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Resolución 697(XXXVI) Resolución Horizontes 2030 .-- Resolución 698(XXXVI) Calendario de conferencias de la CEPAL para el período 2017-2018 .-- Resolución 699(XXXVI) Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe .-- Resolución 700(XXXVI) Resolución de México por la que se crea el Foro de los Países de América Latina y el Caribe sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible .-- Resolución 701(XXXVI) Respaldo a la labor del Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES) .-- Resolución 702(XXXVI) Conferencia Estadística de las Américas de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe .-- Resolución 703(XXXVI) Conferencia Regional sobre Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe .-- Resolución 704(XXXVI) Programa de trabajo y prioridades de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe para el bienio 2018-2019 .-- Resolución 705(XXXVI) Comité de Desarrollo y Cooperación del Caribe .-- Resolución 706(XXXVI) Aplicación del Principio 10 de la Declaración de Río sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe .-- Resolución 707(XXXVI) Conferencia Regional sobre Población y Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe .-- Resolución 708(XXXVI) Conferencia Ministerial sobre la Sociedad de la Información de América Latina y el Caribe .-- Resolución 709(XXXVI) Comité de Cooperación Sur-Sur .-- Resolución 710(XXXVI) Conferencia de Ciencia, Innovación y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe .-- Resolución 711(XXXVI) Implementación del Programa de Acción de Viena en Favor de los Países en Desarrollo sin Litoral para el Decenio 2014-2024 .-- Resolución 712(XXXVI) Integración regional de la información estadística y geoespacial .-- Resolución 713(XXXVI) Seguimiento regional de los resultados de las conferencias sobre financiamiento del desarrollo .-- Resolución 714(XXXVI) Lugar del próximo período de sesiones.
Objetivo: identificar se os enfermeiros do Brasil têm conhecimento das políticas e tecnologias de gestão nos serviços de saúde e enfermagem. Métodos: realizamos revisão integrativa da literatura, utilizando as bases de dados: LILACS, MEDLINE, SciELO, BDENF e PAHO e os descritores: gestão em saúde, tecnologia em saúde, tecnologia assistencial e enfermagem, incluindo as publicações nos idiomas português, espanhol e inglês. Resultados: A análise resultou em 11 referências completas, no período de 2003 a 2007. Constatamos que os enfermeiros possuem articulação nos serviços de enfermagem e competência técnica no exercício profissional, porém, apresentam-se frágeis politicamente, o que limita sua autonomia profissional e os torna ainda subordinados a outros profissionais. Conclusão: diante dos avanços e constantes mudanças no setor saúde, particularmente no nível organizacional e técnico-científico, torna-se imprescindível que o(a) enfermeiro(a) desenvolva suas habilidades políticas, gerenciais e de liderança com participação responsável e de forma interdisciplinar.
Pós-graduação em Reabilitação Oral - FOAR
The quantitative research conducted on communication in organizations from bauruenses has served as inspiration for: the development of applied research regarding Brazilian organizational reality, to the communication courses and on the improvements in the communication aspect of the organizations in the region. The goal is to provide information related t the role of organizational communication and the public relations role in this process, measuring the empowerment of this community. The mapping methodology is based on structured questionnaires in order to capture ordinary factors, active and retroactive, from the communication processes such as: relationship types, channels and media, degree of interaction and interdependence between the parties; types of public involved in the process and the expectations of the organization in relation to goals, objectives, actions, events and activities programmed in communication. For the delineation of a reflective proposal from the data, we chose to work on analyzing three dimensions: the strategic communication, linked to the business model and information technologies; the internal communication, linked to culture, to the organizational structure and management that implies the new paradigms of relationship; and lastly, the intention to materialize the collected data on indicators and scales from attributes caused or inhibited from the excellent communication, including evaluation of the practice of Public Relations. This article presents the main results related to micro companies in Bauru, São Paulo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
V393 Scorpii is a double periodic variable characterized by a relatively stable non-orbital photometric cycle of 253 d. Mennickent et al. argue for the presence of a massive optically thick disc around the more massive B-type component and describe the evolutionary stage of the system. In this paper, we analyse the behaviour of the main spectroscopic optical lines during the long non-orbital photometric cycle. We study the radial velocity of the donor determining its orbital elements and find a small but significant orbital eccentricity (e = 0.04). The donor spectral features are modelled and removed from the spectrum at every observing epoch using the light-curve model given by Mennickent et al. We find that the line emission is larger during eclipses and mostly comes from a bipolar wind. We also find that the long cycle is explained in terms of a modulation of the wind strength; the wind has a larger line and continuum emissivity at the high state. We report the discovery of highly variable chromospheric emission in the donor, as revealed by the Doppler maps of the emission lines Mg II 4481 and C I 6588. We discuss notable and some novel spectroscopic features like discrete absorption components, especially visible at blue depressed O I 7773 absorption wings during the second half-cycle, Balmer double emission with V/R curves showing 'Z-type' and 'S-type' excursions around secondary and main eclipses, respectively, and H beta emission wings extending up to +/- 2000 km s(-1). We also discuss possible causes for these phenomena and for their modulations with the long cycle.
