610 resultados para ANESTROUS MARES


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[ES] Los tiempos cuaternarios que, por citar solamente, enmarcan la génesis del hombre y de su actividad, se caracterizan por unos cambios climáticos en los que alternan fríos extremados con épocas cálidas y que a la vez que representan una selectividad de las faunas terciarias son el acelerador evolutivo que da a las actuales su carácter moderno. Al igual que en centro-europa se puede observar el paso de los hielos correspondientes a los fríos, en el contorno mediterráneo y en las Canarias se observan restos de costas y playas de antiguos mares en los que habitaba una fauna cálida, presidida por el Strombus bubonius, gasterópodo que actualmente habita únicamente en as cálidas aguas ecuatoriales del golfo de Guinea. Son sólo dos ejemplos, aunque significativos.


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The aim of this study was to investigate cortisol and progesterone (P4) trends in hair from birth up to postweaning in Italian trotter foals. Hair sampling is non-invasive and hair concentrations provide retrospective information of integrated hormone secretion over periods of several months. Samples were collected at birth and at a distance of 30 days, collecting only regrowth hair, up to post weaning. From birth to 3 months, foals cortisol falls from 47.64±5.6 to 4.9±0.68 pg/mg (mean±standard error), due to the interruption of foetal-placental connection and progressive adaptation to extrauterine life. From the third month of life to post weaning concentrations don’t vary significantly, underlining a non-chronic activation of the HPA axis. Hair P4 significantly decreases in the first two samples (from 469.68±72,54 to 184.65±35.42 pg/mg). At 2 (111.78±37.13 pg/mg) and 3 months (35.96±6.33 pg/mg) hair concentrations don’t show significant differences. These concentrations are not due to interactions of the utero-placental tissues with foals, animals are still prepuberal and P4 isn’t produced by adrenals as a result of high stress. We could therefore hypothesize that the source of foal hair P4 could be milk, suckled from mares. The high individual variability in hair at 2 and 3 months is due to a gradual and subjective change in foal diet, from milk to solid food, and to the fact that mares do not allow to suckle. From fourth month to post weaning P4 concentration in hair remains around 37.56±6.45 pg/mg. In conclusion, hair collected at birth, giving information about last period of gestation, could be used along with traditional matrices, to evaluate foals maturity. Hair cortisol could give indications about foals capacity to adapt to extra-uterine life. Finally milk, configuring as a bringer of nutrients and energy and assuming the characteristic of a nutraceutical, could give fundamental information about parental care.


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In corso di gravidanza normale avvengono modificazioni emodinamiche centrali e periferiche volte a garantire le crescenti richieste nutritive dell'unità feto-placentare. L’ecografia con mezzo di contrasto (CEUS-Contrast Enhanced Ultrasonography) a base di microbolle offre una nuova opportunità di monitorare e quantificare la perfusione utero-placentare in condizioni normali e patologiche. L’ecocardiografia è stata ampiamente usata in medicina umana per valutare l’adattamento morfo-funzionale cardiaco materno durante la gravidanza. Gli scopi di questo lavoro prospettico sono stati di applicare, per la prima volta nella specie equina, un mezzo di contrasto di II generazione (Sonovue®), al fine quantificare la perfusione utero-placentare in corso di gravidanza normale, valutandone gli effetti sul benessere materno-fetale e di descrivere le modificazioni nei parametri ecocardiografici morfometrici e funzionali cardiaci, in particolare relativi alla funzione del ventricolo sinistro nel corso di una gravidanza fisiologica. Due fattrici sane di razza Trottatore sono state monitorate ecograficamente in maniera seriale durante l’intero corso della gravidanza, tramite esame bidimensionale, ecocontrastografia dell'unità utero-placentare, flussimetria Doppler delle arterie uterine, ecocardiografia materna in modalità bidimensionale, M-mode, Doppler e Tissue Doppler Imaging. I neonati sono stati clinicamente monitorati e gli invogli fetali esaminati. Il pattern di microperfusione utero-placentare è valutabile quali-quantitativamente tramite la CEUS e dimostra un’aumento del flusso a livello di microvascolarizzazione uterina con l'avanzare della gravidanza; non è stata rilevata la presenza di microbolle a livello di strutture fetali nè effetti dannosi sul benessere materno-fetale. In questo studio sono state osservate delle modificazioni cardiache materne in corso di gravidanza fisiologica, relative all'aumento della FC, del CO ed in particolare all'aumento delle dimensioni dell'atrio sinistro ed a modificazioni nelle onde di velocità di flusso e tissutali di riempimento del ventricolo sinistro.


