994 resultados para 195-1202B


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Low concentration of Mn (< 0.05 atom%) added to lanthanide-doped ceramics for enhancing the PTC effect did not show any EPR signal due to Mn in the tetragonal phase. Above Tc (400 K) it showed the six-line signal arising from Mn2+. This is explained on the basis of Mn existing as Mn3+ ion with short relaxation time at room temperature. Oxidation state changes to Mn2+ above Tc; thus Mn3+ acts as an electron trap. This augments the function of activated defect centres (VBa /ag VBa) in diminishing the charge carrier concentration across the phase transformation.


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Most bees are diurnal, with behaviour that is largely visually mediated, but several groups have made evolutionary shifts to nocturnality, despite having apposition compound eyes unsuited to vision in dim light. We compared the anatomy and optics of the apposition eyes and the ocelli of the nocturnal carpenter bee, Xylocopa tranquebarica, with two sympatric species, the strictly diurnal X. leucothorax and the occasionally crepuscular X. tenuiscapa. The ocelli of the nocturnal X. tranquebarica are unusually large (diameter ca. 1 mm) and poorly focussed. Moreover, their apposition eyes show specific visual adaptations for vision in dim light, including large size, large facets and very wide rhabdoms, which together make these eyes 9 times more sensitive than those of X. tenuiscapa and 27 times more sensitive than those of X. leucothorax. These differences in optical sensitivity are surprisingly small considering that X. tranquebarica can fly on moonless nights when background luminance is as low as 10(-5) cd m(-2), implying that this bee must employ additional visual strategies to forage and find its way back to the nest. These strategies may include photoreceptors with longer integration times and higher contrast gains as well as higher neural summation mechanisms for increasing visual reliability in dim light.


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Neopolycystus sp. is the only primary egg parasitoid associated with the pest beetle Paropsis atomaria in subtropical eucalypt plantations, but its impact on its host populations is unknown. The simplified ecosystem represented by the plantation habitat, lack of interspecific competition for host and parasitoid, and the multivoltinism of the host population makes this an ideal system for quantifying the direct and indirect effects of egg parasitism, and hence, effects on host population dynamics. Within-, between- and overall-egg-batch parasitism rates were determined at three field sites over two field seasons, and up to seven host generations. The effect of exposure time (egg batch age), host density proximity to native forest and water sources on egg parasitism rates was also tested. Neopolycystus sp. exerts a significant influence on P. atomaria populations in Eucalyptus cloeziana. plantations in south-eastern Queensland, causing the direct (13%) and indirect (15%) mortality of almost one-third of all eggs in the field. Across seasons and generations, 45% of egg batches were parasitised, with a within-batch parasitism rate of around 30%. Between-batch parasitism increased up to 5-6 days after oviposition in the field, although within-batch parasitism rates generally did not. However, there were few apparent patterns to egg parasitism, with rates often varying significantly between sites and seasons.


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Six species of line-caught coral reef fish (Plectropomus spp., Lethrinus miniatus, Lethrinus laticaudis, Lutjanus sebae, Lutjanus malabaricus and Lutjanus erythropterus) were tagged by members of the Australian National Sportsfishing Association (ANSA) in Queensland between 1986 and 2003. Of the 14,757 fish tagged, 1607 were recaptured and we analysed these data to describe movement and determine factors likely to impact release survival. All species were classified as residents since over 80% of recaptures for each species occurred within 1 km of the release site. Few individuals (range 0.8-5%) were recaptured more than 20 km from their release point. L. sebae had a higher recapture rate (19.9%) than the other species studied (range 2.1-11.7%). Venting swimbladder gases, regardless of whether or not fish appeared to be suffering from barotrauma, significantly enhanced (P < 0.05) the survival of L. sebae and L. malabaricus but had no significant effect (P > 0.05) on L. erythropterus. The condition of fish on release, subjectively assessed by anglers, was only a significant effect on recapture rate for L. sebae where fish in "fair" condition had less than half the recapture rate of those assessed as in "excellent" or "good" condition. The recapture rate of L. sebae and L. laticaudis was significantly (P < 0.05) affected by depth with recapture rate declining in depths exceeding 30 m. Overall, the results showed that depth of capture, release condition and treatment for barotrauma influenced recapture rate for some species but these effects were not consistent across all species studied. Recommendations were made to the ANSA tagging clubs to record additional information such as injury, hooking location and hook type to enable a more comprehensive future assessment of the factors influencing release survival.


