974 resultados para Administração de Pessoal


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This study aimed to focus on aspects of public administration concerning the implementation of the public policy of complementary blood collection by the itinerant and scheduled PPCCIPS services either trough off local unity or mobile unit blood collection operations, which are managed by the State Institute of Hematology Arthur de Siqueira Cavalcanti - HEMORIO. The case study method was used in that public health institutional field, in search for a better understanding of responsibilities and management related to collection, serology, fractionation, storage and distribution of blood supply to almost all public hospitals and clinics, summed up to agreements with the single health system of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Bibliographic references, documentary and field data obtained through interviews and systematic observation in the public servants of HEMORIO workplaces, were treated by the analysis of the content method and the results of this research revealed the complexity of those services, and needs in outstanding aspects of infrastructure, equipment, logistics and personnel, which are critical for the achievement of the increased public collection of blood in the Rio de Janeiro State, endorsing the suggestions for the implementation of PPCCIPS in HEMORIO. The main point found in this research results concern the immanent ethical commitment of that public service personnel, including staff members and low ranking members as well, perceived due to a brief philosophical overlook on that personnel¿s attitudes. An important strategic aspect was revealed by the need for excellence of midia communications and education programs to implement the community involvement in the whole process. Final reflections point out that personnel posture is considered vital for the quality of the expected care of the technical activities and also for the quality of its final products release to the local public, fluminense, which is the irreplaceable human blood, and their derivatives. Despite the author¿s effort in this dissertation there is much more to be studied on that crucial theme.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar um modelo organizacional capaz de contemplar a Aduana brasileira com o nível ideal de interiorização necessário para suportar a expansão do comércio internacional. Inicialmente, os seguintes referencias foram investigados: o modelo organizacional atualmente empregado, os compromissos aduaneiros assumidos no âmbito do MERCOSUL e os novos paradigmas inseridos na proposta de reforma da administração pública federal. A escolha estratégica, que pretende indicar o nível de interiorização ideal, foi formulada considerando-se diferentes opiniões colhidas de personalidades envolvidas interna com a atuação aduaneira. A partir desta escolha e dos referencias considerados, promoveu-se então a reconcepção do modelo organizacional. Para elaborar o estudo, o autor teve que conduzir uma estruturada reflexão sobre alguns dos graves problemas que enfrenta a administração da mais importante instituição tributária do País. A partir de uma investigação dialética ,interessantes soluções puderam ser formuladas para os problemas diagnosticados. Como resultado, diversas propostas foram então inseridas no contexto da escolha estratégica ideal e do novo modelo organizacional.


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This is a master's degree dissertation that has for main objective analyzes the relationship among the areas of the knowledge, tourism and administration, under the optics of contributions in different instances, establishing analogies and reflections, tends as empiric field, the case of the municipal district of São Luís, in Maranhão State. It approaches the epistemology analysis of the tourist phenomenon discussing the employed speeches, faiths, myths, dependence, virtues and sins in the interpretation of the study. It points subjects related to the context of higher education in tourism, establishing connections with the management in a theoretical atmosphere, demonstrating the roads of evolution of the study, as well as, it permeates on analogies and reflections with tourism. It questions on the current scenery of degree courses in tourism, making connections with beginnings management studies. The proposed study, characterized as descriptive-explanatory of object, it bases on model Tourism Education Quality (TEDQUAL) near from objectives, to involve researches - documental and a field - accomplished in the years of 2005 and 2006. As sample for quotas, accomplished four universities, to presents results the expectations of analyzed subjects (students, profesionals, employers and educators) on the group of hypotheses. That spectrum of results makes possible reflections and proposed based in analysis on perspectives in superior tourism education. The research was limited the studied area and chosen sample it intends to be a tool to show the reality found in those courses, could address academic researches and practical actions developed by the education managers.