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A retrospective, cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the leptospiral seroprevalence in clinically healthy horses in Switzerland. A representative sample of 615 horse sera was examined by microscopic agglutination test for the presence of antibodies against 15 Leptospira spp. serovars. In total, 58.5 % (n = 360) of the horses were positive for one or more of the antigens analysed, with 20.3 % of them showing titres >= 400. The most prevalent serovar was Pyrogenes (22.6 %), followed by serovars Canicola (22.1 %) and Australis (19.2 %). Older horses, mares, ponies and animals spending increased time on pasture exhibited significantly higher prevalence rates (p < 0.05). Moreover, the prevalence was higher in summer and autumn (p = 0.003). The high seroprevalence in healthy horses indicates that they are often exposed to or infected with Leptospira spp. without developing signs of disease. Therefore, other laboratory and clinical data should always be taken into consideration when interpreting serological test results for Leptospira spp.


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Many foals develop diarrhoea within the first two weeks of life which has been suggested to coincide with postpartum oestrus in their dams. To analyse the pathogenesis of this diarrhoea we have determined faecal bacteria in foals and their dams (n=30 each), and serum IGF-1 and gamma-globulins for 6 weeks after birth. In addition, effects of beta-carotene supplementation to mares (group 1: 1000 mg/day, n=15, group 2: control, n=15) on diarrhoea in foals were studied. Diarrhoea occurred in 92 and 79% of foals in groups 1 and 2, respectively, but was not correlated with oestrus in mares. Beta-carotene supplementation was without effect on foal diarrhoea. In mares, bacterial flora remained stable. The percentage of foals with cultures positive for E. coli was low at birth but increased within one day, the percentage positive for Enterococcus sp. was low for 10 days and for Streptococcus sp. and Staphylococcus sp. was low for 2-4 weeks. By 4 weeks of age, bacterial flora in foals resembled an adult pattern. Concentration of serum IGF-1 was low at birth (group 1: 149 +/- 11, group 2: 166 +/- 17ng/ml), increased after day 1 (day 7 group 1: 384 +/- 30, group 2: 372 +/- 36) but at no time differed between groups. Serum gamma-globulin concentration in foals was low before colostrum intake and highest on day 1 (p<0.001 over time). In conclusion, neonatal diarrhoea in foals does not coincide with postpartum oestrus in their dams but with changes in intestinal bacteria and is not influenced by beta-carotene supplementation given to mares.


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In the first part of this methodological study eleven metacarpi of 9 skeletally normal horses were examined from 4 directions by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). The differences between the dorsopalmar-palmarodorsal and lateromedial-mediolateral (opposite sites) bone mineral density (BMD) values were found to be nonsignificant. In the second part of the study the precision of the Norland XR-26 densitometer was tested by measuring 34 metacarpal bones and 34 proximal phalanges, each of them three times, from a single direction. The difference between the individual measurements of the first phalanges and of the metacarpal bones originating from the right or the left side of the same horse were not significant, nor did the age or breed have a significant effect on BMD or bone mineral content (BMC). However, both BMD and BMC are greater in the metacarpal bones than in the proximal phalanges and are higher in geldings than in mares or to stallions, while the BMD or BMC values of mares and stallions did not differ from each other significantly. These data point to the necessity of further BMD studies in a higher number of patients.


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Franches-Montagnes is the only native horse breed in Switzerland, therefore special efforts should be made for ensuring its survival. The objectives of this study were to characterize the structure of this population as well as genetic variability with pedigree data, conformation traits and molecular markers. Studies were focused to clarify if this population is composed of a heavy- and a light-type subpopulation. Extended pedigree records of 3-year-old stallions (n = 68) and mares (n = 108) were available. Evaluations of body conformation traits as well as pedigree data and molecular markers did not support the two-subpopulation hypothesis. The generation interval ranged from 7.8 to 9.3 years. The complete generation equivalent was high (>12). The number of effective ancestors varied between 18.9 and 20.1, whereof 50% of the genetic variability was attributed to seven of them. Genetic contribution of Warmblood horses ranged from 36% to 42% and that of Coldblood horses from 4% to 6%. The average inbreeding coefficient reached 6%. Inbreeding effective population size was 114.5 when the average increase of the inbreeding coefficient per year since 1910 was taken. Our results suggest that bottleneck situations occurred because of selection of a small number of sire lines. Promotion of planned matings between parents that are less related is recommended in order to avoid a reduction of the genetic diversity.


