1000 resultados para AMORPHOUS STATES
We study the details of electronic transport related to the atomistic structure of silicon quantum dots embedded in a silicon dioxide matrix using ab initio calculations of the density of states. Several structural and composition features of quantum dots (QDs), such as diameter and amorphization level, are studied and correlated with transport under transfer Hamiltonian formalism. The current is strongly dependent on the QD density of states and on the conduction gap, both dependent on the dot diameter. In particular, as size increases, the available states inside the QD increase, while the QD band gap decreases due to relaxation of quantum confinement. Both effects contribute to increasing the current with the dot size. Besides, valence band offset between the band edges of the QD and the silica, and conduction band offset in a minor grade, increases with the QD diameter up to the theoretical value corresponding to planar heterostructures, thus decreasing the tunneling transmission probability and hence the total current. We discuss the influence of these parameters on electron and hole transport, evidencing a correlation between the electron (hole) barrier value and the electron (hole) current, and obtaining a general enhancement of the electron (hole) transport for larger (smaller) QD. Finally, we show that crystalline and amorphous structures exhibit enhanced probability of hole and electron current, respectively.
The Learning Affect Monitor (LAM) is a new computer-based assessment system integrating basic dimensional evaluation and discrete description of affective states in daily life, based on an autonomous adapting system. Subjects evaluate their affective states according to a tridimensional space (valence and activation circumplex as well as global intensity) and then qualify it using up to 30 adjective descriptors chosen from a list. The system gradually adapts to the user, enabling the affect descriptors it presents to be increasingly relevant. An initial study with 51 subjects, using a 1 week time-sampling with 8 to 10 randomized signals per day, produced n = 2,813 records with good reliability measures (e.g., response rate of 88.8%, mean split-half reliability of .86), user acceptance, and usability. Multilevel analyses show circadian and hebdomadal patterns, and significant individual and situational variance components of the basic dimension evaluations. Validity analyses indicate sound assignment of qualitative affect descriptors in the bidimensional semantic space according to the circumplex model of basic affect dimensions. The LAM assessment module can be implemented on different platforms (palm, desk, mobile phone) and provides very rapid and meaningful data collection, preserving complex and interindividually comparable information in the domain of emotion and well-being.
Polymorphous Si is a nanostructured form of hydrogenated amorphous Si that contains a small fraction of Si nanocrystals or clusters. Its thermally induced transformations such as relaxation, dehydrogenation, and crystallization have been studied by calorimetry and evolved gas analysis as a complementary technique. The observed behavior has been compared to that of conventional hydrogenated amorphous Si and amorphous Si nanoparticles. In the temperature range of our experiments (650700 C), crystallization takes place at almost the same temperature in polymorphous and in amorphous Si. In contrast, dehydrogenation processes reflect the presence of different hydrogen states. The calorimetry and evolved gas analysis thermograms clearly show that polymorphous Si shares hydrogen states of both amorphous Si and Si nanoparticles. Finally, the total energy of the main SiH group present in polymorphous Si has been quantified
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Fair Housing Act (FHA) prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability and govern the use of service or emotional support animals in places where pets may not be permitted. However, courts have been struggling with how to define and treat animals that qualify for protection under each law. This has created confusion as to what rights and duties are owed disabled persons and the animals that live with or accompany them. This essay attempts to clarify these two federal laws with regard to service or emotional support animals and the differing parties‘ rights and interests. It also includes an overview of select state laws that govern assistance animals of all types and our recommendations for enhancing the Iowa Civil Rights Act.
The objective of this work was to characterize the populations of Gossypium barbadense in the states of Amapá and Pará, Brazil. In situ characterization was conducted through interviews with the owners of the plants and environmental observations. Leaf or petal tissue as well as seed samples were collected for genetic characterization by single sequence repeats markers and for storage in germplasm banks, respectively. The plants were maintained in dooryards and used mainly for medical purposes. The genetic analysis showed no heterozygous plants at the loci tested (f = 1), indicating that reproduction occurs mainly through selfing. The total genetic diversity was high (He = 0.39); and a high level of differentiation was observed between cotton plants from the two states (F ST = 0.36). Conventional methods of in situ maintenance of G. barbadense populations are not applicable. The conservation of the genetic variability of populations present in the two states could be achieved through germplasm collection and establishing of ex situ seed banks.
This letter has been prepared as a consultation to EPA regarding the third five year review of the Northwestern States Portland Cement Company Site, located North of Mason City, Iowa in Cerro Gordo County to provide an evaluation of the public health status of the site.
West Africans in the United States may face negative responses from people in their community because of the current Ebola outbreak. People may say bad things about you, or try to stop you or your family from everyday activities like work, school, shopping, or spending time with friends. This is known as stigma. Stigma mostly occurs because of fear—people fear Ebola and the disease is linked with a specific region of the world. You are not more at risk for Ebola because of your specific race or country of origin.
