916 resultados para Banking interest rate and spread
Die Vielfalt von möglichen wirtschaftlichen Konsequenzen von Banksolvenzproblemen trägt auch dazu bei, dass wissenschaftliche Fragen über die Eigenkapitalregulierung im Bankensektor schon seit einigen Jahren ziemlich intensiv diskutiert werden. Die Effekte von Eigenkapitalregulierung können sich auf zahlreiche Weise zeigen, zum Beispiel ist ein Effekt auf das Kreditzinsniveau auch nicht auszuschließen. Um diesen potenziellen Zusammenhang, an den die frühere Literatur noch nicht fokussierte, klarer analysieren zu können, wird in der vorliegenden Studie ein theoretisches Modell präsentiert, in der eine Verbindung zwischen einem optimalen Bankkreditzinsniveau und der Eigenkapitalregulierung existiert. Die Optimalität von Kreditzinsniveaus wird aus zwei Aspekten betrachtet: als Optimalitätskriterien werden Gewinnmaximierung und Maximierung von Solvenzwahrscheinlichkeit verglichen. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse kann darauf geschlossen werden, dass diese zwei optimale Kreditzinsniveaus nicht identisch sind und unterschiedlich von Eigenkapitalregulierung beeinflusst werden. Nach theoretischen Ergebnissen ist es möglich, dass im Falle einer Erhöhung des Eigenkapitals bei gleichbleibenden Bankeinlagen das gewinnmaximierende Optimum sich nicht ändert, während das zu der Maximierung der Solvenzwahrscheinlichkeit gehörende Optimum sich verringert.
A közelmúltban készült kutatásban a szerzők azt vizsgálták, hogy a kis- és középvállalkozásokban az elektronikus banki ügyintézéssel kapcsolatban milyen szokásaik, attitűdjeik és jövőképeik alakultak ki. A több mint ötszáz KKV-vezetővel készült interjú alapján elmondható, hogy a vállalkozás elektronikus ügyintézéssel kapcsolatos hozzáállása egyáltalán nem, vagy csak nagyon gyenge mértékben hozható összefüggésbe a cég objektív tulajdonságaival, például a létszámmal, az árbevétellel vagy a tevékenységi körrel. Egyértelműen látszik, hogy már az elektronikus banki ügyintézéssel kapcsolatos fogalmak értelmezése is problémát jelent a KKV-vezetők egy részénél. A tudásbeli hiányosságok pedig egyértelműen befolyásolják az e-banking attitűdöt és a használati szokásokat, pedig az elektronikus csatornákat használók elégedettsége minden vizsgált bank ügyfeleinek esetében 80% fölötti értékeket mutat. Így a legfontosabb kérdés az, hogy miként lehetne megértetni a „Szkeptikusok”-kal és a „Mérlegelők”-kel, hogy érdemes a „Haladók” klaszterébe tartozni. Az ügyfélelégedettség sikertényezői egyértelműen a biztonság, az időben és térben széles körű elérhetőség és az egyszerű használat. A válaszadók jövőképe szerint a banki szolgáltatások igénybevétele egyre inkább eltolódik majd az elektronikus csatornák irányába. Jelen cikkben a kutatás legfontosabb tanulságait mutatják be a szerzők. _________ The authors’ research was conducted to explore the ebanking attitudes, habits and vision of small and medium enterprises. By the interviews of more than 500 managers of SMEs, it is concluded that e-banking attitudes are not, or not significantly related to the objective characteristics of the enterprises, e.g. to the number of employment, the revenues or its activities. It became clear, that the interpretation of the specific e-banking terms means an important problem for some managers. The deficiencies of knowledge have direct effects on e-banking attitude and the use of electronic banking methods of the enterprises, although the value of the satisfaction level is above 80% among the customers of each examined banks. Thus, the main objective is to explain to the “Scepticals” and the “Considerers” the benefits of the “Progressives” cluster. The most important success factors of customer satisfaction are safety, availability in time and space and ease of use. According to the vision of the respondents, banking services will probably be shifted towards e-channels. In this study, the most important findings of our researches were summarized.