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Context. To study the dynamics of coronal holes and the role of waves in the acceleration of the solar wind, spectral observations were performed over polar coronal hole regions with the SUMER spectrometer on SoHO and the EIS spectrometer on Hinode. Aims. Using these observations, we aim to detect the presence of propagating waves in the corona and to study their properties. Methods. The observations analysed here consist of SUMER spectra of the Ne VIII 770 angstrom line (T = 0.6 MK) and EIS slot images in the Fe XII 195 angstrom line (T = 1.3 MK). Using the wavelet technique, we study line radiance oscillations at different heights from the limb in the polar coronal hole regions. Results. We detect the presence of long period oscillations with periods of 10 to 30 min in polar coronal holes. The oscillations have an amplitude of a few percent in radiance and are not detectable in line-of-sight velocity. From the time distance maps we find evidence for propagating velocities from 75 km s(-1) (Ne VIII) to 125 km s(-1)(Fe XII). These velocities are subsonic and roughly in the same ratio as the respective sound speeds. Conclusions. We interpret the observed propagating oscillations in terms of slow magneto-acoustic waves. These waves can be important for the acceleration of the fast solar wind.


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Specimen-based records of most of the plant pathogens that occur in Australia can be accessed through the Australian Plant Disease Database and the Australian Plant Pest Database. These databases and the herbaria that underpin them are important resources for resolving quarantine and trade issues as well as for the diagnosis of plant diseases. The importance of these collections and databases to Australia's agricultural industries is discussed.


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An exact solution to the unsteady convective diffusion equation for the dispersion of a solute in a fully developed laminar flow in an annular pipe is obtained. Generalized dispersion model which is valid for all time after the injection of solute in the flow is used to evaluate the dispersion coefficients as functions of time. It is observed that the axial dispersion decreases with an increase in the radius of the inner cylinder.


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Health promotion aspires to work in empowering, participatory ways, with the goal of supporting people to increase control over their health. However, buried in this goal is an ethical tension: while increasing people’s autonomy, health promotion also imposes a particular, health promotion-sanctioned version of what is good. This tension positions practitioners precariously, where the ethos of empowerment risks increasing health promotion’s paternalistic control over people, rather than people’s control over their own health. Here in we argue that this ethical tension is amplified in Indigenous Australia, where colonial processes of control over Indigenous lands, lives and cultures are indistinguishable from contemporary health promotion ‘interventions’. Moreover, the potential stigmatisation produced in any paternalistic acts ‘done for their own good’ cannot be assumed to have evaporated within the self-proclaimed ‘empowering’ narratives of health promotion. This issue’s guest editor’s call for health promotion to engage ‘with politics and with philosophical ideas about the state and the citizen’ is particularly relevant in an Indigenous Australian context. Indigenous Australians continue to experience health promotion as a moral project of control through intervention, which contradicts health promotion’s central goal of empowerment. Therefore, Indigenous health promotion is an invaluable site for discussion and analysis of health promotion’s broader ethical tensions. Given the persistent and alarming Indigenous health inequalities, this paper calls for systematic ethical reflection in order to redress health promotion’s general failure to reduce health inequalities experienced by Indigenous Australians.


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D.C. conductivity behaviour of a variety of chalcogenide glasses have been analysed using ln σ vs Image plots as suggested in the multiphonon assisted polaron hopping model of Triberis and Friedman. The agreement with the model is very satisfactory and further analysis of the model using c.


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Interatomic L3(M)M23(M)V(O) and L3(M)V(O)V(O) Auger transitions of some transition-metal oxides are reported for the first time. The interatomic mode of decay becomes progressively more dominant (relative to the intra-atomic mode) as the metal d level gets depleted or as the oxidation state of the metal increases. The usefulness of interatomic Auger transitions in studying oxidation of metals has been examined.


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In subtropical Australia, many native and invasive plant species rely on a shared suite of frugivores, largely birds, for seed dispersal. Many native plants fruit during summer in this region, whereas most invasive plants fruit during winter, thus providing the opportunity for contagious dispersal of seeds beneath synchronously fruiting species. We sampled invasive and native seed rain beneath the canopy of a native summer-fruiting tree Guioa semiglauca and an invasive winter-fruiting tree Cinnamomum camphora, in three study sites over the course of a year. In July, during peak fruiting season for C. camphora and other invasive species, seed rain of invasive species was higher beneath C. camphora than G. semiglauca. This was partly due to the invasive tree Ligustrum lucidum, whose seed rain was three times higher beneath C. camphora than beneath the native tree. In February, seed rain of native species was more abundant beneath the canopy of G. semiglauca than beneath C. camphora, despite the fact that C. camphora was also fruiting at this time. This was probably due to the larger fruit crop produced by G. semiglauca at this time of year. Our study provides evidence that the presence of invasive bird-dispersed plants may facilitate contagious seed dispersal of other invaders, and likewise native species may facilitate seed spread of other native plants.


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A heat balance analysis of single stage Gifford-McMahon cycle cryorefrigerator is presented. Ideal refrigeration, actual refrigeration, net refrigeration and the various losses are tabulated. It is observed that pressure-volume losses account for a major fraction of the total losses.


