966 resultados para Abstraction Hierarchy


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When siblings differ markedly in their need for food, they may benefit from signalling to each other their willingness to contest the next indivisible food item delivered by the parents. This sib-sib communication system, referred to as 'sibling negotiation', may allow them to adjust optimally to investment in begging. Using barn owl (Two alba) broods. I assessed the role of within-brood age hierarchy on sibling negotiation, and in turn on jostling for position where parents predictably deliver food (i.e. nest-box entrance), begging and within-brood food allocation. More specifically, I examined three predictions derived from a game-theoretical model of sibling negotiation where a senior and a junior sibling compete for food resources (Roulin, 2002a, Johnstone and Roulin, 2003): (1) begging effort invested by the senior sibling should be less sensitive to the junior sibling's negotiation than vice versa; (2) the junior should invest less effort in sibling negotiation than its senior sibling but a similar amount of effort in begging; and (3) within-brood food allocation should be directly related to begging but only indirectly to sibling negotiation. Two-chick broods were created and vocalization in the absence (negotiation signals directed to siblings) and presence (begging signals directed to parents) of parents was recorded. In support of the first prediction, juniors begged at a low cadence after their senior sibling negotiated intensely, probably because negotiation reflects prospective investment in begging and hence willingness to compete. In contrast, the begging of senior siblings was not sensitive to their junior sibling's negotiation. In contrast to the second prediction, juniors negotiated and begged more intensely than their senior sibling apparently because they were hungrier rather than younger. In line with the third prediction, juniors monopolized food delivered by their parents when their senior sibling begged at a low level. The begging cadence of both the junior and senior sibling, the junior's negotiation cadence, the difference in age between the two nest-mates and jostling for position were not associated with the likelihood of monopolizing food. In conclusion, sibling negotiation appears to influence begging behaviour, which, in turn, affects within-brood food allocation. Juniors may negotiate to challenge their senior siblings, and thereby determine whether seniors are less hungry before deciding to beg for food. In contrast, seniors may negotiate to deter juniors from begging.


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RESUME DE LA THESE Introduction. Les traitements de la phase aiguë d'un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) ischémique ne peuvent être proposés actuellement qu'à une minorité de patients. Nous avons évalué l'accès à la thrombolyse des patients admis pour un AVC aigu dans un hôpital régional de Suisse romande (Neuchâtel) et l'avons comparé avec celui d'un centre universitaire de référence, distant de 75 km, administrant directement ce type de traitement (CHUV, Lausanne). Méthodes. Tous les cas admis à l'hôpital à Neuchâtel pour une suspicion d'AVC aigu sur une période de 2 ans ont été analysés rétrospectivement au niveau de la phase pré-hospitalière et hospitalière par rapport à la possibilité d'une thrombolyse. Résultats. Chez 120 patients (54%), le diagnostic d'AVC ischémique a été confirmé. Si l'on fait abstraction du facteur temps, 46 patients (38.3%) auraient été éligibles pour une thrombolyse sur des critères cliniques et radiologiques. Trois patients (2.5%) ont finalement bénéficié d'une thrombolyse intraveineuse (iv) dans un intervalle de 3 heures après transfert au CHUV. En comparaison, 33 patients (7%) ont été traités au CHUV durant la même période. Conclusion. Grâce notamment à l'avènement de la télémédecine, la pratique de la thrombolyse iv dans des centres régionaux sélectionnés pourrait contribuer à rendre ce traitement plus accessible.


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The package HIERFSTAT for the statistical software R, created by the R Development Core Team, allows the estimate of hierarchical F-statistics from a hierarchy with any numbers of levels. In addition, it allows testing the statistical significance of population differentiation for these different levels, using a generalized likelihood-ratio test. The package HIERFSTAT is available at http://www.unil.ch/popgen/softwares/hierfstat.htm.