Most pharmaceutically relevant proteins and many extracellular proteins contain disulfide bonds. Formation of the correct disulfide bonds is essential for stability in almost all cases. Disulfide containing proteins can be rapidly and inexpensively overexpressed in bacteria. However, the overexpressed proteins usually form aggregates inside the bacteria, called inclusion bodies, which contains inactive and non-native protein. To obtain native protein, inclusion bodies need to be isolated and resolubilized, and then the resulting protein refolded in vitro. In vitro protein folding is aided by the addition of a redox buffer, which is composed of a small molecule disulfide and/or a small molecule thiol. The most commonly used redox buffer contains reduced and oxidized glutathione. Recently, aliphatic dithiols and aromatic monothiols have been employed as redox buffers. Aliphatic dithiols improved the yield of native protein as compared to the aliphatic thiol, glutathione. Dithiols mimic the in vivo protein folding catalyst, protein disulfide isomerase, which has two thiols per active site. Furthermore, aromatic monothiols increased the folding rate and yield of lysozyme and RNase A relative to glutathione. By combining the beneficial properties of aliphatic dithiols and aromatic monothiols, aromatic dithiols were designed and were expected to increase in vitro protein folding rates and yields. Aromatic monothiols (1-4) and their corresponding disulfides (5-8), two series of ortho- and para-substituted ethylene glycol dithiols (9-15), and a series of aromatic quaternary ammonium salt dithiols (16-17) were synthesized on a multigram scale. Monothiols and disulfides (1-8) were utilized to fold lysozyme and bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Dithiols (11-17) were tested for their ability to fold lysozyme. At pH 7.0 and pH 8.0, and high protein concentration (1 mg/mL), aromatic dithiols (16, 17) and a monothiol (3) significantly enhanced the in vitro folding rate and yield of lysozyme relative to the aliphatic thiol, glutathione. Additionally, aromatic dithiols (16, 17) significantly enhance the folding yield as compared to the corresponding aromatic monothiol (3). Thus, the folding rate and yield enhancements achieved in in vitro protein folding at high protein concentration will decrease the volume of renaturation solution required for large scale processes and consequently reduce processing time and cost.
This dissertation analyzed and compared variables affecting interest rate and yield of certificates of participation, tax-exempt revenue bonds and tax-exempt general obligation bonds. The study employed qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. ^ Qualitative research methods included surveys, interviews and focus groups. The survey solicited debt load information from 67 Florida school districts (21 responded) and addressed the question which districts used certificates of participation and why. Eight individuals with experience dealing with all three debt instruments were interviewed. A follow-up focus group of six school district financial officers gathered additional data. Results from the qualitative methods revealed school districts used certificates of participation based on millage authority amount available relative to overall tax base. Also identified was the belief of a significant difference in certificates of participation costs and the other two debt instrument types. ^ The study's quantitative methods analyzed 1998 and 1999 initial issues of Moody's AAA rated certificates of participation, tax-exempt revenue bonds and tax-exempt general obligation bonds. Through an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), the study examined interest rates and yields while controlling for the covariates of credit enhancement, issue size, and maturity date. The analysis identified no significant difference between interest rates of certificates of participation and tax-exempt general obligation bonds (p < 0.05). There was a significant difference between interest rates of tax-exempt revenue bonds and tax-exempt general obligation bonds. This study discerned no significant difference between yield on certificates of participation and tax-exempt general obligation bonds. It identified a difference in yield between both certificates of participation and tax-exempt general obligation bonds compared with tax-exempt revenue bonds. ^ The study found COPs to have lesser overall costs than RV bonds. COPs also have a quicker entry into the market resulting in construction cost savings. The study found policy implications such as investment portfolio limitations and public choice issues about using COPs as a mechanism to grow government. ^
Almost all pharmaceutically relevant proteins and many extracellular proteins contain disulfide bonds, which are essential for protein functions. In many cases, disulfidecontaining proteins are produced via in vitro protein folding that involves the oxidation of reduced protein to native protein, a complex process. The in vitro folding of reduced lysozyme has been extensively studied as a model system because native lysozyme is small, inexpensive, and has only four disulfide bonds. The folding of reduced lysozyme is conducted with the aid of a redox buffer consisting of a small molecule disulfide and a small molecule thiol, such as oxidized and reduced glutathione. Herein, in vitro folding rates and yields of lysozyme obtained in the presence of a series of aromatic thiols and oxidized glutathione are compared to those obtained with reduced and oxidized glutathione. Results showed that aromatic thiols significantly increase the folding rate of lysozyme compared to glutathione.
The coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi was cultured under a broad range of carbonate chemistry conditions to distinguish the effects of individual carbonate system parameters on growth, primary production, and calcification. In the first experiment, alkalinity was kept constant and the fugacity of CO2(fCO2) varied from 2 to 600 Pa (1Pa ~ 10 µatm). In the second experiment, pH was kept constant (pHfree = 8) with fCO2 varying from 4 to 370 Pa. Results of the constant-alkalinity approach revealed physiological optima for growth, calcification, and organic carbon production at fCO2 values of ~20Pa, ~40 Pa, and ~80 Pa, respectively. Comparing this with the constant-pH approach showed that growth and organic carbon production increased similarly from low to intermediate CO2 levels but started to diverge towards higher CO2 levels. In the high CO2 range, growth rates and organic carbon production decreased steadily with declining pH at constant alkalinity while remaining consistently higher at constant pH. This suggests that growth and organic carbon production rates are directly related to CO2 at low (sub-saturating) concentrations, whereas towards higher CO2 levels they are adversely affected by the associated decrease in pH. A pH dependence at high fCO2 is also indicated for calcification rates, while the key carbonate system parameter determining calcification at low fCO2 remains unclear. These results imply that key metabolic processes in coccolithophores have their optima at different carbonate chemistry conditions and are influenced by different parameters of the carbonate system at both sides of the optimum.
The present data compilation includes dinoflagellates growth rate, grazing rate and gross growth efficiency determined either in the field or in laboratory experiments. From the existing literature, we synthesized all data that we could find on dinoflagellates. Some sources might be missing but none were purposefully ignored. We did not include autotrophic dinoflagellates in the database, but mixotrophic organisms may have been included. This is due to the large uncertainty about which taxa are mixotrophic, heterotrophic or symbiont bearing. Field data on microzooplankton grazing are mostly comprised of grazing rate using the dilution technique with a 24h incubation period. Laboratory grazing and growth data are focused on pelagic ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates. The experiment measured grazing or growth as a function of prey concentration or at saturating prey concentration (maximal grazing rate). When considering every single data point available (each measured rate for a defined predator-prey pair and a certain prey concentration) there is a total of 801 data points for the dinoflagellates, counting experiments that measured growth and grazing simultaneously as 1 data point.
The present data compilation includes ciliates growth rate, grazing rate and gross growth efficiency determined either in the field or in laboratory experiments. From the existing literature, we synthesized all data that we could find on cilliate. Some sources might be missing but none were purposefully ignored. Field data on microzooplankton grazing are mostly comprised of grazing rate using the dilution technique with a 24h incubation period. Laboratory grazing and growth data are focused on pelagic ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates. The experiment measured grazing or growth as a function of prey concentration or at saturating prey concentration (maximal grazing rate). When considering every single data point available (each measured rate for a defined predator-prey pair and a certain prey concentration) there is a total of 1485 data points for the ciliates, counting experiments that measured growth and grazing simultaneously as 1 data point.
