940 resultados para Amperometry (Instrumentation)
OBJECTIVE: Blood pressure (BP) measured in obese patients with a large arm circumference using a cuff of standard width may be overestimated. METHODS: We compared in this study the BP readings obtained with oscillometric devices at the left arm (OMRON HEM 705-CP) and the left wrist (OMRON R6) (Omron Medizintechnik, Mannheim, Germany) in lean (n=15) and obese (n=11) patients. RESULTS: No difference was found in diastolic BP between the two groups, nor between the arm and the wrist. Systolic BP measured at the arm was, however, significantly lower in obese (99+/-9 mmHg, mean+/-SD) than in lean (107+/-14 mmHg; P<0.001) patients, whereas systolic BP determined at the wrist averaged 106 mmHg in both groups. CONCLUSION: The use of validated wrist BP measuring devices appears therefore particularly appealing in obese individuals with a large arm circumference
INTRODUCTION: Auscultatory nonmercury manual devices seem good alternatives for the mercury sphygmomanometers in the clinic and for research settings, but individual internal validation of each device is time-consuming. The aim of this study was to validate a new technique capable of testing two devices simultaneously, based on the International protocol of the European Society of Hypertension. METHODS: The concept of the new technique is to measure blood pressure alternatively by two observers using a mercury sphygmomanometer and by two observers using the A&D UM-101 and Accoson Greenlight 300 devices, connected by Y-tube to obtain simultaneous readings with both nonmercury devices. Thirty-three participants were enrolled (mean age 47.2±14.0 years). Nine sequential blood pressure measurements were performed for each participant. RESULTS: Both devices passed phase 1 using 15 participants. In phase 2.1 (n=33), on a maximum of 99 measurements, the Accoson device produced 81/95/99 measurements within 5/10/15 mmHg for systolic blood pressure (SBP) and 87/98/99 for diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The A&D device produced 86/96/99 for SBP and 94/99/99 for DBP. In phase 2.2 (n=33), 30 participants had at least 2 out of 3 SBP obtained with Accoson device within 5 mmHg of the mercury device, as compared with 29 of 33 participants with the A&D device. For DBP, this was 33 of 33 participants for both devices. CONCLUSION: Both the nonmercury devices passed the International protocol. The new technique of simultaneous device testing using a Y-tube represents a time saving application of the International protocol.
The impact of navigator spatial resolution and navigator evaluation time on image quality in free-breathing navigator-gated 3D coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), including real-time motion correction, was investigated in a moving phantom. Objective image quality parameters signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and vessel sharpness were compared. It was found that for improved mage quality a short navigator evaluation time is of crucial importance. Navigator spatial resolution showed minimal influence on image quality.
La ponction lombaire (PL) est un geste fréquent en médecine interne, en particulier dans les services d'urgences. Dans cet article, nous présentons une description détaillée de ce geste en donnant quelques conseils pratiques pour sa réussite, la gestion des cas difficiles et la prévention des complications. Nous abordons aussi des questions pratiques comme l'indication à une imagerie cérébrale avant le geste et la mobilisation après la PL. La connaissance des indications, des détails de la procédure ainsi que des complications potentielles et de leur prise en charge constitue la base pour une information complète à donner au patient. Lumbar puncture (LP) is a procedure frequently performed by internists. The aim of this article is to describe in detail the procedure, to give some practical advices to always succeed in doing a lumbar puncture and to discuss the most frequent complications, how to prevent them and how to treat them. We will also answer some frequently asked questions, such as indications to perform neuroimaging before a lumbar puncture, or patient mobilisation after LP. Knowledge of these points is key to give a complete information to the patients and obtain an informed consent
Alteplase has been shown to be effective in preventing central venous access clotting in patients on hemodialysis. Because of a high phosphorus content in its excipient, it can inadvertently contaminate blood samples, leading the physician in care of the patient to erroneously increase dialysis time or change diet in order to control the pseudo-hyperphosphatemia.