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The CD8(+)-T-cell response to Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV)-associated antigens in C57BL/6 mice is directed against an immunodominant gag-encoded epitope (CCLCLTVFL) presented in the context of H-2D(b) and is restricted primarily to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) expressing the Valpha3.2 and Vbeta5.2 gene segments. We decided to examine the M-MuLV response in congenic C57BL/6 Vbeta(a) mice which are unable to express the dominant Valpha3.2(+) Vbeta5.2(+) T-cell receptor (TCR) due to a large deletion at the TCR locus that includes the Vbeta5.2 gene segment. Interestingly, M-MuLV-immune C57BL/6 Vbeta(a) mice were still able to reject M-MuLV-infected tumor cells and direct ex vivo analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes from these immune mice revealed a dramatic increase in CD8(+) cells utilizing the same Valpha3.2 gene segment in association with two different Vbeta segments (Vbeta3 and Vbeta17). Surprisingly, all these CTL recognized the same immunodominant M-MuLV gag epitope. Analysis of the TCR repertoire of individual M-MuLV-immune (C57BL/6 x C57BL/6 Vbeta(a))F(1) mice revealed a clear hierarchy in Vbeta utilization, with a preferential usage of the Vbeta17 gene segment, whereas Vbeta3 and especially Vbeta5.2 were used to much lesser extents. Sequencing of TCRalpha- and -beta-chain junctional regions of CTL clones specific for the M-MuLV gag epitope revealed a diverse repertoire of TCRbeta chains in Vbeta(a) mice and a highly restricted TCRbeta-chain repertoire in Vbeta(b) mice, whereas TCRalpha-chain sequences were highly conserved in both cases. Collectively, our data indicate that the H-2D(b)-restricted M-MuLV gag epitope can be recognized in a hierarchal fashion by different Vbeta domains and that the degree of beta-chain diversity varies according to Vbeta utilization.


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Summary: Who are rejected by the field of higher education? Dropout at different levels of the academic hierarchy of education


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The Neolithic was marked by a transition from small and relatively egalitarian groups to much larger groups with increased stratification. But, the dynamics of this remain poorly understood. It is hard to see how despotism can arise without coercion, yet coercion could not easily have occurred in an egalitarian setting. Using a quantitative model of evolution in a patch-structured population, we demonstrate that the interaction between demographic and ecological factors can overcome this conundrum. We model the coevolution of individual preferences for hierarchy alongside the degree of despotism of leaders, and the dispersal preferences of followers. We show that voluntary leadership without coercion can evolve in small groups, when leaders help to solve coordination problems related to resource production. An example is coordinating construction of an irrigation system. Our model predicts that the transition to larger despotic groups will then occur when: (i) surplus resources lead to demographic expansion of groups, removing the viability of an acephalous niche in the same area and so locking individuals into hierarchy; (ii) high dispersal costs limit followers' ability to escape a despot. Empirical evidence suggests that these conditions were probably met, for the first time, during the subsistence intensification of the Neolithic.


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Modern scholarship often discusses Roman women in terms of their difference from their male counterparts, frequently defining them as 'other'. This book shows how Roman male writers at the turn of the first century actually described women as not so different from men: the same qualities and abilities pertaining to the domains of parenthood, intellect and morals are ascribed by writers to women as well as to men. There are two voices, however: a traditional, ideal voice and an individual, realistic voice. This creates a duality of representations of women, which recurs across literary genres and reflects a duality of mentality. How can we interpret the paradoxical information about Roman women given by the male-authored texts? How does this duality of mentality inform us about gender roles and gender hierarchy? This work analyses well-known, as well as overlooked, passages from the writings of Pliny the Younger, Tacitus, Suetonius, Quintilian, Statius, Martial and Juvenal and sheds new light on Roman views of women and their abilities, on the notions of private and public and on conjugal relationships. In the process, the famous sixth satire of Juvenal is revisited and its topic reassessed, providing further insights into the complex issues of gender roles, marriage and emotions. By contrasting representations of women across a broad spectrum of literary genres, this book provides consistent findings that have wide significance for the study of Latin literature and the social history of the late first and early second centuries.


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Abstract This PhD thesis addresses the issue of alleviating the burden of developing ad hoc applications. Such applications have the particularity of running on mobile devices, communicating in a peer-to-peer manner and implement some proximity-based semantics. A typical example of such application can be a radar application where users see their avatar as well as the avatars of their friends on a map on their mobile phone. Such application become increasingly popular with the advent of the latest generation of mobile smart phones with their impressive computational power, their peer-to-peer communication capabilities and their location detection technology. Unfortunately, the existing programming support for such applications is limited, hence the need to address this issue in order to alleviate their development burden. This thesis specifically tackles this problem by providing several tools for application development support. First, it provides the location-based publish/subscribe service (LPSS), a communication abstraction, which elegantly captures recurrent communication issues and thus allows to dramatically reduce the code complexity. LPSS is implemented in a modular manner in order to be able to target two different network architectures. One pragmatic implementation is aimed at mainstream infrastructure-based mobile networks, where mobile devices can communicate through fixed antennas. The other fully decentralized implementation targets emerging mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), where no fixed infrastructure is available and communication can only occur in a peer-to-peer fashion. For each of these architectures, various implementation strategies tailored for different application scenarios that can be parametrized at deployment time. Second, this thesis provides two location-based message diffusion protocols, namely 6Shot broadcast and 6Shot multicast, specifically aimed at MANETs and fine tuned to be used as building blocks for LPSS. Finally this thesis proposes Phomo, a phone motion testing tool that allows to test proximity semantics of ad hoc applications without having to move around with mobile devices. These different developing support tools have been packaged in a coherent middleware framework called Pervaho.


