(-/-) and Matn3(-/-) mice. Taken together, our results demonstrate that matrilin-1 and matrilin-3 modulate collagen fibrillogenesis in cartilage and provide evidence that biochemical compensation might exist between matrilins.


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Eukaryotes have evolved quality control mechanisms that prevent the expression of genes in which the protein coding potential is crippled by the presence of a premature translation-termination codon (PTC). In addition to nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD), a well documented posttranscriptional consequence of the presence of a PTC in an mRNA, we recently reported the transcriptional silencing of PTC-containing immunoglobulin (Ig) mu and gamma minigenes when they are stably integrated into the genome of HeLa cells. Here we demonstrate that this transcriptional silencing of PTC-containing Ig-mu constructs requires active translation of the cognate mRNA, as it is not observed under conditions where translation of the PTC-containing mRNA is inhibited through an iron-responsive element in the 5'-untranslated region. Furthermore, RNA interference-mediated depletion of the essential NMD factor Upf1 not only abolishes NMD but also reduces the extent of nonsense-mediated transcriptional gene silencing (NMTGS). Collectively, our data indicate that NMTGS and NMD are linked, relying on the same mechanism for PTC recognition, and that the NMTGS pathway branches from the NMD pathway at a step after Upf1 function.


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The L-arginine/agmatine antiporter AdiC is a key component of the arginine-dependent extreme acid resistance system of Escherichia coli. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that AdiC belongs to the amino acid/polyamine/organocation (APC) transporter superfamily having sequence identities of 15-17% to eukaryotic and human APC transporters. For functional and structural characterization, we cloned, overexpressed, and purified wild-type AdiC and the point mutant AdiC-W293L, which is unable to bind and consequently transport L-arginine. Purified detergent-solubilized AdiC particles were dimeric. Reconstitution experiments yielded two-dimensional crystals of AdiC-W293L diffracting beyond 6 angstroms resolution from which we determined the projection structure at 6.5 angstroms resolution. The projection map showed 10-12 density peaks per monomer and suggested mainly tilted helices with the exception of one distinct perpendicular membrane spanning alpha-helix. Comparison of AdiC-W293L with the projection map of the oxalate/formate antiporter from Oxalobacter formigenes, a member from the major facilitator superfamily, indicated different structures. Thus, two-dimensional crystals of AdiC-W293L yielded the first detailed view of a transport protein from the APC superfamily at sub-nanometer resolution.


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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are seven transmembrane domain proteins that transduce extracellular signals across the plasma membrane and couple to the heterotrimeric family of G proteins. Like most intrinsic membrane proteins, GPCRs are capable of oligomerization, the function of which has only been established for a few different receptor systems. One challenge in understanding the function of oligomers relates to the inability to separate monomeric and oligomeric receptor complexes in membrane environments. Here we report the reconstitution of bovine rhodopsin, a GPCR expressed in the retina, into an apolipoprotein A-I phospholipid particle, derived from high density lipoprotein (HDL). We demonstrate that rhodopsin, when incorporated into these 10 nm reconstituted HDL (rHDL) particles, is monomeric and functional. Rhodopsin.rHDL maintains the appropriate spectral properties with respect to photoactivation and formation of the active form, metarhodopsin II. Additionally, the kinetics of metarhodopsin II decay is similar between rhodopsin in native membranes and rhodopsin in rHDL particles. Photoactivation of monomeric rhodopsin.rHDL also results in the rapid activation of transducin, at a rate that is comparable with that found in native rod outer segments and 20-fold faster than rhodopsin in detergent micelles. These data suggest that monomeric rhodopsin is the minimal functional unit in G protein activation and that oligomerization is not absolutely required for this process.


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The translocation of secretory and membrane proteins across the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane is mediated by co-translational (via the signal recognition particle (SRP)) and post-translational mechanisms. In this study, we investigated the relative contributions of these two pathways in trypanosomes. A homologue of SEC71, which functions in the post-translocation chaperone pathway in yeast, was identified and silenced by RNA interference. This factor is essential for parasite viability. In SEC71-silenced cells, signal peptide (SP)-containing proteins traversed the ER, but several were mislocalized, whereas polytopic membrane protein biogenesis was unaffected. Surprisingly trypanosomes can interchangeably utilize two of the pathways to translocate SP-containing proteins except for glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins, whose level was reduced in SEC71-silenced cells but not in cells depleted for SRP68, an SRP-binding protein. Entry of SP-containing proteins to the ER was significantly blocked only in cells co-silenced for the two translocation pathways (SEC71 and SRP68). SEC63, a factor essential for both translocation pathways in yeast, was identified and silenced by RNA interference. SEC63 silencing affected entry to the ER of both SP-containing proteins and polytopic membrane proteins, suggesting that, as in yeast, this factor is essential for both translocation pathways in vivo. This study suggests that, unlike bacteria or other eukaryotes, trypanosomes are generally promiscuous in their choice of mechanism for translocating SP-containing proteins to the ER, although the SRP-independent pathway is favored for glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins, which are the most abundant surface proteins in these parasites.


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Phosphatidylethanolamine is a major phospholipid class of all eukaryotic cells. It can be synthesized via the CDP-ethanolamine branch of the Kennedy pathway, by decarboxylation of phosphatidylserine, or by base exchange with phosphatidylserine. The contributions of these pathways to total phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis have remained unclear. Although Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of human and animal trypanosomiasis, has served as a model organism to elucidate the entire reaction sequence for glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis, the pathways for the synthesis of the major phospholipid classes have received little attention. We now show that disruption of the CDP-ethanolamine branch of the Kennedy pathway using RNA interference results in dramatic changes in phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidylcholine. By targeting individual enzymes of the pathway, we demonstrate that de novo phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis in T. brucei procyclic forms is strictly dependent on the CDP-ethanolamine route. Interestingly, the last step in the Kennedy pathway can be mediated by two separate activities leading to two distinct pools of phosphatidylethanolamine, consisting of predominantly alk-1-enyl-acyl- or diacyl-type molecular species. In addition, we show that phosphatidylserine in T. brucei procyclic forms is synthesized exclusively by base exchange with phosphatidylethanolamine.


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In addition to its conventional role during protein synthesis, eukaryotic elongation factor 1A is involved in other cellular processes. Several regions of interaction between eukaryotic elongation factor 1A and the translational apparatus or the cytoskeleton have been identified, yet the roles of the different post-translational modifications of eukaryotic elongation factor 1A are completely unknown. One amino acid modification, which so far has only been found in eukaryotic elongation factor 1A, consists of ethanolamine-phosphoglycerol attached to two glutamate residues that are conserved between mammals and plants. We now report that ethanolamine-phosphoglycerol is also present in eukaryotic elongation factor 1A of the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei, indicating that this unique protein modification is of ancient origin. In addition, using RNA-mediated gene silencing against enzymes of the Kennedy pathway, we demonstrate that phosphatidylethanolamine is a direct precursor of the ethanolamine-phosphoglycerol moiety. Down-regulation of the expression of ethanolamine kinase and ethanolamine-phosphate cytidylyltransferase results in inhibition of phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis in T. brucei procyclic forms and, concomitantly, in a block in glycosylphosphatidylinositol attachment to procyclins and ethanolamine-phosphoglycerol modification of eukaryotic elongation factor 1A.