994 resultados para 187-1157A


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La Familiaris consortio n.34 definió la “ley de la gradualidad”, como cumplimiento progresivo de la ley moral, contraponiéndola a la “gradualidad de la ley”, la cual es considerada como una expresión del rechazo al carácter vinculante de la misma. Pero no es éste el único modo posible de concebir la gradualidad de la ley. Santo Tomás presenta en la Suma Teológica un ejemplo de gradualidad de la ley (civil), a partir del cual este estudio se propone mostrar que existe una gradualidad inherente a la ley moral, que, sin privar a ésta de su fuerza obligatoria, le permite adaptarse dinámicamente al desarrollo moral del sujeto.


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The temperature and stress field in a thin plate with collinear cracks interrupting an electric current field are determined. This is accomplished by using a complex function method that allows a direct means of finding the distribution of the electric current, the temperature and stress field. Temperature dependency for the heat-transfer coefficient, coefficient of linear expansion and the elastic modulus are considered. As an example, temperature distribution is calculated for an alloy (No. GH2132) plate with two collinear cracks under high temperature. Relationships between the stress, temperature, electric density and crack length are obtained. Crack trajectories emanating from existing crack are predicted by application of the strain energy density criterion which can also be used for finding the load carrying capacity of the cracked plate. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The similarity criterion for water flooding reservoir flows is concerned with in the present paper. When finding out all the dimensionless variables governing this kind of flow, their physical meanings are subsequently elucidated. Then, a numerical approach of sensitivity analysis is adopted to quantify their corresponding dominance degree among the similarity parameters. In this way, we may finally identify major scaling law in different parameter range and demonstrate the respective effects of viscosity, permeability and injection rate.


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Se realizó un experimento con maíz, durante los meses de julio y octubre de 1972, en el campo experimental de la Escuela Nacional de Agricultura y Ganadería, situada en el kiometro 12 de la carretera Norte, o 55,99 metros sobre el nivel del mar, en un suelo de la serie cofradias, derivada de cenizas volcánicas aluvioles, (15). La precipitación pluvial registrada durante el ensayo fue de 295.9 milimetros, la evaporación medio mensual durante el ensayo fue de 187.4 milimetros y la temperatura promedio mensual fue de 27°C. El experimento conto de tres ensayos, utilizando tres variedades y cada variedad representaba un ensayo. Las épocas de aplicación del nitrógeno complementario fueron: a) En la variedad precoz, a las 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 días después de la emergencia. b) en la variedades intermedia y tardia a las 30, 50, 70, 90 y 100 días después de la emergencia. La mitad del nitrógeno se aplicó al momento de la siembra y la otra mitad en las epocas antes mencionadas. Las fuentes de elementos fueron: Urea, Triple Superfosfato y Miriato de Potasio en la dosis de 120-60-32 kilos por hectarea, respectivamente. En ninguna de las variables se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a rendimiento. Sin embargo es probable que esto sea debido a la sequia ocurrida en la zona en la epoca en que se realizo el experimento. Cabe mencionar que en la variedad precoz. la fertilización nitrogenada complementaria realizada a los 50 días después de la emergencia mostro ser la mejor. En las variedades intermedia y tardía la fertilización nitrogenada complementaría realizada a los 70 días después de la emergencia resultó ser la mejor. En las tres variedades se encontró uniformidad en el sentido de que el mayor rendimiento se experimentaba cuando la fertilización nitrogenada complementaria se realizaba porcos días después de la floración.


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Este estudio describe la crianza de chompipe doméstico (Meleagris gallo-pavo) en la comarca de Quebrada Honda municipio de Masaya, de noviembre del 2014 a junio del 2015. Se seleccionaron 25 familias bajo criterios previos: anuencia y experiencia en el manejo de los mismos. Para recabar información utilizamos guías de observación, entrevista. Para el procesamiento e interpretación de la información, se utilizó estadística descriptiva, usando gráficos, tablas de frecuencia y datos porcentuales. Las variables evaluadas: cantidad de chompipe, importancia de la crianza, manejo, parámetros productivos y reproductivos y enfermedades que los afectan. Los resultados obtenidos fueron: Población total de chompipes 187,entre ellos 155 adultos, 20 pichones y 12 crías. La importancia de la crianza de chompipe para las familias se determinó por las causas que expresan, donde el 68% de las familias opinaron que los crían para venta, el 20% para consumo, 12% refieren que los crían por ornamento y guardianes. Las principales características de estas aves son: rusticidad, resistentes a enfermedades y de fácil manejo. De la carne y huevos, las familias desconocen el valor nutricional, pero ponderan el sabor de la carne con respecto al de la gallina india. El destino de la producción de huevos es principalmente para la reproducción, El manejo proporcionado a los chompipes es rudimentario, característico de un sistema extensivo. El alimento suministrado, es maíz o sorgo, además desperdicios de cocina, No construyen instalaciones ni equipos para las aves. Durante el pastoreo consumen insectos, follajes y frutas, entre otros. El peso del huevo es de 74 g y ponen un promedio de 45-60 h/año. La incubación dura 28-30 días y su reproducción es durante todo el año con una buena alimentación. La relación hembra/ macho es 3-1 h/m. La madurez sexual de la hembra y del macho oscila entre 6-9 meses de edad.