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The way colleagues and supervisors acknowledge specific contribution and efforts of individuals is crucial for occupational mental health and well being. It contributes to improve the self image of employees and it gives a sense to the activities performed. We carried out a study about occupational health in police officers with a special emphasis on acknowledgment and reward. A questionnaire was sent to 1000 police officers working for a cantonal administration in Switzerland. In total, 695 participants answered the questionnaire. We used the French version of the Langner's questionnaire on psychiatric symptoms to identify cases characterized by potential mental health problems. Multiple choice items (6 modalities ranging from "not at all" to "tremendously") to measure acknowledgment were used. Answers were later dichotomized (low annoyance- high annoyance). Questions we used are: "Do you feel annoyed due to a lack of support and attention from your supervisors?" "Do you feel annoyed because the authorities (politics, judges, etc.) have a low consideration of your occupation?" "Do you feel annoyed due to a low appreciation by the public?" and "Do you feel annoyed due to a lack of acknowledgment by the hierarchy?". The score for psychiatric symptoms was high for 86 police officers for whom health might be at risk. Acknowledgment aspects associated with a high score for psychiatric symptoms are : high annoyance due to a lack of support and attention from supervisors (odds ratio [OR] 3.2, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.0 to 5.1), high annoyance because authorities seems to have a low consideration for police officers (OR 2.7, 95% CI 1.7 to 4.3), high annoyance due to a low appreciation by the public (OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.2 to 2.9), and high annoyance due to a lack of acknowledgment by the hierarchy (OR 3.0, 95% CI 1.9 to 4.8). Preserving mental health in occupations characterized by high emotional demand is challenging. The results from our study suggest that appropriate acknowledgment might contribute to the prevention of mental health problems. Further research should address a potential causal relation of acknowledgment on mental health.


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This communication seeks to draw the attention of researchers and practitioners dealing with forensic DNA profiling analyses to the following question: is a scientist's report, offering support to a hypothesis according to which a particular individual is the source of DNA detected during the analysis of a stain, relevant from the point of view of a Court of Justice? This question relates to skeptical views previously voiced by commentators mainly in the judicial area, but is avoided by a large majority of forensic scientists. Notwithstanding, the pivotal role of this question has recently been evoked during the international conference "The hidden side of DNA profiles. Artifacts, errors and uncertain evidence" held in Rome (April 27th to 28th, 2012). Indeed, despite the fact that this conference brought together some of the world's leading forensic DNA specialists, it appeared clearly that a huge gap still exists between questions lawyers are actually interested in, and the answers that scientists deliver to Courts in written reports or during oral testimony. Participants in the justice system, namely lawyers and jurors on the one hand and forensic geneticists on the other, unfortunately talk considerably different languages. It thus is fundamental to address this issue of communication about results of forensic DNA analyses, and open a dialogue with practicing non-scientists at large who need to make meaningful use of scientific results to approach and help solve judicial cases. This paper intends to emphasize the actuality of this topic and suggest beneficial ways ahead towards a more reasoned use of forensic DNA in criminal proceedings.


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Hydrodynamical equations act as a link between the local observed magnitudes of galactic motion and the general ones accounting for the behaviour of the Galaxy as a whole. Constraints are set usually in order to use them even in the lower order hierarchy. The authors present in this paper the complete expressions up to their fourth order. These equations will be used in the next future in their general form taking into account both the expected increase of kinematic data that the astrometric mission Hipparcos will provide, and some recent results indicating the possibility to obtain estimates for the momenta gradients.


