1000 resultados para 40-360


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The objectives of this study were to do a survey of the autoimmune skin diseases and update the records regarding the occurrence of discoid lupus erythematosus in canine and feline populations attended at the Dermatology Service of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of UNESP - Botucatu, including species, gender, breed, age, location and characteristic of the lesions. Results have shown that the order of occurrence, regarding the number of cases of autoimmune skin diseases in the animals attended by the Dermatology Service in the period from 1988 to 2007 was: discoid lupus erythematosus, pemphigus folliaceus, uveo-dermatologic syndrome, pemphigus vulgaris, systemic lupus erythematosus, necrolytic migratory erythema, multiforme erythema and plasmacytic pododermatitis. All the animals with discoid lupus erythematosus were dogs and most of them were mongrel females. More frequently breeds affected by discoid lupus erythematosus were german shepherd and akita and the mean age was 56 months. Most lesions were located in nasal planum, narines and periocular area and were characterized by crusting, depigmentation and erythema.


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This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of dietary trace mineral levels and sources on egg quality parameters of second-cycle semi-heavy layers. A number of 360 72-week-old layers were submitted to forced molting. Upon return of lay (83 weeks of age), birds were distributed according to a completely randomized experimental design of six treatments with six replicates of 10 birds each. The control treatment consisted of 0.10% dietary supplementation of trace minerals from inorganic sources, which was proportionally replaced by five levels (110, 100, 90, 80, 70%) of an organic trace mineral supplement containing 30, 30, 40, 6, 0.61, and 0.3 g/kg product of Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, I, and Se, respectively. All diets contained equal protein, energy, and amino acid levels. Every 28 days of the experimental period (112 days) four eggs per replicate were collected for egg quality evaluation. The following parameters were evaluated: specific gravity, yolk, albumen and eggshell percentages, yolk index, Haugh units, and eggshell thickness and breaking strength. One sample per replicate, consisting of the pool of the yolks of three eggs collected at the end of each experimental period, was used to assess protein and mineral (Ca, P, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) contents. The results were submitted to ANOVA, and means to the test of Tukey at 5% significance level. The evaluated trace mineral levels and sources did not influence any of the studied egg quality parameters. It was concluded that reducing organic trace mineral supplementation in up to 70% relative to 100% inorganic trace mineral supplementation does not affect egg parameters and therefore, can be applied to the diet of semi-heavy layers in their second cycle of lay.


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Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine the in vitro maximum inhibitory dilution (MID) of two chlorhexidine-based oral mouthwashes (CHX): Noplak (R), Periogard (R), and one polyhexamethylene biguanide-based mouthwash (PHMB): Sanifill Premium (R) against 28 field Staphylococcus aureus strains using the agar dilution method. Materials and Methods: For each product, decimal dilutions ranging from 1/10 to 1/655,360 were prepared in distilled water and added to Mueller Hinton Agar culture medium. After homogenization, the culture medium was poured onto Petri dishes. Strains were inoculated using a Steers multipoint inoculator and dishes were incubated at 37 degrees C for 24hours. For reading, MID was considered as the maximum dilution of the mouthwash still capable of inhibiting microbial growth. Results: Sanifill Premium (R) inhibited the growth of all strains at 1/40 dilution and of 1 strain at 1/80 dilution. Noplak (R) inhibited the growth of 23 strains at 1/640 dilution and of all 28 strains at 1/320 dilution. Periogard (R) showed inhibited growth of 7 strains at 1/640 dilution and of all 28 strains at 1/320 dilution. Data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis statistical test, showing significant differences between the mouthwashes evaluated (p<0.05). No significant difference was found between Noplak (R) and Periogard (R) (p>0.05). Sanifill Premium (R) was the least effective (p<0.05). Conclusion: It was concluded that CHX-based mouthwashes present better antimicrobial activity against S. Aureus than the PHMB-based mouthwash.


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Evaluate the distribution and variation of placental vascular indices according to gestational age and placental volume. From March to November 2007, three-dimensional (3D)-power Doppler ultrasound was performed in 295 normal pregnancies from 12 to 40 weeks of gestation. Using the same preestablished settings for all patients, power Doppler was applied to the placenta and placental Volume was obtained by the rotational technique (VOCAL(TM)). The 3D-power histogram was used to determine the placental vascular indices: vascularization index (VI), flow index (FI) and vascularization-flow index (VFI). The placental vascular indices were then plotted against gestational age and placental volume. All placental vascular indices showed constant distribution throughout gestation. A tendency for a reduction in placental vascular indices with increased placental volume was observed, but was only statistically significant when placental FI was considered (p < 0.05). All placental vascular indices estimated by 3D-power Doppler ultrasonography presented constant distribution throughout gestation, despite the increase in placental volume according to gestational age. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective. The purpose of this study was to construct nomograms of placental volumes according to gestational age and estimated fetal weight. Methods. From March to November 2007, placental volumes were prospectively measured by ultrasonography in 295 normal pregnancies from 12 to 40 weeks' gestation and correlated with gestational age and estimated fetal weight. Inclusion criteria were healthy women, singleton pregnancies with normal fetal morphologic characteristics on ultrasonography, and confirmed gestational age by first-trimester ultrasonography. Results. The mean placental volume ranged from 83 cm(3) at 12 weeks to 427.7 cm(3) at 40 weeks. Linear regression yielded the following formula for the expected placental volumes (ePV) according to gestational age (GA): ePV` (cm(3)) = -64.68 + 12.31 x GA (r = 0.572; P < .001). Placental volumes also varied according to estimated fetal weight (EFW), and the following mathematical equation was also obtained by linear regression: ePV = 94.19 + 0.09 x EFW (r = 0.505; P < 0.001). Conclusions. Nomograms of placental volumes according to gestational age and estimated fetal weight were constructed, generating reference values.


