993 resultados para AK4-274
A juzgar por alguna declaración más bien negativa de Borges sobre la literatura española, se podría creer que esta no influyó demasiado en él. Sin embargo, existen indicios de que pudo haberse inspirado también en determinados escritores españoles coetáneos hoy casi olvidados. Uno de ellos pudo ser José María Salaverría, entre cuyos relatos destaca “El fichero supremo” (1926), del que se ha dicho que “anticipa algunas de las preocupaciones características de un tipo de relato que Jorge Luis Borges elevará años después a la máxima categoría estética”. De hecho, recuerda a “La biblioteca de Babel” (1941) borgiana por su planteamiento hasta el punto de que podría pensarse que el maestro argentino pudo tener presente, a la hora de escribir esa obra maestra, ese cuento de Salaverría, el cual se publicó por primera vez en Caras y Caretas, una revista porteña que Borges reconoció “devorar” en su juventud. Sin embargo, el interés mayor de la comparación entre “El fichero supremo” y “La biblioteca de Babel” no radica tanto en el carácter de posible fuente del primero como en el contraste entre sus formas de presentación narrativa: desde fuera y en tercera persona en Salaverría, en un marco realista; y desde dentro y en primera persona, prácticamente sin marco, en Borges. Este parece desarrollar, en el registro propio de la “imaginación razonada” descrito por él mismo, una virtualidad presente en el relato de Salaverría, cuya comparación con “La biblioteca de Babel” puede suscitar también alguna reflexión sobre el enigma de la identidad y el carácter de la voz enunciadora de la biblioteca universal de Babel. Al menos, esta parece haber hecho realidad en cierto modo, de forma sublime, el patético sueño divino del archivero imaginado por Salaverría.
“Simbiosis”, aparecido originalmente en 1956, constituye la instancia inicial de la serie de cuentos policiales de Rodolfo Walsh que, extendida hasta 1962, protagonizan Daniel Hernández y el comisario Laurenzi. Pero “Simbiosis” representa, además, un momento de rupturas en la trayectoria de Walsh, rupturas observables a la luz de su obra previa, y que contribuyen a definir la singular posición que el escritor procura adoptar en el campo literario de la época. En la nacionalización del género policial que propone, el cuento a la vez recupera y cuestiona el canon clásico del género, al adoptar motivos de la literatura fantástica cuya operatividad como explicaciones de un delito se asocia a su origen en el saber popular, saber al cual Laurenzi accede como comisario de pueblo. Correlativamente, la equívoca resolución del crimen, debatida entre dos matrices de género, una racional y otra sobrenatural, así como el interrogante sobre la culpabilidad que deja abierto el relato, son resonancias significativas de su contexto histórico, desatendidas aún por la crítica: se trata, en particular, de los debates sobre culpables e inocentes políticos que inició en 1955 el derrocamiento militar del gobierno peronista.
The radiation efficiency and resonance frequency of five compact antennas worn by nine individual test subjects was measured at 2.45 GHz in a reverberation chamber. The results show that, despite significant differences in body mass, wearable antenna radiation efficiency had a standard deviation less than 0.6 dB and the resonance frequency shift was less than 1% between test subjects. Variability in the radiation efficiency and resonance frequency shift between antennas was largely dependant on body tissue coupling which is related to both antenna geometry and radiation characteristics. The reverberation chamber measurements were validated using a synthetic tissue phantom and compared with results obtained in a spherical near field chamber and finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation.
This article discusses the so-called newness of today's antisemitism through the historical and social specificities of antisemitism in French society. It casts light on the continuities of antisemitic discourse in France, but also its transformation in relation to the French colonial heritage and the recent ‘communitarianisation’ of France's social life. This analysis of antisemitism is furthered by the presentation of two case-studies: the controversial discourses of comedian Dieudonné and Kémi Séba, leader of a black supremacist movement called Tribu KA which stirred controversies in the 2000s. These two examples emphasise the fact that antisemitic discourse is better understood as a narrative about downward social mobility and status, which hardly makes antisemitism new.
