1000 resultados para 323-U1339C
Poème de Tobie (1). — Mag. Alexandri Laus sapientiae divinae {40). — Pièces de vers composées par Jo. Prevost (89), Fr, Caulier (90), Lud. Hurillon (91, 93), J. Mentel (94), N. Leon. Bursarius (95), J. Fr. Mondolot. (96), Fr. Boutard (99), Am. du Mas (106), Car. Thiery (112), Ben. Thibaud (113), Fr. de Clermont Thoury (139), Pet, Neveletus. Doschius (169), Car. Fr. Thiery (184), Seb. Tripier (276), Franc. Linant (323), Jos. Rosset (351), Rob. Wallery (363), Ren. Pr. Tassin (371), Jo. Henr. Wentsel (373). — Extr. du ms. 553 du Vatican (104). — Lettre des religieux de Tiron à Jean Casimir, roi de Pologne (178). — Épitaphes et inscriptions modernes, plusieurs composées par Mabillon. — Deux vieilles épitaphes de l'église de: Lagny (262). Inscription antique de Vicence (311). — Distiques de l'abbé Serlon (355). Épitaphe. de Ratherius (356). — Qq. pièces en français et en italien.
ABSTRACT Innovation is essential for improving organizational performance in both the private and public sectors. This article describes and analyzes the 323 innovation experiences of the Brazilian federal public service that received prizes during the 16 annual competitions (from 1995 to 2012) of the Award for Innovation in Federal Public Management held by the Brazilian National School of Public Administration (ENAP). It is a qualitative and quantitative study in which were employed as categories for analysis the four types of innovation defined in the Copenhagen Manual: product, process, organizational and communication. The survey results allow us to affirm that there is innovation in the public sector, in spite of the skepticism of some researchers and the incipient state of theoretical research on the subject. It was possible to observe that organizational innovation was the one with the highest number of award- -winning experience, followed respectively by process, communication and product innovation, with citizen services and improvement of work processes being the main highlights. The results showed that, although the high incidence of innovation occurs at the national level, a significant number of innovations also occur at the local level, probably because many organizations of the federal government have their actions spread only at this level of government. Concerning the innovative area, health and education predominate, with almost 33% of initiatives, which can be explained by capillarity of these areas and the fact that both maintain a strong interaction with the user. The contributions of this work include the use of theoretical model of innovation analysis in the public sector in Brazil still upcoming, and the systematization of knowledge in empirical basis for this innovation. In this sense, it also contributes to the development of the theory with the presentation of evidence that the characteristics, determinants and consequences of innovation in the public sector differ not only from innovation in the industry, but also from innovation in services in the private sector.
The musicians are seen in daily neurological practice facing various problems sometimes simple such as skeletal or tendon pain or even compression of a nerve trunk and sometimes more complicated such as focal dystonia. Dystonia often has a dramatic impact on the career of a musician given the complexity of the clinical and therapeutic approach and the results are often disappointing. The history of the German Romantic composer Robert Schumann illustrates this reality; through his story a discussion of both the different pathophysiological hypotheses responsible for focal dystonia, a disorder of brain plasticity, and of the multimodal therapeutic approaches, revisited in the light of neurophysiological findings will be described.