The objective of this study was to investigate whether it is possible to pool together diffusion spectrum imaging data from four different scanners, located at three different sites. Two of the scanners had identical configuration whereas two did not. To measure the variability, we extracted three scalar maps (ADC, FA and GFA) from the DSI and utilized a region and a tract-based analysis. Additionally, a phantom study was performed to rule out some potential factors arising from the scanner performance in case some systematic bias occurred in the subject study. This work was split into three experiments: intra-scanner reproducibility, reproducibility with twin-scanner settings and reproducibility with other configurations. Overall for the intra-scanner and twin-scanner experiments, the region-based analysis coefficient of variation (CV) was in a range of 1%-4.2% and below 3% for almost every bundle for the tract-based analysis. The uncinate fasciculus showed the worst reproducibility, especially for FA and GFA values (CV 3.7-6%). For the GFA and FA maps, an ICC value of 0.7 and above is observed in almost all the regions/tracts. Looking at the last experiment, it was found that there is a very high similarity of the outcomes from the two scanners with identical setting. However, this was not the case for the two other imagers. Given the fact that the overall variation in our study is low for the imagers with identical settings, our findings support the feasibility of cross-site pooling of DSI data from identical scanners.
The aim of this study was to compare our experience with minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (MITLIF) and open midline transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF). A total of 36 patients suffering from isthmic spondylolisthesis or degenerative disc disease were operated with either a MITLIF (n = 18) or an open TLIF technique (n = 18) with an average follow-up of 22 and 24 months, respectively. Clinical outcome was assessed using the visual analogue scale (VAS) and the Oswestry disability index (ODI). There was no difference in length of surgery between the two groups. The MITLIF group resulted in a significant reduction of blood loss and had a shorter length of hospital stay. No difference was observed in postoperative pain, initial analgesia consumption, VAS or ODI between the groups. Three pseudarthroses were observed in the MITLIF group although this was not statistically significant. A steeper learning effect was observed for the MITLIF group.
Le diagnostic final des pathologies impliquant le système hématopoïétique tel que les leucémies, pancytopénies inexpliquées ou autres désordres médullaires, requiert une ponction biopsie de moelle. Cette procédure relativement invasive doit être maîtrisée non seulement par l'hématologue, mais également par l'interniste. Il est crucial d'en connaître les indications et contre-indications et de pouvoir prévenir les complications par une bonne connaissance de celles-ci. Cet article revoit ces différents éléments et apporte les détails pratiques de la procédure ainsi que le matériel nécessaire. The definitive diagnosis of several hematological diseases, as for instance leukaemias, unexplained pancytopenias and other bone marrow disorders, requires a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. Not only haematologists, but also internists, need to master this rather invasive procedure. The knowledge of indications, contra-indications, potential complications and their prevention of its complications is of utmost importance. This article reviews these topics about bone marrow biopsy, giving some practical advices on this procedure
The least limiting water range (LLWR) has been used as an indicator of soil physical quality as it represents, in a single parameter, the soil physical properties directly linked to plant growth, with the exception of temperature. The usual procedure for obtaining the LLWR involves determination of the water retention curve (WRC) and the soil resistance to penetration curve (SRC) in soil samples with undisturbed structure in the laboratory. Determination of the WRC and SRC using field measurements (in situ ) is preferable, but requires appropriate instrumentation. The objective of this study was to determine the LLWR from the data collected for determination of WRC and SRC in situ using portable electronic instruments, and to compare those determinations with the ones made in the laboratory. Samples were taken from the 0.0-0.1 m layer of a Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (Oxisol). Two methods were used for quantification of the LLWR: the traditional, with measurements made in soil samples with undisturbed structure; and in situ , with measurements of water content (θ), soil water potential (Ψ), and soil resistance to penetration (SR) through the use of sensors. The in situ measurements of θ, Ψ and SR were taken over a period of four days of soil drying. At the same time, samples with undisturbed structure were collected for determination of bulk density (BD). Due to the limitations of measurement of Ψ by tensiometer, additional determinations of θ were made with a psychrometer (in the laboratory) at the Ψ of -1500 kPa. The results show that it is possible to determine the LLWR by the θ, Ψ and SR measurements using the suggested approach and instrumentation. The quality of fit of the SRC was similar in both strategies. In contrast, the θ and Ψ in situ measurements, associated with those measured with a psychrometer, produced a better WRC description. The estimates of the LLWR were similar in both methodological strategies. The quantification of LLWR in situ can be achieved in 10 % of the time required for the traditional method.