This article demonstrates a visual study on the educational space in which the teaching of body percussion is carried out in universities. The methodological framework is chosen by the Visual Arts Based Educational Research, using the work of an artist as a conceptual and methodological model. The research remains notable (1) due to the theoretical reference to the BAPNE method, (2) due to the visual reference to the work of Isidro Blasco – especially with the piece “Shanghai Planet 2009” - ;(3) due to the parallelisms established between the object of study in this investigation -the spatial analysis- and the focuses of interest revealed by the art critics in relation to the work of this artist. By means of a visual speech formed with 7 photo-collages the relationship between body and educational space is visualized in the basic disposition of circular learning. The visual constructions by way of photo-collage and their aesthetic charge brings us closer to the intimacy of the educational space, in the style in which it is distributed to the students in the music classroom, the materialization of interpersonal relationships, the occupied and empty volumes.
Stand-alone virtual environments (VEs) using haptic devices have proved useful for assembly/disassembly simulation of mechanical components. Nowadays, collaborative haptic virtual environments (CHVEs) are also emerging. A new peer-to-peer collaborative haptic assembly simulator (CHAS) has been developed whereby two users can simultaneously carry out assembly tasks using haptic devices. Two major challenges have been addressed: virtual scene synchronization (consistency) and the provision of a reliable and effective haptic feedback. A consistency-maintenance scheme has been designed to solve the challenge of achieving consistency. Results show that consistency is guaranteed. Furthermore, a force-smoothing algorithm has been developed which is shown to improve the quality of force feedback under adverse network conditions. A range of laboratory experiments and several real trials between Labein (Spain) and Queen’s University Belfast (Northern Ireland) have verified that CHAS can provide an adequate haptic interaction when both users perform remote assemblies (assembly of one user’s object with an object grasped by the other user). Moreover, when collisions between grasped objects occur (dependent collisions), the haptic feedback usually provides satisfactory haptic perception. Based on a qualitative study, it is shown that the haptic feedback obtained during remote assemblies with dependent collisions can continue to improve the sense of co-presence between users with regard to only visual feedback.
The southern waterfront of the city of Buenos Aires has been recovered. Now that more than 20 years have passed since the projects began, we are able to get some perspective on these developments and can confront them with the integral history of this area. The areas of Puerto Madero, Costanera Sur, Reserva Ecológica and Santa María del Plata have distinctive characteristics and these are reflected in urban landscape, architecture and especially through the use of these spaces. Real estate developments cohabit with public space, tourism with local leisure facilities, and the most expensive office floors with local choripan1 stands, all of these in a development in which the state, the municipality, international corporations and real estate companies have collaborated and discussed to produce a hybrid new space for the city.
The position of the earliest-derived living molluscs, the Polyplacophora ( chitons) and shell-less vermiform Aplacophora, remains highly contentious despite many morphological, developmental and molecular studies of extant organisms. These two groups are thought to represent either a basal molluscan grade or a clade (Aculifera) sister to the 'higher' molluscs (Conchifera). These incompatible hypotheses result in very different predictions about the earliest molluscs. A new cladistic analysis incorporating both Palaeozoic and extant molluscs is presented here. Our results support the monophyly of Aculifera and suggest that extant aplacophorans and polyplacophorans both derive from a disparate group of multivalved molluscs in two major clades. Reanalysis of the critical Ordovician taxon 'Helminthochiton' thraivensis shows that this animal lacks a true foot despite bearing polyplacophoran-like valves. Its position within our phylogenetic reconstruction indicates that many fossil 'polyplacophorans' in the order Palaeoloricata are likely to represent footless stem-group aplacophorans. 'H.' thraivensis and similar forms such as Acaenoplax may be morphological stepping stones between chitons and the shell-less aplacophorans. Our results imply that crown-group molluscan synapomorphies include serial repetition, the presence of a foot, a mineralized scleritome and a creeping rather than worm-like mode of life.