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Résumé de la thèseLe présent travail analyse la notion d'autonomie en éthique biomédicale et en propose unecompréhension à partir des théories de la délibération éthique. La thèse s'articule en deux parties.La première partie consiste en l'examen de la conception de l'autonomie développée en éthiquebiomédicale. Notamment, on retrace les origines de la notion de l'autonomie du patient dans lecontexte états-unien, on analyse l'élaboration de l'autonomie sous la forme de principe éthique, etl'on considère les critiques qui lui ont été adressées. Cette première partie débouche sur la thèsesuivante: en éthique biomédicale, l'autonomie est pensée comme un outil pour la légitimation deschoix, des pratiques, ou des politiques de santé, non pas comme réflexion critique sur les raisonspour agir ou sur les conditions des choix. Le risque est que l'autonomie se réduise à un dispositif dereproduction des normes et des conditions de l'interaction, sans pour autant remettre en discussionla rationalité médicale qui prédispose les options de choix et qui justifie les pratiques et lespolitiques dans le contexte du soin. Cette conception de l'autonomie présuppose une théorie de ladélibération éthique «en troisième personne». Selon cette théorie, la délibération consiste en uneprise de distance du point de vue subjectif de l'agent, pour assumer un point de vue plus objectif: lepoint de vue d'un «spectateur» impartial. Ainsi, le but de la délibération éthique est l'élaboration deraisons morales objectives, partageables par toute personne raisonnable, pouvant générer unconsensus sur la justification des actions. Cette théorie de la délibération a une implicationimportante pour la conception de l'autonomie en éthique biomédicale: l'autonomie est représentéecomme un principe moral partageable, comme le résultat d'un processus d'abstraction réflexive.Selon une théorie de la délibération éthique différente, que l'on appelle «en première personne», onpeut apprécier la valeur de l'autonomie seulement du point de vue de l'«agent». Ainsi, l'autonomieest la véritable modalité de la délibération éthique, dont le but est la constitution de soi-même, deson intégrité et identité morale. Dans ce travail, on s'est donc demandé si et comment cette manièrede concevoir la délibération du point de vue de l'agent peut apporter quelque chose à lacompréhension de la valeur de l'autonomie personnelle en éthique biomédicale.La deuxième partie de la thèse explore deux modèles de l'autonomie en première personnedéveloppés dans le débat philosophique plus récent: le modèle «hiérarchique» et le modèle«constructiviste kantien». Les deux modèles débouchent sur une compréhension «monologique» del'autonomie, qui est centrée sur l'agent et qui ne tient pas suffisamment compte du contexterelationnel du soin. Pour apprécier la valeur de l'autonomie dans les relations intersubjectives il fautadopter une perspective différente, que l'on appelle «en deuxième personne». Selon cette théorie, ladélibération est un dialogue entre les agents et l'autonomie est issue d'une relation de respect etreconnaissance réciproque. Comme l'autonomie est toujours issue d'une relation de réciprocité,comme elle est essentiellement relationnelle, elle n'est pas une entreprise simplement singulièremais toujours et inévitablement plurielle, collective. Ainsi, l'autonomie peut représenter un idéalnon seulement personnel mais aussi public. Il s'agit d'un idéal qu'on peut adopter dans nos relationsréciproques, un idéal normatif qui nous demande d'interroger la praticabilité de l'autonomie, c'est-àdired'identifier les sources de sa vulnérabilité. Cette vulnérabilité se situe à trois niveaux: au niveaudes relations interpersonnelles, au niveau des pratiques et des institutions, et au niveau des liensd'appartenance à des communautés culturelles ou à des groupes sociaux, qui contribuent à définirles relations réciproques et donc l'exercice de l'autonomie. Ces trois sources de vulnérabilité del'autonomie se retrouvent, toutes les trois, dans le contexte du soin. Selon cette conception del'autonomie, le but de la délibération n'est ni l'élaboration des raisons objectives, ni simplement laconstitution de sa propre identité ou intégrité, quant plutôt la construction de notre monde social.Ainsi, l'autonomie est quelque chose dont on est responsables, quelque chose qui nous engage àentrer en dialogue avec l'autre comme interlocuteurs dans une communauté morale.