A second collaborative exercise on RNA/DNA co-analysis for body fluid identification and STR profiling was organized by the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP). Six human blood stains, two blood dilution series (5-0.001 μl blood) and, optionally, bona fide or mock casework samples of human or non-human origin were analyzed by the participating laboratories using a RNA/DNA co-extraction or solely RNA extraction method. Two novel mRNA multiplexes were used for the identification of blood: a highly sensitive duplex (HBA, HBB) and a moderately sensitive pentaplex (ALAS2, CD3G, ANK1, SPTB and PBGD). The laboratories used different chemistries and instrumentation. All of the 18 participating laboratories were able to successfully isolate and detect mRNA in dried blood stains. Thirteen laboratories simultaneously extracted RNA and DNA from individual stains and were able to utilize mRNA profiling to confirm the presence of blood and to obtain autosomal STR profiles from the blood stain donors. The positive identification of blood and good quality DNA profiles were also obtained from old and compromised casework samples. The method proved to be reproducible and sensitive using different analysis strategies. The results of this collaborative exercise involving a RNA/DNA co-extraction strategy support the potential use of an mRNA based system for the identification of blood in forensic casework that is compatible with current DNA analysis methodology.
BACKGROUND: Suction-based wound healing devices with open-pore foam interfaces are widely used to treat complex tissue defects. The impact of changes in physicochemical parameters of the wound interfaces has not been investigated. METHODS: Full-thickness wounds in diabetic mice were treated with occlusive dressing or a suction device with a polyurethane foam interface varying in mean pore size diameter. Wound surface deformation on day 2 was measured on fixed tissues. Histologic cross-sections were analyzed for granulation tissue thickness (hematoxylin and eosin), myofibroblast density (α-smooth muscle actin), blood vessel density (platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1), and cell proliferation (Ki67) on day 7. RESULTS: Polyurethane foam-induced wound surface deformation increased with polyurethane foam pore diameter: 15 percent (small pore size), 60 percent (medium pore size), and 150 percent (large pore size). The extent of wound strain correlated with granulation tissue thickness that increased 1.7-fold in small pore size foam-treated wounds, 2.5-fold in medium pore size foam-treated wounds, and 4.9-fold in large pore size foam-treated wounds (p < 0.05) compared with wounds treated with an occlusive dressing. All polyurethane foams increased the number of myofibroblasts over occlusive dressing, with maximal presence in large pore size foam-treated wounds compared with all other groups (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The pore size of the interface material of suction devices has a significant impact on the wound healing response. Larger pores increased wound surface strain, tissue growth, and transformation of contractile cells. Modification of the pore size is a powerful approach for meeting biological needs of specific wounds.
This report presents a review of literature on geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) bridge abutments, and test results and analysis from two field demonstration projects (Bridge 1 and Bridge 2) conducted in Buchanan County, Iowa, to evaluate the feasibility and cost effectiveness of the use of GRS bridge abutments on low-volume roads (LVRs). The two projects included GRS abutment substructures and railroad flat car (RRFC) bridge superstructures. The construction costs varied from $43k to $49k, which was about 50 to 60% lower than the expected costs for building a conventional bridge. Settlement monitoring at both bridges indicated maximum settlements ≤1 in. and differential settlements ≤ 0.2 in transversely at each abutment, during the monitoring phase. Laboratory testing on GRS fill material, field testing, and in ground instrumentation, abutment settlement monitoring, and bridge live load (LL) testing were conducted on Bridge 2. Laboratory test results indicated that shear strength parameters and permanent deformation behavior of granular fill material improved when reinforced with geosynthetic, due to lateral restraint effect at the soilgeosynthetic interface. Bridge LL testing under static loads indicated maximum deflections close to 0.9 in and non-uniform deflections transversely across the bridge due to poor load transfer between RRFCs. The ratio of horizontal to vertical stresses in the GRS fill was low (< 0.25), indicating low lateral stress on the soil surrounding GRS fill material. Bearing capacity analysis at Bridge 2 indicated lower than recommended factor of safety (FS) values due to low ultimate reinforcement strength of the geosynthetic material used in this study and a relatively weak underlying foundation layer. Global stability analysis of the GRS abutment structure revealed a lower FS than recommended against sliding failure along the interface of the GRS fill material and the underlying weak foundation layer. Design and construction recommendations to help improve the stability and performance of the GRS abutment structures on future projects, and recommendations for future research are provided in this report.
Phosphopeptides tagging reactions by dinuclear zinc(II) complexes (1,3-bis[bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amino]-propan-2-olato dizinc(II)3+, called tag) were performed with a dual-channel microsprayer in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The reaction is first studied ex situ and analyzed with a commercial electrospray source. In situ reactions (i.e., inside the Taylor cone) were achieved with a dual-channel microsprayer both with the tag synthesized chemically before the experiments and with the tag electrogenerated by in situ oxidation of a zinc electrode, also used to apply the electrospray current. The device consists of a polyimide microchip with two microchannels (20 microm x 50 microm x 1 cm) etched on each side of the structure and connecting only at the tip of the microchip. We demonstrate here that mixing two solutions with different physicochemical properties inside the Taylor cone can be used to selectively tag target molecules.