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O estudo, primeiramente, delimita dois modelos de avaliação do aluno em sala de aula: um não-tradicional - que, inserido no processo de ensino, busca potencializar a aprendizagem - e outro tradicional - que está mais preocupado com a verificação de conhecimentos adquiridos. Constata, por meio de entrevistas com professores de uma instituição pública e outra privada, que entres esses dois modelos nenhum é predominante nos cursos de administração. Conclui que os professores que adotam práticas nãotradicionais de avaliação estão mais satisfeitos com os resultados alcançados, pois percebem que a avaliação contribui para a aprendizagem do aluno não se resumindo a um retrato pontual do seu desenvolvimento ou, como constatado entre outros professores, a um instrumento para pressionar e disciplinar. Ainda, constatou-se que as instituições influenciam a forma como os professores avaliam, em alguns casos determinando inclusive quando e como (instrumento) avaliar. Outros fatores também contribuem para dificultar práticas avaliativas não tradicionais, entre eles, a necessidade de os professores lecionarem em mais de uma instituição e a quantidade de turmas e disciplinas em que lecionam, o que faz com que haja pouco tempo para pensar e planejar, além de estar acontecendo o aumento do número de alunos por classe, o que faz com que diminua o contato professoraluno. Conhecer ambos os modelos e os fatores que influenciam o agir em relação à avaliação serve como base para repensar a prática dos professores e como insumo para o aperfeiçoamento da gestão educacional.


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A função social da empresa e, a finalidade do instituto da falência, são analisadas perante os reais interesses da coletividade na preservação dos empreendimentos que, embora bons irradiadores de beneficios sociais e econômicos à comunidade, enfrentam dificuldades financeiras. Diversas formas de como conduzir a gestão administrativa da empresa, enquanto beneficiária da proteção legal, são contempladas e, sugerida a adoção de uma gestão reconstrutiva, focada na recuperação da empresa enquanto beneficio ao conjunto da coletividade.


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The objective of this study is to identify how a health institution can minimize the emotional impacts caused by the change of a style of classic management for a participative administration, that the workers and controllers can see the institution as a dynamic organization, that must be faced as an alive system, mobile and adaptable, where they is beings that have the right to react and to answer to the stimulatons. For that, the institution can handle motivator¿s instruments that develop in the people the potential to react of adequate way to the changes proposals, as well as increasing the perspective of possible technological improvements and interpersonal relationship between the internal and external customers. To change the style to manage, to hear the staff of support and user, are not part of the routine of the heads that develop classic management. This decision demands adaptation and flexibility, study, update and psychological preparation, to face common feelings to the new. It fits to the new directors, to visualize these feelings and work to minimize, avoiding future upheavals and the confrontation of situations that can harm the production of the company, as well as the quality of the communication between the diverse dimensions of the organization people. In this study case, based in phenomenological methodology, was possible to verify, through half-open interviews and comments, how was faced the feelings caused at the old direction time, composed for military who withheld the power and determined the actions of the hospital in study, was replaced by health professionals, that saw in the work team the best option to solve the problems and the potential to carry through an administration based in adequate strategies the reality of the moment, with the objective of reaching the satisfaction of the customer. Through this work, is possible to prove the theory that the changes cause impacts that affect the behavior of the people involved and cause stress, as well as conclude that despite the new direction show themselves, during the change, much made use to make right and involve all the workers, didn¿t have traced strategies to minimize the emotional impacts caused by the changes, what made all face their feelings of doubts and anxiety without no special care. Many obtained, by themselves, to face and to adapt the new proposals, but some could not assimilate the new administrative methodology and had been moved away definitively from the institution.


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This study analyses the impact of Information Technology used in the undergraduate course of Business Administration at Centro Superior de Vila Velha. The Information Technology considered in the study is computer connected to the Internet, projectors, televisions and VCRs. To support the analysis, a survey was conducted in three different groups: directors (shareholders, principal, dean and chairperson), faculty and students. A questionnaire was developed for each group and validated through discussions and critical reviews by the academic committee for of this study. Items and questions were explicitly defined from the literature and based on expert opinion to provide respondents with a common understanding of the questions. The questionnaire used in the directors group focused mainly on motivation and on the investment planning for Information Technology in the institution. For the faculty and student groups, the questionnaire focused on the extent to what the group use of IT for classes and assignments, and to what extent the faculty understands the availability of IT to be used. The instrument was sent each person, for directors and faculty, and applied during class for students. The results show that although faculty and students perceive Information Technology are important for research and as a tool in the teaching and learning process, the available IT in the institution has been used under its capacity of utilization.