Newsletter for Economic Development
BACKGROUND: Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (JATD) is a rare, often lethal, recessively inherited chondrodysplasia characterised by shortened ribs and long bones, sometimes accompanied by polydactyly, and renal, liver and retinal disease. Mutations in intraflagellar transport (IFT) genes cause JATD, including the IFT dynein-2 motor subunit gene DYNC2H1. Genetic heterogeneity and the large DYNC2H1 gene size have hindered JATD genetic diagnosis. AIMS AND METHODS: To determine the contribution to JATD we screened DYNC2H1 in 71 JATD patients JATD patients combining SNP mapping, Sanger sequencing and exome sequencing. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We detected 34 DYNC2H1 mutations in 29/71 (41%) patients from 19/57 families (33%), showing it as a major cause of JATD especially in Northern European patients. This included 13 early protein termination mutations (nonsense/frameshift, deletion, splice site) but no patients carried these in combination, suggesting the human phenotype is at least partly hypomorphic. In addition, 21 missense mutations were distributed across DYNC2H1 and these showed some clustering to functional domains, especially the ATP motor domain. DYNC2H1 patients largely lacked significant extra-skeletal involvement, demonstrating an important genotype-phenotype correlation in JATD. Significant variability exists in the course and severity of the thoracic phenotype, both between affected siblings with identical DYNC2H1 alleles and among individuals with different alleles, which suggests the DYNC2H1 phenotype might be subject to modifier alleles, non-genetic or epigenetic factors. Assessment of fibroblasts from patients showed accumulation of anterograde IFT proteins in the ciliary tips, confirming defects similar to patients with other retrograde IFT machinery mutations, which may be of undervalued potential for diagnostic purposes.
The biological and therapeutic responses to hyperthermia, when it is envisaged as an anti-tumor treatment modality, are complex and variable. Heat delivery plays a critical role and is counteracted by more or less efficient body cooling, which is largely mediated by blood flow. In the case of magnetically mediated modality, the delivery of the magnetic particles, most often superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs), is also critically involved. We focus here on the magnetic characterization of two injectable formulations able to gel in situ and entrap silica microparticles embedding SPIONs. These formulations have previously shown suitable syringeability and intratumoral distribution in vivo. The first formulation is based on alginate, and the second on a poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) (EVAL). Here we investigated the magnetic properties and heating capacities in an alternating magnetic field (141 kHz, 12 mT) for implants with increasing concentrations of magnetic microparticles. We found that the magnetic properties of the magnetic microparticles were preserved using the formulation and in the wet implant at 37 degrees C, as in vivo. Using two orthogonal methods, a common SLP (20 Wg(-1)) was found after weighting by magnetic microparticle fraction, suggesting that both formulations are able to properly carry the magnetic microparticles in situ while preserving their magnetic properties and heating capacities. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la University of Oxford, Gran Bretanya, entre 2010 i 2012. Durant l’estada postdoctoral a la University of Oxford s’han efectuat dos estudis relacionats amb l’onomàstica dels faraons d’Egipte i que constitueixen una continuació de l’anàlisi de la titulatura d’Alexandre el Gran realitzada prèviament per l’investigador en la seva recerca doctoral. El primer estudi examina la titulatura faraònica dels emperadors romans en comparació amb la d’Alexandre i, en especial, la significació ideològica i política dels paral•lelismes onomàstics existents entre elles, els quals han estat analitzats en el marc de la imitatio-aemulatio-comparatio Alexandri. Per al cas d’August, s’ha arribat a la conclusió que l’adopció de determinats apel•latius egipcis utilitzats anteriorment per Alexandre pot ser interpretada com un exemple local o estrictament egipci d’imitatio Alexandri, mentre que, en relació amb la resta d’emperadors, atès que les seves titulatures faraòniques es basen o imiten la del primer emperador, aquestes represes han de ser vistes més aviat com un exemple d’imitatio (o comparatio) Augusti. El segon estudi versa sobre la titulatura faraònica egípcia i la tradició annalística. A partir d’una anàlisi comparativa dels protocols onomàstics dels fundadores de cadascuna de les dinasties, s’ha intentat determinar si determinats noms o epítets s’empren de forma recurrent i d’una manera deliberada per tal de senyalar canvis dinàstics, és a dir, noves realitats polítiques. En concret, s’ha pretès establir fins a quin punt determinats recursos onomàstics tenen el seu reflex en la divisió en dinasties de Manetó i, alhora, determinar en quina mesura l’estudi de l’onomàstica faraònica pot contribuir al coneixement de com els egipcis conceptualitzaren i organitzaren el seu propi passat.
Collection : Comment guérir ?
Collection : Comment guérir ?