902 resultados para Aboriginal Land
This is a current story of ethical space in education that is often neglected in the design of educational experiences for Aboriginal students. This story is told through an Aboriginal lens rooted in the structured Two Row Wampum Belt relational agreement between Aboriginal peoples and Settlers. Through ethnographic narrative based on an extensive literature review, individual in-depth interviews, and a personal journal, this study documents the processes of acceptance, silence, complications, and then rejection to position Aboriginal Elders as inclusive bodies of knowledge in publicly funded secondary school classrooms. Aboriginal Elders are valued as Knowledge Holders, as Aboriginal teachers, guides, and mentors. Yet, the complexities of colonial rights, politics, and policies continue to intrude deeply into the lives of Aboriginal peoples to cause silence, confusion, and struggle rather than an evolution of new knowledge amongst two co-existing solitudes under the original terms of the Two Row Wampum Belt. The study was delayed and then came to an end when the school boards and local schools scrutinized its operating policies and unresolved funding issues. This study demonstrated that despite the Two Row Wampum Belt agreement that promised a co- existent relationship between Aboriginal peoples and Settlers, the strategy of inviting Aboriginal Elders to work alongside teachers in the classroom was viewed as being in conflict with the Settler’s institutional/educational objectivities, and, as such, was denied to Aboriginal students.
Thomas Millard Senior was born in Middlesex, Connecticut, in 1728. He served as a Private with Butler’s Rangers. In July 1784, Thomas and his wife Mary, along with their 4 children, were on a list “to settle and cultivate the lands opposite Niagara”. He took the oath of allegiance at Niagara around 1784-85.
An abstract of title for multiple lots in Peter H. Hamilton’s survey, south of Hunter Street, in the City of Hamilton. The lots involved range from lots 93-203 (non-inclusive). The document is dated November 10, 1865. The entries are dated from 1798 to 1865 and include the grantor, grantee, lands and instrument. The name Geo. S. Papps, Esq. appears centred at the top of the page. The document is signed at the bottom by John H. Greer, Registrar. A note on the reverse side of the document reads “Re Angus Abstract”.
Catherine (Lemon) Everingham was the widow of James Everingham, a private with the first Battalion of Colo Delancys Regt. of the Jersey Volunteers. He died in the American Revolutionary War in 1796, leaving his wife and two children settled on two hundred acres of land in the Township of Willoughby. No certificate had been awarded to James Everingham for this land. Catherine subsequently petitioned the government to grant her the land that she had settled on with her family.
This thesis explores my emergent processes of identifying as a Métis person through autoethnographic narratives. I provide an overview of Métis history, identification, and decolonization, especially written by and for Aboriginal peoples. Using a decolonizing framework of Indigenous métissage (Donald, 2012) – which brings together complex, and nuanced influences to build knowledge – and an autoethnographic methodology, I explore cultural knowledges through critical self-reflection. I collected autoethnographic data in the form of personal journals and family artifacts; additionally, I shared conversations with other Métis peoples, which I used to further inform my own processes of identification and decolonization. The study results are presented as narrative vignettes, offering conclusions about: a) cultural ambivalence; b) privilege; c) language and music reclamation; and d) building relationships with both people and land. This research builds upon literature by, about, and for the benefit of Aboriginal peoples and settlers and offers considerations relevant to decolonization and identification.
Indenture regarding land sold by Hart Smith of Lincoln County to James Fields of Newark in Oxford County, First Concession, Lot no. 3. October 11, 1797.
Indenture regarding land sold by Jacob Cochanour of Flamborough West to Adam Hutt of Stamford Township. This land included 100 acres in Lot. no. 11, Stamford - instrument no. 5057, July 9, 1816.
Indenture regarding land sold by Thomas Clark of Stamford Township to Lewis Clement of Niagara Township. The land includes 50 acres in the northern half of Lot 58 in Niagara Township - instrument no. 5356, January 17, 1817.
Indenture (vellum) regarding land sold by John Fink and Polly Fink of Clinton Township to Jacob Cross of Clifton Township. The land includes 100 acres in Lot no. 9 in the 4th Concession in the Township of Clinton - instrument no. 6543, May 27, 1818.
Indenture regarding land sold by David Secord of St. Davids to George Shaw, Richard Woodruff, Timothy Street and Josiah Brown, all of Niagara Township and Reverend Henry Pope of York. The land includes part of Lot no. 90 in the Township of Niagara. September 5, 1820.
Indenture regarding land sold by Solomon Quick of Niagara Township to Henry Woodruff from London District consisting of 1/4 acre and 4 perches in the Village of St. Davids. This was registered on February 2, 1826 - instrument no. 6761, February 3, 1821.
Indenture stating that Benjamin Middough of Stamford sold a tract of land in the County of Oxford, district of London to William Woodruff of Niagara. The land consisted of 200 acres on lot 34 of the 2nd Concession. This transaction was registered on August 4, 1834 - instrument no. 2413. The date of sale was January 17, 1823.
Indenture regarding land sold by John Robertson of Niagara to John Jackson of Niagara. This transaction is for part of Lot no. 93 in Niagara Township. This document was registered in the Lincoln and Haldimand Registry on September 10, 1823 in Book J folio 322 - instrument no. 6357. Date of transaction was May 5, 1823.
Indenture stating that David Secord of the Township of Niagara leased the dam of the sawmill pond in St. Davids to Richard and William Woodruff for 25 shillings per year for their mill business, May 2, 1824.
Indenture stating that George Shaw of Niagara sold 1 acre, 2 roods and 1 perch in the Village of St. Davids to Richard and William Woodruff. The price was 66 pounds - instrument no. 6926, June 9, 1824.