Peer reviewed
The coccolithophore Calcidiscus leptoporus was grown in batch culture under nitrogen (N) as well as phosphorus (P) limitation. Growth rate, particulate inorganic carbon (PIC), particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON), and particulate organic phosphorus (POP) production were determined and coccolith morphology was analysed. While PON production decreased by 70% under N-limitation and POP production decreased by 65% under P-limitation, growth rate decreased by 33% under N- as well as P-limitation. POC as well as PIC production (calcification rate) increased by 27% relative to the control under P-limitation, and did not change under N-limitation. Coccolith morphology did not change in response to either P or N limitation. While these findings, supported by a literature survey, suggest that coccolith morphogenesis is not hampered by either P or N limitation, calcification rate might be. The latter conclusion is in apparent contradiction to our data. We discuss the reasons for this inference.
The coccolithophore Calcidiscus leptoporus (strain RCC1135) was grown in dilute batch culture at CO2 levels ranging from ~200 to ~1600 µatm. Increasing CO2 concentration led to an increased percentage of malformed coccoliths and eventually (at ~1500 µatm CO2) to aggregation of cells. Carbonate chemistry of natural seawater was manipulated in three ways: first, addition of acid; second, addition of a HCO3/CO3 solution; and third, addition of both acid and HCO3/CO3 solution. The data set allowed the disentangling of putative effects of the different parameters of the carbonate system. It is concluded that CO2 is the parameter of the carbonate system which causes both aberrant coccolithogenesis and aggregation of cells.
As a consequence of anthropogenic CO2 emissions, oceans are becoming more acidic, a phenomenon known as ocean acidification. Many marine species predicted to be sensitive to this stressor are photosymbiotic, including corals and foraminifera. However, the direct impact of ocean acidification on the relationship between the photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic organism remains unclear and is complicated by other physiological processes known to be sensitive to ocean acidification (e.g. calcification and feeding). We have studied the impact of extreme pH decrease/pCO2 increase on the complete life cycle of the photosymbiotic, non-calcifying and pure autotrophic acoel worm, Symsagittifera roscoffensis. Our results show that this species is resistant to high pCO2 with no negative or even positive effects on fitness (survival, growth, fertility) and/or photosymbiotic relationship till pCO2 up to 54 K µatm. Some sub-lethal bleaching is only observed at pCO2 up to 270 K µatm when seawater is saturated by CO2. This indicates that photosymbiosis can be resistant to high pCO2. If such a finding would be confirmed in other photosymbiotic species, we could then hypothesize that negative impact of high pCO2 observed on other photosymbiotic species such as corals and foraminifera could occur through indirect impacts at other levels (calcification, feeding).
The impact of ocean acidification and increased water temperature on marine ecosystems, in particular those involving calcifying organisms, has been gradually recognised. We examined the individual and combined effects of increased pCO2 (180 ppmV CO2, 380 ppmV CO2 and 750 ppmV CO2 corresponding to past, present and future CO2 conditions, respectively) and temperature (13 °C and 18 °C) during the exponential growth phase of the coccolithophore E. huxleyi using batch culture experiments. We showed that cellular production rate of Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) increased from the present to the future CO2 treatments at 13 °C. A significant effect of pCO2 and of temperature on calcification was found, manifesting itself in a lower cellular production rate of Particulate Inorganic Carbon (PIC) as well as a lower PIC:POC ratio at future CO2 levels and at 18 °C. Coccosphere-sized particles showed a size reduction with both increasing temperature and CO2concentration. The influence of the different treatments on coccolith morphology was studied by categorizing SEM coccolith micrographs. The number of well-formed coccoliths decreased with increasing pCO2 while temperature did not have a significant impact on coccolith morphology. No interacting effects of pCO2 and temperature were observed on calcite production, coccolith morphology or on coccosphere size. Finally, our results suggest that ocean acidification might have a larger adverse impact on coccolithophorid calcification than surface water warming.