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Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo de estudo as questões contemporâneas sobre educação e ensino à luz das dissertações de mestrado apresentadas à Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública. O tema educação vem sendo, ultimamente, uma das principais estratégias de formuladores de políticas públicas, visto o "gargalo educacional" em que se encontra o Brasil para seu crescimento. Constatada a relevância do tema na atualidade, iniciamos o trabalho situando as questões da educação em contexto histórico no qual diferentes forças políticas se confrontam, configurando um duelo de diretrizes educacionais. A partir deste contexto histórico, apresentamos as questões contemporâneas sobre educação. Finalmente, na última parte deste trabalho, analisamos as propostas apresentadas sobre educação, verificando a eficácia de implementação e o tipo de abordagem realizada pelos autores.


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A Física e a Administração concentram suas pesquisas sobre fenômenos que, de certa forma, se assemelham, fazendo com que nos questionemos a respeito da grande integral do universo a que estamos submetidos. Em uma exploração por analogias, aproxima-se aqui o mundo organizacional ao dos sistemas UnIVerSaIS, instáveis e não-integráveis, onde a flecha do tempo é quem determina a evolução dos mesmos. Mostra-se que na Administração, como na Física, tudo parece convergir na direção de um inesgotável repertório de bifurcações e possibilidades para o destino mercadológico de produtos, serviços e marcas ao longo de um continuum. Para amenizar os efeitos dessas incertezas, é buscada uma simplificação desses complexos sistemas sociais através de uma proposta de modelo baseado em fatores consagrados pela literatura da gestão empresarial como norteadores das escolhas dos consumidores; um processo gaussiano da 'percepção do valor', que pode servir de ferramenta nas decisões estratégicas e gerenciais dentro das empresas.


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This exploratory study, with the aim of bringing mediation and arbitration - which have been so far mainly discussed under the legal point of view - to the context of business management, tries to identify up to which point these services can be recognized as a valid alternative to manage conflicts in the inter-organizational strategic relationships. This kind of relationship is present in strategic alliances, joint ventures and in existing supply chains and distributions channels¿ partnerships. Analyzing the theoretical reference framework three knowledge areas were associated and integrated: conflict management and negotiation; mediation and arbitration, as the most common Alternative Dispute Resolutions-ADRs; and strategic alliances, supply chains and distribution channels. This review of literature and documents was complemented with a research among two target groups: the potential consumers of mediation and arbitration services in the organizational field; and the potential suppliers for those services. The objectives of the research were, on one side, to evaluate if the two institutes can be recognized as efficient to manage conflict between business partners, meaning, if there is an actual demand for them; and on the other hand, research also investigated if there is a concrete availability of specialized services to attend that demand. The study showed that, although incipient there is a market potential for the use of mediation and arbitration services as conflict management tools within inter-organizational strategic relationships.


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This research has the objective of analyze the possibilities offered by the use of the graphology in the process of personnel's selection that aim at the completion of current vacancies of job offers. The study is based in the verification of the applicability and forms of use of selection instruments of personal, mainly of those developed with objective of identifying the aptitudes and the characteristics of the individual's personality. Analyzing its applicability, as form of adapting to the reality today, the graphology, besides assisting to the new variables that the global changes impose to the individuals' behavior and his relationship with the companies, appears as alternative and it is occupying, every day, more space in the professional evaluation area. This study offers reasons so that one can consider the graphology analysis as one more instrument to be used in personnel's selection, in agreement with the possibilities and identified limitations, when used for that end. Tends as objective to explain the reasons of the use of the graphology analysis as evaluation tool, the exploratory and explanatory researches were adopted. This explanation will appear, then, of the verification and analysis of the data obtained in the bibliographical and of field researches, which allows like this to base its report, development and applicability.