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Uterine smooth muscle specimens were collected from euthanatized mares in estrus and diestrus. Longitudinal and circular specimens were mounted in organ baths and the signals transcribed to a Grass polygraph. After equilibration time and 2 g preload, their physiologic isometric contractility was recorded for a continuous 2.0 h. Area under the curve, frequency and time occupied by contractions were studied. Differences between cycle phases, between muscle layers, and over the recorded time periods were statistically evaluated using linear mixed-effect models. In the mare, physiologic contractility of the uterus decreased significantly over time for all variables evaluated (time as covariate on a continuous scale). For area under the curve, there was a significant effect of muscle layer (longitudinal > circular). For frequency, higher values were recorded in estrus for circular smooth muscle layer, whereas higher values were seen in longitudinal smooth muscle layers during diestrus. In longitudinal layer and in diestrus, more time was occupied by contractions than in circular layer, and in estrus. This study is describing physiologic myometrial motility in the organ bath depending on cycle phase.


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The quality of husbandry of Franches-Montagnes horses (FM) in Switzerland is evaluated on the basis of an investigation carried out in 2002 by the Swiss FM breeding federation. Questionnaires were sent to 3500 of its members and the results include data from 968 breeding enterprises, housing a total of 3965 FM: 46.1% were breeding mares (61.0% with foal at foot), 26.5% young stock, 1.3% stallions and 26.0% non breeding stock (74.6% of which were pleasure horses and 25.4% working horses). 57.6% of the FM were housed in individual boxes with or without permanent outdoor access, 25.4% were hold in groups with or without permanent outdoor access, the remaining 17.0% were kept in standing stalls. 95.0% of the FM had at least visual contact with other equines and 99.2% had sufficient light in their stable. 88.1% were stabled on long stalk straw, while only 4.3% were bedded on other materials other than straw. The average time spent at pasture per horse and per week ranged from 96.5 +/- 51.6 hours in summer to 27.2 +/- 26.7 hours in winter. On average, a FM is used for 8.3 +/- 6.5 hours per week. Horses with an paddock at their disposal spend an average of 39.8 +/- 45.9 hours there per week.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of a single intravenous dose of butorphanol (0.1 mg kg(-1)) on the nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) using threshold, suprathreshold and repeated subthreshold electrical stimuli in conscious horses. STUDY DESIGN: 'Unblinded', prospective experimental study. ANIMALS: Ten adult horses, five geldings and five mares, mean body mass 517 kg (range 487-569 kg). METHODS: The NWR was elicited using single transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the palmar digital nerve. Repeated stimulations were applied to evoke temporal summation. Surface electromyography was performed to record and quantify the responses of the common digital extensor muscle to stimulation and behavioural reactions were scored. Before butorphanol administration and at fixed time points up to 2 hours after injection, baseline threshold intensities for NWR and temporal summation were defined and single suprathreshold stimulations applied. Friedman repeated-measures analysis of variance on ranks and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used with the Student-Newman-Keul's method applied post-hoc. The level of significance (alpha) was set at 0.05. RESULTS: Butorphanol did not modify either the thresholds for NWR and temporal summation or the reaction scores, but the difference between suprathreshold and threshold reflex amplitudes was reduced when single stimulation was applied. Upon repeated stimulation after butorphanol administration, a significant decrease in the relative amplitude was calculated for both the 30-80 and the 80-200 millisecond intervals after each stimulus, and for the whole post-stimulation interval in the right thoracic limb. In the left thoracic limb a decrease in the relative amplitude was found only in the 30-80 millisecond epoch. CONCLUSION: Butorphanol at 0.1 mg kg(-1) has no direct action on spinal Adelta nociceptive activity but may have some supraspinal effects that reduce the gain of the nociceptive system. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Butorphanol has minimal effect on sharp immediate Adelta-mediated pain but may alter spinal processing and decrease the delayed sensations of pain.