Magnetization versus temperature in the temperature interval 2-200 K was measured for amorphous alloys of three different compositions: Fe 81.5B14.5Si4, Fe40Ni38 Mo4B18, and Co70Fe5Ni 2Mo3B5Si15. The measurements were performed by means of a SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) magnetometer. The aim was to extract information about the different mechanisms contributing to thermal demagnetization. A powerful data analysis technique based on successive minimization procedures has demonstrated that Stoner excitations of the strong ferromagnetic type play a significant role in the Fe-Ni alloy studied. The Fe-rich and Co-rich alloys do not show a measurable contribution from single-particle excitations.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic diversity among Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates from Brazil and the USA, assess their aggressiveness variability, and verify the existence of an isolate-cultivar interaction. Isolate variability was determined by mycelial compatibility grouping (MCG), and isolate aggressiveness by cut-stem inoculations of soybean cultivars. Two experiments for MCGs and two for aggressiveness were conducted with two sets of isolates. The first set included nine isolates from the same soybean field in Brazil and nine from the Midwest region of the USA. The second set included 16 isolates from several regions of Brazil and one from the USA. In the first set, 18 isolates formed 12 different MCGs. In the second set, 81% of the isolates from Brazil grouped into a single MCG. No common MCGs were observed among isolates from Brazil and the USA. The isolates showed aggressiveness differences in the first set, but not in the second. Although aggressiveness differed in the first set, soybean cultivars and isolates did not interact significantly. Cultivar rank remained the same, regardless of the genetic diversity, aggressiveness difference, and region or country of origin of the isolate. Results from screening of soybean cultivars, performed by the cut-stem method in the USA, can be used as reference for researchers in Brazil.
This work is dedicated to investigation of the energy spectrum of one of the most anisotropic narrow-gap semiconductors, CdSb. At the beginning of the present studies even the model of its energy band structure was not clear. Measurements of galvanomagnetic effects in wide temperature range (1.6 - 300 K) and in magnetic fields up to 30 T were chosen for clarifying of the energy spectrum in the intentionally undoped CdSb single crystals and doped with shallow impurities (In, Ag). Detection of the Shubnikov - de Haas oscillations allowed estimating the fundamental energy spectrum parameters. The shapes of the Fermi surfaces of electrons (sphere) and holes (ellipsoid), the number of the equivalent extremums for valence band (2) and their positions in the Brillouin zone were determined for the first time in this work. Also anisotropy coefficients, components of the tensor of effective masses of carriers, effective masses of density of states, nonparabolicity of the conduction and valence bands, g-factor and its anisotropy for n- and p-CdSb were estimated for the first time during these studies. All the results obtained are compared with the cyclotron resonance data and the corresponding theoretical calculations for p-CdSb. This is basic information for the analyses of the complex transport properties of CdSb and for working out the energy spectrum model of the shallow energy levels of defects and impurities in this semiconductor. It was found out existence of different mechanisms of hopping conductivity in the presence of metal - insulator transition induced by magnetic field in n- and p-CdSb. Quite unusual feature opened in CdSb is that different types of hopping conductivity may take place in the same crystal depending on temperature, magnetic field or even orientation of crystal in magnetic field. Transport properties of undoped p-CdSb samples show that the anisotropy of the resistivity in weak and strong magnetic fields is determined completely by the anisotropy of the effective mass of the holes. Temperature and magnetic field dependence of the Hall coefficient and magnetoresistance is attributed to presence of two groups of holes with different concentrations and mobilities. The analysis demonstrates that below Tcr ~ 20 K and down to ~ 6 - 7 K the low-mobile carriers are itinerant holes with energy E2 ≈ 6 meV. The high-mobile carriers, at all temperatures T < Tcr, are holes activated thermally from a deeper acceptor band to itinerant states of a shallower acceptor band with energy E1 ≈ 3 meV. Analysis of temperature dependences of mobilities confirms the existence of the heavy-hole band or a non-equivalent maximum and two equivalent maxima of the light-hole valence band. Galvanomagnetic effects in n-CdSb reveal the existence of two groups of carriers. These are the electrons of a single minimum in isotropic conduction band and the itinerant electrons of the narrow impurity band, having at low temperatures the energies above the bottom of the conduction band. It is found that above this impurity band exists second impurity band of only localized states and the energy of both impurity bands depend on temperature so that they sink into the band gap when temperature is increased. The bands are splitted by the spin, and in strong magnetic fields the energy difference between them decreases and redistribution of the electrons between the two impurity bands takes place. Mobility of the conduction band carriers demonstrates that scattering in n-CdSb at low temperatures is strongly anisotropic. This is because of domination from scattering on the neutral impurity centers and increasing of the contribution to mobility from scattering by acoustic phonons when temperature increases. Metallic conductivity in zero or weak magnetic field is changed to activated conductivity with increasing of magnetic field. This exhibits a metal-insulator transition (MIT) induced by the magnetic field due to shift of the Fermi level from the interval of extended states to that of the localized states of the electron spectrum near the edge of the conduction band. The Mott variablerange hopping conductivity is observed in the low- and high-field intervals on the insulating side of the MIT. The results yield information about the density of states, the localization radius of the resonant impurity band with completely localized states and about the donor band. In high magnetic fields this band is separated from the conduction band and lies below the resonant impurity bands.