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Ternary metal complexes involving vitamin B6 with formulas [CO",(PN-H)](anCdI [OC)'(bpy)(PN)Cl]C10(.bpHy 0 = 2,2'-bipyridine, PN = neutral pyridoxine, PN-H = anionic pyridoxine) have been prepared for the first time and characterized by means of magnetic and spectroscopic measurements. The crystal structures of the compounds have also been determined. [CO(PN-H)](CcryIsOta,l)lize s in the space group P2,/c with a = 18.900 (3) A, b = 8.764 (1) A, c = 20.041 (2) A,p = 116.05 (l)', and Z = 4 and [Cu(bpy)(PN)C1]C104-H20in the space group Pi with a = 12.136 (5) A, b = 13.283 (4) A,c = 7.195 (2) A, a = 96.91 (Z)', 0 = 91.25 (3)', y = 71.63 (3)', and Z = 2. The structures were solved by the heavy-atom method and refined by least-squares techniques to R values of 0.080 and 0.042 for 3401 and 2094 independent reflections, respectively. Both structures consist of monomeric units. The geometry around Co(II1) is octahedral and around Cu(I1) is distorted square pyramidal. In [CO(PN-H)]t(wCo IoxOy~ge)n~s ,fro m phenolic and 4-(hydroxymethyl) groups of PN-H and two nitrogens from each of two bpy's form the coordination sphere. In [Cu(bpy)(PN)C1]C104.H20o ne PN and one bpy, with the same donor sites, act as bidentate chelates in the basal plane, with a chloride ion occupying the apical position. In both structures PN and PN-H exist in the tautomeric form wherein pyridine N is protonated and phenolic 0 is deprotonated. However, a novel feature of the cobalt compound is that PN-H is anionic due to the deprotonation of the 4-(hydroxymethyl) group. The packing in both structures is governed by hydrogen bonds, and in the copper compound partial stacking of bpy's at a distance of -3.55 also adds to the stability of the system. Infrared, NMR, and ligand field spectroscopic results and magnetic measurements are interpreted in light of the structures.


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Molasses-based liquid supplements fed ad libitum are widely used to provide additional metabolisable energy, non-protein N (NPN) and other nutrients to grazing cattle, but it is often difficult to achieve target intakes of supplementary nutrients. Experiments examined the effects of increasing concentrations of phosphoric acid, urea and ammonium sulfate on the voluntary intake (VI) of molasses-based supplements offered ad libitum to heifers grazing tropical pastures. In Experiment 1, the VI of a supplement containing 78 g urea/kg and 26 g phosphoric acid/kg as-fed (M80U+PA) was 3.61 g DM/kg liveweight (LW) per day, and provided 181 mg NPN and 32.4 mg phosphorus (P)/kg LW per day. Increasing the urea content of the supplement to 137 g/kg (M140U+PA) or 195 g/kg (M200U+PA) reduced VI of supplement DM, NPN and P by up to 76%, 44% and 80%, respectively. VI of supplement containing ammonium sulfate (M140+AS+PA) was lower (P < 0.05) than that of M140U+PA supplement, and tended (P > 0.05) to be lower than that of M200U+PA supplement. In experiment 2, the VI by heifers of a supplement containing 200 g urea/kg (M200U) was 1.53 g supplement DM/kg LW per day, which provided 186 mg NPN/kg LW per day. Inclusion of 49 g phosphoric acid/kg as-fed in this supplement (M190U+50PA) reduced (P < 0.05) VI of supplement DM and NPN by 33% and 36%, respectively, while inclusion of 97 g phosphoric acid/kg (M180U+100PA) reduced (P < 0.05) VI of supplement DM and NPN by 43% and 48%, respectively. The M190U+50PA and M180U+100PA supplements provided 16 and 26 mg P/kg LW per day, respectively. Heifers not fed supplements gained 0.07 kg/day, and the M200U supplement increased (P < 0.05) LW gain to 0.18 kg/day. LW gain was further increased (P < 0.05) by the M190U+50PA to 0.28 kg/day, indicating a growth response to supplementary P. No adverse effects of the supplements on animal health were observed in any of the experiments. In conclusion, addition of urea and/or phosphoric acid to molasses supplements effectively reduced VI of supplementary DM, NPN and P, and in the circumstances of Experiment 2, both molasses-urea and P supplements increased heifer LW.


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Wood is an important biological resource which contributes to nutrient and hydrology cycles through ecosystems, and provides structural support at the plant level. Thousands of genes are involved in wood development, yet their effects on phenotype are not well understood. We have exploited the low genomic linkage disequilibrium (LD) and abundant phenotypic variation of forest trees to explore allelic diversity underlying wood traits in an association study. Candidate gene allelic diversity was modelled against quantitative variation to identify SNPs influencing wood properties, growth and disease resistance across three populations of Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata, a forest tree of eastern Australia. Nine single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) associations from six genes were identified in a discovery population (833 individuals). Associations were subsequently tested in two smaller populations (130160 individuals), validating our findings in three cases for actin 7 (ACT7) and COP1 interacting protein 7 (CIP7). The results imply a functional role for these genes in mediating wood chemical composition and growth, respectively. A flip in the effect of ACT7 on pulp yield between populations suggests gene by environment interactions are at play. Existing evidence of gene function lends strength to the observed associations, and in the case of CIP7 supports a role in cortical photosynthesis.