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Immunoglobulin E (IgE) mediates the immune response to parasites, but can also cause allergies. In humans maternal IgE is not transferred to cord blood and high levels of cord blood IgE are associated with subsequent allergy. In horses, both maternal IgG and IgE are transferred via colostrum; the IgE levels in the mare's serum, the colostrum and the foal's serum are correlated but the consequences of IgE transfer to foals are not known. By about 6 weeks of age the levels of IgE in foal serum have dropped to a nadir, at 6 months of age the level of IgE has risen only very slightly and is no longer correlated with the levels seen at birth, IgE(+) B-cells could be detected in lymphoid follicles of some foals at this age. Surprisingly, the levels of total IgE detected in a foals serum at 6 months of age are significantly correlated with the level in its serum at 1, 2 and even 3 years of age suggesting that by 6 months of age the foals are synthesizing IgE and that a pattern of relatively higher or lower total serum IgE has been established. The neonatal intestinal mucosa contained connective tissue mast cells which stained for bound IgE in foals up to 9 weeks of age but not mucosal mast cells, thereafter, the intestinal mast cells were IgE negative until 6 months of age. IgE antibodies to Culicoides nubeculosus salivary antigens were detected in Swiss born foals from imported Icelandic mares allergic to Culicoides spp. yet the foals showed no signs of skin sensitization and such second generation foals are known not to have an increased risk of developing allergy to Culicoides. Overall this evidence suggests there is a minimal effector role of maternal IgE also that maternal IgE has waned prior to the onset of IgE synthesis in foals and does not support maternal priming of IgE responses in foals. Furthermore the total levels of IgE in any given foal are seen to be relatively high or low from soon after the onset of IgE synthesis, and most likely they are determined by genetic factors.


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The hypothalamus in the lower part of the brain contains neurons that produce a small peptide, gonadotropin- releasing hormone (GnRH, LHRH), that regulates luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion by the anterior pituitary gland. Important functions of LH include induction of ovulation in preovulatory follicles during estrus and the luteinization of granulosa cells lining those collapsed follicles to form corpora lutea that produce progesterone during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle or during pregnancy. The production of progesterone by the corpus luteum conveys a negative feed-back action at the central nervous system (CNS) for further episodic secretion of GnRH and in turn, LH secretion. Gonadal removal (i.e., ovariectomy) allows a greater amount of LH secretion to occur during a prolonged period. The objectives of this study were to characterize the pattern of GnRH secretion in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of the bovine third ventricle region of the hypothalamus, determine its correspondence with the tonic and surge release of LH in ovariectomized cows, and examine the dynamics of GnRH pulse release activity in response to known modulators of LH release (suckling, neuropeptide-Y [NPY]). In ovariectomized cows, both tonic release patterns and estradiol-induced surges of GnRH and LH were highly correlated. A 500-microgram dose of NPY caused an immediate cessation of LH pulses and decreased plasma concentrations of LH for at least 4 hours. This corresponded with a decrease in both GnRH pulse amplitude and frequency. In anestrous cows, GnRH pulse frequency did not change before and 48 to 54 hours after weaning on day 18 postpartum, but GnRH concentration and amplitudes of GnRH pulses increased in association with weaning and heightened secretion of LH. It is clear that high-frequency, highamplitude pulses of LH are accompanied by similar patterns of GnRH in CSF of adult cattle. Yet strong inhibitors of LH pulsatility, putatively acting at the level of the central nervous system (i.e., suckling) or at both the central nervous system and pituitary (NPY) levels, produced periods of discordance between GnRH and LH pulses.


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The reproductive efficiency of stabled domestic stallions is often lower than what could be expected from observations in feral herds. In the wild, stallions typically live with mares in harem bands, with other stallions in bachelor bands, or occasionally in mixed-sex transitional bands. We, therefore, argue that permanent contact with mares may increase reproductive efficiency of stallions suffering from low libido and/or fertility. We also provide a summary of our present knowledge of natural conditions, management, and husbandry of domestic stallions, and of intra- and intersexual behavioral interactions in horses.