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The nuclear import of simian-virus-40 large T-antigen (tumour antigen) is enhanced via phosphorylation by the protein kinase CK2 at Ser(112) in the vicinity of the NLS (nuclear localization sequence). To determine the structural basis of the effect of the sequences flanking the basic cluster KKKRK, and the effect of phosphorylation on the recognition of the NLS by the nuclear import factor importin-alpha (Impalpha), we co-crystallized non-autoinhibited Impalpha with peptides corresponding to the phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated forms of the NLS, and determined the crystal structures of the complexes. The structures show that the amino acids N-terminally flanking the basic cluster make specific contacts with the receptor that are distinct from the interactions between bipartite NLSs and Impalpha. We confirm the important role of flanking sequences using binding assays. Unexpectedly, the regions of the peptides containing the phosphorylation site do not make specific contacts with the receptor. Binding assays confirm that phosphorylation does not increase the affinity of the T-antigen NLS to Impalpha. We conclude that the sequences flanking the basic clusters in NLSs play a crucial role in nuclear import by modulating the recognition of the NLS by Impalpha, whereas phosphorylation of the T-antigen enhances nuclear import by a mechanism that does not involve a direct interaction of the phosphorylated residue with Impalpha.


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Using a collective potential derived previously on the basis of the generator coordinate method with Skyrme interactions, we obtain values for the compression modulus of Ca-40 which are in good agreement with a recently obtained experimental value. Calculated values for the compression modulus for O-16 are also given. The procedure involved in the derivation of the collective potential is briefly reviewed and discussed.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar as intensidades do ponto de compensação respiratório (PCR), limiar anaeróbio de concentração fixa (OBLA3,5) e limiar anaeróbio de lactato de aumento abrupto lactacidêmico (LAnLAC) determinadas em diferentes ergômetros. Para isso, onze mesatenistas (19±1 anos) realizaram testes incrementais máximos no cicloergômetro, ergômetro de braço, esteira e em teste específico para o tênis de mesa. Durante esses esforços, foram mensuradas as repostas lactacidêmica e respiratória. Na análise intraergômetro, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o PCR, LAnLAC e OBLA3,5 no ergômetro de braço (63,4±4,8W, 66,9±4,5W e 64,5±6,1W, respectivamente), esteira (11,4±0,4km.h-1, 11,3±0,3km.h-1 e 11,1±0,3km.h-1, respectivamente) e teste específico (40,5±1,8bolas.min-1, 42,6±3,6bolas.min-1 e 42,8±5,6bolas.min-1, respectivamente); apenas no cicloergômetro foi verificado menor valor de OBLA3,5 (131,9±6,6W) em relação ao PCR (149,3±4,9W) e o LAnLAC (149,3±4,7W). No entanto, fortes e significativas correlações foram verificadas no teste específico entre todos esses métodos (r entre 0,83 a 0,95), entre o PCR e OBLA3,5 no ergômetro de braço (r=0,78) e entre OBLA3,5 e LAnLAC na esteira (r=0,76). Desse modo, podemos concluir que o PCR, OBLA3,5 e LAnLAC parecem corresponder ao mesmo fenômeno fisiológico, principalmente, no teste específico para o tênis de mesa.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo implementar um modelo computacional para simular a dinâmica operacional de uma linha industrial de abate de suínos. O sistema real modelado pertence à empresa Frigorífico Frimesa, sediada no município de Medianeira (PR). O modelo implementado é tipo dinâmico, discreto e estocástico. Este simula 34 operações unitárias e foi estruturado com o uso da linguagem de simulação EXTEND TM. Para validação do modelo foram coletados dados relativos a cinco dias de operação, em que foram abatidos 1.346, 1.630, 1.360, 1.585 e 1.550 suínos, respectivamente. Como parâmetros de comparação entre os dados obtidos a partir do sistema e gerados pelo modelo foram selecionadas as seguintes variáveis: (i) tempo de duração da operação; (ii) tempo de deslocamento da insensibilização até a depiladeira; (iii) tempo deslocamento da insensibilização até a câmara fria; (iv) número de carcaças re-inspecionadas; e (v) número final de carcaças. Na validação do modelo, foi constatado que, para a variável tempo de duração da operação por meio do teste Tukey a 1% de significância, não foram detectadas diferenças estatísticas entre os valores obtidos do sistema real e os gerados pelo modelo. Considerando-se esta e outras análises, foi concluído que o modelo aplica-se à finalidade para a qual foi implementado. Sendo assim, foram realizadas duas análises de sensibilidade. Na primeira, ao alterar o número de suínos a abater de 1 mil para 2 mil, foi determinado que os tempos de duração da operação variariam de 6,20 a 10,10 h, respectivamente. Para a segunda, ao abater 1.340 suínos e alterar a velocidade das nórias de 300 para 600 animais por hora, o tempo de duração da operação passou de 8,10 para 7,40 h, respectivamente.