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O trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento, desempenho e resultados alcançados por sistemas de compras eletrônicas no contexto dos governos, focalizando o caso do sistema adotado pela administração federal brasileira, denominado Sistema Integrado de Administração de Serviços Gerais ¿ SIASG e seu portal na Internet, o Comprasnet. A inserção do SIASG/Comprasnet na área de compras da administração pública federal é contextualizada, com a descrição da estrutura organizacional, do aparato legal e normativo que rege as licitações e do perfil do governo federal como grande comprador. O sistema de compras eletrônicas se insere como ferramenta informatizada gerida pelo órgão que é responsável pela supervisão técnica e normativa sobre o conjunto dos ministérios, autarquias e fundações da administração federal. São identificadas as transformações ocorridas na gestão das compras em conexão com a implantação do SIASG/Comprasnet na administração federal e analisado o seu estágio atual de desenvolvimento. Um referencial teórico é construído para a análise de sistemas de compras eletrônicas, compatível com as peculiaridades do ambiente de governo. Este referencial contempla o levantamento de um conjunto de impactos esperados sobre a área de compras, em decorrência da implementação de sistemas de compras eletrônicas e a construção de uma matriz de parâmetros para a avaliação do desenvolvimento e maturidade destes sistemas. O estudo de caso do SIASG/Comprasnet mostra que, na perspectiva de sua maturidade e desenvolvimento, esse sistema apresenta uma inserção consolidada, abrangência ainda incompleta e funcionalidades bastante desenvolvidas. Com relação ao seu desempenho e resultados, são apresentadas diversas evidências de avanços alcançados, em especial, a redução de preços nas licitações realizadas em meio eletrônico, a ampliação do acesso e da participação dos fornecedores, a melhoria de eficiência dos procedimentos de licitação e a ampliação da transparência e do controle sobre as compras.


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The managerial diagnostic carried out at Construtora e Incorporadora A. Bueno Ltda. ¿ CIAB, points to an administrative structure within the concepts of the Classic Theory of Administration. We believe that, to the solution of its operations, it is necessary to turn to the main principle of the Theory of Administration (preview, organize, command, coordinate and control) as a way of finding, according to Taylor and Fayol studies, one possible solution to this case. Nevertheless, the companies adopt other administrative approaches on its operational process although, we understand that nothing has changed, they are still dependent and/or are connected to the principles of these classic authors. So, to the solution of the internal disorganized problems, it is priority the introduction of administrative processes and also the restructuring of the operational processes such as: the study of the time and movement, the rationalization of the physical and material efforts, the supplement of objectives and profitability. Then, according to Fayol the administration is not an exclusive privilege and a personal responsibility of the boss or the leaders of the company; it is a function that shares, like other essential functions, among the head and the members of the company. Consequently, to Fayol, the administration is the search of the maxim prosperity to all involved. So, this study has the aim to elaborate a consultant project to the organizational structurate of the CIAB company, according to the Theory of the Administration.


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A partir da Constituição de 1988, houve crescimento expressivo na busca pela prestação jurisdicional, mas sem acréscimo proporcional na estrutura judiciária e sem a adequada alteração do sistema processual. O descompasso provocou o congestionamento da maioria dos órgãos judiciais. Atualmente, a morosidade é o problema mais grave enfrentado pelo Poder Judiciário brasileiro. Dentre as suas várias causas, somente as que têm relação com o modo de prestação do serviço podem ser enfrentadas internamente. Nesse contexto, a modernização da administração judiciária, baseada em informação estatística de qualidade, é a solução que se mostra viável. No Rio Grande do Sul, o aprimoramento do sistema de coleta de dados é condição indispensável para que o Tribunal de Justiça disponha de estatísticas adequadas de medição da produtividade individual e de indicadores de desempenho da instituição. A capacitação dos magistrados em técnicas estatísticas básicas também se faz necessária, a fim de que as informações fornecidas pelo sistema possam ser interpretadas corretamente, em benefício da administração do Poder Judiciário.