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<正> 国外热网管道热损失测试多半采用热流计、红外测温仪、点温计等测试手段来实现。但现场测试时往往受到风、日照等非稳态影响。为探讨现场测试方法的可行性,采用了热流计法、表面温度法、温差法和焓降法来测量热网管道热损失。a.热流计法:用热流计直接测量管道保温层外表面热损失。b.表面温度法:测量管道保温层外表面温度、环境温度和风速,按对流换热和辐射换热公式来计算管道热损失。c.温差法:根据管道保温层内、外表面温度,内、外径以及实验室测得的保温材料导热系数,按径向一维导热计


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The steady bifurcation flows in a spherical gap (gap ratio sigma=0.18) with rotating inner and stationary outer spheres are simulated numerically for Re(c1)less than or equal to Re less than or equal to 1 500 by solving steady axisymmetric incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using a finite difference method. The simulation shows that there exist two steady stable flows with 1 or 2 vortices per hemisphere for 775 less than or equal to Re less than or equal to 1 220 and three steady stable flows with 0, 1, or 2 vortices for 1 220


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In this paper, by use of the boundary integral equation method and the techniques of Green basic solution and singularity analysis, the dynamic problem of antiplane is investigated. The problem is reduced to solving a Cauchy singular integral equation in Laplace transform space. This equation is strictly proved to be equivalent to the dual integral equations obtained by Sih [Mechanics of Fracture, Vol. 4. Noordhoff, Leyden (1977)]. On this basis, the dynamic influence between two parallel cracks is also investigated. By use of the high precision numerical method for the singular integral equation and Laplace numerical inversion, the dynamic stress intensity factors of several typical problems are calculated in this paper. The related numerical results are compared to be consistent with those of Sih. It shows that the method of this paper is successful and can be used to solve more complicated problems. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd


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Describes a series of experiments in the Joint European Torus (JET), culminating in the first tokamak discharges in deuterium-tritium fuelled mixture. The experiments were undertaken within limits imposed by restrictions on vessel activation and tritium usage. The objectives were: (i) to produce more than one megawatt of fusion power in a controlled way; (ii) to validate transport codes and provide a basis for accurately predicting the performance of deuterium-tritium plasmas from measurements made in deuterium plasmas; (iii) to determine tritium retention in the torus systems and to establish the effectiveness of discharge cleaning techniques for tritium removal; (iv) to demonstrate the technology related to tritium usage; and (v) to establish safe procedures for handling tritium in compliance with the regulatory requirements. A single-null X-point magnetic configuration, diverted onto the upper carbon target, with reversed toroidal magnetic field was chosen. Deuterium plasmas were heated by high power, long duration deuterium neutral beams from fourteen sources and fuelled also by up to two neutral beam sources injecting tritium. The results from three of these high performance hot ion H-mode discharges are described: a high performance pure deuterium discharge; a deuterium-tritium discharge with a 1% mixture of tritium fed to one neutral beam source; and a deuterium-tritium discharge with 100% tritium fed to two neutral beam sources. The TRANSP code was used to check the internal consistency of the measured data and to determine the origin of the measured neutron fluxes. In the best deuterium-tritium discharge, the tritium concentration was about 11% at the time of peak performance, when the total neutron emission rate was 6.0 × 1017 neutrons/s. The integrated total neutron yield over the high power phase, which lasted about 2 s, was 7.2 × 1017 neutrons, with an accuracy of ±7%. The actual fusion amplification factor, QDT was about 0.15


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Dilatational plastic equations, which can include the effects of ductile damage, are derived based on the equivalency in expressions for dissipated plastic work. Void damage developed internally at the large-strain stage is represented by an effective continuum being strain-softened and plastically dilated. Accumulation of this local damage leads to progressive failure in materials. With regard to this microstructural background, the constitutive parameters included for characterizing material behaviour have the sense of internal variables. They are not able to be determined explicitly by macroscopic testing but rather through computer simulation of experimental curves and data. Application of this constitutive model to mode-I cracking examples demonstrates that a huge strain concentration accompanied by a substantial drop of stress does occur near the crack tip. Eventually, crack propagation is simulated by using finite elements in computations. Two numerical examples show good accordance with experimental data. The whole procedure of study serves as a justification of the constitutive formulation proposed in the text.


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The hierarchial structure and mathematical property of the simplified Navier-Stokesequations (SNSE) are studied for viscous flow over a sphere and a jet of compressible flu-id. All kinds of the hierarchial SNSE can be divided into three types according to theirmathematical property and also into five groups according to their physical content. Amultilayers structure model for viscous shear flow with a main stream direction is pre-sented. For the example of viscous incompressible flow over a flat plate there existthree layers for both the separated flow and the attached flow; the character of thetransition from the three layers of attached flow to those of separated flow is elucidated.A concept of transition layer being situated between the viscous layer and inviscidlayer is introduced. The transition layer features the interaction between viscous flow andinviscid flow. The inner-outer-layers-matched SNSE proposed by the present author inthe past is developed into the layers matched (LsM)-SNSE.