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Genetic caste determination has been described in two populations of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants, each comprising a pair of interbreeding lineages. Queens mate with males of their own and of the alternate lineage and produce two types of diploid offspring, those fertilized by males of the queens' lineage which develop into queens and those fertilized by males of the other lineage which develop into workers. Each of the lineages has been shown to be itself of hybrid origin between the species Pogonomyrmex barbatus and Pogonomyrmex rugosus, which both have typical, environmentally determined caste differentiation. In a large scale genetic survey across 35 sites in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, we found that genetic caste determination associated with pairs of interbreeding lineages occurred frequently (in 26 out of the 35 sites). Overall, we identified eight lineages with genetic caste determination that always co-occurred in the same complementary lineage pairs. Three of the four lineage pairs appear to have a common origin while their relationship with the fourth remains unclear. The level of genetic differentiation among these eight lineages was significantly higher than the differentiation between P. rugosus and P. barbatus, which questions the appropriate taxonomic status of these genetic lineages. In addition to being genetically isolated from one another, all lineages with genetic caste determination were genetically distinct from P. rugosus and P. barbatus, even when colonies of interbreeding lineages co-occurred with colonies of either putative parent at the same site. Such nearly complete reproductive isolation between the lineages and the species with environmental caste determination might prevent the genetic caste determination system to be swept away by gene flow.


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Male dominance hierarchies are usually linked to relative body size and to weapon size, that is, to determinants of fighting ability. Secondary sexual characters that are not directly used as weapons could still be linked to dominance if they reveal determination or overall health and vigour and hence, indirectly, fighting ability. We studied the mating behaviour of the minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus, a cyprinid fish in which males develop breeding tubercles during the spawning season. The function of these breeding tubercles is still not clear. Using microsatellite markers, we determined male reproductive success under controlled conditions. The minnows were territorial and quickly established a dominance hierarchy at the beginning of the spawning season. Dominance was strongly and positively linked to fertilization success. Although body size and number of breeding tubercles were not significantly correlated in our sample, both large males and males with many breeding tubercles were more dominant and achieved higher fertilization success than small males or males with few tubercles. We found multimale fertilization in most clutches, suggesting that sperm competition is important in this species. Females showed behaviour that may be linked to spawning decision, that is, male dominance might not be the only determinant of male reproductive success in minnows