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Relata-se o caso ocorrido em um cão, da raça Pinscher, com dois anos de idade e histórico de desconforto no olho direito. O olho esquerdo havia sido enucleado por outro profissional, por apresentar os mesmos sinais, cujo tratamento clínico instituído não lograra êxito. O valor do teste da lágrima de Schirmer encontrava-se aumentado e identificou-se diminuição da pressão intraocular à tonometria de aplanação. Observaram-se, à biomicroscopia, edema corneal profuso e ceratocone, e o teste da fluoresceína foi negativo. Gonioscopia e oftalmoscopia não lograram fornecer dados relevantes dadas as condições da córnea. Diagnosticou-se ceratite bolhosa. Optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico, que fora realizado em duas etapas: 1- ceratectomia superficial e flap conjuntival de 360º; 2- ceratectomia superficial para devolver transparência à córnea. Transcorridos 30 dias da segunda ceratectomia superficial, o flap de terceira pálpebra foi desfeito. Observou-se conjuntivalização do quadrante nasal superior da córnea, córnea clara no eixo visual e retorno da visão.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar influência da idade no comportamento da pressão intraocular (PIO) em população acima de 40 anos. MÉTODOS: Neste estudo observacional transversal realizado no município de Piraquara - PR, a PIO foi aferida através da tonometria de Goldmann. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos a exame de triagem, sendo os suspeitos de glaucoma ou hipertensão ocular encaminhados ao atendimento de retorno para realização de exame oftalmológico completo. Para fins de análise estatística, os pacientes foram divididos em grupos etários (40-49; 50-59; 60-69 e acima de 70 anos). Posteriormente todos os pacientes portadores de glaucoma ou suspeita, hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) ou Diabetes mellitus (DM) foram excluídos. RESULTADOS: Avaliaram-se 3360 indivíduos com média de idade de 54,04 ± 10,52 anos, sendo 59,79% do sexo feminino. Não se observou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a média da PIO nos diferentes grupos etários (p=0,19; teste ANOVA). da mesma forma, não foi observada correlação significativa entre a PIO e a idade (p = 0,11; correlação linear de Pearson). Após exclusão dos indivíduos portadores de HAS (1671), DM (n=360), glaucoma ou suspeita de glaucoma (n=161) não se observou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a média da PIO e a idade (p=0,17; teste ANOVA). No entanto, uma fraca correlação negativa, porém significativa, foi encontrada entre PIO e idade (p=0,03; R=-0,055, correlação linear Pearson). CONCLUSÃO: Na presente amostra, não foi observada influência significativa da idade na PIO, entretanto, após a exclusão de indivíduos com glaucoma, HAS e DM, observou-se uma fraca correlação linear negativa e significativa entre as duas variáveis.


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A method has been developed for the direct determination of Se in nutritionally relevant foods by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Tungsten/rhodium carbide coating on the integrated platform of a transversely heated graphite atomizer or W coating with co-injection of Pd(NO3)(2) were used as a permanent modifiers. Samples and reference solutions were spiked with 500 mu g L-1 As and absorbance variations due to changes in experimental conditions were minimized. For 20 mu L aqueous analytical solutions delivered into the graphite tube, analytical curves in the 5.0-40 mu g L-1 with good linear correlation were established. Pyrolysis and atomization temperatures were evaluated using pyrolysis and atomization curves, respectively. The optimized heating program (temperature, ramp time, hold time) of the graphite tube of the Perkin-Elmer SIMAA 6000 atomic absorption spectrometer was: dry steps (110 degrees C, 5 s, 10 s; 130 degrees C, 15 s, 15 s); air-assisted pyrolysis step (600 degrees C, 20 s, 40 s; 20 degrees C, 1 s, 40 s); pyrolysis step (1300 degrees C, 10 s, 20 s); atomization step (2100 degrees C, 0 s, 4 s); clean step (2550 degrees C, 1 s, 5 s). The method was applied for Se determination in coconut water, coconut milk, soybean milk, cow milk, tomato juice, mango juice, grape juice and drinking water samples and four standard reference materials and results were in agreement at 95% confidence level. The lifetime of the tube was 500 firings and the relative standard deviations of measurements of typical samples containing 25 mu gL(-1) Se were 3.0% and 6.0% (n = 12) with and without internal standardization, respectively. The limits of detection were in the 0.35 mu g L-1-0.7 mu g Se L-1 range. The accuracy of the proposed method was evaluated by an addition-recovery experiment and all recovered values were in the 98-109% range. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.