997 resultados para Art 20 (98) Código de Comercio


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In 1990, early distress had shown up on US 20 in Hamilton/Webster counties, three years after paving. Since that time, over a dozen more projects, constructed between 1984 and 1994, have been found to exhibit similar early distress. Several changes to the concrete and Portland cement specifications occurred in 1994 and 1996. This study was undertaken to investigate in place concrete pavements before and after specification changes were implemented. The objective of this research is to evaluate the impact of Portland cement and concrete specification changes made in 1994 and 1996 on PCC durability. Cores were obtained in 1998 and 2003 from projects constructed in 1992, before specification changes, and 1997 after specification changes. The following is a brief summary of the conclusions: 1. The pavements in the study constructed under the new specifications are performing much better after 5 years of service than the pavements constructed under the old specifications. 2. According to ISU, micro-cracking is evident in all concrete that has been in service, due to thermal stresses and loading stresses. Also, the low vacuum SEM will desiccate the concrete enough to cause micro-cracking. The SEM should not be used as a tool to indicate micro-cracking. 3. Use of Type II cement (C3A <8%) and a 3.0% SO3 limit does not completely eliminate ettringite infilling in air voids, as indicated in the bottom of the 1997 cores. 4. In areas of high moisture (bottom of the core), infilling is present in most of the 1997 cores. 5. Low air content and high spacing factor in the top of 1992 cores apparently causes F/T cycling cracking and then increased moisture paths from cracking causes infilling. 6. Use of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) and fly ash reduces ettringite infilling either by diluting the aluminate (C3A) or lowering permeability, which slows ingress of moisture. 7. The specification changes that made the biggest impact on pavement durability are the limits on vibration and increase in air content in September 1994. 8. Investigations of cores from pavements placed in 2002 and 2003 indicate improved air contents and spacing factors. In-place air content and spacing factors should be monitored to determine if appropriate air void parameters are being met.


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En la propuesta de proyecto del IMI (Instituto Municipal de Informática) se fija como objetivo la definición, arquitectura y diseño de un sistema informático distribuido que permita la realización de consultas populares, garantizando la confidencialidad, seguridad, sincronía y posibilidad de acceso móvil.


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OBJECTIVE: Body mass index does not discriminate body fat from fat-free mass or determine changes in these parameters with physical activity and aging. Body fat mass index (BFMI) and fat-free mass index (FFMI) permit comparisons of subjects with different heights. This study evaluated differences in body mass index, BFMI, and FFMI in physically active and sedentary subjects younger and older than 60 y and determined the association between physical activity, age, and body composition parameters in a healthy white population between ages 18 and 98 y. METHODS: Body fat and fat-free mass were determined in healthy white men (n = 3549) and women (n = 3184), between ages 18 and 98 y, by bioelectrical impedance analysis. BFMI and FFMI (kg/m2) were calculated. Physical activity was defined as at least 3 h/wk of endurance-type activity for at least 2 mo. RESULTS: Physically active as opposed to sedentary subjects were more likely to have a low BFMI (men: odds ratio [OR], 1.4; confidence interval [CI], 0.7-2.5; women: OR 1.9, CI 1.6-2.2) and less likely to have very high BFMI (men: OR, 0.2; CI, 0.1-0.2; women: OR, 0.1; CI, 0.02-0.2), low FFMI (men: OR, 0.5; CI, 0.3-0.9; women: OR, 0.7; CI, 0.6-0.9), or very high FFMI (men: OR, 0.6; CI, 0.4-0.8; women: OR, 0.7; CI, 0.5-1.0). Compared with subjects younger than 60 y, those older than 60 y were more like to have very high BFMI (men: OR, 6.5; CI, 4.5-9.3; women: OR, 14.0; CI, 9.6-20.5), and women 60 y and older were less likely to have a low BFMI (OR, 0.4; CI, 0.2-0.5). CONCLUSIONS: A clear association was found between low physical activity or age and height-normalized body composition parameters (BFMI and FFMI) derived from bioelectrical impedance analysis. Physically active subjects were more likely to have high or very high or low FFMI. Older subjects had higher body weights and BFMI.


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El presente estudio expone la regulación del nuevo delito de "atti persecutori" introducido en el Código Penal italiano. El Decreto Legge 11/2009, de 23 de febrero, convalidado por el Parlamento italiano mediante la Ley 28/2009, ha incluido un nuevo art. 612 bis al CP italiano. Con la inclusión de dicho delito entre los que protegen la libertad del individuo Italia se incorpora a la corriente político-criminal que propugna la criminalización del stalking. La incriminación de dichas conductas de acoso constituye una orientación iniciada en Estados Unidos a principios de los 90, que ha colonizado otros países del Common Law y que finalmente ha llegado a la Europa continental. En este trabajo se analizan básicamente los elementos del tipo del nuevo delito italiano. Sin embargo, no se deja de atender ni a la previa conceptuación de este fenómeno ni a otras medidas protectoras de la víctima del stalking que se incorporan al ordenamiento italiano mediante la presente Ley.