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RÉSUMÉ GRAND PUBLIC La complexité des sociétés d'insectes (telles que les abeilles, les termites ou les fourmis) a depuis longtemps fasciné l'Homme. Depuis le débfit du XIXème siècle, de nombreux travaux observationnels, comportementaux et théoriques leur on été consacrés afin de mieux les décrire et comprendre. L'avènement de la biologie moléculaire à la fin du XXèrne siècle a offert de nouveaux outils scientifiques pour identifier et étudier les gènes et molécules impliqués dans le développement et le comportement des êtres vivants. Alors que la majorité de ces études s'est focalisée sur des organismes de laboratoire tel que la mouche ou les nématodes, l'utilisation de ces outils est restée marginale jusqu'à présent dans l'étude des sociétés d'insectes. Lors de ma thèse, j'ai développé des outils moléculaires permettant de déterminer le niveau d'activité de zo,ooo gènes chez la fourmi de feu, Solenopsis invicta, ainsi qu'une base de données et un portail en ligne regroupant les informations relatives à l'étude génétique des fourmis: Fourmidable. J'ai ensuite utilisé ces outils dans le cadre d'une étude comportementale chez la fourmis S. invicta. Dans les sociétés d'insectes, une hiérarchie peut déterminer le statut reproducteur des individus. Suite à la mort d'un dominant, les subordonnés entrent en compétition en vue d'améliorer leur statut. Un tel phénomène se produit au sein des colonies de S. invicta contenant une unique reine mère, des milliers d'ouvrières et des centaines de reines vierges ailées. A la mort de la reine mère, un grand nombre de reines vierges tentent de la remplacer en arrachant leurs ailes et en activant leurs organes reproducteurs plutôt que de partir en vol nuptial. Ces tentatives sont le plus souvent arrêtées par les ouvrières qui exécutent la plupart de ces reines sur la base de signaux olfactifs produits lors de l'activation des organes reproducteurs. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués, j'ai étudié l'activité de gènes au sein des reines au début de ce processus. J'ai ainsi déterminé que des gènes impliqués dans communication olfactive, le développement des organes reproducteurs et la métabolisation de l'hormone juvénile sont activês à ce moment là. La vitesse à laquelle les reines perdent leurs ailes ainsi que les niveaux d'expression de gènes sont ensuite liés à leur probabilité de survie. ABSTRACT : Honeybees, termites and ants occupy the "pinnacle of social evolution" with societies of a complexity that rivals our own. Humans have long been fascinated by social insects, but studying them has been mostly limited to observational and behavioral experiments. The advent of molecular biology first made it possible to investigate the molecular-genetic basis of development in model systems such as the fruit fly Drosophila melarcogaster or the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans and subsequently their behavior. Molecular and genomic tools are now becoming available for the study of social insects as well. To permit genomic research on the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, we developed a cDNA microarray that can simultaneously determine the expression levels of approximately 1oooo genes. These genes were assembled and bioinformatically annotated using custom pipelines. The obtained data formed the cornerstones for Fourmidable, a web portal centralizing sequence, gene annotation and gene expression data as well as laboratory protocols for research on ants. In many animals living in groups the reproductive status of individuals is determined by their social status. In species with social hierarchies, the death of dominant individuals typically upheaves the social hierarchy and provides an opportunity for subordinate individuals to improve their social status. Such a phenomenon occurs in the monogyne form of S. invicta, where colonies typically contain a single wingless reproductive queen, thousands of workers and hundreds of winged non-reproductive virgin queens. Upon the death of the mother queen, many virgin queens shed their wings and initiate reproductive development instead of departing on a mating flight. Workers progressively execute almost all of them over the following weeks. The workers base their collective decision on pheromonal cues associated with the onset of reproductive development of the virgin queens which occurs after orphaning. We used the aforementioned tools to determine that genes putatively involved in processes including olfactory signaling, reproductive development and Juvenile Hormone metabolism are differentially expressed at the onset of competition. Additionally, we found that queens that initiate reproductive development faster and, to a certain extent, shed their wings faster after orphaning are more likely to become replacement queens. These results provide candidate genes that are putatively linked to competition outcome. To determine the extent to which specific genes affect different aspects of life in ant colonies, functional tests such as gene activation and silencing will still be required. We conclude by discussing some of the challenges and opportunities for molecular-genetic research on ants. RÉSUMÉ Les sociétés d'abeilles, de termites et de fourmis sont d'une complexité proche de celle de la nôtre et ont depuis longtemps fasciné l'Homme. Cependant, leur étude était jusqu'à présent limitée aux observations et expériences comportementales. L'avènement de la biologie moléculaire a d'abord rendu possible l'étude moléculaire et génétique du développement d'organismes modèles tels que la mouche Drosophila melanogaster ou le nématode Caenorhabditis elegans, puis dans un second temps de leur comportement. De telles études deviennent désormais possibles pour les insectes sociaux. Nous avons développé une puce à ADN permettant de déterminer simultanément les niveaux d'expression de 1oooo gènes de la fourmi de feu, Solenopsís invicta. Ces gènes ont été séquencés puis assemblés et annotés à l'aide de pipelines que nous avons développés. En se basant sur les informations obtenues, nous avons créé un portail web, Fourmidable. Ce portail vise à centraliser toutes les informations de séquence, d'annotation et d'expression de gènes, ainsi que les protocoles de laboratoire utilisés pour la recherche sur les fourmis. Par la suite, nous avons utilisé les outils développés pour étudier un aspect particulier de S. invicta. Chez les animaux grégaires, une hiérarchie sociale peut déterminer le statut reproducteur des individus. Suite à la mort d'un individu dominant, les individus subordonnés peuvent entrer en compétition en vue d'améliorer leur statut. Un tel phénomène se produit au sein des colonies monogynes de S. invicta, qui contiennent habituellement une unique reine mère, des milliers d'ouvrières et des centaines de reines vierges ailées. Suite à la mort de la reine mère, dominante, un grand nombre de reines vierges, subordonnées, perdent leurs ailes et activent leurs organes reproducteurs au lieu de partir en vol nuptial. Au cours des semaines suivantes, les ouvrières exécutent la plupart de ces reines sur la base de signaux olfactifs produits lors de l'activation des organes reproducteurs. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués, nous avons étudié l'expression de gènes au début de cette compétition. Nous avons identifié 297 gènes différemment exprimés, dont l'annotation indique qu'ils seraient impliqués dans des processus biologiques dont la communication olfactive, le développement des organes reproducteurs et la métabolisation de l'hormone juvénile. Par la suite, nous avons déterminé que la vitesse à laquelle les reines perdent leurs ailes en début de compétition ainsi que les niveaux d'expression de gènes sont corrélés à la probabilité de survie des reines. Nous concluons en discutant des opportunités offertes par la recherche génétique sur les fourmis ainsi que les défis qu'elle devra surmonter.