This article presents the role of nuclear medicine procedures in investigating renal and parenchymal disease, as well as upper urinary tract abnormalities. More specifically, the use of scintigraphy is described in the exploration of urinary tract dilatation and UTIs, vesicoureteric reflux, renovascular hypertension, and renal transplants. With a low radiation burden and the absence of sedation, these nuclear medicine procedures are easy to perform and can provide clinicians with valuable data on renal perfusion and the function of individual kidneys, as well as on urinary tract dynamics. However, knowledge of limitations and technical pitfalls is essential in understanding the role of scintigraphy among contemporary imaging methods and the unique information it supplies in nephrourology.
Avant-propos : Cette étude a pour objet la rémunération du notaire suisse indépendant (notaire latin) sous ses différentes formes. L'organisation suisse de la fonction notariale est telle que tous les cantons ne connaissent pas nécessairement une organisation comparable à celle que l'on retrouve en Romandie, à savoir une délégation de l'activité ministérielle (activité officielle du notaire) à une personne physique indépendante qui exerce le ministère notarial pour son propre compte et sous sa propre responsabilité. Ainsi, certains cantons de Suisse alémanique ont-ils confié l'instrumentation des actes authentiques à des fonctionnaires (notariat d'Etat) ou ont-ils partagé les fonctions ministérielles entre des fonctionnaires d'une part, et des indépendants, d'autre part (notariat mixte). Une minorité de cantons n'ont pas même de corps notarial organisé. Nous concentrons notre examen sur la rémunération des notaires indépendants et laissons volontairement de côté les autres systèmes d'organisation de la fonction notariale. Celui du notariat d'Etat en particulier, où l'officier public n'est pas le créancier de la prétention pécuniaire découlant de l'exercice du ministère ; cette qualité appartient à la collectivité publique qui l'emploie et le rémunère au moyen d'un salaire. Les règles applicables à la rémunération du notaire d'Etat se confondent alors avec celles des autres fonctionnaires et ne justifient probablement pas d'examen particulier en dehors des études qui seraient consacrées à la rémunération des membres de la fonction publique. Par ailleurs, notre étude comparative se limite aux législations cantonales ayant adopté un notariat purement latin, bien que l'on retrouve également des officiers publics exerçant de manière indépendante dans les cantons à notariat mixte. Nous avons en effet considéré que les comparaisons réalisées, notamment s'agissant des tarifs des émoluments notariaux, se prêtaient mal à un examen lorsque le notariat n'est pas exercé de manière uniforme sur l'ensemble du canton et où la charge ministérielle est largement partagée entre des particuliers et des autorités étatiques. Outre son activité principale consistant à exercer le ministère notariale, le notaire latin est fréquemment amené à agir sur une base privée, notamment comme mandataire. Il assume souvent d'autres tâches telles celles d'exécuteur testamentaire, de tuteur ou d'expert nommé par le juge. Nous devons ainsi appréhender la rémunération du notaire, non sous un seul angle, mais bien à la lumière des différents régimes juridiques qui lui sont applicables. Nous avons donc choisi de diviser notre travail en trois parties (Titres I à III) : - une première partie introductive qui traite de l'organisation du notariat, des droits et devoirs généraux du notaire et de sa responsabilité ; - une deuxième partie consacrée au régime juridique de l'émolument de droit public que le notaire perçoit lorsqu'il exerce son ministère ; - une troisième partie relative aux honoraires du notaire pour ses activités relevant du droit privé ou pour certains mandats spéciaux (exécuteur testamentaire, administrateur d'office, expert judiciaire, tuteur, curateur, etc.) ainsi qu'à divers autres aspects liés à sa rémunération : applicabilité des législations fédérales économiques, facturation, garanties de la créance (solidarité, droit de rétention, provision) avec quelques remarques relatives à la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée (TVA), la procédure de recouvrement de la créance du notaire et les obligations de l'officier public dans le domaine de la comptabilité commerciale. Nous avons tenté d'orienter notre réflexion vers certaines considérations d'ordre pratique afin que cette étude puisse - nous l'espérons du moins - rendre quelques services aux praticiens. Nous précisions encore que nous avons volontairement évité d'aborder les questions économiques et politiques liées à la rémunération du notaire indépendant pour nous cantonner à un examen strictement juridique du sujet.