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La reforma de los delitos contra la seguridad en el tráfico operada por LO 15/2007, de 30 de noviembre, constituye la expresión de un programa político-criminal de más amplio alcance, presente en el Proyecto de Reforma del Código Penal de 2007. En este trabajo se exponen las causas de la emergencia del nuevo derecho penal de la seguridad vial a la luz del paradi gma explicativo que ofrece el derecho penal postmoderno del riesgo -sometido aquí a necesarios ajustes- y se ofrece un análisis crítico de dos de los nuevos tipos: la conducción a velocidad por encima de determinados límites (art. 379.1) y la conducción con concentraciones de alcohol en aire espirado o en sangre superiores a determinadas tasas (0.6 mgr. o 1,2 gr. respectivamente) –art. 379.2-. Igualmente se analiza la propuesta del Proyecto de Reforma del Código de elevar a la categoría de delito las imprudencias leves con resultado de muerte. Tres piezas clave de un programa que trasluce una gran desconfianza hacia el estamento judicial y un optimismo infundado en las posibilidades del derecho penal para reducir eficazmente la siniestralidad vial.


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Occupational exposure modeling is widely used in the context of the E.U. regulation on the registration, evaluation, authorization, and restriction of chemicals (REACH). First tier tools, such as European Centre for Ecotoxicology and TOxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC) targeted risk assessment (TRA) or Stoffenmanager, are used to screen a wide range of substances. Those of concern are investigated further using second tier tools, e.g., Advanced REACH Tool (ART). Local sensitivity analysis (SA) methods are used here to determine dominant factors for three models commonly used within the REACH framework: ECETOC TRA v3, Stoffenmanager 4.5, and ART 1.5. Based on the results of the SA, the robustness of the models is assessed. For ECETOC, the process category (PROC) is the most important factor. A failure to identify the correct PROC has severe consequences for the exposure estimate. Stoffenmanager is the most balanced model and decision making uncertainties in one modifying factor are less severe in Stoffenmanager. ART requires a careful evaluation of the decisions in the source compartment since it constitutes ∼75% of the total exposure range, which corresponds to an exposure estimate of 20-22 orders of magnitude. Our results indicate that there is a trade off between accuracy and precision of the models. Previous studies suggested that ART may lead to more accurate results in well-documented exposure situations. However, the choice of the adequate model should ultimately be determined by the quality of the available exposure data: if the practitioner is uncertain concerning two or more decisions in the entry parameters, Stoffenmanager may be more robust than ART.


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L’objectiu principal d’aquesta investigació és analitzar per què les arts de cos estan tan presents en els museus del segle XXI. Per fer-ho, ens centrarem primer en conèixer la història de les arts del cos des dels seus inicis al carrer o galeries alternatives fins a l’entrada al museu. En segon lloc, farem una aproximació a l’evolució dels museus centrant-nos en els segles XX i XXI. En tercer lloc, investigarem com les arts del cos entren als museus i farem una recerca d’aquestes arts en el museu del segle XXI


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L'article 122 de l'Estatut d'autonomia de Catalunya (EAC) reconeix a la Generalitat la competència exclusiva per a establir el règim jurídic, les modalitats, el procediment, l'acompliment i la convocatòria per la mateixa Generalitat o pels ens locals, en l'àmbit de llurs competències, d'enquestes, audiències públiques,formes de participació i qualsevol altre instrument de consultes populars, salvant el que disposa l'article 149.1.32 de la Constitució espanyola (CE). La STC 31/2010, de 20 de juny, avala al seu fonament jurídic 69, la constitucionalitat del precepte estatutari, però amb una interpretació marcadament restrictiva.


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This paper focuses on capabilities implemented by micro firms in actual art sector. After last two decades, since establishment of new art selling ventures has started, current art market of Russia is still in its emerging phase. Art galleries, who preserve to be the main place where the art is purchased, today have to survive in the hostile business environment. Whereas the rivalry does not affect gallery performance significantly, the major challenges for these micro firms are customer unawareness and shortages of financing. The business environment requires capabilities inherited by galleries to sustain the performance. Such capabilities may lead to innovation adoption. This paper represents the first explorative study on contemporary art market of Saint-Petersburg. In order to gain an understanding of the topic, qualitative method was chosen and in-depth interviews were done with 7 different micro firms using key informant method.


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Na busca constante, tanto de material biológico alternativo para a realização de implantes, quanto de novas opções de modelos de experimentação animal, o objetivo desta investigação foi descrever o comportamento mecânico do peritônio da paca (Cuniculus paca Linnaeus, 1766) a fresco e conservado em glicerina a 98%. Amostras frescas e conservadas em glicerina por períodos de 30, 60 e 90 dias foram submetidas a testes mecânicos de tração. Quatro animais adultos, três machos e uma fêmeas, com peso corporal médio de oito quilogramas, foram utilizados para colheita das amostras de peritônio. Todos os tecidos conservados em glicerina a 98% apresentaram diminuição na rigidez e aumento na ductibilidade e tenacidade. Considerando-se a força máxima aplicada ao peritônio, evidenciou-se aumento significativo nos valores (p<0,01) das amostras conservadas por 60 e 90 dias, quando comparado ao material a fresco. Com relação a variável alongamento, notou-se aumento nos valores relativos aos materiais em glicerina em todos os tempos de conservação, verificando-se diferença significativa (p<0,01) entre os valores das amostras a fresco. A variável área também se apresentou significativa (p<0,01) entre os valores das amostras a fresco (5,40 mm²) e os preservados em glicerina pelos períodos de 30 dias (4,50 mm²), 60 dias (9,00 mm²) e 90 dias (7,20 mm²), indicando assim, que a área desta membrana aumentou em 0,033 mm² por dia. Mediante os resultados observados, concluiu-se que a glicerina 98% é uma substância eficiente para a conservação do peritônio da paca, pois melhorou suas propriedades mecânicas permitindo que as membranas suportem maiores forças de deformação. Assim, os resultados obtidos nos ensaios mecânicos do peritônio da paca sugerem sua utilização como mais uma opção de material biológico.