989 resultados para 7140-245
A fixed-bed hydraulic model of Jupiter Inlet, Florida, was constructed for the purpose of testing measures designed to remedy problems of sediment erosion and deposition in the inlet area. Both tide-induced flows as well as waves were simulated in the model which was built on an undistorted scale of 1:49. Model verification was based on prototype measurements of waves, tides and currents. Results have been interpreted in terms of the influence of various proposed remedial schemes on flow velocity magnitude, distribution and wave height at various locations within the study area. A stability parameter has been utilized for evaluating the degree of sediment erosion or deposition at a given location. Various structural solutions were examined in the model. It is proposed that, in the initial phase of solution implementation, sediment removal/nourishment methods be used primarily to mitigate the existing problems. New structures, as per model test results, should be installed under subsequent phases, only if sediment management procedures do not prove to be adequate. The currently followed procedure of periodic sand trap dredging may be extended to include the new dredging/nourishment requirements. (PDF contains 245 pages.)
245 p. : il.
Homenaje al Dr. Armin U. Stylow.
Formazio ekonomikoa edo enpresa kudeaketan formazioa dutenei zuzendutako materiala da; edozelan ere, Administrazioaren jarduteko moduak ezagutu nahi duen orori baliagarri gerta dakioke. Liburu honetan atal hauek agertzen dira : Administrazio zuzenbidea eta Administrazio Zuzenbide iturrien teoria. Administrazio antolakuntzaren oinarriak. Administrazio-egintzari buruzko teoria, administrazio-prozedura, administrazio-egintzen berrikuspena eta errekurtsoak. Administrazioak ekonomian esku hartzeko baliatzen dituen teknikak
为了研究不同制备工艺对材料力学性能的影响 ,选择了热氧化、LPCVD和PECVD三种典型工艺 ,在硅片上制备 1μm氧化硅薄膜。通过纳米压痕和划痕检测可知 ,热氧化工艺制备的SiO2薄膜的硬度和模量最大 ,LPCVD制备的样品界面结合强度高于PECVD。纳米压痕和划痕技术为此提供了丰富的近表面弹塑性变形和断裂等的信息 ,是评价微米薄膜力学性能的有效手段
Detailed description of plankton entrainment in power plant cooling systems.
As Voyages... são estudos completos, abrangendo todos os aspectos das regiões percorridas; servem de subsídio ao estudo das condições de vida no Brasil no século passado. "Fonte primordial de informações sobre os prédios coloniais do Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Santa Catarina e Goiás. Poucas obras no gênero atingem o valor de Saint-Hilarire. São clássicas e indispensáveis para o estudo do sul do Brasil, antes da Independência" segundo Borba de Moraes.
Eterio Pajares, Raquel Merino y José Miguel Santamaría (eds.)
Trabalhos elaborados por deputados sobre questões nacionais no período.
- 1.1 化合物的生成焓,反应焓及燃烧热
- 1.2 热化学定律
- 1.3 热力学平衡与自由能,化学平衡与反应自由能
- 1.4 质量作用定律及可逆反应的平衡常数
- 1.5 平衡常数和标准反应自由能的关系
- 1.6 温度和压力对平衡常数的影响
- 1.7 绝热火焰温度计算
- 1.8 化学动力学中采用的几个基本概念和定义
- 1.9 反应的分类
- 1.10 阿累尼乌斯(Arrhenius)定律
- 1.11 双分子反应碰撞理论
- 1.12 反应分子数及反应级数
- 1.13 影响化学反应的因素
- 1.14 链锁反应
- 5.1 燃烧波的两种形式――缓燃(或火焰正常传播)及爆震
- 5.3 马兰特和利-恰及利耶的简化分析法
- 5.4 层流火焰传播速度的无量纲分析法
- 5.5 泽尔多维奇和弗朗克-卡门涅茨基的分区近似解
- 5.6 分区近似解的改进
- 5.7 精确解
- 5.8 物理化学参数对S1的影响及对火焰厚度的影响
- 5.9 火焰传播界限
- 5.10 用层流火焰传播速度计算化学动力参数的方法
- 5.11 火焰的基本性质及火焰的几何学
- 5.12 本生灯火焰稳定的条件
- 5.13 层流火焰传播速度的实验测定
- 5.14 单组元燃料滴燃烧