The parameters for the newly discovered open cluster Alessi 95 are established on the basis of available photometric and spectroscopic data, in conjunction with new observations. Colour excesses for spectroscopically observed B- and A-type stars near SU Cas follow a reddening relation described by E(U-B)/E(B-V) = 0.83 + 0.02E(B-V), implying a value of R=AV/E(B-V) ? 2.8 for the associated dust. Alessi 95 has a mean reddening of E(B-V)(B0) = 0.35 +/- 0.02 s.e., an intrinsic distance modulus of V0-MV= 8.16 +/- 0.04 s.e. (+/- 0.21 s.d.), d= 429 +/- 8 pc, and an estimated age of 108.2 yr from zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) fitting of available UBV, CCD BV, NOMAD, and Two Micron All Sky Survey JHKs observations of cluster stars. SU Cas is a likely cluster member, with an inferred space reddening of E(B-V) = 0.33 +/- 0.02 and a luminosity of < MV >=-3.15 +/- 0.07 s.e., consistent with overtone pulsation (PFM= 2.75 d), as also implied by the Cepheids light-curve parameters, rate of period increase and Hipparcos parallaxes for cluster stars. There is excellent agreement of the distance estimates for SU Cas inferred from cluster ZAMS fitting, its pulsation parallax derived from the infrared surface brightness technique and Hipparcos parallaxes, which all agree to within a few per cent.
Oxygen abundances of 67 dwarf stars in the metallicity range -1.6 < [Fe/H] < -0.4 are derived from a non-LTE analysis of the 777 nm O I triplet lines. These stars have precise atmospheric parameters measured by Nissen and Schuster, who find that they separate into three groups based on their kinematics and alpha-element (Mg, Si, Ca, Ti) abundances: thick disk, high-alpha halo, and low-alpha halo. We find the oxygen abundance trends of thick-disk and high-alpha halo stars very similar. The low-alpha stars show a larger star-to-star scatter in [O/Fe] at a given [Fe/H] and have systematically lower oxygen abundances compared to the other two groups. Thus, we find the behavior of oxygen abundances in these groups of stars similar to that of the a elements. We use previously published oxygen abundance data of disk and very metal-poor halo stars to present an overall view (-2.3 < [Fe/H] < +0.3) of oxygen abundance trends of stars in the solar neighborhood. Two field halo dwarf stars stand out in their O and Na abundances. Both G53-41 and G150-40 have very low oxygen and very high sodium abundances, which are key signatures of the abundance anomalies observed in globular cluster (GC) stars. Therefore, they are likely field halo stars born in GCs. If true, we estimate that at least 3% +/- 2% of the local field metal-poor star population was born in GCs.
[ES] La legislación indica que todo producto perecedero destinado a la alimentación humana debe exhibir la fecha a partir de la cual se considera que su consumo deja de ser seguro. Esta es la fecha de caducidad o expiración. Las latas de bebidas no son una excepción. MONICOD, la herramienta presentada en este documento de tesis, es un esfuerzo más en esta área de aplicación de validadores industriales de fechas de caducidad. Su particularidad es su alta velocidad de operación. Esto es, trata de maximizar el número de latas por unidad de tiempo. Para lograrlo combina varias estrategias. En primer lugar se ha construido una plataforma física que amortigua algunos efectos indeseables del entorno de operación. Su elemento más prominente es una cámara oscura. En segundo lugar los algoritmos que se encadenan en la operación de validación gozan de una gran simplicidad, especialmente respecto al tipo de operaciones empleadas (sumas) y el tipo de datos (enteros). Esto los hace muy asequibles al cómputo. Por otra parte se ha evitado depender de un hardware específico y así MONICOD no depende de ningún fabricante en particular y puede correr en un computador doméstico.
[ES] Los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) juegan un papel primordial en cualquier proyecto que use de algún modo datos georreferenciados. El proyecto FP7 MEDINA (Marine ecosystem dynamics and indicators for north Africa) no es una excepción, donde trabajamos con indicadores provenientes de diferentes países e instituciones. Una de las labores que se ha llevado a cabo es la armonización de dicha información y la puesta en común mediante las posibilidades que ofrecen los SIG y herramientas afines. Hablaremos de la capacidad de los SIG, especialmente en sus soluciones libres, para poder organizar, gestionar y analizar la información geográfica.
[EN] In this report we study a number of fluid optic flow sequences in the context of the FLUID Specific Targeted Research Project - Contract No 513633 founded by the EEC. The main goal of this report is to analyse the behaviour of classical computer vision optic flow techniques when we deal with fluid sequences. We use the optic flow sequences provided by other partners of the FLUID project.